Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Cowboy Takes a Wife (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (15 page)

“It’s the shade of pink, and I have auburn hair.”

“There’s the music, our cue. You first, Janice.” Janice nodded and walked out of the tent.

Samantha took a deep breath and stepped onto the wood path. She smiled at Gramps when he walked up to her. “You look very handsome, Gramps.”

“I had to put on my best suit to give my best girl to
. It’s hard to let you go, but time. I can’t wait for all those great-grandbabies.”

“Gramps. Give us time. Don’t rush us.” She kissed his cheek then turned to look at the beautiful scene set out before her. All along the walkway, flowers attached to soft chiffon had been placed at the end of each aisle of chairs. Janice had just arrived at the front where the minister, Jackson, and his father waited.

A breeze rippled through the canopy of trees making a lovely rustling sound. The timing was perfect. As Samantha took her first step, the sun popped up from the horizon flooding the area in light. She heard the murmur amongst her guests of family and close friends. She knew her strapless, cream-colored silk organza gown must be glowing as she’d hoped, especially her beaded satin belt.

She looked at
. His smile warmed her heart. She never remembered those last few steps to his side. She did remember Gramps putting her hand in
’s and the glint in
’s eyes as he looked at her.

He spoke his vows clearly, his voice amplified by the arrangement of the trees, like a cathedral. The sweet smell of pine scented the air, and the sound from the waterfall was fitting music to complement the ceremony just as Samantha had visualized her wedding over the years.

The minister had just turned to her and she’d begun to say her vows when a strident voice spoke from the back.

“You slut. You’ve taken everything from me. You slept with him and encouraged him to not give me the position I deserved. The one I worked for.” Lunette, looking distraught, held a gun pointed at Samantha’s heart. Hate filled her eyes, tears ran down her face, and her appearance, usually so immaculate, was just the opposite. “I will take you from him. Just as he has taken all I wanted from me.” Her hand shook, but she kept the gun aimed right at Samantha.

Shocked, the guests stared from Lunette to Samantha. Several of the men muttered and glanced at each other.
stepped in front of Samantha.

“Put the gun down, Lunette. You’ll have to shoot me first to get to Samantha. Let’s talk. I understand—”

“You don’t understand anything. I’ve loved you for three years. I worked hard to get your attention. While you dated stupid society women, I helped build your business. Move! Or I’ll shoot you both.”

Sunshine chose that moment to jump from the guest holding her and run, barking, at Lunette.

In the confusion, Drake had time to step close behind Lunette. He put his gun against her back. “Drop your gun, now.” Drake’s calm, cool voice warned Lunette.

She stepped forward. “I’ll shoot them before you can shoot me,” Lunette said. Her finger moved against the trigger.
grabbed Samantha and pushed her down, rolling so she landed on him and not the hard ground. A gunshot and then another rang out in the stunned silence.

“Are you two all right?” Samantha heard Drake call out.

sat up with Samantha in his arms. He looked at her face. “Are you?”

She nodded, unable to speak.

“Is she dead?”

“No. You know I’m a better shot than that. She’ll live to go to trial.”

Samantha saw Drake help Lunette sit up. Blood ran down her shoulder, and her face was pale. Drake punched in numbers on his phone, probably calling the police. The guests had stood, all talking at once. Sunshine ran in circles, barking. Samantha felt both sorrow for Lunette and anger.

took charge. “The police will be here shortly. Afterwards, we’ll finish our ceremony because I definitely am going to be married before we leave here.” The guests gave a nervous laugh. “And after the ceremony, we’ll have Maria’s wonderful breakfast,” he added, after the guests had settled back into their chairs.

Janice helped straighten Samantha’s gown and whispered in her ear. “How do you think Drake just happened to have a gun tucked into his waistband? The man’s resourceful and dangerous, like I thought from the first.”

had walked to where Drake had moved Lunette. Samantha saw them step briefly to the side and talk. Then
shook Drake’s hand. When
returned to the front, his father spoke up.

“Did he suspect trouble, or does he always carry that gun?”

“I just asked him. He said he had a bad feeling about her. Something she said to him at the barbecue, and he was there when I told her about my choice for CEO. Drake apparently decided to be on the safe side and come armed. He knew if he said anything to me, I’d have told him not to worry, that Lunette would never harm us.”
’s face paled. “And I’d have been very wrong.” He stared into Samantha’s eyes. “Believe me, I’ll never take a chance again with your life. The least suspicion, and I’ll be prepared.”

The sheriff and his deputy arrived surprisingly fast. He quickly took charge. An ambulance had followed him out. The deputy went with Lunette to the hospital. After talking with Jackson and Drake, the sheriff left with the understanding that Drake would stop by for more questioning and to sign the typed report of what he said happened today. As soon as the sheriff left, the minister took up the service from where they left off.

“I now pronounce you man and wife,” the minister said. He added, “You may kiss the bride.”

pulled Samantha close against him and, leaning down, kissed her. “I’ll do a better job of this later,” he whispered in her ear. They turned as their guests clapped their hands.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we’ll meet back at the Riley ranch for that wonderful breakfast I promised,”
said. They stood together receiving congratulations as the people began to disperse. Some went to their trucks. Others had ridden their horses.

Samantha and Janice headed back to the tent where Samantha changed into a flowered sundress and sandals. She added a large sun hat decorated with a pink ribbon. When she came out, Jackson and Drake stood nearby.

“You two go on ahead,” Drake said. “I’ll wait for Janice and bring her with me.”

said. He wrapped his arm around Samantha’s waist. “I’d like a few minutes alone with my girl.”
led her to his black truck.

“I don’t think Janice will be happy. She doesn’t like Drake, or at least she says she doesn’t.”

“That’s too bad. Drake wants her, and he usually gets what he wants.”

“He might be surprised. Janice isn’t your usual woman. She’s not going to make it easy for him.”

“I think that is part of her attraction. Now forget them.”
swung her around against the truck door and then leaned lightly against her. “I can’t wait to have you alone tonight. We’ll leave here right after breakfast in Drake’s jet and will be all alone for one week.” He took a nip at her earlobe.

“Still not going to tell me where we’re going?”

“Nope. You’ll see soon enough.” He helped her get into the truck. “Let’s go get this over with so we can leave.”

The guests were drinking mimosas and talking amongst themselves when Samantha and Jackson arrived. Maria and her helpers soon had them all sitting at a long table set up on the porch. The roof shaded them, and a soft breeze cooled the air. Conversation flowed easily. Samantha glanced around at Gramps,
’s parents, and their closest friends. Except for Lunette’s interruption, this had been exactly the wedding she’d wanted.

asked. He reached for her hand and squeezed it.

“Very. And if I drink one more of these, I’ll be looped and even happier.” She giggled.

“Enjoy. You can sleep on the plane. You won’t get much tonight,” he said and wiggled his eyebrows.

This was a beautiful moment in her life where all the pieces came together. She wished there was some way to freeze time. Samantha shivered. The thought brought back the memory of her last day with her parents. They’d gone to the beach and had cooked hot dogs over the fire as the sun went down. She remembered wishing everyday could be like that. Her father had taught her to ride the waves that day. After stuffing herself full, she’d lain back in her mother’s lap, and Mama had gently caressed her forehead and hair.

Remembering her parents made her think about how horrible today could have been if Lunette hadn’t been stopped. Her old fear of loss started to crowd out her happier feelings. She blinked her eyes.

“Samantha, are you all right?”

“What?” Samantha jerked herself back to the present.

“Your grandfather asked you a question, but you kept staring out in space,”
said. He had a worried look on his face.

“Sorry. You caught me daydreaming.” She looked down the table at Gramps and saw in his face that he suspected who she’d been thinking about.

Gramps smiled. “It wasn’t important. Isn’t it about time for you two to leave? You have a long way to go.”

“That it is, Sir.”
took Samantha’s hand and led her around the table to tell each person good-bye. His parents kissed and hugged her.

“We’re so pleased. Have a wonderful time. We’ll see you when you get back,” his mother said.

Last was Gramps. “I miss you already,” Samantha said, low enough so only he heard.

“I’m sure
will keep you busy. But, I’ll be looking for you both in a week.”

As they headed out, Janice ran up and gave her another hug. “Be happy.”

“I will. I’ll call when we get back from wherever.
won’t tell me our destination.”

swept her into his arms and put her in his comfortable car. “We’re off.” He waved to the crowd, who threw birdseed at them as they drove away.

The jet had been rolled out and the engines warmed up. The pilots and one stewardess greeted them. In minutes they were in the air. When the “fasten your seat belt” light went off,
took her hand. “Come. I’ll show you the back of the plane.”

They passed an office on the right side of the hallway, a small bath, and then
opened the door at the end.


Samantha’s feet sank into thick, dark green carpet. A large dark wood bed, with a comforter that matched the carpet and drapes, sat to the right of the door. Across from the foot of the bed was another door.

“Want to see the bathroom?”
led her into a large bath of white marble. All the fixtures gleamed.

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. A wicked gleam shone in his eyes. “We have a long flight ahead. Want to join the mile-high club?”

* * * *

woke Samantha just in time for her to dress and join him up front in a seat. They fastened their seat belts as the jet began its descent. Samantha leaned across
to look out the window.

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