Read Business and Pleasure Online

Authors: Jinni James

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #adult, #sexy, #business, #pleasure, #city, #manhattan

Business and Pleasure (4 page)

The atmosphere at The Double Seven is
intoxicating, with dim lighting—some of which, like near the bar,
is red—providing a dark, seductive mood, just the way I like it.
It’s a typical Friday night, but we have the added excitement of
something to celebrate. As we’re finishing up our third drink each,
a waiter approaches are table. He’s grinning ear-to-ear, and he’s
carrying a bottle.

“Dom Perignon for the four lovely ladies
compliments of a fellow customer and admirer.”

“What the hell?” Nicki is the first to speak
in these situations, and tonight’s no exception.

I’m sure I look dumbfounded. Who on Earth
would send over a four hundred dollar bottle of champagne? We all
glance around the room, trying to appear nonchalant, while the very
handsome waiter pours us each a glass of champagne, and then heads
back to the bar. We probably look like four crazy women, craning
our necks and staring at various men, but hey, it’s a pretty
unusual situation, and we’re all very curious.

Finally, the crowd parts, and I hear Natalie
gasp. “Oh shit.”

“What? What is it?” I try to see who she’s

Natalie nods toward the back of the room,
where there are more half-round, dark leather sofas like ours, and
I see him.

Alexander Preston.

“Elizabeth, do you think he’s the one who
sent the bottle?” Natalie asks.

“I don’t know. I don’t know if I
to know, either.” If he did, I’ll have to say thanks, won’t I?
Maybe even go over there and talk to him? The thought makes my
heart race.

“What the hell is going on, Lizzy?”

I forgot I haven’t told Nicki anything about
Mr. Preston.

“That man sitting over there in the back,
that’s the man who was trying to buy out my company. Natalie and I
think he may have been the one to send over the bottle of

“Oh my God; are you serious?”

“Yes, now stop staring, please.” If we stop
looking over there, maybe I won’t have to say anything to him.

We turn and go back to our drinks. Becca has
already found a handsome man to talk to, so I assume she won’t need
a ride home. Gotta love college students; although, she won’t be a
college student much longer… Assuming she passes her finals. We are
getting a kick out of watching Becca flirt, and I forget about
Alexander’s presence, until I hear his familiar voice.

“So, Ms. Hamilton, are these better

Oh, shit. What the hell do I say to
? Although the man tried to take over my company, there’s no
reason I can’t speak to him. I’m not so rude that I can ignore him
when he’s standing right there…even if I want to do so.


Ah, we’ve gone from Ms. Hamilton to
Elizabeth in the space of a few seconds. I realize I can’t pretend
he’s not there and turn.

“Alexander. Hello.”

I notice a smile tugging at his lips.

“Ah, she speaks. I hope you are enjoying the

“Yes, we are. Thank you. That was very
generous of you.” I tried to keep it short and sweet, but I had a
feeling he wasn’t going to let me off the hook that easily.

“Elizabeth, may we have a few minutes

I look at my friends, not sure what to say.
I can’t just ask them to leave, which means I’ll have to go
somewhere with him, and I really don’t want to do that. I turn to
tell him so, knowing he’ll think me rude, but Nicki places a hand
on my arm.

“Why don’t you two sit here? Natalie and I
will go over and see what Becca is up to.” Nicki speaks up, saving
me from certain embarrassment.

I sigh and give her a smile of thanks. Nicki
and Natalie excuse themselves, and Alexander sits down next to me.
The minute he is settled, my heart starts racing. What is it about
this man that makes my body go crazy?

“So, are you celebrating tonight?”

“Why, yes, I am.” I don’t look at him, but I
can feel him moving closer to me.

“You know, it would have been great for your
company had you agreed to my proposal.”

“Mr. Preston, with all due respect, I don’t
care. Hamilton Publishing is my company. I have built it from the
ground up. I am not just going to sign it over to some big shot CEO
to do with what he wishes. I am also very happy with my company the
way it is now. I don’t need your help.”

I expect my vehement words to make him back
away, but instead, he moves even closer.


“You were talking business. I usually don’t
use first names when talking business, and frankly, I would like to
talking business, seeing as how I am out with my
friends, trying to relax.”

“You cannot relax around me, Elizabeth?”

Oh my goodness
… Just the sound of my
name coming from this man sets me on edge. I am sure I am visibly
tense. “Not really, no.”

“I could help you relax.”

I know he is not coming on to me. There is
no way. But He scoots a little closer. Our legs touch, he reaches
up and places his hand on my neck and starts squeezing, and I begin
to question his motives.

“There,” he says. “Better?”

My breathing suddenly becomes erratic. Yes,
his touch helps very much…but not with tension. All I can think
about is how much I would love for his hands to be elsewhere…or
should I say
? All over me. He is intoxicating.
From his gorgeous, green eyes, to his full lips, to his Armani
suit, to his scent—
oh, yeah
…his scent is enough to make me
have an orgasm right here. I have to find out what kind of cologne
he’s wearing. He pulls his hand away all too soon.

“There. Are you relaxed now?”

What do I say to that?
Hell no…let’s go
back to my place
? I clear my throat, push away such irrational
thoughts, and say, “Yes.”

“Good. Now, would you like to have dinner
with me tomorrow night? I promise to not talk business.”

Wow! He’s asking me out! What in the world
do I do? My head is telling me to turn him down with quickness, but
the rest of my body is begging me to say yes.

“Elizabeth? Say yes.”

It’s like he’s reading my mind. I finally
manage to choke out a response. “Yes.”

He smiles, showing all his perfect, white
teeth. I kind of get the feeling most people don’t see him do that
very often. He places his hand on my thigh, making me tense up

“I look forward to it. I’ll text you before
I pick you up tomorrow. Okay?”


He smiles again. “Alex.”

“Okay, Alex.”

He leans in, and his lips are right at my
ear. “I love hearing you say my name. See you tomorrow,

Chills cover my body, and I don’t respond.
He grins, squeezes my leg one last time, then gets to his feet. A
moment later, he’s gone…back to his table…and I could almost
imagine the entire encounter had been a dream. That is, until the
girls come running back to the table, giggling and squealing like
teens, and asking questions, speaking overtop of one another.

“Wow, Lizzy! He is hot!” This from Nicki,
always the one who focuses on how a man looks before anything

Natalie and Becca’s excitement doesn’t last
long, and after a moment, they look more worried than anything.
Obviously, they were both tuned in to my mood…probably after
noticing my expression.

“Are you okay?” Becca asks.

“Yes, I am fine, you guys. He just wanted to
talk for a minute and, um, ask me out.”

“Oh, my God! Please tell me you said yes!”
Nicki again, still clueless I don’t share her excitement.

“Yes, I did…. I have no idea what I was
thinking, but I said yes.”

Becca hugs me. “Well, if you’re okay with
it, then that’s great.”

She pauses, and then gives me a sort of
embarrassed look. “I…. Do you mind if I ditch you guys? I want to
go back over there and hang out with Doug.”

Of course. I knew she was going to ask me
something like that, sooner or later. I smile and squeeze her hand.
“No, I don’t mind. Have fun.”

“I will. Don’t wait up…. I won’t be home
until late.”

As if I’d get a wink of sleep before I heard
her come through the front door, but I don’t say this. “I won’t. Be

“Always.” Becca spins on her heels and she’s
off on her latest adventure.

I sometimes wish I had her carefree spirit.
But then again, one of us has to keep their head on straight.

Natalie stands up, interrupting my thoughts.
“I hope it works out well for you, Elizabeth. I’ve had a great
time, but its way past my bedtime. I’m going to head home now.”

“Okay, hon. I’m glad you came out with us.
See you Monday.”

Now it’s just Nicki and I, which means I’m
about to get the third degree.

“So…,” she begins, leaning in, “Are you

“Yes. No. Oh, hell, I don’t know…. I didn’t
mean to say yes. When he asked me, the answer just kind of slipped
out. I don’t know how I feel, really. I mean, he’s nice enough, and
he’s really good-looking, but this is the guy who wanted to buy me

“Which happens all the time, in business.
And you
like him, right?” She has a full-blown smile on
her lips.

“Yes, I like him. Probably too much.”

“Wow! Our Lizzy, hot for a guy! How awesome
is that!”

“Oh, c’mon, you act like I’ve never gone on
a date. But I’m glad you approve,” I say dryly. Suddenly, the
night’s events catch up with me, and I’m yawning behind my hand.
“You know what? I think I’m going to head home, too. I’m

“Okay. I’m going to hang around here for
another half hour or so. The bartender is hot.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Okay. Have

“Always do.”

She gives me a wink, and I get to my feet
and head for the door. Honestly, I’m not that tired. I’m actually
horny. After talking with Alex, I feel like I’m going a bit…insane.
I really need to get laid…
I go out with him tomorrow.
Otherwise, I’m not sure I can rely on myself to maintain control.
Once in the car, I pick up my cell and start texting. It’s a game
of first response wins, and at this point, I honestly don’t care
who that is.


Chapter Three


Even though I don’t care who I end up with
tonight, there’s one person I know I
want…and that’s
Mark, so I decide not to text him. Tonight, I need raw,
no-strings-attached sex with someone for whom I have no
feelings…someone for whom I have no real fondness or attachment. As
luck will have it, Steve is the first to respond. Thank goodness.
He’s the most attractive of the three guys I contacted, a body
builder—lean and
muscular. His black hair and brown
eyes make my heart race, and above all—and most importantly—he’s
unattached. In the two years I’ve known Steve, he has never had a
relationship with anyone. He keeps saying he just hasn’t found the
right woman, but from my perspective, I think it’s more likely he’s
just enjoying all the time he’s spending with the
ones. Oh, well…I’m happy to be a wrong one, and I’m even happier
that he’s usually free to come see me. He texts me back almost

Wanna see me

I decide short, sweet, and to the point is

I think that’s the end of it, until I hear
my phone go off again, indicating another incoming text

Is this a 911 situation

He knows me well, I suppose. I grin as I
type in a reply.

Now get over here

On my way

I have a feeling Becca will not crawl in
until the early hours of the morning, so I throw on a black,
button-down shirt but leave it completely open, pour myself a glass
of wine, and wait in the living room, where I stand at a window,
looking out over the city. Manhattan is so beautiful, a city you
can’t fully appreciate unless you experience it firsthand. What
other city is still jumping at two in the morning? Suddenly, I hear
the buzz from the intercom. Ah, my knight in shining armor has
arrived. I smile at the silly thought and go to buzz him in. I then
position myself in the foyer, striking a sexy pose. He barely has a
chance to knock before I throw open the door and greet him in all
my open-shirt-naked-glory.

“Why, Elizabeth. I’ve never come in to see
you like this. What’s the occasion?”

He’s looking good tonight, in his ripped
jeans and black t-shirt. Perfect, actually. My mouth starts
watering, and I grab his hand.

“Don’t talk. Come on.”

Thankfully, he does as I ask. He follows me
to my bedroom, no doubt watching my ass the entire time.

Even in the midst of my seduction, I realize
this is totally out of character and wonder what’s come over me.
What has Alexander Preston done to me? We walk into my white
bedroom, where a single candle glows, adding a softness to the
lights from the city, which filter in through the floor-to-ceiling
windows. Before I can make it to the bed, Steve wraps his arms
around my waist and then slides his hands up and down my sides and
hips. He puts his lips right to my ear and whispers, “I have missed
you, Elizabeth.”

For some reason, I still don’t want to talk.
“Shh. Just fuck me, Steve.”

“As you wish.”

Without another word, he slips his hands up
to my shoulders and slowly pulls my shirt down. A moment later, it
puddles around my ankles. He runs his hands down my spine, then
cups my ass, which is, as he so often tells me, his favorite part
of my anatomy. As he kneads my buttocks from behind, he leans in
and begins pressing kisses along my shoulders. His lips feel so
good, and before I know it, the day’s cares begin melting away. Sex
is my very favorite stress reliever. Maybe I am addicted; I don’t
know, but all things considered, I don’t really care, either.
Steve’s running his hands all over my body, from my ass to my
breasts, and as he squeezes each nipple between his fingers, I let
out a moan. His long, hard response presses against my backside.
Yes, he is ready for me, and I am more than ready for him. I press
my ass against him, hoping he’ll get the signal. My not-so-subtle
hint must work, because he straightens, and I hear the zipper of
his jeans as he slides it down. Before I know it, I he removes his
shirt, and, nearly naked, he guides me to lie on the bed. I lie
there flat on my stomach, waiting for him to come into me. This is
the fun part. I never know when it’s coming. He lies on top of me
and begins pressing kisses from my nape, down along my spine. He
spreads my legs, and without warning, he’s inside me. As he thrusts
into me, over and over, my insides relax, and I begin to enjoy
every movement. I moan, and my eyes drift closed. An image appears
in my mind.
Oh, Alex
. My eyes fly open.
But I know why I pictured him just now. I want him…it’s
that simple. Oh, how I want to feel him like this. Just thinking
about him takes me to the edge. My entire body begins to tense; I’m
getting close. Every muscle in my body screams for release. Steve
thrusts into me two more times, and we both cry out, finding our
release. I collapse onto the bed, breathing so hard you would think
my lungs would explode. Steve lies next to me with his hand against
his forehead.

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