Caesar. Life of a Colossus (Adrian Goldsworthy) Yale University Press (104 page)

concubines 83–84

active in public life and buys

Clodius Pulcher,

Condrusi tribe 271

land in Rome 112–114


Considius, Quintus (senator)

resigns as censor 115

Claudius Pulcher, Caius 256


backs Catiline 131

Claudius Caecus, Appius (cos.

Considius, Publius 218, 219

accusations against 131–132,

307, 296) 135

consuls 13, 15, 172, &

135, 139

Claudius Pulcher, Appius (cos.

see also
elections, consular

stands surety for Caesar 149

54) 256, 296, 369, 372, 393,

Convictolitavis 330

avoided Catilinarian debate

409, 487

Corcyra 413, 418


daughter 382

Corduba 482, 483

takes family abroad 154

Claudius Pulcher, Publius (cos.

Corfinium 42, 388, 389–391,

eulogises Cicero in Senate

249) 255

404, 436, 457


Sister, Claudia 255–256

Corinth 22, 474

measures blocked in Senate

(film, 1963) 518

Corinth canal 491

157, 158

Cleopatra VI 436

Coriolanus 36


Cleopatra VII 432, 436,

Cornelia (mother of the

and First Triumvirate 165,

437–438, 441–442, 444,

Gracchi) 34, 36

166, 168, 170, 176, 254

445–446, 496–497, 512, 518

Cornelia (Caesar’s wife) 49,

and land bill/law 168, 170,

appearance 438–440

51, 57, 58, 63, 69, 82, 98,

173, 181

death 511

99, 147

bribed by Ptolemy XII 174

Clermont 319

Cornelia (Pompey’s wife) 88,

uses fortified barrier in

Clodia (sister of Clodius) 260,

349, 431

Spartacus campaign 210


Correus 351, 352

supports Caius Cato 253

Clodius Pulcher, Publius 146,

Corsica 10

renegotiates tax-farmers’

180, 253, 258

Cossutia 49, 69

contracts 254

family 256

Cotta, Caius Aurelius (cos. 75)

restores full powers to

father 256

33, 59, 72, 78, 80–81

tribunes of the plebs 255

Bona Dea

Cotta, Lucius Aurelius (cos. 65)

wealth, fame and

146–147, 155, 156, 176–177

33, 94, 109, 110, 111,


drops plans to attack Caesar’s

Cotta, Lucius Aurunculeius

support for Clodius 261

laws 179

192, 242, 299, 300, 302,

conference of Luca 261, 262

made a plebian 253, 255, 256

303, 305, 310, 312, 356

re-elected as consul 264

tribunate 256–257, 258–259

Cotta, Marcus Aurelius (cos.

takes cohorts into Aquitania

elected aedile 260

74) 33

265, 267

prosecutes Milo 260

court, murder (
quaestio de

and Spartacus 267

supported by Crassus 261

) 115–116

granted five-year command of

murder of 318, 346

courtesans 83, 84, 86, 89

provinces 294–295

Colchis, Lesser 446

courts 70–71, 72

plans to conquer Parthia

(guilds or associations)

Crassus, Marcus Licinius the


257, 259, 480

Younger 298, 302, 305, 361

main objectives in life

Comitia Centuriata
16, 29, 50,

Crassus, Marcus Licinius (cos.

achieved 296

123, 124, 161, 162, 189,

70, 55) 79–80, 396

invasion of Parthia 313

194, 346, 409, 475

father and brother 46

waits outside Rome 359

Comitia Tributa see

buys properties 63

hopes to annexe Egypt 435


and slave girls 69

death of 313, 361, 372

Commius, King of the

uses wealth to gain political

Crassus, Publius Licinius 192,

Atrebates 280, 282, 284,

influence 81

232, 264, 265, 313, 349

291, 308, 316, 339, 351,

wife seduced by Caesar 85

Crastinus, Caius 428-429, 430


and Slave war 92, 153

Cretan archers 27, 196, 240

competition for fame and

bad blood with Pompey

Crete 505

influence 19, 22, 23

92–94, 95

governor of 104

Concilium Plebis see

seeks and attains consulship

crown, civic (
corona civica

of tribes

93, 94

65–66, 67, 106

Concordia (deity) 134

wins the censorship 111, 114

culture, Classical Greek 21, 66


Inde x

Curio, Caius Scribonius (the

Dyrrachium (Durazzo) (48 BC)

Fanum (Fano) 385

Younger) 178, 179, 375,

411, 414–422,
, 423, 424,

farmers, service in pre-Marian

377, 388, 390, 392, 393, 406,

428, 429, 450

army 24–25

408, 450, 459

festival of
Bona Dea

and breakdown of alliance

Eastern Settlement 156, 166,

Goddess) 145–146, 147,

365, 366–367, 368, 370, 371,

173, 181, 254, 258, 446

176, 256, 293


Ebro, River 401–402

festival of Liberalia 48

Curio, Caius Scribonius the

Eburones tribe 271, 299, 301,

festival of Lupercalia 494, 499,

Elder (cos. 76) 178, 179, 365

310, 311, 352


Curius, Quintus 128, 133, 145

Education, Roman 36–37, 38, 39

Fimbria, Caius Flavius 53

Cybele (goddess) 106

of girls 87, 88

Flaccus, Lucius Valerius (cos.

Cyprus 258, 260, 434, 444

Egus 419

100) 30

Cyrenaica 434, 450

Egypt 75, 173–174, 177, 259,

Flaccus, Lucius Valerius (cos.

Cytheris (Volumnia) 84

295, 371, 373, 412, 431,

86) 53

432–446, 496, 500

Flavius, Lucius 157, 167

D-Day landings 289

attempts to annexe 114–115

Flavus, Lucius Caesetius

Dacia 184, 197

Egyptian army 442, 444

498–499, 505

Dacians 491, 506

Egyptian navy 442

Flora (concubine) 83–84

Dardanus, Peace of 55

elections, consular 16, 17, 18,

fortified barriers 210–211

Deal, Kent 281

96–98, 109, 119, 126–127,

Fortuna (goddess) 254

Demosthenes 373

154–155, 161–164, 180, 264,

France, northern 238

(dignity), quality of 37

346, 348, 409

France, Revolutionary 24

Dio 166, 172, 175, 180, 226,


Fregellae people 42

252, 265, 448, 486, 494, 495

162–163, 478

Fulvia (mistress of Quintus

and siege of Alesia 342

elephants 456, 466, 470

Curius) 128, 133

and Pompey’s theatre 344

elks 312

Fulvia (wife successively of

and Cleopatra 432, 439, 441

Elphinstone, Major general

Clodius, Curio, and Mark

and Caesar’s first triumph 469

William 300

Antony) 365

and Caesar’s dictatorship 470,

England, south-eastern

funerals of aristocratic families

471, 480, 481

, 280
see also


Diviciacus 204, 206, 216–217,


224, 227, 239, 242, 243, 286,

English Channel
, 280, 282,

Gabinius, Aulus (cos. 58) 103,

287, 316

285, 287, 354

178, 180, 258, 371, 373, 409,

Divico 214, 215

Enipeus, River 425

431, 436, 437, 441

divorce 146

Entremont 200, 202

Gades (Cadiz) 100, 150, 164

Dolabella, Cnaeus Cornelius

Epirus 411, 412, 474

Gaetulians 462

(cos. 81) 71, 72, 73

(equestrian order) 16,

Galatians 447

Dolabella, Publius Cornelius

17, 23, 27, 127, 157, 158,

Galba, King of the Suessiones

(cos. 44) 394, 405, 451, 454,


239, 242, 243

498, 505

25, 26, 200

Galba, Servius Sulpicius

Dordogne 353

Etruria 128

(Caesar’s legate) 191–192,

Dover, Kent 280

Eunoe, Queen 467, 496

265, 372, 502

dress, aristocratic Roman

galleys, war 412–413

see also

Fabia tribe 98

Gallia Comata 265

Gaius Julius: dress

Fabii clan 31

Gallic armies 203–204

druids 201

Fabius, Caius (Caesar’s legate)

cavalry 204

Drusus, Marcus Livius 42, 63,

302, 303, 305, 330, 341, 398,

weapons 204



Gallic/Celtic peoples 233, 237

Dumnorix 206, 208, 211, 215,

Fabius, Lucius (centurion) 332,

‘Games, Roman’ (
Ludi Romani

216–217, 286–287, 298, 312,




Fabius Maximus, Quintus (cos.

games and shows honouring

Durazzo (Dyrrachium)

45) 475, 486

Cybele (
Ludi Megalenses


family character traits and


Durocortorum (Reims) 312

deeds 17

Ganymede 443


Inde x

Garonne, River 200

serving in Roman army 196,

Greeks 440

Gaul 161, 177
see also

273, 274, 333

Greeks, Asiatic 67

Caesar, Caius: in Gaul

warfare and raiding 202–203,

Gregory XIII, Pope 479

Caesar’s army in 190–196


campaign against the Helvetii

Geminius 83–84

Habra 146

212–213, 214–216, 217–223,

Geneva 209, 210

Hadrumentum 455, 456

224, 227

Gergovia 319, 356

Hannibal 11, 184, 185, 349, 515

campaigns against tribal

setback at (52 BC) 328–336,

harbours, ‘Mulberry’ 289

peoples in 22


Harrison, Rex 518

clans (
) in 197–198

German army 225, 227–228,

(worn by

coinage 200

229, 230–232

) 50

composition of 197–198,

‘hundred’ light infantry

Hellenic culture 66

later history 350–356

(centeni) 229

Hellenistic powers 11, 22, 75

Great Revolt in 315, 317–318,

German cavalry 229, 230,

Helvetii tribe 204, 238, 240,



242, 247, 252, 263, 264, 270,

income from province 355

German troops 352

271, 316, 317, 318, 322

probable coastline facing

German warriors 70, 274, 459,

Campaign against (58 BC)



205–208, 209–210, 211,

punishing the tribes for

Germanic tribes 11, 13, 29, 70,


rebellion (

80, 199, 224, 263, 270, 272,

at battle of Bibracte (58 BC)


see also


rebellion in 54–53 BC

the Seubi; Teutones tribe

Helvii tribe 321


Germans as pastoralists 309

Hengistbury Head 279

religions 354

Germany 199

Herculaneum 39

Roman influences in 354

gladiatorial fights/games 107,

Hercules 95

sacred sites 252

345, 470, 471

Hiempsal, King of Numidia

Transalpine Gaul as Roman

gladiators 259, 508

121, 148

province 10

Glaucia, Caius Servilius 13, 14,

Hirtius, Aulus (cos. 43) 184,

stability 204

29, 40–41

188, 191, 350, 353, 375, 488

towns, walled 200, 201

supporters of 121–122

Holland 238

trade with 200, 203, 359

Gnipho, Marcus Antonius

homosexuality 40, 66–68, 81,

tribes (
) 197–198,

(teacher) 39

87, 98

200–201, 203

gods, Rome’s relationship with

Hortensius Hortalus, Quintus

Gaul, Cisalpine 101, 114, 163,


(cos. 69) 72, 112, 123, 132,

176, 181, 197, 312, 317, 319,

Gomphi 422–423



Gorgobina 322

hostages in Gallic War 243, 267

Caesar spends winter in 232,

governors, provincial 23, 27,

Hostilius, Tullus (third king of

270, 286

71–72, 73, 91, 350

Rome) 32

garrison 193

Gracchi, the 27–28, 34, 42,

houses as status symbols 63

Gaul, Transalpine 22, 176, 181,

44–45, 105, 119, 136, 139, 498

houses of senators 64

197, 261, 299, 334–335, 350,

Gracchus, Caius Sempronius

human sacrifice 201–202, 354

353, 358, 473, 485

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