Called by the Bear 1-3 (14 page)

Chapter 15


fter breakfast Brady
and I go up to our room. He paces the large space in agitation. "How dare you defy a direct alpha order?"

I stand with my hands on my hips as he walks back toward me. "Oh, so you can just decide to give me an order because of your super-sized ego? I thought a good ruler made wise decisions and didn't bark out demands on a whim."

He towers over me and practically spits out his words. "My word is final, and there is nothing you can do about that. Get used to it."

"Funny, but it was quite easy to deny you, fur ball. Guess you're not so alpha when it comes to me, huh?" I'm being quite the bitch, and my anger is dangerously close to making me shift.

Brady doesn't exercise control, and I watch him shift before me. He lets out a roar that shakes the bedposts. He's ruined yet another set of clothes, and they lie in tatters on the floor.

I snort at him in return, but the truth is his bear form is turning me on. I step closer and inhale his sharp bear musk with the familiar scent of him as a human. "Just like a man to think that the loudest roar wins." I poke him in the chest. "You're in for a rude awakening if you think I'm afraid of you."

I turn to walk away, but he yanks me against his furry body. He speaks to me in his head. “
Jesus, you're sexy when you’re mad.”

I reply,
“Yeah? Well, you better shift back if you think I'm going to play.”

The familiar crunching makes me smile at the power I have over him, and I pull my shirt over my head. Brady is panting and moves toward me. Grabbing my pants, he strips them off me as he lets out a low growl that rocks me to the core.

I pull his mouth to mine and kiss him roughly as my nipples rub against his hairy human chest and harden at the sensation. I pull back to catch my breath.

Brady lowers his mouth to suckle my breast, and I arch up when he bites gently. I slide my hands down to his ass and squeeze the firm muscles. "I need you, Brady. Fill me."

We crumple to the floor, and the plush carpet is hard when he drives his thick length into me. I raise my hips to take him in and moan when he stretches my channel. His hands lift my bottom as he fills me to the brim.

My orgasm builds slowly as we rock in rhythm. The synthetic rug is rubbing my shoulders raw, but I can't stop as ecstasy takes me. I shatter. Before I've come down, he withdraws and slides down between my thighs to lick me. “Oh, Brady.” I sigh. Sucking on my sensitive sex, he drives me wild. I'm trembling and lose control with another orgasm that leaves me incoherent.

But Brady's not done. While I can barely move, he drags the head of his cock against my slit. When he enters, he utters a single word. "Mine." Pumping hard and fast, he comes quickly. His seed explodes against my walls, and he collapses in a heap on top of me.

After our breathing returns to normal, I roll him onto his back and prop myself up on his chest. "I'd like to think we just had make-up sex."

He chuckles. "We did. I was being an ass. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too. I don't know what got into me. I understand your need to protect me, and now that I'm pregnant with your babies, I get it. I really do."

His brow furrows, and I smooth it out with a finger. Brady says, "I don't get why you didn't lower your head and cower to my alpha order. You shouldn't be able to defy me like that."

I shrug. "Maybe there's such a thing as an alpha female? Did you know I can talk to Annie in my head?"

He shakes his head with a grin. "Serves me right for changing you without permission. There are alpha females, but it’s rare."

Brady rolls me over and onto the floor, and props himself up on an elbow. "You called me smokey and a fur-ball." His eyes dance with laughter.

"Yeah, it was the best I could do. I should probably think of better insults."

He places a hand on my soft stomach. "No, I like you just the way you are. I used to dream about you before you came, too. When I saw you that first night, I fell in love the moment our eyes met. And I knew I would give my life to protect you."

He leans down and kisses my belly. He whispers, "Hey, guys, your momma and I love you, too."

I hold Brady's head in my hands as he makes his way back up to my mouth. He kisses me, and our combined scent wraps around us as if to shelter us from the world.


in each other's bodies, we only come up for air when we're hungry. We’re in the kitchen, and my bear hearing detects the low sound of the local news on TV in the great room. I hop up on the counter while Brady makes me my favorite tuna and grilled cheese sandwich. Only wearing one of his dress shirts, the granite is cold on my thighs.

I say, "I feel guilty taking you away from work like this."

Brady hooks a finger inside my shirt and looks down at my breasts. "Some things are more important than work." He lifts his eyes to me and gives me a sly smile.

He's only in a pair of boxers, and I take the opportunity to thread my fingers through the hair on his chest. His hands slide under my shirt and grip my hips to pull me closer. My moist folds press against his bare stomach. "Careful, you'll burn my sandwich."

"Right." He groans. "I don't think I'll ever get enough of you. Your scent makes me hard every time I smell it."

He reaches over and unplugs the panini maker. The cord clatters on the counter, and he drops to his knees. He spreads me with his hands, and his tongue darts inside me. I moan softly. I've lost count of the orgasms he's given me today, but it doesn't make my need for more any less urgent. I lean back on my elbows and squirm under his attention.

I'm shuddering as I approach my pinnacle when he stops and stands. I lift up and watch him remove his cock and stroke it. I want to taste him and am about to hop off the counter when he guides himself into me. "Jesus, Carly, you're soaking wet and so damn tight. I'll never stop wanting this with you."

His kiss is demanding, and I give him what he wants as I thrust my hips with his steady pounding. I scream with my release moments before he does. We tremble together, and he sighs.

The odor of burning cheese wafts towards me, and I open the hinged sandwich griddle to find perfectly grilled bread. I say, "I like the way you make me lunch."

I tear it apart ignoring the hot tuna dripping onto my thighs and hand him half. Brady takes a bite and then bends down to eat off my legs. His tongue is rough on my skin, and I shudder with an aftershock.

Brady lifts up and cocks his head at me. "More?"

I smile back at him. "I think they got the screwing like rabbits thing all wrong. They must have been talking about bear."

He finishes off his part of the sandwich and returns to licking my thigh under my shirt. Hot breath tickles my skin when he says, "Monkeys too. Clearly it's crazy bear sex."

I lean back on the counter and answer with a growl.

Chapter 16


my mother’s gold stag pin. The metal is cool in my hand. It's the only thing of hers I have, and I wanted to wear it on my wedding day, but I can't figure out where to put it. A faint memory of her blue eyes flashes before me. She left when I was three, and I hold onto my vision of her tucking me in for the night.

A soft knock sounds on the door, and Donna lets herself in. Dressing in the guest room, I'm surrounded by sea green and aqua. My mother-in-law matches in her beaded dress.

"Carly." She takes my arms and looks me over. "You're stunning." Her eyes shine, and it warms my heart to know she's so happy.

"Can you help me? I wanted to wear my mother's pin, but I don't know where to put it."

Donna takes it in her hand and fondles it. "How interesting. Is your mother still alive?"

"I don't know. She left when I was a small child." I shrug my shoulders. "It's probably silly because she didn’t want me, but I hang onto the thought she’d have liked to see this day."

"It's not silly, dear. We all want to be close to our mother." She pulls at the sash around my waist and pins it on above my right hip. Her hand is warm on my body. "If she could see you today, she'd be so proud. You're an amazing woman and destined for great things. I couldn't ask for a stronger prima for my son."

The door creaks open to Sierra and Annie. Dressed in cornflower blue, they're carrying pale yellow roses and holding a larger bouquet for me. Sierra says, "Oh my God, Carly. You're gorgeous."

Annie's face is full of joy. "You really are. My brother's going to fall over when he sees you."

Donna says, "Actually he's going to have a hard time waiting to see that dress on the floor."

Annie says, "Mother!"

I chuckle because I'm used to her by now. I smooth out the lines of my dress. A plunging neckline and a wire bra that feels like iron pushing up my breasts give me cleavage that is on the edge of tasteful. Coming in at the waist with a wide skirt, the dress accentuates my hourglass figure. Heavy beading on the bodice comes down in a V pattern to make my waist look smaller, and I feel every bit the beautiful bride.

I check my reflection in the mirror and smile at my burgundy-colored tendrils curling around my face. My eyes are made up to maximize the cerulean shade.

"I think I'm ready." Sierra hands me my bouquet, and we walk down the hall.

Tension that’s more than pre-wedding jitters pushes at me. Glancing out the windows, I see that the sky is dark gray blue with an approaching storm, and I hope it blows by quickly as predicted.

When we get outside, our shoes click steadily on the rock walkway, and the scent of lilac is in the air as a cold breeze snakes around us. Music begins when we get to the path.

The wedding is set up in the garden. I have nobody to give me away, so we decided the ladies would walk to the men at the altar, with me going on alone when they get there.

I watch the three women with their sunny yellow flowers against the blue-sky color of their dresses. But the moment my eyes find Brady, I'm frozen at the vision. His blond hair is neatly combed, and his broad shoulders fill out his jacket nicely. The tuxedo must have been tailored because it hugs his body as it tapers down to slim hips, and those substantial thighs that make me weak are draped in loose fabric.

But it's his green eyes that capture my attention. As if they call to me, I walk toward him, seeing nothing else. Whispers about how pretty I look reach my ears.

Sierra takes my bouquet, and when I reach the altar, Brady grasps my hands and pulls me against his body. He takes my hand to place it over his heart.
“Feel it beating, Carly? I’m afraid it’s going to burst with my love.”

My heart swells with emotion, and words explode out of my mouth. “You’re my dream come true.”

That gets a few
from the crowd.

I’m reluctant to step back, so I keep my body pressed against his as if we’re a unified force.

The service goes by in a blur until it’s time for our vows. Wind has picked up, and the sky has darkened to steel blue. Sporadic drops of water fall on my face as Brady begins our simple vows we said to each other weeks ago. A streak of sun breaks through the clouds as he speaks.

When it’s my turn, the clouds clear, and we’re wrapped in sudden warmth. “I, Carly Cutler, take Brady Le Roux to be my husband. I promise to cherish, love, and protect him till death do us part.”

People chuckle at my promise to protect the alpha. But we know it’s not a joke. The sun is shining brightly now as if to share our joy with the clan.

Brady’s embrace is tight, and he takes me into a private world where nothing else exists when his mouth meets mine. My senses are enveloped in his heat, his smell, and his touch. For the first time in my life, I feel absolutely complete.
The kiss goes on a little too long, and we finally break apart when the catcalls get too much. A voice calls out, “Bartender! Line up the Yukon Jack!”

Bottles clink and metal caps clatter on the bar as the wait staff frantically open Moosehead beer for the thirsty guests. A bottle of amber liquid I assume is the whisky is being passed around a group of men as they wait for their drinks, and someone yells, “Body shots!”
I giggle when a group of women rush past us to answer the request. I almost expect to have Sierra grab my hand and pull me along.

Platters of whole raw fish are winding through the crowd, and hands reach out to snatch them without slowing down the waiters. A few get tossed in the air to be quickly gobbled up by large mouths. I suspect the no-shifting code of conduct will be waived later in the evening.
I’m grateful Brady can talk in my head as he parades me though all the people, introducing me to the important ones. The older women share a knowing smile when they meet me, and I'm sure they can smell the pregnancy too. I see more than a few tear up, and I'm proud to be creating the future for this clan.

You're about to meet the Robichaux. We need to work on making them our allies, so suck it up, sister."

I lean back so my body covers his and place my hand on his groin.
"I think you're a little confused, because if you do what you do to me to your sister, I've married into the wrong family."

Brady's laugh roars through my head before he says, "Marion and Robert Robichaux, I'd like you to meet my wife, Carly Le Roux."

The moment I look into Marion's eyes, tiny hairs prickle on the back of my neck. I close my thoughts off from Brady.
Her eyes are my eyes.

She glances down at the pin on my waist, and her hand shoots out to touch it. I grab her wrist before she can, and she asks, "Where did you get that?"

I force a friendly tone. "It was my mother's."

Her face pales, and I hear her whisper in my head. "

I stumble backward a step as I recall my mother's face, and her voice is crystal clear. It's Marion's. The realization makes me move forward to touch her arm as the corners of her mouth begin to lift.

A man steps gracefully between us as if cutting in to dance, and he grabs my hand. Alcohol is on his breath, and I cringe at his touch. "Victor Veilleux. And you must be the lovely new prima." His voice is cold as ice, and I pull my hand away as Brady tugs me against his body.

I say, "Yes."

His eyes are emerald green in a face framed by jet-black hair. "Surely you'll save a dance for me."

I smile sweetly and answer, "Of course."

Robert growls. "Young man, you’re interrupting.” Victor attempts a stare down, but Robert dismisses him by turning to me. “Now, Mrs. Le Roux, where were we?"

Victor steps back with a flourish of his arm as if he’s the one giving permission. I take Robert's hand with a grateful smile and say, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Robichaux."

He says, "The pleasure's mine. I do hope we'll be dining together in the near future. I think we have many common interests to discuss."

I turn to Marion. "I hope so, too." Her mouth is tight as she smiles, and I flash to my mother scolding me for something. It tugs on my heartstrings as hope blossoms in me. I push it away. "
Do I know you?"

She stares at me but doesn't answer. Taking Richard’s arm, she walks away. Strange.

Brady lifts me by my hips and off my feet as he twirls me, causing me to let out a squeal. His bear is itching to play, and my skin tingles with the urge to shift too. He says, "Let's feed ourselves before this night gets crazy. You've never seen werebear in full swing.”

I reach up and place my hand on his face. It's smooth and warm under my fingers. "You forget. I like the whole crazy bear thing."

He turns to kiss my palm and says, "Oh, I haven't forgotten."

His voice reverberates through my body, and my core twitches in response. I reply, “
God, I can't wait to get you naked.”

He replies with a growl that makes my juices flow. I flush a little at the laughing couple that passes us, knowing they can smell my desire.

has gotten louder, and the buffet is ready. People line up to fill their dishes, and the scent of salmon makes me salivate. Strong fingers seem to blur with motion as a chef fillets them for the more refined guests. Although I suspect he’ll be done soon when a glassy-eyed older man sucks on a lobster claw that never makes it to his plate. Shells rattle when he tosses it into the garbage full of fish scraps. Apparently werebear are never too old for a wild party.
Fortunately Annie knows how my need to eat sneaks up on me now that I'm pregnant, and she has a plate waiting at my seat. I catch her eye and mouth a thank you as I make my way to our table. Brady stands in line to get his food and chat while I sit next to Annie.

I sit and wish my dress weren't so tight. Annie says, "I see you met Victor."

"I sure did. What a pig." I stab a piece of salmon and put it in my mouth. The flavor makes me want to groan and to pick up the whole piece with my hand and devour it. Taking my cues from Donna and Annie, I refrain from both.

She smiles. "Yeah, that's a nice way of putting it."

"You and Donna put on a great party. Everything is perfect. Thank you so much."

Annie says, "No. Thank you for letting us run the show. In case you hadn't noticed, my mother likes to have control. Does she know about your alpha abilities yet?" Annie snorts. "She's going to be green with envy."

I chuckle with her as we scan the crowd. I see Victor flirting with young girls who seem taken with his charm and the Robichaux laughing with another couple. It’s clear they’re not Le Roux, and a tense aura surrounds them as if they don’t feel completely safe here.
Marion's reaction to me earlier makes me wonder who Charlotte is. And I wonder how it is I heard her in my head. I didn't think alphas could talk to other clans. I keep meaning to figure out how that works and make a mental note to bring it up at our next breakfast meeting with Donna.

Sierra catches my attention with her giggle, and I watch her teasing Keith. My adorable friend makes me smile, and I hope her life in the clan is as wonderful as mine.

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