Read Call of the Dragon (Return to Avalore Book 1) Online

Authors: Elianne Adams

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance

Call of the Dragon (Return to Avalore Book 1) (3 page)

“Evan, I’ve found one of our women, and need to arrange safe passage. I want our best men there to bring her through.”

Telepathic communication was second nature to their people and though most could not converse from the human lands to Avalore, his bond with Evan was strong enough to bridge the distance. He’d have a massive headache, but it was worth it.

“She must be stunning for you to ask your commander for special favors.”

Drake wasn’t the kind of man people teased often. He could be downright intimidating when he wanted to be, but he and Evan had been the best of friends since childhood. Where one went, the other always followed. It was natural when the Coalition formed that Evan, the queen’s eldest son, would head the unit, and Drake had become his second in command.

“Make it happen. I want you and your brothers there. Hell, bring every damned guard and soldier you have. Just be ready when we’re ready to cross.”
His voice sounded tense even in his own mind.

“What’s going on? Are you injured?”
Evan was instantly serious.

“I’m fine. When I found her, she was fighting an Erritrol.”

Anger boiled in his veins as he remembered how the Erritrol’s sharp claws had struck her, of all people. Thank the Gods and Goddesses a deadlier breed hadn’t found her first. A muscle in his jaw ticked as his gaze swept over her, resting on the wounds on her arm and neck. The bleeding had stopped, but the drying blood on her sleeve made him want to tear the beast who had attacked her limb from limb.

“Is she hurt? Will she make it back to Avalore?
If she needs more healing than what you can provide, I can have Aiken meet you at the safe house. What the hell was she doing fighting one of those creatures anyway?”
Evan’s voice echoed Drake’s disgust.

“Only the Goddess herself knows. When I tracked the energy back to the beast, she was there and it had already engaged her.”
He paused, needing to get the conversation back on track. “
She’s not seriously hurt. Nothing I can’t handle before leaving.”

“Tell me what you want to tell me already. What’s wrong?”

“She’s not like the others. She’s not been taught our ways, yet she knows the ancient language. I stand before her, yet she doesn’t see me.”

“What do you mean she can’t see you? She’s lost her vision? That’s unusual for our people, but I suppose it is possible. Who knows what’s happened to her over there.”
Tension mounted as they spoke.

“Her eyes have sustained no damage. I’m cloaked and she looks right through me. How is it possible? I’ve never known any of our people not being able to see through a cloak. She knows I’m here, or at least she senses my presence. I think she’s been away from Avalore a lot longer than most, perhaps even from infancy.”
He paused, allowing Evan time to digest what he was saying.

If he was right about her identity, his people would be saved from darkness and perhaps even extinction. If he was wrong, he would disappoint not only Evan, but every single person in Avalore. And they couldn’t handle even one more disappointment. The darkness had grown over the last few months as despair spread. Time was running out for all of them.

“Damn it, tell me now or I swear I’ll beat you to a pulp when I see you next.”

Drake knew what Evan was demanding. He understood the urgency and the exasperation. The same frustration had eaten at him during the years of searching.

Even though they weren’t present in body, the raw power of the three remaining brothers pulsed inside him as they joined the conversation. His head throbbed as they used the connection he had with Evan to listen in.

“She has the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen, Evan. They are Angelique’s eyes. If at all possible, they’re even more stunning. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen them, but I’d never forget that brilliant shade, that clarity. She even looks like her. I think we’ve found her. I think I’ve found your sister.”
Drake finished in a rush.

Silence stretched as the brothers processed the information. “
Are you certain? If it is her…”

Drake could feel the brothers holding their collective breaths.

“I’m as sure as I can be just by looking at her. I haven’t spoken with her yet. All I know is this woman is one of us, and her eyes, they’re impossible to describe. And the resemblance is so uncanny it borders on ridiculous. She’s stunning. Even more beautiful than any of the other women in Avalore.”

“If what you say is true, you know what this means to our people, Drake.”
Evan's voice faltered. “
If you did find Rhiannon, there is still a chance we may yet survive.”

Evan, look through my eyes and see what I’m seeing, it’s the only way. Markus, Aiken, and Richard will be able to follow using the same path.”
Drake braced himself for the onslaught of added energy.

“Damn it, Drake, we can’t. You’ll be incapacitated for who knows how long. It’s not safe. We’ll just have to wait.”
Evan’s voice belied his words as he tried to convince Drake against it.

“Nothing’s ever one hundred percent safe. You of all people know that. There’s no immediate danger here. Do it, and do it fast. Get in and get out.”

The backlash would be horrendous, but he saw no other way. This affected not only him, but their entire species. They had been racing against time, searching for Queen Rhiannon for so long, with so little hope, he couldn’t deny them the small glimpse of hope.


“Just do it already.
We don’t have a lot of time.”
The beasts wouldn’t wait for them to weigh the pros and cons, and he wanted to have her as far away from the apartment as he could before they attacked.

The initial surge was like a fiery explosion inside Drake’s head when Evan joined him followed by his three brothers. They didn’t attempt an easy merging; the end result would be the same. The only thing to do was to merge, get the information, or in this case, have a look at the woman as quickly as possible and exit right away.

Excruciating pain tore through his head as he took on the overload pouring into him. His legs began to buckle but he held them steady, keeping his eyes trained on the woman for as long as he could.

The sudden swell of power in the room had her jumping to a defensible position in a flash. Feet apart, her hands drew energy to her as she stared in his direction, eyes open wide.

Drake sensed more than heard the simultaneous responding gasp from all four brothers. Just as quickly as they had come, each retreated from his mind. Exposure to so much power was dangerous, even for a man like him.

He barely registered the healing light poured into him from a distance. He’d have to remember to thank Aiken when he saw him next. Healing him had to be agonizing.

“Bring her home. I don’t care what it takes. Just bring her home where she belongs. Markus and Richard are already on their way back from the north regions. We’ll have a team ready to bring you both through when you get there.”

“I’ll l-let you know when it’s safe to move her, Evan. W-wait for my word.”
He couldn’t stop the tremors coursing through him. “
Don’t t-tell anyone else until we know for certain she is your sister. They won’t be able to take it if we’re wrong.”
His heart pounded like a jackhammer in his ears as his vision blurred.

“Understood. Keep her safe.”
Evan broke off, leaving him reeling.

His cloak crumpled to his feet as he staggered forward.

Pain ripped through his head as though a long dull knife stabbed through it, twisting inward. His hands grasped at his temples as the pain tore through him again and again. His tortured groan sounded loud in his own mind.

He only hoped he’d recover in time to protect her, should the beasts come for her again. The last thing he saw before darkness overtook him was her shocked expression as she lunged toward him, trying to catch him as he fell.

Chapter 3

Rhia sat with her legs tucked beneath her on the rickety wooden chair she’d dragged in from the bedroom. It had taken all she had to get the hulk of a man onto the sofa rather than on top of her as he’d stumbled.

Her heart pounded as though she’d just finished a marathon. How could someone just appear out of thin air? She’d seen many weird things, but this topped them all. Her fingers shook as she pushed a lock of hair behind her ear.

His tall, muscular frame barely fit on the tiny sofa. One leg dangled at an awkward angle from the edge while the other draped over the armrest at the end. He made her diminutive couch look like a child’s toy. Had he not just scared the crap out of her, she might have found it funny.

Torn between her usual run-now-think-later attitude and her curiosity about the man who dwarfed her furniture, she wrung her hands, and fought the urge to pace. She uncurled her legs from under her for the fifth time in as many minutes. This was crazy.

Staying wasn’t an option anymore. The beasts had found her again, so why was she still sitting there staring at the man? She vaulted from the chair with every intention of leaving and never looking back, but her feet had a mind of their own, taking her back to crouch near him, instead of out the door.

The urge to touch him overwhelmed her, just like it had the first four times she’d checked on him. Her fingertips tingled as she covered his inner wrist to find his bounding pulse. She should be afraid. Hell, she should be miles away by now, but she just couldn’t pull herself away. What was it about him that drew her like a magnet?

His wide shoulders and muscular chest filled the white t-shirt he wore to perfection. Even a saint would enjoy the view. The tip of a tattoo peeked from beneath his left sleeve. She hesitated before catching the edge with her fingers and exposing the winged fire-breathing dragon inked on his arm.

She blinked fast, not believing what she saw. Her gaze flitted from the dragon to his face and back again. She’d seen that tattoo before. The memory of his dark hair and chiseled jaw flashed in her mind. If she could see his eyes, she’d know. His eyes would be a deep dark blue, like the icy waters of a turbulent sea, not the usual brown you’d associate with his dark hair and complexion. She brought her trembling fingers up to touch his cheek but pulled them back before making contact. It couldn’t be him. There was no way.

Why was she even entertaining the idea this could be the same man? The notion this could be the man who’d haunted her dreams for two years was ridiculous. One was just a figment of her overactive imagination, and this man was flesh and blood.

Agony contorted his handsome face as a pained moan escaped his lips. She pressed her fingers to his temples, sending soothing waves of purple light into him, easing his pain. Her eyes drifted shut as a surge of sensual tension slid over her. Tingles coursed through her body as his scent filled her lungs. Heat washed over her, caressing every inch of her body as their energies mingled. Every cell in her body rejoiced. A soft sigh slipped past her lips. She’d never had such a reaction to healing anyone before.

The energy around her shifted, dousing the warmth enveloping her. Her eyes flew open the moment it changed, the moment he was awake and aware of her, but it was too late. She let her hands drop to her sides, as she met his stormy blue gaze. Time skidded to a halt and her breath caught in her throat. How could it be?

He scrambled to move away from her, as though burned by her delicate touch. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

She winced at the curt tone. No one had objected to her ministrations since she’d been a child. She wasn’t foolish enough to think people had become more tolerant of her gifts, but she knew better than to let anyone see what she could do.

“W-what do you mean? I wasn’t doing anything. I was just checking on you.” She hid her hands behind her back as the purple haze of her healing light dissipated and disappeared. Her heart raced as the deep blue of his eyes registered in her mind. Her mouth was suddenly dry as she tried to swallow, unsure of what to do or what to say. She straightened and stepped back.

He pushed himself into a sitting position. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound so harsh. I just didn’t know what to think when I woke and you were hovering over me.” His deep, sexy voice held a hint of an accent that made her toes curl.

“It’s okay. I shouldn’t have gotten into your space. You winced and groaned. I thought your head was hurting, and I was thinking I should get you some aspirin or something.” She couldn’t very well tell him she’d been trying to heal him, he’d think she was nuts.

“It was. It’s much better now, thank you. You’re injured. You need to take care of those wounds.” His expressive eyes narrowed, belying his calm demeanour.

She shrugged off the suggestion. What could she do? Heal them while he watched? Go into the bedroom and heal them? No, she’d had enough excitement for one day. Having someone go nuts and call her a freak in her own apartment wasn’t on the agenda. She’d deal with the scratches later. The bleeding had stopped and although the wounds stung like crazy, it was nothing she couldn’t handle.

“I’ll be fine. I heal well.”

The intensity of his stare made her want to run and hide. She wasn’t afraid, which was absolute insanity, but his eyes bored into her so deeply she thought he might be able to see into her soul.

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