Building Faith (Long Beach Series Book 2) (14 page)

“At first he'd give in when we started dating. But after that, he became more and more controlling. It got to the point that if I tried arguing with him, he'd get mad,” I say quietly.

His thumb rubs the inside of my palm soothingly. “He hit you?”


Surprise flickers in his eyes. “He didn't hit you? Ever?”

I shake my head. “He would grab me roughly or push me down. He never used his fists. It wasn't even that often that he got violent with me. It was more...” Shoot. Now this is definitely not a direction I want this conversation to go. I've said too much.

“He messed with your head,” Ace finishes tightly.

I don't want to talk about all the ways that Justin made me feel worthless. We'd had such a wonderful day, I don't want it ruined by this conversation. I pull my hand out of his and look around the apartment, searching for Daisy. Last I'd seen her, she'd been playing with one of her mouse toys in the living room. “I'm going to go see what Daisy is up to. I think I forgot to pull up the shower curtain.”

Ace nods and rises to his feet, his expression smoothing out into his usual half smile. “I think I'll go hit the Redbox while we're waiting for the ribs.”

While Ace is gone, I find myself worrying over the conversation that I'd halted. Had I ruined the evening? When he comes back, all my concerns fade immediately. The first thing he does when he steps into my apartment is tease me. Once again, we're back to where we'd been before Justin had been brought up.

We eat dinner. Afterwards, Ace insists on helping me wash the dishes. When the kitchen is clean and Daisy is locked in the bathroom, I pad barefoot with Ace over to his apartment.

This is the first time I've been invited over, and I look around with curiosity. The apartment has the same layout as mine, and I see Zoey hasn't pressured him to paint the walls. They are still stark white. The only thing that decorates one of the living room walls is the giant, flat-screen TV attached to it. Beneath it is a gaming console stacked high with games, an Xbox360 along with a PlayStation, and a bunch of other gadgets. Two brown couches and one sturdy and slightly battered coffee table makes up the living room. It's clear this is definitely a bachelor pad. Ace and Jeremy have done nothing to decorate this place with anything other than what they consider necessities.

“I see why you wanted to rent a movie. You have your own theater,” I state dryly.

Ace laughs. “I'm a guy, and I like to be able to say 'mine is bigger than yours' in every way possible, even when it comes to electronics.”

Good Lord. Now he's got me thinking of his penis. How am I supposed to get sex off my mind if he's making sexual innuendos? “Well, your TV is one of the biggest I've ever seen,” I concede and hope that's the end of the topic.

“You want anything to drink?” Ace asks as he walks over to the DVD player with the movie he'd rented.

“I'm good.” I walk over to the couch directly across from the TV and plop down. “What movie did you get anyway?”

He glances at me and grins. “The newest

I don't think I've ever seen any of them.”

His eyebrows shoot upward. “Not a single one?”

I shake my head. “I think the last movie I watched was the second
Paranormal Activity.

“We'll have to rent them all sometime.”

When the movie is all set, he flips off the light and settles on the couch next to me.

I soon learn that I like the anticipation of the horror that's about to come, but not the actual gore. Watching a girl get sawed in half has me cringing and placing my hands over my eyes while screams come from the surround sound speakers.

Ace laughs and makes a grab for one of my hands, pulling it away from my face. “C'mon, you said you wanted horror.”

“I didn't know you were picking out something so gross!” I try to yank my hand out of his, but he won't let it go. He's sitting next to me, and I playfully pull my other hand away from my face and lean over to yank on a piece of his hair. “Let go!”

“Ow! Fuck!” he winces, releasing my hand as I snicker. His eyes narrow in the light coming from the TV. “You find pulling hair funny?”

My laughter fades as I realize he's about to retaliate. I make a move to launch myself off the couch, but his hands grab me around the waist, and I'm playfully tossed on my back as Ace's fingers tickle my ribs. He has me shrieking and laughing at the same time as I wiggle and try to buck him off. His body comes down on mine to pin me to the sofa, and the second I feel that hard, sexy body on top of mine, my laughter stops as I go still beneath him.

Ace's grin slowly disappears as well.

Our faces are several inches apart, but still close enough for me to wish that he'd kiss me. My eyes helplessly drop to his lips. What would it be like? Justin and Logan are the only guys I've ever kissed, and I am very curious as to how Ace would kiss me.

“Tell me to back off, Faith,” he whispers.

I know I should, but I can't. He's so close, and it feels good. I like the feel of his warmth pressing into me. It's as if my body has a will of its own as it chooses that moment to shift and our lower bodies align.

Ace lets out a low groan, and his head lowers to mine. He gives me plenty of time to stop him, but I don't. The second his lips touch my own, I'm lost to the feel of his kiss. I think he meant to kiss me gently, but when I feel the warmth of his mouth, my lips part automatically with an invitation to taste me. There is no hesitation on his part. His tongue immediately sweeps into my mouth, and I can't help but release a sound of pure pleasure as his tongue dances with mine.

Kissing Justin had been kind of boring. Logan had been better, but I could tell he'd been holding back at the time. Ace, he's a bit controlling, and it excites me. I let him possess my mouth while I feel him reach up and cup the side of my jaw, his head angling to deepen the already intense kiss.

It's the hottest thing I've ever experienced. Combine the fact that his body is still pressed intimately against mine while we devour each other—it's inevitable I'm going to lose it. I haven't been with anyone since Justin, and Ace is awakening the parts of me that want to feel that closeness again.

My legs drop open further as my hips press up into his, inviting him to press against me more intimately. He groans into my mouth as he rubs his erection against my core. I feel my panties dampening, and I tear my lips from his to draw in a much needed breath. “More,” I whisper as my hands reach down to either side of his waist so that I can tug on his shirt. I want to feel his skin. I want to play with those nipple piercings that I've been dying to touch.

Ace pulls back slightly, causing my hands to drop. The living room is only lit up from the TV, so I can't see his expression clearly. He's kneeling before my spread legs and has gone completely still. His eyes are on mine as he stares down at me.

I get the feeling he's waiting for something from me, and I can't help it as my eyes drop to his hips, which are almost eye level. I can see the thick bulge of him behind the fly of his jeans, and I lick my lips with anticipation. Ace has been in my sexual fantasies for weeks now, and I want to see the real thing. I want to see all of him.

Ace suddenly moves. I look up to see that he's stripped off his shirt and tossed it aside. He eases back down on top of me, his lips immediately seeking my own. My lips part, but I push back his warm tongue and begin to search his mouth determinedly. There's a part of me that wants to take over and explore. He must like it since his hips immediately grind into me. I let out a shuddering breath, and he swallows it as he begins to rock repeatedly against the most intimate part of my body.

Now that his shirt is gone, I run my hands up and down his sides, enjoying the feel of his warm, smooth skin. I love the fact that he's so big and strong, but yet he's so gentle with me. As I meet his thrusts with my own hips, I sneak a hand between our chests so I can play with one of the barbells. I tug gently, then flick my nail over it.

Ace's entire body stiffens. The teasing of his piercing seems to send him right over the edge. He abruptly pulls his lips from mine, and he moves back slightly, his hips pausing as he grabs the front hem of my tank top. “Off,” he demands. “I need to touch you.”

My eyes widen a fraction at the dominance that radiates off him in waves. I'm excited, but yet uncertain at the same time. However, I'm so turned on that I throw caution to the wind and immediately try to struggle out of my shirt. Ace helps me tug it off, and he discards it with a quick flick of his wrist. His warm hand then flattens against my bare stomach, and I gasp as my stomach muscles quiver. My breaths are now coming in pants from anticipation.

Ace shifts so that his lower body is against mine, his face hovering above my own. I can't escape his stare as his hand slides along my side and then behind me. In the shadows cast from the TV, his eyes sear mine. “I'm going suck your nipples until you can't take it anymore. I want to make you feel good.” His hand unsnaps my bra, and he's reaching around to pull it off when all my insecurities hit me full force. It doesn't matter that the living room is shadowed. He'll still see what I'm lacking beneath my padded bra, and he'll be disappointed.

“No!” I blurt anxiously as I clutch the bra's cups to my chest, firmly keeping it in place.

Ace stills above me. “Did I scare you?” He reaches up and brushes a strand of hair away from my face tenderly. “Am I going too fast? I can slow down or even stop if you want me to,” he says softly.

“I want to keep my bra on,” I tell him in a small voice.

Ace is silent for a long moment until he asks calmly, “Why?”

My teeth sink into my lower lip as I struggle for an explanation. “Um... I'd just be more comfortable with it on.”

“Bull,” he says grimly. “This has to do with your ex, doesn't it?”

I stiffen up beneath him. “No, it's just me. It's what I want.” The last thing I want is to talk about Justin of all people. Especially during a moment like this.

“Bullshit, Angel. Don't think I didn't notice at the store how you wanted to hide those tits of yours.” He moves off of me, and I instantly miss the warmth of his body. He rises to his feet and looks down at me. “Come with me,” he says, holding out a hand.

I stare up at him with confusion. I'm lying on his couch in nothing but a pair of shorts and a bra clutched to my breasts, and he wants to take me somewhere? I slowly sit up and keep the bra in place with one hand while the other reaches behind me to try to secure it shut.

“Leave it.” Ace's warm hand grabs the one behind my back struggling with the bra clasp, and he gently tugs me up into a standing position.

“What are we doing?” I ask nervously as I hold the bra in place. He doesn't answer me as he pulls me towards the hall that leads to the back of the apartment. His broad, bare back is in front of me, and for a moment, I'm distracted by the sight of it. I want to reach out and touch him again.

Ace effortlessly draws me into a room, and the second the light comes on, I'm momentarily blinded by the brightness. I squint and blink a few times while Ace nudges me forward, his hands on my bare shoulders. I can feel the warmth of him behind me, and when my eyes finally adjust to the light, I see that we are standing directly in front of the sink and mirror in his bathroom. The mirror starts at the counter and is three feet tall, just like mine in my own apartment. There is no medicine cabinet. Instead, there are cupboards to the right for storage.

I stare at our reflection. I'm nearly naked, and I can see from mid-thigh on up. I'm still clutching my bra to me like it's a security blanket. It's not my own reflection that draws my attention the most. It's Ace's. He stands behind me, and I can see his bare shoulders above mine. He looks so sexy with his blond hair slightly mussed, and I can see his lips are reddened from our kisses. His gray eyes meet mine, and it's the gleam of determination in his gaze that has goose bumps rising across my skin. The way he's staring me down is unnerving.

“Lose the bra,” he tells me, his tone telling me he's deadly serious.

We're in here to stare at my breasts?
No way!
My face flushes with humiliation, and I try to turn away to leave, but his hands are still on my shoulders. He forces me to stay in place.

“Look at me, Faith.” His voice is gentle, almost tender.

I can't resist that tone, and my eyes lift back to his reflection.

He lightly presses his hips into my lower back. I'm too short for his hips to be able to cradle my own. “Feel that?” he asks.

I can tell that he's still sporting his erection. I mutely nod as I gaze at him uncertainly.

“That's because of
If I didn't find you sexy as hell, I wouldn't be as turned on as I am. Let me show you what I see.”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you trust me?” His eyes burn into mine with a seriousness that makes my chest tighten. I find myself believing that he'd never do anything to hurt me. He would never criticize me like Justin had. “Yes, I trust you,” I admit with a slight shakiness to my tone. I'm not sure where this is going, but there's a part of me that really, really wants to find out.

“Then drop the bra,” he says lightly.

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