Camera Shy (18 page)

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Authors: Lauren Gallagher

Tags: #canada, #Torfino, #movie stars, #actress, #contemporary erotic romance, #erotic romance, #Hollywood

"You're absolutely stunning, Allyson," Jason said as he shot her lying on a towel in the sand.

She flinched at the reference to her false name. Sooner or later, she would have to confess that she'd lied. But not now. She wasn't going to ruin this.

"You're not half bad yourself," she said with a smirk. The camera wasn't enough to hide the flush of pink along his cheekbones.

"It's a shame you've been so camera shy," he said. "You'd make a perfect model." He lowered the camera and furrowed his brow as he pressed a couple of buttons. She guessed he was looking at the preview screen. Letting out a sharp sigh, he shook his head. "The camera adores you. I swear, you're made for this."

She bit her lip. Another lie she'd have to wriggle out of sooner or later. "Maybe someday," she said with a forced smile.

Jason shifted his weight and brought the camera back up to his face. As he did, she noticed the way his jeans were hugging him tighter than they did a few moments ago. She giggled like a schoolgirl. "Am I turning you on, Mr. Connor?"

Jason glanced down and laughed. "You always turn me on, my dear."
Even when
you're not here

"Do I?" She crawled off the towel toward him, grinning devilishly. "Tell me more."

He kept snapping, pulling the lens back as she got closer to him. He could barely hold the camera steady. "All I have to do is think of you." He could barely breathe. "And when I can see you, especially like I see you now . . . ." He swallowed hard, his mouth dry. "I can't even think at all."

"Oh? And what happens if"—She ran her hand up his clothed thigh, sending a deep tremor through his entire body—"I touch you?"

"Then," he said, pulling the camera strap over his head and setting the camera aside. "You leave me no choice but to touch
." He took her face in his hands and kissed her.

"What a terrible thing, forcing you to touch me," she said around his lip.

"I know," he breathed, pulling her onto his lap. "A terrible thing."

"Don't you know it's unprofessional to sleep with your models?" she said with a devilish grin.

"Am I getting paid for this shoot?" He cupped her breasts and circled her nipples with his thumbs.

"No, you're not," she said against his mouth.

"Then fuck professionalism."


He broke the kiss and looked at her, his lips parted in surprise. She grinned. "Fuck

"Yes, ma'am," he breathed, pulling her close. Her spine straightened as the fabric of his shirt grazed her erect nipples. She moaned softly, shivering at the warmth of his hand on her back as he pulled her into a deep kiss. His other hand reached between them and unbuckled his belt, the muffled jingle making Simone's mouth water with anticipation.

She slid a hand around his waist and into his back pocket. The foil packet's sharp edge met her fingertips, just as she'd expected. She grinned and kissed the side of his neck.

"I had a feeling you were prepared."

He held out his hand and she laid the square packet on his palm. "I'm always prepared when you're around."

Once the condom was on, she raised her hips. When he pulled her down onto his cock, they both exhaled as he slipped inside her.

Riding him slowly, she put her arms around him and held him as close as possible. Her inner thighs tingled against the coarseness of his jeans. There was something decidedly erotic about his clothing brushing against her skin, about having him almost completely covered except for his face, his hands, and his cock.

"Oh God, Allyson," he whispered.

The sound of her false name once again set her teeth on edge, but she ignored it.
, she vowed.

His thumb circled her clit as she moved, and she gasped as lightning bolts surged through her veins. She rode him harder, needing his cock as deep inside her as possible.

"Oh God," she whispered.

"Like that?" he said.

She moaned and nodded, not even bothering with speech at that point. His thumb continued its gentle but insistent circles on her clit.

"You're getting close, aren't you?" he said. "God, I can feel it, you're fucking close. You're so . . .
. . . ." From the sound of his voice, he wasn't far behind. She whimpered and held onto his shoulders, trying to stay upright, trying to keep this delicious, perfect rhythm going as he hit all the right places inside her. She wanted to beg for more, more, more, but an involuntary shudder kept the words from coming out.

"Oh . . . God . . . ." And she flew over the edge. She arched and threw her head back, closing her eyes and crying out as she came.

As she floated back to earth, she thought she heard Jason's voice, but couldn't make out the words. Her eyes were still closed as the overwhelming sensations passed, and when her lungs screamed for air, she realized that at some point, she'd forgotten to breathe.

"Look at me," he said, his voice strained. "Allyson, look at me." She opened her eyes and looked into his. His lips were parted, his breath coming in short, shallow gasps, but his eyes were locked on hers. The intensity of his expression overwhelmed her, but she didn't look away and neither did he.

She bit her lip and moved faster, rocking her hips back and forth in time with each stroke. He closed his eyes for a heartbeat, and then looked at her again, holding her gaze as his body began to tremble. His hands slid up her back to her shoulders, grasping them gently, as if he just wanted to feel her, not impede her movement. His fingertips twitched against her skin as his spine straightened.

"Jesus, I'm so close," he breathed. "Allyson, oh my God, oh—" His breath caught. His hands tightened on her shoulders and pulled her down onto him, knocking the breath out of her lungs. "Oh my God, Allyson,
oh fuck
!" And still he looked into her eyes, even as his orgasm took over. Finally, the last tremors shuddered through him, and at last he closed his eyes and let his head fall back.

When he looked at her again, she swore there were tears in his eyes. She touched his face. "You okay?"

He blinked. Swallowed. Then he nodded. "Yeah." A second later his smile backed it up, and he pulled her into another kiss.

Kissing her, holding her, feeling her against him as the last aftershocks of his orgasm faded, Jason was unsettled. Shaken.

Whatever had just happened was like nothing he'd ever experienced. Something had shifted in him, between them. Something had changed. It simultaneously exhilarated and confused and terrified him. He didn't know what it was, but the one thing he knew for certain was that, whatever it was, it wasn't just physical.

Chapter Thirty-Two

After Jason tied the boat to the marina, they left his camera gear in the Jeep. "As long as we're in town, I need to get a few things," he said. "I'd like to cook for you again tonight."

"You can't just conjure a meal out of thin air? Mr. Connor, I am disappointed." He laughed and kissed her cheek. "Sorry, darlin', I'm not a miracle worker."

"That's debatable." She winked.

"That, and this place has the best cherry cheesecake on the planet." He chuckled, sliding his arm around her waist. "Come on, the store is this way. It's not far to walk." They strolled through the grocery store, not in any particular hurry. Simone couldn't remember the last time she'd been able to do something as simple as wander through the store without worrying about a camera lens popping over a display in the produce section. No one recognized her here. No one noticed her any more than they noticed the next person, though they almost all paused to exchange pleasant greetings with everyone they passed. L.A. grew less and less appetizing every time she came to Tofino.

Wandering down one aisle, Jason stopped and picked up a bottle of chocolate syrup. "Oh, we might need some of this for tonight."

Simone eyed him. "With cherry cheesecake?"

He grinned. "No, for the other dessert."

"Other dessert?"

He winked, giving her a devilish, dimpled smile.

She laughed and rolled her eyes. "You're incorrigible." He pretended to pout as he set the bottle back on the shelf. Putting his arm around her waist, he kissed the side of her neck. "You mean you wouldn't let me cover you in chocolate sauce and lick it off?"

"I thought you liked the way I taste."

"I do." He nuzzled her neck. "But chocolate makes

"Okay, I can't argue with you there." She playfully pulled away from his grasp and kissed him.

His eyes lit up like a little boy on Christmas. "So we can do the—?"

"No chocolate syrup."

"Damn." He paused, pretending to be deep in thought. "Whipped cream?" She rolled her eyes again. "No whipped cream."

"You're no fun."

"That's not what you said this afternoon."

"Or this morning, for that matter."

"Or last night."

They continued down the aisle. After a moment, he said, "You know, I've heard that honey—"


A few minutes later, "What about—?"


They exchanged a quick look and both of them laughed. As much as she tried to convince herself Jason was just a booty call, even the time they spent out of bed was fun. Of course it was just flirtation that would ultimately lead them back into bed, but it was enjoyable in its own right, too. Booty call or not, he was fun.

As they approached the cashier, the busty blonde checkout girl set a magazine down and slid it under the tabletop. Simone pretended not to notice that the girl had been reading a tabloid. A nervous shudder rippled down her spine.

"Hey Jason," the girl said, her voice so perky it was almost shrill.

"Hey Mary," Jason said in a tone that suggested he was being much friendlier than he really cared to be.

Mary gave Jason a flirty smile, then her gaze darted to Simone, and her expression darkened slightly. The temperature in the room seemed to drop a few degrees as the two women exchanged looks. Simone just gave her a polite smile and turned her attention back to Jason.

"I haven't seen you around here," Mary said to Simone. Jason looked up from sifting through his wallet for his bank card. "Oh, that's right, you two haven't met," he said. "Allyson, this is Mary. Mary, Allyson." They exchanged half-hearted "pleased to meet yous". Obviously
had a crush on Jason, and the jealousy was palpable in the air. Simone resisted the urge to put an arm around Jason's waist or kiss him on the cheek. She wasn't going to play territorial games. Jason was not her boyfriend. He was not hers, and for all she knew, Jason and Mary had a thing going as well. That thought immediately sent prickles of jealousy through her.

What is wrong with you? He's a single man. You're a booty call. Deal with it
. She gritted her teeth and tried to stay pleasant.

"So how long have you been in Tofino?" Mary asked Simone with a smile that was obviously forced.

Simone gave a casual shrug. "I come and go."

Jason snorted with laughter, a boyish grin curling his lip. Simone rolled her eyes and playfully backhanded his arm. He gave her an innocent look. "What?"

"I can't take you anywhere," she said. When her gaze shifted to Mary, her humor evaporated and the air got even colder. Though the checkout girl's face still wore a smile, her eyes betrayed her irritation.

"Huh." Mary sharply swiped a can of vegetables across the scanner. "You look really familiar, though." Her eyebrow lifted slightly, a gesture that reminded Simone of Carolyn. "

Simone's gaze darted toward the shelf where Mary had stashed her tabloid. She looked up again before the girl noticed, and smiled in spite of the unsettled feeling in her gut.

"I've been here a few times," she said. "You must have seen me around."

"I could swear I recognize you from somewhere else, though." This time her eyes shifted to the corner of the magazine that stuck out under the tabletop, and Simone's blood turned to ice.

Jason put his arm around Simone's waist and slid his hand into her back pocket, tugging her close enough to kiss her gently on the cheek, evidently oblivious to the chill between the two women. "Well, she's been coming up here for a while, so you've probably seen her around." He chuckled. "Whenever we've actually gotten into town anyway."

"Jason!" Simone said, elbowing him playfully.

"What?" Jason said, laughing. Mary handed him his receipt, and when they made eye contact, his smile fell a little. He glanced at Simone. "Well, we'd better get going." To Mary, he said, "Good to see you."

"Good to see you, Jason," she said, her voice returning to its flirty, shrill tone.

"Nice to meet you," Simone said as she and Jason started out. The girl muttered something under her breath. Outside, Simone said, "Someone has a bit of a crush on you, Mr. Connor."

He rolled his eyes and groaned. "Tell me about it."

"Not your type?"

He glared at her. "I prefer my women a little bit closer to my age, and a little bit less . . . ." He glanced over his shoulder. "Just a little bit less

"I see what you mean. Have you ever—?"


Simone laughed. "Could've fooled me with how territorial she is." He raised his eyebrows. "How do you figure?"

As Jason unlocked the Jeep, Simone said, "Jesus, Jason, every time she looked at me, the room got colder."

"I didn't notice." He paused. "Well, I take that back, I did. Eh, she's harmless."
Unless she figures out who I am. Then she could cause some problems
. Simone swallowed. "Well, she's

Jason put the last of the bags into the Jeep and rolled his eyes. "She's not a stalker."

"Isn't she?"

"No. She's harmless."

Simone pointed over his shoulder. "Then why is she following you?" Jason's eyes widened and he turned to find the parking lot behind them empty. Simone barely suppressed a giggle, and he gave her a playful glare. "Wicked woman."

"I thought you liked that about me."

He slipped his arm around her waist and kissed her. "I do. I wouldn't want you any other way." As they got into the Jeep, Jason paused, cocking his head. "You know, I was just thinking about what Mary said in there."

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