Capello Brothers 3 Train My Heart (2 page)

Read Capello Brothers 3 Train My Heart Online

Authors: J'aimee Brooker

Tags: #venice italy, #italy, #verona italy

Imogen’s eyes
locked with his; how could he make something as simple as a sponge
bath be so damned seductive? His eyes met hers and she felt herself
surrender to his intensity, could feel his energy drawing her in
and holding her pinned to his every word, touch, and movement.

Romance and sex
was always great with Luca—his confident and assured approach had
made her feel comfortable with him almost instantly. Even their
first time together, she’d felt his intensity and allowed herself
to be drawn into it. But tonight was different, the intensity was
there but the way he was touching her, holding her, caring for
her—it was overwhelming.

“Im, you ok?”
he spoke gently, “are you in pain?”

“No… yes…” she
stammered, before blushing and hiding her face from his.

“Oooh… you’re
blushing again Im… Care to tell me what you’re thinking about” he
teased, reaching around to unclasp her bra without so much as
breaking eye contact.

“No” she
replied shyly.

“Hmmm… that
hardly seems fair” he said, moving his eye contact to stare at her
mouth, before licking his lips and looking back at her.

“It’s just…
you… you’re different tonight” she replied, her eyes again falling
from his.

how?” he asked hesitantly, before standing upright and pulling off
his shirt and shorts swiftly.

His muscled and
defined body left her speechless, his length already aroused and
widening as he stood and reached for her, lifting her into the
corner of the bath with her back up against the walls and lifting
her injured foot to rest on a towel on one side, effectively baring
her open to him.

Stepping into
the bath, he knelt before her before wetting the flannel and
coating it with the body wash. Starting from the toes of her
unaffected foot, he slowly made his way north to the tops of her
thighs, gently brushing his fingers across her mound before he
began to wash the next leg.

The wet cloth
hit her stomach next, his fingers moving slowly and purposely
around her waist and around to her back. Dipping the cloth again in
the bath water, he slid her body forward, resting her heavy chest
against his shoulders as he continued to slide the cloth up and
down her back, shoulders and neck eventually feeling her tensions
subside as she relaxed her body weight on to him.

Setting her up
against the walls again, she looked heavenly. Relaxed and with
heavy eyelids, she met his eye contact just as he slid the cloth
across her breasts capturing one nipple in his mouth, the other in
his hand. He watched as her eyes closed involuntarily and she
moaned with pleasure. Dropping the cloth, he took her mouth in his
and she parted her lips instantly giving his tongue access to her.
As she ran her hands through his thick black hair, he slid his
thumb across her throbbing clit pressing and moving slowly,
greedily claiming her moan.

Imogen rocked
slowly against his thumb, moving only to give his fingers better
access to her heat, which he took, sliding his fingers into her

Breaking away
from the kiss, Luca settled himself between her legs running his
tongue over each lip before capturing his clit in his mouth. Her
moans filled the room, amplified and echoing off the tiled
surrounds; providing the perfect soundtrack for the evening.

“Luca, please…”
were the only words he heard as he stood and lifted her from the
bath and stood her steadily on the floor, leaning her against the
wall, taking her injured leg in hand, resting it gently around his
waist. Holding her open, he slowly rubbed his cock at her entrance
before entering her inch by inch. It’d taken the best part of the
last couple months and a damn lot of practice for Imogen to be able
to relax enough to take his entire length, yet tonight she was
pleading for more. Greedily accepting each offering, and arching
her back to take more. Finally nestled firmly inside her, Luca drew
her face into his and whispered, “God, Im, I’m falling hard for

“Me too” she
whispered before slowly rocking her hips against Luca’s length.

He took her
queue and started drawing back from her heat before pounding in
again, establishing a rhythm that had them both at the brink of
climax within minutes.

When she could
take no more, Imogen breathed into his ear, “Come with me Luca,
now”. He felt her climax as her heat spasmed around him and he came
quickly with the intensity of her orgasm.



The news was as bad as Luca had expected. He’d
taken Imogen to see his mate and fellow physio Anthony Purse, who’d
agreed the ligament was torn and had given Imogen crutches for the
first week or two and advised her against physical exercise for 4-6
weeks before starting physio thereafter.

She’d been
devastated but waited until they’d reached Luca’s Jeep to burst
into tears. He’d quickly picked her up and lifted her into the
vehicle, before she grabbed on to him and sobbed.

“Hey, look on
the bright side” he offered, “take this time to finish writing your
book. Let your body heal, this ankle has been playing up for ages
now, it’s clearly time to let it rest.”

“Yeah, maybe”
she sniffled. “I’m just so sick of work, putting up with Bill and
his stifling moods and demands. Boxing was my only outlet for
getting rid of all the pent-up frustration…” she trailed off.

Since finishing
university with a degree in history and literature, Imogen had been
determined to work in the university library as head librarian.
Over the past three years she had steadily worked her way into the
top job and unintentionally into the heart of her supervisor, Bill

Bill, an older
man in his mid-forties, had eventually confessed his feelings to
Imogen a week after she started dated Luca and when she refused his
advances, the atmosphere at work had become strained with Bill’s
attitude toward Imogen growing nasty and condescending.

Luca knew what
was happening and more than once offered to go and sort the problem
out, but Imogen had always refused and remained steadfast that
she’d deal with the problem. When Luca suggested they try boxing as
part of her fitness regime she’d been reluctant at first, but he’d
preserved in getting her to try it because he knew it’d help her
release her tensions and he also felt comfort in knowing that she
could look after herself should she need to.

They’d been
driving in silence for some time before Imogen spoke again. “Luca,
I’ve been working on my book you know?”

He shook his
head, he felt embarrassed that he hadn’t realised.

“It’s almost
finished” she said softly, “I was wondering if you’d read it

“Are you
kidding, of course I will” Luca replied, glancing away from the
road in time to see her eyes light up for the first time since
leaving Anthony's office.

“There’s a
national writing competition that closes in a few weeks, I figured
I wouldn’t have time to finish the book and enter it, but if I’m
non weight-bearing for the next week, maybe…”

“If I have to
tie you to the bed and wait on you hand and foot until it’s
finished I will. Submit the story Im, seriously what’ve you got to


“Well, nothing.
The prize is a $200,000 advance and a two-book deal with Tempting
Fate Publishing House. I doubt I’d win it, but the consolation
prizes are good too”.

“Give it a go,
Im. Seriously, you write beautifully and you’re passionate about
your writing. That’s a winning combination.” Luca offered




Pulling up at
his house, Luca walked around and lifted Imogen from the Jeep and
carried her up to the house.

“I can walk
with the crutches you know Luca” she laughed.

“I know, but I
can look after you, can’t I?” he replied, before tucking her head
under his chin and opening the door, he heard her murmur against
his chest before carrying her up to his bedroom and settling her on
his bed.

“So, do I get
the full bedside manner treatment Luca?” Imogen giggled playfully
prompting Luca to crawl into the bed beside her and wrap his arms
around her.

“Seriously, Im,
send in your story. I’ll do whatever I can to help, though I don’t
know if there's that much I can do".

“Oh, I dunno
Luca, there’s a sex scene I’ve been trying to write, maybe you can
give me some inspiration—“ she started, before Luca rolled her over
and wedged himself between her thighs.

“Now, that I
can help with—“ he replied, before taking her mouth in his.





“Im, come on… get your ass down here if you want a
lift to work. We’re already late” Luca called, but got no

Seriously. We’re late, and we’re never late; what’s going on?” Luca
huffed, clearing the hallway in a matter of a few paces.

Swinging open
the door to the spare bedroom that now housed a home office for
Imogen, she hit the mouse one final time before spinning in her
chair and flashing him a heart stopping smile.

“Im—should I be
worried… that smile smacks of something naughty” Luca smiled,
softening and forgetting about everything other than Imogen;
something that was happening more and more often.

“I just hit
send” she smiled proudly.

“On your
manuscript?” he asked, walking behind her and rubbing her shoulders

“Yep, the
competition closes on Friday so I’m a few days early. I still can’t
believe I finished it” she sighed, throwing her head backwards in
exhaustion and relief.

“When are the
winners announced?” Luca asked before popping a kiss on her
forehead and spinning her around in her chair to face him.

“Well, not that
I’m expecting a call, but finalists are announced in two weeks then
there’s a gala dinner to announce the winner a week later. It’s a
long shot Luca but—“

“Not for you,
Im, the book is amazing. You’ll get the call, I know you will” Luca
replied encouragingly, “Now, let’s go—I need to get you to work.
Last thing you need is Bill ranting over you being late”.

“Ok, ok”,
Imogen replied begrudgingly, “if I win this competition, you know
I’m going to walk of that library and never go back… I can just go
travelling and write instead”.

“You’ve got
options Im” Luca offered, steadying Imogen on her feet and passing
her her handbag, “Come work for me, run the business side of the
gym then you don’t need to go back there at all”.

“I can’t do
that Luca, I can’t depend on you for everything” she said,
shuffling through her handbag in search of her notepad.

“And why not?
You know I’ll look after you. Besides I desperately need the help.
Let’s talk in the car” he said, but Imogen had already tuned out,
rifling through stacks of papers and book frantically searching for

“Looking for
this Im”, Luca asked, holding out her tattered old notepad that
housed all her book ideas and notes.

“God, yes!” she
replied, relieved to have the notepad in her hands. “I thought I’d
lost it. I’ve had it for so long now; it’s got years worth of ideas
in it... And, I’ve even had a chance to document all the
inspiration for my sex scenes that you’ve so kindly given me—“ she
replied, sashaying over and planting a heated kiss on Luca’s

“Car, Im. Now.”
Luca growled, “or I’ll take you here on the desk”.

“Hmm… well, I
should at least make getting into trouble at work worth it” she
replied, reaching for Luca’s belt buckle before sinking to her
knees and taking Luca’s length between her plush red lips.

“Jeez, Im,
you’re gorgeous on your knees” Luca growled, “Tell me, is this
going in your notepad?”.

Mouth already
filled to capacity, all Imogen could do was wink and nod.

Christ, I love
this woman Luca thought to himself.



A week later


Luca felt
Imogen’s presence before he saw her.

Surveying the
busy room, he searched the faces to find hers but still couldn’t.
It was only as she started climbing the stairs to his office that
he spotted her for the first time.

Even from afar
he could tell something was wrong. She looked disheveled, and he
could see that she’d been crying.

“Jonno, come
take over for me” Luca called to a nearby trainer before excusing
himself from his client and taking the steps two at a time to get
to Imogen.

through his office door, she’d rolled herself into a ball on the
couch and was crying like there was no tomorrow.

“Im, babe,
what’s wrong” Luca asked, picking her up and settling her onto his
lap. Holding her head close to his chest, Luca sat in silence while
Imogen continue to sob, eventually running out of tears and finally
meeting Luca’s eye contact.

“Luca…” she
whispered, “something happened... Bill… he…” she managed before the
floodgates opened again.

“He, what?”
Luca boomed, louder than he’d meant to. “Im, what did he do? Did he
hurt you?” his heart pounding and his desperation to understand
what had happened growing more intense.

“Imogen. Look
at me, now” he said, spinning her to meet his gaze. “What did he
do, tell me now” he demanded, subconsciously scanning her for
injury in an attempt to understand what’d happened.

“I’m not hurt…
well, not physically… actually, maybe” she sputtered. “He… he,
found my notepad. Actually he had to break into my locker and go
through my bag to get it” she muttered angrily. “I… I didn’t know
until he called me into his office and locked the door…” she
whispered before dropping her eyes from Luca’s.

“What happened
Im? I need to know” Luca softened, desperate for some understanding
of what had happened, already running through his mind the phone
call to his brothers, Roman and Dominic, to help him sort this
asshole out.

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