Brutal Discoveries (14 page)

Read Brutal Discoveries Online

Authors: Kasey Millstead



I was a sobbing mess when Damon finished speaking and looked across the table at me.  His eyes were wide. 
.  It was true.  I was his child.  He was my birth father.  And he was also a convicted serial killer and rapist. 

Visiting hours would be ending soon, and I had one more question I needed answered before I had to leave.

“Did you know?  When I walked in and sat right here that very first day, and I introduced myself, did you know?”

He shook his head sadly.  “Over the years, I’d thought about the moment when I’d see my kid again.  I thought I would know her just by looking at her.  She was my kid, the only person left living who I loved.  I thought I’d feel it in my gut.  But I didn’t.  You said your name was Scarlett and I immediately thought of my little three-year-old girl.  I pushed the thought aside, thinking it was just a coincidence you shared my daughter’s name,” he replied, his tone regretful.  “It’s really you?”

I nodded my head slowly, my eyes locked on the table that separated us.

“If I’d have…” he paused to clear his throat.  “If I’d have known, I never would have shared…” he trailed off, indicting with his eyes to his notebook.  “I never would have shared that with you.  I never wanted you to know the details.”

“I just… I can’t believe this shit,” I garbled through my tears.

“Will you come to visit again?” he asked hesitantly.

“VISTING HOURS ARE OVER.  ALL VISITORS, PLEASE EXIT.”  The guard’s booming voice startled me and I quickly swiped the wetness from my cheeks.

“Scarlett?” he prompted when I stood without answering his question.

“I don’t know, Damon,” I sighed.  “This is all just too much right now.”

He nodded once swiftly and then watched me as I left without another word.  When I got to the front desk, I was immediately buzzed through by the guard and shown to Aden’s office.  He knew I was visiting Damon that day and he asked me to come and see him before I left, so it was no surprise that he opened the door for me before I could even knock.  He took in my tearstained face and pulled me into his arms right away.

“Oh, baby,” he murmured.  “Don’t cry.”  He rubbed my back as I cried more tears I didn’t even know I had.  When I finally got my emotions under control, the right chest section of his work uniform was wet with my tears.

“I’m sorry,” I whined.

“Got a spare shirt in my locker, sweetheart,” he said nonchalantly. 

“It’s true.  All of it.  He’s my father.  He killed my mother.  I was adopted.  I just… I guess a small part of me was hoping it was all going to be a misunderstanding.”

“It’ll all work out, Scarlett.  You just got to have a bit of faith.”

“I know,” I sniffled.  “I just wish I didn’t hurt so bad.”  I rubbed my chest where the ache was.

“I’d do anything to take your pain away, baby,” he told me gently.  My heart swelled with love for this beautiful, kind and caring man.

I reached up and cupped his cheek.  “I love you, Aden,” I whispered, meaning every word.

“Thank fuck,” he growled reverently.  He crushed his lips to mine in a bruising, passionate kiss that seemed to erase every single thought from my mind.  When the kiss slowed, his lips still on mine, Aden said, “You ready for this weekend?”

I drew in a deep breath before I nodded.  That coming weekend was Thanksgiving.  We were spending it with Aden’s family, and it would be my first time meeting them.  “The girls are taking care of the bakery, so we can leave on Wednesday.”

“Sounds good, sweetheart.”  He kissed my nose.  “I better get back to work.  My place tonight, or yours?”

“Yours.  I’ve got some interviews scheduled for this afternoon, so I’ll probably get home later than you.”

“I’ll make dinner.”

“Thanks, honey.”

After I left the prison, I drove back to my townhouse and freshened up before the interviews.  The last thing I wanted potential employees to see was a blotchy-faced woman who had clearly been crying.  I changed into a pair of jeans and a pale blue ‘Sweet Treats’ blouse and applied a light coverage of bronzer, a swipe of mascara, and some lip gloss.  I pulled my honey-blond hair back into a high ponytail and slid my feet into a pair of black flats.  I was good to go. 

It was after two when I arrived at my bakery.  I had scheduled the interviews to run from three p.m. onwards, allowing roughly twenty minutes per applicant.  On Sundays, Sweet Treats closed at midday, so it was vacant when I arrived.  I moved through the front of the shop and through the kitchen, noticing how tidy it all was, ready for the next day’s service.  Once I was in my office, I opened up my computer and double-checked the first applicant’s details.  Carrie was twenty-three, new to the city, and looking for full time work. 

“You back here, Scar?” I heard Ella call.

“Office,” I called back.

Ella would be sitting in on the interviews and helping me with her opinion, since the new employee would predominantly be working alongside her.  I took every Sunday off work, and Ella did all the baking then.  I hoped at least one of the applicants would be suitable, because I would like the extra set of hands on deck when I was away over Thanksgiving. 


When I closed and locked the bakery door after the final interview, I turned around to see Ella grinning at me.  “I think that went really well.”

I smiled and nodded my agreement.  “What do you think of Carrie and Trent?  They were my favorites.”

“Totally agree.  Carrie seems really friendly and her vibe meshes well with us.  I think she’ll fit right in.  Trent’s experience with baking is a huge plus, and he seems really fun.”

She was right on both accounts.  Carrie reminded me of Macy and I knew she would fit right in with the team.  Trent was a flamboyant gay guy with experience in the kitchen I was envious of.  Both would be a huge asset to ‘Sweet Treats’.

“Now comes the hard part,” I muttered.  I was already considering trying to find a way to hire them both, when Ella suggested that very same thing.

“It would be a good idea,” I said.  “Having an extra two sets of hands would allow me to spend more time on the cake orders,” I mused.


“And I’d have spare time to do office work,” I added.

you could spend more time at home in bed, wrapped in that gorgeous man of yours.”

“This is true,” I agreed thoughtfully.

With Ella’s encouragement, I ended up calling both Carrie and Trent on the phone and asking them if they would like to come in for a trial.  Thankfully, they were both available the next morning and willing to come in early so I could show them the ropes.

It was after seven when I swiped my keycard for Aden’s elevator to take me up to his loft.  I was tired after an emotionally draining day, but I was also excited about my two new employees.  When the doors slid open and I stepped inside the loft, my eyes instantly found Aden.  He was standing in the kitchen, barefoot, a pair of jeans slung low on his waist, his entire torso bare.  Every rippled muscle was illuminated by the bright kitchen lights and I couldn’t tear my eyes away.  He turned to stir something in a pot and I was greeted with the sight of his defined side and back.  My mouth watered and I licked my lips.  He really was a sight to behold.  Each move he made caused the taunt, tanned skin on his body to pull over the ridges of his muscles, highlighting them further. 

Further up his back, I noticed a droplet of water trickling from his shaved head down his spine.  That was when I realized he was fresh from the shower, and I knew he would smell like the rainforest body wash he used.  Unable to resist, my feet moved toward him.

“Hey, baby.  You’re just in time for spaghetti and garlic bread,” he said distractedly, as he continued to stir whatever was in the pot.

“Hey,” I mumbled as my face collided with his back and I took a deep inhale through my nose.  My arms wound around his waist and my fingers found their way into the top of his jeans where I rested them while I breathed him in. 
My calm after a stormy day.


“Yes,” I breathed on a downward slide.

“That’s it, baby,” Aden encouraged as I rose up again. 

,” I moaned as I ground down.

His hands squeezed at my hips before moving around to palm my ass.  “Love this ass, Scarlett,” he rasped.

“Aden,” I whispered urgently, feeling it coming. 

“Stop grinding,” he ordered then his palm connected with my butt cheek and as the warmth spread throughout my skin, I clenched down hard on him.

When his mouth found my nipple and he sucked hard, I couldn’t hold it back any longer.  My orgasm rippled through my body like shots of white hot lava, burning every tender nerve ending and set my blood alight.  I cried out his name and when I came down, Aden gripped my hips hard and pounded up into me as he chased his own release. When he found it, his lips connected with mine and he growled down my throat. 

I collapsed forward onto his chest, panting heavily.  As my fingers idly ran through his chest hairs, my eyes closed, my breathing returning to normal, Aden’s hands trailed a leisurely pace up and down my spine as his cock slowly began to soften inside me.

“Been thinking about something,” he stated.

“Hmm?” I mumbled.

“My ma’s good with it, already spoke to her.  If you want, ask your folks to come to Thanksgiving.”

“Seriously?” I whispered.

He gave me a squeeze.  “Seriously,” he confirmed resolutely.

I only had to think about it for a second.  With all they had revealed over the past month, I knew my parents were worried about how it was affecting me and how it would affect the relationship we had.  It didn’t matter how often I reassured them, they still had concerns.  Inviting them to spend Thanksgiving with Aden’s family would go a long way to assuring them that I still loved them just as much as I always did.

“I’ll call them first thing,” I told him.

“Good, babe.  They need to know you’re not pulling away from them,” he said.

“I know, and I’m not, I swear.  It’s just been a lot to take in. 
A lot.

“Get that, sweetheart, but you’ve also got to remember they’re two people who understand, more than anyone, the way you’re feeling,” he said.  “And, they’ll be standing there beside me to catch you if everything becomes too much and you find yourself falling.”

“You’re too freaking sweet, Aden West,” I snipped, feeling the burn of tears threatening.  I felt him shaking beneath me as he silently chuckled.

“Get used to the sweet, baby, because you’ve got a way of bringing it out in me.”

I smiled deliriously against his chest and kissed his pec. For all the uncertainty and emotional stress wreaking havoc in my life, Aden was my calm; my stable; my anchor that held me steady when I felt like I was being lost in the waves.  



The drive to Aden’s mom’s house took just over three hours.  I spent that entire time fielding calls to and from the bakery.  I was a nervous wreck.  Not only was I taking five days off from work, I also had two new employees who had only completed
training days.  Admittedly, they were both awesome, already proved themselves reliable, and were quick learners.  But, still.  ‘Sweet Treats’ was my baby and even though I knew she was in safe hands with Ella, Macy, and Sammi taking charge, I was still on edge.  In the end, Ella had snapped at me to “Chill the fuck out!” before she had hung up on me.  It was then that Aden had gripped my hand and squeezed reassuringly, before bringing my hand to his mouth and kissing it softly.  Then he rested both our hands in his lap while he drove one-handed. 

When Aden pulled his Camaro to a stop in the driveway of a good-sized brick home, I became nervous about meeting his family.

“Ready?” Aden asked, his eyes on me.

“I think so,” I lied.

“They’ll love you, sweetheart.  Just like I do.”

“Stop the sweet.  You’ll make me cry.”

He chuckled and climbed out to fetch our bags from the trunk.  I followed him up the path, and before we even reached the stairs, the front door opened and three women charged through, followed shortly after by three little kids. 

The two younger ladies who I deemed were Aden’s sisters, went right to him and hugged him both at the same time.  He grinned adoringly down at them and wrapped his arms around them.  I smiled at his open display of affection and I got the impression this group hug was somewhat of a ritual for them, when I was rocked a step backward by the force of the hug I was enveloped in. 

“So glad to finally meet you, Scarlett,” she said softly.  She smelled like floral perfume and cranberry sauce.  “I’m Aden’s mom, Jen.”  She was the same height as my five-foot-five with dark hair peppered with a few stray greys.  When she looked me in the eyes, I noticed how soft and beautiful her face was. 

“Hi, Jen, it’s so lovely to meet you.  Thank you for having me.”

She smiled at me warmly and then turned to introduce me to the two girls who had only just released Aden.

“These are my daughters, Aden’s sisters, Danni and Georgia.  Girls, this is Aden’s Scarlett.”  She pointed to each of the girls as she said their names.

“Ma, I was going to do the introductions,” Aden complained, not appearing put out in the least.  Jen simply shook her head and clicked her tongue.

“Hey, Scarlett.”  Danni smiled.

“Hi! It’s so good to meet you,” Georgia cheered.

“It’s awesome to meet you all as well.  I’m excited to be here.”  That was when I felt a little body collide with my legs.  I looked down to see the most handsome little boy staring up at me with big chocolate brown eyes.

“Me Asher,” he said. 

I crouched down to his level and smiled big at him. “Hi, Asher.  I’m Scarlett. How old are you?”


“Two!” he shouted, holding up one finger.  I giggled and kissed his finger just as two other kids ran up.  One was a girl who looked a little older than the two boys.

“These three terrors are Danni’s.  Asher, Miller, and Izzy,” Aden said as he ruffled the boys’ hair before giving his niece’s ponytail a tug. 

“Hi, guys.” I smiled and waved. 

“Come inside and meet my husband and Georgia’s boyfriend,” Danni said.

“Yes, come on in.  I’ll get some drinks organized.  Do you drink wine, Scarlett?” Jen asked.

I nodded and murmured, “Yes,” as we all moved inside the house.

Night came quickly and before I knew it, I had consumed three glasses of wine, and that combined with the delicious pot roast Jen had prepared, had me yawning and my eyes drooping.  Aden and I said goodnight and on the way through the house, he pointed out the different rooms.

“This used to be a sunroom, but when Danni started having kids, even though she lives right next door, mom insisted she needed room for her future grandbabies.  So, Hank and I spent two weekends converting it into bedrooms,” Aden explained.  “Now, instead of being one huge room, it’s two good-sized bedrooms and a smaller playroom.”

“You can build stuff?”  I asked in awe as I took in the walls and noted they looked professionally finished.

He gave me a sheepish smile and a one shouldered shrug as he took my hand and kept walking.  “Ma’s room is down the end of the hall, Danni and Georgia shared that room when we were kids,” he said, pointing to the door directly to our left.  “And this was my room.”  He opened the door to our right and flicked on the light. 

“What?  No half naked Pamela Anderson posters tacked to your walls?” I gasped in mock horror as we entered.

“Mom must have taken them down when I told her you were coming,” he muttered, feigning disgruntlement.  I couldn’t stop the laughter that burst from my lips and then Aden joined in, his rich, smooth, deep chuckle washed over me, coating me in euphoria. 

Once I had tamed my giggles, I grinned up at Aden and he leaned down to kiss me quickly.  “Get changed, baby.  Bags are in the corner.”  He slapped my butt as I walked past him to where our bags were sitting against the wall.  I changed quickly into a pair of lightweight deep purple pajama pants with matching camisole and pulled my hair out of its tie so it fell in loose honey colored waves down past my shoulders. 

I turned around to find Aden eyeing me hungrily.

“Babe,” he stated with a shake of his head.

“What?” My brows pinched together.

“How firm are you on the no fucking in my ma’s house rule you applied to this weekend?”  When he finished asking the question, he began stalking across the room toward me.  I backed up until I hit the wall.  I had told him we wouldn’t –
couldn’t –
have sex under his mom’s roof because that was just wrong on so many levels.  And to me, it was disrespectful.

“Aden,” I warned.  His chest collided with mine and he pressed me deeper into the wall.  I could feel his hardness against my stomach, and as badly as I wanted to give in to him, I wouldn’t.

“We can be quiet,” he whispered seductively, his lips nipping my own.

“No,” I croaked.  “We can’t.”

With an anguished groan he crushed his lips to mine and then pulled back, leaving me panting.  “You better put something a little thicker on then, sweetheart, because that material is so thin my cock will be able to tear right through it and slide inside that sweet pussy it craves.”  His words had my thighs pressing together.

“I’ll put some sweats on,” I muttered, walking past him and to our bags.  “I’ll go brush my teeth.  Be back.”

On my way back down the hall from the bathroom, Georgia stopped me.  “Hey, Scarlett, Danni and I were just talking and I think the men are going to do some guy thing on Saturday.  So, we wondered if you wanted to come shopping with us?  I think mom’s going to come too, and of course, your mom is welcome,” she offered.

“That sounds great.  Thanks for inviting me!”

“No problem.  Night.”  She smiled at me and walked off toward the kitchen.

Aden was already in bed when I came back into the bedroom.  He was propped up on some pillows, his arms bent back, hands behind his head.  His long, lean body stretched out, those thick, muscular legs of his hidden beneath a pair of dark grey sweats, his ankles crossed.  His soulful indigo eyes were hidden behind his closed lids, but I knew he wasn’t sleeping when he gruffly ordered, “Come here, baby.”  I went right to him, climbed under the covers, and snuggled into his side.  His tattooed arm immediately snaked around my body, holding me close.

“Night, honey,” I whispered, placing a light kiss on his pec.

“Night.”  He gave me a squeeze and I fell right to sleep, secure in the strong arms of my safe place.

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