Can't Help Falling In Love (22 page)


Chapter Eleven

up at him like that, her smile caught between a dare and desire, Randa was impossible
to resist. Tony slid his hands over her hips and down her thighs to pick her up. Randa
locked her legs around his waist and squealed. “A piggy back ride? That’s my reward?”

Tony laughed. “I think it’s a piggy front ride at this point.” He shifted his grip
and squeezed her butt with both hands. They both gasped as Randa shifted closer, tighter
against him. “And this may be my reward.”

He took two steps toward the bedroom and Randa whispered, “God, Tony, put me down.
If you break your back being all macho, I’ll have to kill you before I die of unrequited

“Skinny girl like you? I can handle it.” Randa’s laugh was husky and he felt it all
the way to his toes. His need was almost explosive at this point. He wanted to slow
down, but that was impossible.

“I’m starting to think you know exactly what I like to hear.” She sighed. “You wouldn’t
use that against me, would you?”

Tony cleared the doorway to his small bedroom and did his best not to drop her. He
had to think for a second to understand just exactly what was going on in his brain.
He was happy. Not content. So happy he wanted to laugh and punch his fist in the air
like a lovesick asshole. Instead of celebrating like he’d just scored the winning
touchdown, he squeezed her butt again and locked eyes with her. He shook his head
very slowly. “C’mon, you know me. Serious Tony. Would I do that?”

Randa’s laugh was low as she reached for the first button on his shirt. “Every chance
you get maybe.”

Tony nodded and bent one knee against the edge of the mattress before he leaned over
to drop her on top of his neatly made bed. “I find something that works, I stick with

Randa rolled her head on his pillow. The golden spread of her hair on the plain white
cotton pillowcase made him desperate to touch it. He knelt over her and threaded his
fingers through her hair while he watched her face. It slipped across his fingers
like silk. He wanted her over him, her hair a curtain that hid them from the world
while she rode him to paradise. The pretty pink blush was back but her eyes were hot.
She wet her lips. “Maybe we should see what else works.”

Tony had to remind himself to keep breathing as she unbuttoned his Hawaiian shirt.
More than once. He concentrated his attention on her slow progress. And when she trailed
her hand down his chest in a hot, fast sweep to fiddle with the button of his khakis,
Tony was afraid for the first time. Afraid he was going to mess this up big time,
lose control and rush something that should be savored. He eased back and looked down
at his clenched fists propped on his thighs while he counted and tried to even out
his breathing.

“What’s the matter?” Randa leaned up on her elbows and Tony could see the doubt creeping
into her face. “Did you change your mind?”

He shook his head as he gave himself the mental pep talk of a lifetime. Then he straightened
his shoulders and said, “Nope, just catching my breath.”

Randa tried to smile. She watched her finger trace the edge of his tattoo and then
looked at him. “Take off the shirt.” She shrugged a shoulder. “Please.”

Tony laughed and shook his head. “I think it’s okay to drop ‘please’ in bed, Miz Whitmore.”
He shrugged out of the shirt and tossed it on the floor.

He was happy to see her smile slip as she watched the muscles in his chest move. She
sounded a little far away when she said, “Wouldn’t want you to think I’m some kind
of diva.”

Tony said, “If you’re going to be a diva, let’s try it here.” At this point, he’d
be happy to meet every demand she made. Her hands were warm as she rubbed the muscles
in his abdomen and across his chest. When she ran a thumb down the center of his abdomen
to slide under the waist of his pants, he sucked in a deep breath and she smiled.

“Whatever you do, it looks good on you, Tony.” Randa sighed.

“It’s called killing yourself on a treadmill so maybe you can get some sleep.”

Randa said, “I’m sorry then…” Her words trailed off like she couldn’t figure
out how to say how awful it was without saying it was awful. On her face, he could
see concern, like she wanted to hug him and hear his problems. He’d never had a connection
like that. He wanted it, but he could almost hear the ticking of their limited time

He leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. This close to her, he could smell
shampoo and detergent and something floral that fit her perfectly. Her lips parted
under his and he eased his way in, his tongue dancing easily with hers. She was sweet
and hot and every sigh turned his lust up a notch. When her fingers teased the hair
on his chest, every muscle in his damn body tightened in response. And he was gasping
for air.

Randa wrapped her arms around him to pull him closer, to press his chest against hers,
and then slid her hands down his back to the waist of his pants again. He leaned back
to catch his breath and she whispered, “Hot. Hard. You feel so good against me.”

“Naked’s better.” He leaned back, grabbed the edge of her Elvis T-shirt and pulled
it up and over her head. Randa laughed and tried to smooth the mess of her long hair
back down. Tony did his best to memorize the sight of her stretched out on the plain
navy comforter and white pillow wearing only her bra, a black lace piece that framed
her breasts perfectly. He’d guessed lingerie model when she strutted in. Maybe she
was no professional but she made lingerie look damn good. He had an idea naked would
be out of this world.

She stopped laughing when he reached under her to unfasten her bra. Tony slid the
straps down her arms and held the bra in both hands for a second before he tossed
it on the floor. Randa kneaded the muscles of his thighs as she watched him. She twitched
under him and the small movement caused her breasts to shift. She had smooth pale
skin, rosy nipples, and he could hear her breathing roughen. Maybe she was nervous.
She should be. He probably looked like he wanted to eat her up right now.

She shifted against him again and when he took one nipple in his mouth, her fingers
dug into his thighs. She moaned when he eased back to watch her nipple harden further
in the cool room. He turned his attention to the other breast and did his best to
ignore his aching erection.

Until she started to fumble restlessly with the button of his pants and he couldn’t
ignore it any more.

He didn’t want any air or space between them.

She grumbled when he eased back and stood beside the bed. He toed off his shoes and
socks while he enjoyed the way she moved restlessly on the bed, her eyes locked on
his hands. As soon as the pants came off, it would all be over. He’d be on her, in
her. This was his last chance to make sure she was with him. He wanted to take his
time here. No matter what happened between them, he knew she was special. This first
time was special. He’d never forget it. He propped his hand on his hips and said,
“Unbutton those jeans.”

to ask him to repeat what he’d said. She couldn’t hear so well over the blood pounding
in her ears, her ragged breathing, or the voice inside her head that was chanting,
“Take it off. Take it off. Take it off.”

He’d said something to her. Maybe it involved nakedness. She certainly hoped so. She
kicked off her flip-flops one at a time and then did her best to wiggle out of the
jeans until Tony, in one smooth movement, pulled her jeans and panties off. Then he
stood next to the bed, his eyes locked on her. He didn’t need seduction. Or maybe
she was enough seduction on her own. And that was even better.

She bit her lip as Tony looked up. His face was serious, a little grim, and she could
see the muscle twitching in his jaw. She rose up on her knees and reached for the
button on his khakis. He let out a long, drawn-out breath and watched her hands closely.

Determined to be flirty, sexy Randa instead of insecure, needy Randa—who she usually
beat into submission—she smoothly shoved his pants down.

“Oh, now I know. Boxer briefs.” Tony didn’t look up to acknowledge her teasing so
she decided maybe the time for that was over. Besides, one look at the man in soft
knit underwear told her this was about to get very serious. And fast from the look
of things.

She slid her hands inside the waistband over his hips and savored the feel of warm
skin and hard muscles before pulling them down his legs.

And she was speechless. Honestly. There was no word or combination of words that would
do justice to the sight of Tony Ortega naked. His skin was golden, dark curls trickled
down his chest, pointing the way to a really impressive erection. Randa wanted to
touch him everywhere, all at once, but Tony cursed and turned away.

She wanted to ask what or why or where or maybe how, but he made an equally impressive
picture walking away. She could see the muscles shifting in his back and his butt
was a masterpiece.

She’d never really understood fascination with a man’s butt.

Now she got it. And she’d never forget it.

He walked into the tiny bathroom, yanked open a drawer, grabbed a box, and then he
was on her, his legs tangled with hers, his chest hot and hard against her breasts,
and his mouth invading hers. This kiss wasn’t sweet or gentle. It was all-out mastery
of her mouth: his tongue thrusting against hers, while one hand wrapped around the
nape of her neck to hold her where he needed her and the other swept down her arm.
His touch raised goose bumps and her nipples ached for his attention. His control
was slipping and she loved it.

When he cupped her breast, she pressed against him. He pulled back and they both gasped
for air.

Randa ached for him. She rubbed against his hard thigh and tried to put the words
together, but he was either reading her mind or he needed her too. Tony leaned back
to watch as his hand tickled a path over the soft curve of her sensitive stomach.
Under normal circumstances, his face was hard to read, but now he was an open book.
She could see lust in the grim set of his mouth and tenderness in his warm, dark eyes.
He made her feel special. This might even be what love felt like.

Afraid she’d lose her mind, Randa wanted to beg him to hurry, but Tony took his time.
He traced the sensitive bend of her leg and teased the curls between her thighs before
he ran a single finger through the wetness gathering there.

Randa shifted her hips closer, anxious to keep him there and for more. Tony’s eyes
were hot as his gaze traveled up from the spot where his finger tormented her over
her stomach and breasts to her face, which had to be bright red. She was burning up
in the best way, and the look on his face said he was right there with her.

As Tony cupped her and his finger thrust, building the friction and her need, Randa
clutched at him, her fingers hard on his arm, his thigh. “God, Tony, what are you
waiting for?”

She was happy to see his lips curl in a small smile but she was even happier to see
him reach for the box of condoms. Randa watched him open a condom and roll it on,
glad he’d remembered.

Then she ran her hand down his abdomen to take a hold of him. Determined to push him
over the edge of clear and rational to out of control, she slid her hand up and down
twice before Tony grabbed her hand and pulled it up over her head to rest on the pillow.
Then he pushed inside her so slowly that Randa wanted to beg him for more.

When Tony finally rested against her, she wrapped her hands around him and did her
best to memorize how he felt, the way his muscles trembled with restraint, the crisp
hair on his thighs tickling her skin as she wrapped her legs more tightly around him.
If she’d liked Tony before and trusted him, now she felt close to him, cared for.
She could feel the power of his body, all focused on pleasing her. He had no idea
how amazing he was. Tears stung her eyes as she wished this was just the first night
of a lifetime.

His retreat was just as slow, just as steady, and he leaned back so they could both
see their connection. Randa stretched under his hot gaze and his hips jerked against
hers. The look in his eyes was serious, hot. Randa tilted her head back, shoved her
hips harder against him, and Tony lost control. He covered her again, his hips shoving
in hard jerks against hers, each thrust harder, quicker, harder to resist.

Randa wrapped her arms around him and pulled him closer. She needed him like this,
needed to know he was desperate for her. He bent his head and whispered the words
he’d never say under normal circumstances into her ear, sex words, curse words, all
mixed up with how perfect she was, how hot.

“God, Tony, I’m going to…” Her words ended in a breathless gasp as her orgasm
hit. Tony thrust two, three more times and then his whole body tightened. With a strangled
groan, he collapsed against her, his head on her collarbone, his uneven breaths sending
hot and then cold streaks over her.

She was sweaty, bedhead didn’t even begin to cover the mess of her hair, her lipstick
was long gone, but Randa had never felt better. Or more beautiful.

She rubbed her hands up and down Tony’s back and enjoyed the feeling of his muscles
softening against her. When he rested against her like this, she felt powerful, protective.
She wondered if anyone had ever protected Tony. He’d say he didn’t need it, but she
wanted to be the person he could count on. She ran her hands over his slick skin and
did her best to tell him without words what he meant to her.

When Tony stirred against her, she tightened her arms. “Don’t go. This is perfect.”

He leaned back to see her face and shifted inside her. They both gasped and Tony shook
his head. “You’re perfect, Randa Whitmore.” He pressed a hard kiss against her swollen
lips and then eased away from her. Randa managed to rouse herself enough to roll her
head on the pillow to watch him cross the bedroom again. He stopped in the bathroom
then turned out all the lights and tugged the bed covers out from under her. He slid
into bed next to her and said, “Do you have to go somewhere? Be somewhere?”

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