Read Call Me Online

Authors: Gillian Jones

Call Me (25 page)

Ellie left shortly after that, again offering to help Dee in any way. It was hard to let her leave, but I knew I’d never get my work done if Ellie and her tights had stayed much longer.

Chapter 40


llie Hughes is
everything I knew she was going to be, and a whole lot more. Our weekly dates have been incredible, despite the “no sex” rule we continue to follow with difficulty.

We’ve seen a dozen or so documentary films over at the Bloor Hot Docs Cinema. It turns out Ellie is almost as big a documentary fan as I am. It also doesn’t hurt that they have a fantastic selection of local craft beers, either. Another thing we have in common: the love of all things local, including awesome beer. Touring the Mill Street Brewery was another date where I fell a little harder for Ellie. She’s easy to impress and never hides who she is from anyone. She’s becoming my favourite person.

I smile at the thought of her walking through St. Lawrence Market last Sunday—when she suddenly freaked out, convinced she saw my teaching assistant, Joelle, with her boyfriend, Daryl. It took me about twenty-five minutes to get Ellie to come out of the alley she’d hidden in, although I did get to spend those minutes staring at my beautiful girl, while trying not to laugh at how she looked freaking out about the possibility of being caught and all the risks we were taking. After letting her get it all out, I may have manoeuvered my way in for a comforting hug, one where I pulled her in tight and managed to nestle my face into her neck to offer words of comfort, all the while battling my own urges, as I stood inhaling her incredible scent and enjoying her soft curves.

Reminiscing in my desk chair, my cock twitches at the memory. But just as I lean back to adjust myself, my office door flies open, revealing a tear-streaked Ellie. Rounding my desk to meet her, I immediately tuck her into my chest.

“Ellie. What happened?” I ask, placing my hands on her back.

“I can’t do this. I need to drop out,” she sobs, her shoulders shaking.

“Do what? Drop what, E?”

“This.” She lifts one arm up and waves it in a circle. I know I shouldn’t laugh, but she’s adorable even when she’s clearly upset.

“Are you laughing at me?” She pulls away and looks up at me, her face scrunched with irritation.

“Er, no, but that was kind of cute. That whole arm thing…like that would explain anything to me.” I move my hand, making the same gesture.

“Ace,” she cries, “I’m serious. I can’t do this. I have to drop the class.” Ellie’s tears fall again, and I start taking her seriously.

“Stop. Ellie, look at me,” I say, placing my hands on either side of her cheeks. Catching her tears with my thumbs, I tilt her head a bit, forcing her to look at me, needing her to listen. Her beautiful hazel eyes glisten, turning almost green under the tears, which continue to fall down her face. Running my thumbs along their wetness, I back her up to sit on my desk and move myself closer in between her legs.

“Calm down, beautiful. Tell me what’s going on in that brilliant head of yours.” I kiss her forehead.

“I can’t…you were right. My thesis is a joke. The topic’s too hard to get enough decent arguments to fill forty pages. I never should have convinced you I could pull it off. I can’t. I’ll never get it done,” she whispers, her shoulders shaking from how upset she is, and it rips me apart. I never want to see her like this. Guilt pierces my gut for having given her a hard time in the first place. It’s truthfully an impressive topic, one I have no doubt she’ll pull off.

“Ellie. Listen to me. You’re an intelligent, capable woman. Your paper is impressive.”

“It’s not. I’m stuck. I still have a final argument to think of. It’s already March. I’ll never get it done, Ace. Between work, the gym, and all the dead ends I’m running into with my research, I might as well drop the course and save face.”

“Ellie. Look at me. Hear me. There will be no quitting. This is what we’re going to do…” She cuts me off.

“And I’m sexually frustrated. The “no sex” rule is stupid. I need…I’m too stressed,” she blurts, her hands immediately moving to cover her mouth. “Oh God, I can’t believe I said that out loud.” She covers her face with her hands and I place mine overtop to peel hers away, unable to hide my smile at her admission.

“Me too. I swear I’m going to pass out, my balls are so blue.” I kiss her nose before moving to her ear, an idea forming, a way to help relieve a little tension. Either way, I know it will snap her out of her current mood. “I have an idea,” I whisper.

“Does it involve me visiting the registrar’s office to try and convince them it’s not too late to drop the class?”

“No. Even better. It involves no rule breaking, well, maybe just a slight bend, because I will be kissing you and touching you a little, but nothing under your clothes. All you have to do it sit back, relax, and trust me. Let me share my non-touching talents with you. I dare you to let my words torture you until the day when I can truly touch you like I plan. I promise, this will be the best hands-off experience of your life.”

“Oh yeah?” she looks up, meeting my eyes.

“Definitely. You’ll feel so relaxed when I’m finished with you.”

“I like the sounds of this.”

“Me too. I love the idea. Especially getting to watch how you react, E.”

“Yeah? You think I’ll react to whatever ‘non-touching’ plan you have?” she whispers.

“Yeah.” I run my nose along the side of her face. “I’m going to kiss you now,” I tell her, letting my lips ghost over hers. “Would you let me kiss you, E? Let me kiss you all better?” I ask, before I connect our lips softly, resting mine like a whisper over hers, waiting for her reply.

“I think that might help, a bit anyway…” she shrugs, and I go for the kiss I crave, moving my hand behind her head, holding her gently in place while I take her bottom lip, tugging it enough to elicit a sexy moan. Running my tongue along her bottom lip she opens her mouth, her tongue meeting mine. We battle instantly, both of us struggling for control, our tongues swirling and chasing one another’s. She tastes incredible, and my cock wants to come out and play something fierce. So badly, in fact, I swear it’s going to
Escape from Alcatraz
right through the zipper of my jeans.

“I’m going to make you feel good,” I whisper into her hair, the sharp intake of breath confirming that my plan is working, her mood is changing. “First, I’m going to give you the stress release you need, then we are going to look over what you have so far for your final argument. Next we’re going to work on beefing up your points and then I’m going to kiss you a bit more. Finally, I’ll walk you home.”

“That might really help. Might even be what the
ordered.” She gives me a cheeky grin.

“We will repeat this process every day if you need it, Ellie, but there will be no quitting. Not an option. Understood?” I tip my forehead to hers.

“Yes, Ace. Completely.”

“Do you like that plan, E? Feel it needs any amendments or additions?”

“It’s the best plan I’ve ever heard,” she says with a wicked grin, “but one suggestion. Can we do the work first, then reap the rewards? I think I might have an idea.”

“Sure, whatever you want, Ellie, you keener. Work first, play later.” I shake my head as she bounces off the desk, forcing me to step back as she rounds it to stand in front of my computer.

“I just remembered that article you saved for me, the one with the Carrie Fisher interview. I think that will help me big time,” Ellie smiles, while opening the folder marked “Leia” on my desktop. I have a folder for each of my thesis students, one where I add things I come across that I think might help them. A bit sexually frustrated, I nonetheless take a seat in my chair and watch her hover over my computer. After fifteen minutes of staring at her ass, I can’t take it anymore; I need my hands on her, but I remember how much fun it is to torture each other. This waiting for sex is proving to be the best foreplay I’ve ever had.

“Have I told you how sexy these jogging pants are?” I say, lifting up her t-shirt with the edge of the pen I’d been twirling (flirting with the boundaries of our “no touching on campus” rule). I let the pen’s tip expose her sexy ass even more as she stands in front of me, looking at the monitor way too intently for what I had in mind. But I’m happy that the Carrie Fisher article will help her with her paper. Seeing the relieved look cross her face as she rereads it confirms its worth and makes me happy for her. I’m glad she’ll be able to pull this off, just like I knew she would all along.

“Tights, Ace. They’re actually a few steps up from jogging pants,” she laughs.

“Whatever. I fucking like them.”


When she came barging into my office in tears, I didn’t take notice of the loose shirt and tight pants, formerly known as
. I was too busy trying to calm her down, to get to and to help solve the issues. But now I can’t stop noticing.
How is it possible that a grubby shirt and tights can have the adverse effect and make her look hot as hell?

“Eep, Ace, this is going to be perfect!”

“You’re damn straight it is.”

She peers over her shoulder. “This article, Ace. Not my ass.”

“Your opinion,” I deadpan, before standing.

“Jeez, you’re a pain.”

“Get used to it. You’re mine, Ellie. It’s your new lot in life. Here, take my chair, you look like you might be at this for a while.” I give her my best shit-eating grin as I rake my eyes blatantly down her back to her ass again, before taking my chair. Once she’s sitting, I move in, placing both of my forearms on the armrests. Leaning in, I move my mouth to her neck, savouring her scent. “Fuck, you always smell so good, E. Maybe we need a quick study break.” I run my tongue along her neck, causing my already needy cock to strain against my zipper.

“Ace, please. We can’t. It’s too risky. The door’s not even locked. Someone might come.”

“I know who’s going to come, Ellie. You.”

“Ace,” she pleads. “You need to stop, you know my neck is my weakness.”

“I know. But you’re fucking killing me. These things are my weakness.” I move my hands down the outsides of her legs, teasing her by avoiding where I know she’d like me to rub.

“In tights? I look like a grub.”

“Sexy. You’re curvy in all the right spots, with long, toned legs and a perfect, tight ass,” I growl.

“Ace.” It’s an appeal, but know it’s an idle attempt. She wants this, too.

“Let me tell you what I wish I could do to you, Ellie,” I say, leaning in close to her ear. “Please, E…listen while I talk. Let me tell you how much I want to touch you,” I say, while shifting to sit near her on my desk.

“Tell me. How would you touch me right now?” she relents, squeezing her legs together. I can’t hide my smile, knowing she’s giving in. She has no idea what’s coming.

“First, I’d rub my hand in a circular motion over the material covering your hot pussy, applying just enough pressure so I know you’ll feel it in that perfect spot—the one I can’t wait to rub my hard cock against,” I say. Immediately, she leans back in the chair, gripping the arms to support herself. My lips crave the taste of her skin, but instead I stay seated, just lean in a little closer and whisper all the dirty things I want to do to her in her ear: “I’d slip one of my fingers inside your warmth, loving the way your greedy pussy hugs around it, wanting desperately for it to move, to explore, and stretch you in the most exquisite way. I’d add a second finger, while my thumb started making deliberate circles over your smooth clit.”

“Oh shit, keep talking.” Ellie slips her hand inside the front of her pants, spreading her legs to accommodate herself. The sight has me gripping the edge of the desk to the point of pain.

“Have you any idea how badly I want to slide inside you? How often I think of the day I get to experience you, Ellie? I want to feel your warmth, your pussy squeezing my cock.”

“Jesus, Ace,” she moans, squeezing her legs together, trying to relieve the pressure building from my words.

“You look fucking sexy, baby.” The urge to rip her pants off is on the tip of my brain, but I know we can’t. I’m pushing the boundaries as it is. I shouldn’t be doing this, especially not here in my office. But I don’t stop. I keep going. “I bet you’ll feel so good wrapped around my cock. And be ready, E, I’ll be going in rebel-style—nothing between us, because we’re both clean. My cock, your cunt, and the sweet drag and pull as I fuck you bare. The only thing we’ll be feeling is each other. The only things we’ll hear are each other’s names as we scream them out when we come.”

“Oh fuuuck,” she moans, “I want that. God, I do, your words…you’ve got me so hot. We need to stop this, I’m too close. Ace, you need to stop or I’m going to come.”

“Slip your other hand under your shirt and pull those hard nipples for me, Ellie, while you grind down on your hand. Finish for me, that’s it, beautiful. Let me watch you. Circle your clit like I want to, give it the tiny circles that are sure to push you over. Do it, Ellie. Show me.”

And she does.

“Aaaaace, oh God…” she says, having picked up the pace.

“A little more, let me hear how wet you are. Fuck, you smell so sweet. I can smell how excited you are, Ellie. Pretend it’s my hand. I wish it was. I’m dying here, E.”

“It feels so good, Ace. I’m going to come, ahh, fuck…” she says, increasing the pace even more as she gets herself off in my office chair.

“I want to touch you with nothing between us. It’s killing me how badly I want to slip my hand down the front of those tights. I love those tights, by the way. Love how easily I can see what you’re doing to your pussy—
my pussy.

“You’re gonna make me come again, ohhh,” Ellie says, breathlessly.

“That’s it. Stroke the pad of your thumb over your clit, now move faster, now a bit faster. Jesus, listen to how wet you are. I can’t wait to see how wet you’ll be for me, how tight you’ll feel wrapped around my cock while you milk every drop from me.”

“Ace, oh God, I’m gonna…I’m gonna come so soon!” she whisper-calls out, while she increases both her speed and dexterity. And I’m like a teenage boy who’s about to come all over the inside of his pants at the vision of Ellie falling apart at the sound of my words. “Oh…we need to stop, Ace. This is your

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