Cailín (Lass) (Anam Céile Chronicles) (25 page)

“Did we
have . . .” I struggled to choke the words out past me revulsion.  “. . .
Relations?” I demanded more audibly.  The edge of his lips curled up into a devilish
grin.  Me hands flew to me mouth. 

Oh me
Dia, we did!

love,” he whispered soothingly, bringing his hands to me face and lifting me
chin.  I stiffen, fearing he would kiss me.  “I would much rather have you
fully responsive when we connect in that way.” 

He trusts we certainly will?

deepest apologies, my Lady Aislinn.  My manners have been atrocious.  I have
neglected to present myself properly.  I am Voljidaar, master of this castle.  
Please tell me, is there anything I can retrieve for you?  Anything at all?” he
asked, ignoring me rant.  “I know you must be famished.”

you tell me what I be!” I yelled, just as me belly decides to betray me with an
untimely rumble in protest.  Feigning no notice of it, I continue, with as
commanding a tone as I could muster.  “I demand you tell me why I be here!”

sighed deeply, looking dis-genuinely contrite, and taking me hand, placed his
finger to me lips.  I attempted to pull away from him, but he calmly, yet
firmly held it within his grasp.  “I was hoping to avoid any of this until
after you had eaten.”

Me eyes
flashed to him, me heart stilling, imagining all of the horrible possibilities
fer this strange turn of events. 

has happened?  Be it Donovan?  Me family?  Deirdre?

he murmured in a calming tone, never faltering in his stride.

reasons unbeknownst to meself, I allowed him continue without further

mindfully placed his hands upon either side of me face, and gazed deeply into
me eyes, clearly determined to make some connection with me.   Powerless to
resist his magnetism I be.  Then, inhaling deeply, he closed his eyes and
softly pressed his palms against me face.  With his hands upon me he focused
and at once I began to feel a faint humming sensation in me face.  Entirely
devoid of me own volition, from somewhere within me spirit I sensed a
compelling force binding me to him. 

your eyes, Aislinn,” Voljidaar whispered. 

And I
did as he instructed.

surrendered to him and the humming became more definite, then encompassing the
entirety of me head.  He commenced with floating his hands round me head, and
then gradually down me neck and across the breadth of me shoulders and
descending the length of me arms to me fingertips.  He urged me spread me
fingers and as he interlaced his fingers through mine, I felt the tingling more
profound there now in me hands, and I realised that I too was buzzing the same
as he and our energies merely reacting to one another.  The sensation ‘twas
surreal, creating in me a trancelike feeling unlike any I had experienced

slowly lifted his arms out to the side and mine shadowed automatically as
though by some binding magnetic force.  Then his hands left mine, me arms
remaining elevated as his fingers skated down the underside of me arm,
awakening every nerve along the path.  His fingers trailed lightly along the
sides of me, tracing the shape of me breasts and followed the line of me
slender waist to rest upon the delicate surface of me abdomen. 

he splayed his palms over me belly.  Me skin ‘twas nearly scorching under the
energy concentrated in them generating heat as that of a fire— nigh sizzling
compared even with the excessively high temperature that was characteristic of
me own body.  The energetic heat transmitted to me through them summoned the
vibrations of me body, encouraging them to take on a refined nature, as they centred
there in me core.  I wondered whether ‘twas his energy I felt or mine own he

I had
the sense of being stared at, triggering me to peek open me eyes and at once be
received by the icy blue of his.  The corners of his mouth curled into a slight
smile, and Voljidaar motioned fer me to close me eyes once again. 

Once he
sensed me energy had been collected, I felt his hands resuming their path as
they moved along the outer curve of me hips, once more awakening each area
anew.  As they skimmed down me thighs, past me knees and to me ankles, I could
feel the energy moving through me successively. 

By the
time his fingertips made their way to the tips of me toes, I felt I be floating
away, the weight of me body lessened.  Voljidaar alighted upon each of me toes,
grazing his way then slowly up the inside of me thighs. 

with the pleasure of the enveloping tingling sensation, I shivered, as I felt
his fingers nearing me sex.  I prayed he dare not touch me there; and yet
still, I prayed he dare not pass it over, fer it cried out fer the benefit of
the same pleasure he had bestowed upon the rest of me body hitherto. 

Me eyes
remaining closed, I lay there rich with anticipation of that.  I inhaled
sharply as I felt his fingers trace ever so lightly across the uppermost of me
sex, me nerves jumping in exhilaration at the feeling of the fingers of another
upon it fer once.  As Voljidaar persisted with his grazing of me flesh, I
whimpered fer want of something more.  His fingers found the crux which I had
assumed was me secret alone, and began to caress it lightly, eliciting me to
moan and arch backward.  I yearned fer it to be Donovan touching me as that,
and wondered why ‘twas he never had.

with a sense of euphoric vitality I be, every nerve excited, every hair
rising.  All the buzzing sensation rushed through me body to this area as
steadily he stroked upon it with intent.  I felt a building of sensation, as
though I be floating to ever higher elevations.  I sensed the summit be nearly
within me grasp, when me ears abruptly detected something outside of meself,
reverting me attention to the physical realm of the chamber about me.  Swiftly,
his hands retreated from me, leaving me body crying out at the desertion.

then, the door opened and in strolled a woman of perhaps thirty pushing a

‘tis the chamber maid.

smooth olive skin had she, her sleek dark hair pulled up into a twist, and kind
eyes.  An unassuming sensuality there be about her.  I clung the sheet about me
once more, ashamed by me nakedness, and yet at the same time I be intrigued by
her in ways which made me all the more starkly aware of it. 

To the
bedside she did push the cart, glancing up at me with her large, dark eyes
edged by thick dark lashes.  Straightaway, me mind began wandering. 

deliciously plump lips she has.  Oh, that I could feel them upon mine . . . 
Her soft hands traveling under this sheet, gliding over me body, fondling me
breasts in admiration . . .
unwrapping her gown so that I may
caress hers, as well . . .  Her tongue . . .

sound of a
roused me away from the rather suggestive musing of me
mind.  Something was knocked over on the cart, where there be bread and wine,
and two substantial old goblets.  I lifted me eyes up past the enticing glimpse
of cleavage to which they had been affixed, to see her lingering there, staring
at me as though in a trance. 

poured the dark wine into a goblet.  Bending forward, she reached her slender
arm out in offering to me, granting me a more generous view of her breasts. 

avidly taking them in fer what be, I be certain, much too extensive to be
considered appropriate, I blinked hard and timidly lifted me eyes up to look
upon her face through me eyelashes.  It be diamond shaped and most lovely. 

I be to realise that she seemed to delight in me eyeing her in that way, as she
be gliding her tongue lightly across her lips, causing them to glisten with
wetness, whilst gazing deeply into me eyes.   ‘Twas far too evocative to have
been an oversight.

pulse began to quicken.  The buzzing sensation in me traveled down me to awaken
me in other ways, which I found delightfully pleasant.  Thoughts I never dreamt
I would consider whirled through me mind at the mere presence of this woman

What be
happening here . . . to me . . . ?
Why does she stare at me
so?  ‘Tis as though she knows what I be thinking.  Could she be thinking the
same?  Oh, that we could explore those musings together . . .

candles now please, Sivaara,” Voljidaar ordered, an insinuation of amusement
evident in his tone.  Her seductive expression changed to one of foreboding,
and I wondered what it could mean. 

. . . hmm, what an unusual, yet lovely name . . . 

Be there not already a sufficient amount of morning light pouring in through
the window?  There be something quite peculiar about this place.  I only wish I
knew what ‘twas . . .

she turned from me and walked out into the room.  Me mind distracted fer a
moment as I examined the allure of her gait.  I had not noticed before that at
eye level every couple of metres, there were substantial iron candleholders
placed all along the walls. 

walked up to the first one and lit it with a small torch that she had collected
from Voljidaar on the way.  Then she proceeded to go around the room, lighting
each one.  Over a dozen there must have been! 

It felt
as a prelude to some type of ritual; yet what, I could not fathom.  Then me
mind shot in dread to me dream again, and I stiffened against the thought. 

No, it
cannot be!  I will not allow it to occur!

all the candles in the chamber she had lit, Sivaara paced toward the one small
window and drew a heavy velvet drape across it, thus obscuring any possible
sign of the daybreak outside.  The candles lit the room enough, yet not as
brightly as the morning sun had moments before.  Me mind be scrambling, still
seeking to understand what the purpose fer it could be.

turned and stared at me longingly as though it would be the final time she
would have the chance to do so.  I did hope it would not be . . .

you, Sivaara, that will be all,” Voljidaar coolly dismissed her.  She unwillingly
tore her concerned eyes from me, looked down, and pushed the cart out of the
chamber, closing the door behind her.  I squirmed, quite displeased to see her
depart, and yet still bemused by me unforeseen response to her. 

I be, me head clouded with confusion.  I had an overbearing intuition of

still, I be feeling increasingly overwhelmed with the
intense desire
surging through me body

Yet also, I felt an
ominous premonition that I just could not place.

Be it
created from the humming, or just intensified by it?

I be
finding it more difficult to think clearly with each passing second.  I sought
the face of me captor, riveted. 

could it be that his very presence be causing me to feel in ways that never I
have before, not even with me Donovan?

I felt
sickened by the impact of this truth.

then, Voljidaar turned his head slightly toward the door and called out
something in a language I did not understand.  Not a second later, a man and a
woman donning nothing save fer their flowing, dark cloaks entered the chamber. 
Their eyes zoned in on me in a flash, staring into me with a look that I cannot
begin to explain and had never witnessed before.  It both frightened me and
exhilarated me, and I had not the slightest idea why.

simply waved his hand toward me and they began approaching me menacingly.  Me
eyes flared and I thought to scream, yet me throat seized so that not a sound
materialized.  ‘Twas as though I be frozen against me will as I sat there so
vulnerable,  feeling as would a cornered animal. 

nearer to me they drew, me initial alarm be superseded by an intense intrigue
of them, and I relaxed, permitting them to come closer, examining them.  Even under
the soft glow of the candlelight, I could view them adequately to distinguish
their atypical characteristics.  Their pale skin had an underlying shadow,
their eyes were uncannily colourless— yet captivating somehow— and behind their
pale lips as they pulled them back in a smile, they revealed their gleaming
sharp teeth. 

I shivered.

male— although still pale— clearly be of a darker origin, hailing from
somewhere exotic, as be evident in the almond shape of his colourless eyes.  High
cheekbones he had, a feature I had not before witnessed in a man.  His black
hair be longer than ever I had seen upon a man and extraordinarily beautiful,
flowing over his shoulders and midway down his back.  His sculptured physique ‘twas
impeccable, that of a statue those would worship of a God.  He seemed as would
a warrior.  His face appeared young, yet somehow did not correspond to the
astuteness contained within, obviously being well beyond the years he appeared
to have.

female, by contrast, be the fairest woman ever I had seen, her silky hair white
as her skin, flowing down to her hips.  So slight in stature she be that she
appeared as though she were scarcely an adolescent, her face angelic and
childlike.  Her pert breasts appeared as though they were just embarking on
their swell to ripening, and her nipples, too, were neutral in tone.  Beneath
her flat abdomen, there be but a scant patch of white fluff crowning her mound
of flesh. 

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