Caressed by Night (12 page)

Read Caressed by Night Online

Authors: Amanda J. Greene

Tags: #General Fiction

Kerstyn’s eyes shifted about the shop. She dropped her voice to a whisper, “Are you saying this attraction is natural?”

“Completely.” Silvie’s eyes dilated. “He is your destiny,” she whispered.

Kerstyn waited for Silvie’s vision to finish before asking, “Can you repeat that? Your voice was too low.”

Silvie finished her coffee and stood. She quickly donned her jacket, scarf, and beanie.

“I have to run.” She pulled her phone from her purse. “It’s almost five. I have to stop by the bank before it closes.” Kerstyn’s eyes shot to the grandfather clock taking up space behind them.

“Dimitri’s meeting is almost over. You should go home and meet your fella”

“I didn’t say Dimitri was in a meeting.”


“I know,” Silvie said with a wink. She affectionately patted Kerstyn’s shoulder. “The next couple of weeks are going to be difficult and taxing on your mental state and emotions. If you stay true to who you are, the girl who is known to go with the flow, everything will work out. Have faith in Dimitri and remember what I said. The man in him would never wish harm on anyone, but he does have a darker side.

Dimitri has kept the beast under lock and key for centuries, but there will come a time when his self-control will be tested. I fear that you, Kerstyn, may be his undoing.”


Chapter Eight

Dimitri watched Gabriel as he paced before the roaring fireplace in his study, his shoulders bunching with every step. Fury emitted from him, his eyes dark with hate, his breathing rough.

“Slaves,” Gannon repeated, the word drawing a low growl from Gabriel.

“Are you certain?” Dimitri demanded.

Gannon tightly nodded.

“Would you like a drink, Gabriel? You are more than welcome to my bar,” Dimitri offered.

The agitated vampire said nothing as he headed toward the liquor.

Dimitri turned his gaze back to Gannon and motioned for him to continue with his report.

“Sire, Gabriel and I thought it would be best if we took a look at all of Ven’s properties and businesses before we attacked. We wanted to know which places we should take down first. That’s how we found this building.” Pulling a paper from his leather jacket pocket, Gannon unfolded it, revealing a map of Chicago and a building circled with red ink.

Dimitri’s eyes shifted back to Gabriel, his fingers wrapped around the neck of an open Hennessey bottle.

“It’s common knowledge that Ven claims Chicago. He has set up a compound just outside of the city where he, and most of your Clan, resides. He also owns a warehouse within the city. That’s where he holds the slaves until he can arrange a private sale or an auction.”

“How many would you say are housed there?”

Gannon shrugged. “Our men didn’t have much time to case the place, Ven has roving guards. They estimate anywhere between fifty and a hundred.”


Dimitri sighed and rubbed the nape of his neck, trying to relieve the tension that was building.

Gannon continued, “I assume Boras is also a slave dealer.

According to my research, he and Ven would have nothing else in common, no other reason to work together.”

“I am inclined to agree with you, Gannon. I am not surprised to hear that an outcast would be participating in the slave trade, though.

They have no loyalty to any clan and therefore have no reason to follow the laws set forth by the clan leaders. But what would Ven have to gain? He must know if he is ever caught, the vampire chieftains would hunt him and sentence him to death.”

“Slavery does not exist in the old countries. Dorian Vlakhos and the other leaders would never allow it,” Gannon added.

“Nor will I,” Gabriel snarled, “not on my territory.”

“This is not taking place within your states, Gabriel,” Dimitri said. “Nevada, California, Louisiana, and New York are slave-free.

Naturally, you cannot control what humans do to each other, but no vampire within your territory would ever return to that barbaric custom.”

Gabriel roared, the bottle shattering in his hand, a mixture of glass, alcohol, and blood dripping from his fingers like thick rain.

“From what I have learned, Boras has been leading the slave trade for the past two hundred years while Ven is a newcomer to the game,” Gannon stated.

“His warehouse is the first place we’ll hit. I want it burned to the ground, do you understand me?” Gabriel demanded, his voice hard.

Air hissed sharply between his fangs as he took in deep, heavy breaths.


Gabriel spun around, his black eyes jumping with deadly flames. His rage filled the room, thickening the air like smoke.

“You misunderstand, Gabriel. I do not want Ven’s properties attacked one by one. I want all of his holdings assaulted simultaneously. He has no doubt heard of my appearance in Las Vegas and he has yet to contact you to verify the rumors. Correct?” Gabriel slowly nodded.


“Once everything he owns lays in ruins and covered in ashes, perhaps he will take the rumors of my return more seriously. I trust the two of you can make the necessary arrangements.”

“Everything will be taken care of, guaranteed. Ven will never see it coming,” Gabriel assured him.

Dimitri removed a black envelope from his breast pocket.

“It may interest you to know, Gabriel, that Ven believes the rumors are something you and your people made up in an effort to frighten him and chase him back across the Atlantic.” Dimitri smiled as he fingered the red wax seal on the envelope. “I will allow him to feel safe for a few more days before I raze his world.”

“We should hit him this weekend,” Gannon suggested.

Dimitri nodded in agreement. “I want every business he owns destroyed.” He tossed the envelope to Gabriel, who caught it with his uninjured hand. “This letter should be delivered directly to Muri Redford the day before the attack. He has remained loyal these past four hundred years. Redford will see to the evacuation of my Clan, so that the manor house is empty of my followers before you torch it.”

“What of Ven’s fledglings?”

The ancient vampire shrugged. “If they are willing to pledge their loyalty to me, they may live.”

Gannon did not have to ask what he should do in the event they resisted.

“Ven must keep sales records of the slaves. I want them sent to me immediately. Also, take all the humans to a safe place where they can be guarded and attended. There is no doubt in my mind that there will be some in need of medical attention. In the meantime, I will arrange for someone to be sent to erase their memories.” It was customary for Dimitri to erase the humans’ memories as he had done when slavery was outlawed. But now was not the time for him to travel. He was needed here, in Las Vegas; he would die a true death before he ever left Kerstyn unprotected.

The sound of an engine gliding in to park in the driveway pricked Dimitri’s ears. The front door opened and closed as the sweet scent of rose petals wafted through the air and tickled his nose. His mate was home.

“What about Boras?” Gabriel asked.


“Ven is my main priority. If you want to go after Boras, you have my blessing.”

Gabriel’s nod was slow and stiff. “You’d better rip Ven’s throat out. I’m telling you, Dimitri, if you don’t kill that twisted fuck, I will.”

“I totally entered in the wrong part of this conversation.” Gabriel’s eyes flashed back to their normal, light green, his fangs retracting. The strong presence of rage and loathing that filled the room vanished. He cleared his throat and closed his bloodied fist, trying to hide the gore.

Gannon was stunned by how quickly Gabriel’s demeanor changed. His boss hated humans, but when this woman had walked into the study, he had shoved his beast back in its cage.

Dimitri smiled and crossed the study. Taking up Kerstyn’s hands, he lightly kissed her knuckles and turned back to the men. “We will finish this discussion later.”

The vampires nodded. They could take a hint. Both headed for the door and paused just beside Kerstyn.

“I’m sorry you heard that,” Gabriel said. “We have not yet met, I am Gabriel and this is Gannon.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Kerstyn,” she said before turning to Gannon. “I remember you from the club, though you looked pretty different in your secret agent garb.”

Gannon flashed a quick smile, the tips of his fangs showing.

Gabriel dipped his head in respect, then met Dimitri’s eyes.
I know she
is your mate, but she is still human and humans can’t be trusted.

You know all too well that vampires cannot be trusted either,
Gabriel. I think it is best to judge everyone individually,
Dimitri replied.

“I’ll be seeing you. Kerstyn, it was a pleasure meeting you,” Gabriel said.

Dimitri waited until they had the house to themselves before he spoke, “I apologize. You should not have had to hear that.”

“Is Gabriel okay? Did he hurt his hand?”

“He will be fine. Vampires heal exceedingly well.”

“And amazingly fast,” she added.


Kerstyn could not stop the shiver that danced down her spine as she remembered how Dimitri’s muscles had contorted and shoved the bullets from his torso.

“No vampire heals and recovers as quickly as I do.”

“Because you are some type of super vamp,” she teased, but her smile vanished when he said nothing. Silvie’s words of warning sounded off like an alarm in her head.
The vampire, the beast that lives
inside him, is dangerous and unpredictable. It can’t be trusted.

“Are you hungry?”

Kerstyn sighed in relief, “Good change of subject. Yes, I am hungry. What did you have in mind?”

“I was thinking we could stay in tonight. I had just begun cooking when Gabriel and Gannon arrived.”

“Aren’t you the whole package? A sexy vampire who can cook,” she laughed.

The rich sound settled in his heart and he knew he would never forget it. Closing the space between them, he titled her chin up with his thumb. Her giggles had died, but amusement still sparkled in her deep, sapphire eyes. He could hear her heart begin to pound in anticipation as her blood rushed through her body. The sweet scent of her arousal invaded his lungs and triggered his hunger. His mouth went dry and his throat constricted as his fangs elongated. He craved her blood. A drop was all he wanted, but he knew that once he tasted her he would never be able to stop. His need would consume them both.

Kerstyn inhaled, taking in his spicy, masculine scent. She wrapped her arms about his waist, pressing her body against his, feeling his hard, thick shaft against her belly, and she instantly became ready for him. Looking up, their gazes met, cold diamonds clashing with smoldering sapphire.

His lips curled up at the corners, his sensual smile would forever be embedded in her memory complete with razor-sharp fangs.

He drew his tongue over her bottom lip before laying claim to her mouth. With a pleasurable sigh, she yielded.

Dimitri’s arms circled her, one large hand pressed against her back, crushing her breasts against him while the other gripped her hip holding her tightly against him. Her mouth was so warm, so sweet, and he wanted more, needed more. He rubbed his erection against her and

growled low in his throat when her heart skipped a beat, excitement setting fire to her blood.

He broke their kiss to move his lips over her chin and down her neck. A low growl filled the room as her pulse jumped beneath his mouth. Her blood called to him, beckoned him to taste. He lightly ran his fangs over her flesh and Kerstyn shivered in his arms whispering his name. He brushed his fangs over her sensitive throat again with more pressure.

Realizing his control was slipping, Dimitri pushed her away as his bloodlust roared through his body. The hunger gnawed at his mind and twisted his gut. He spun away, needing the space between them, needing the separation. Ignoring the loud protest of his lust, he took in rough, calming breaths.

“What is it?”

Her voice sent chills down his spine causing him to visibly shake. She took a step forward, reaching out to him, but Dimitri moved further away.

The delicate scent of fear wafted in the air. Dimitri turned back to her, his eyes jumping with predatory delight. Kerstyn forced herself to stay calm as he slowly stalked toward her. His eyes glowed white and his fangs were as long and sharp as daggers. For the first time he looked like a beast, like a true vampire.

Dimitri cupped her face. His touch was deathly cold and Kerstyn swallowed hard. His eyes greedily watched the movement of her throat.

“I had a nice visit with Silvie,” she said, forcing her words to sound smooth.

She would not back away. She would not tremble before him.

She lifted her hands, brushing stray strands of blond hair away from his face.

“She warned you about me.”

Ignoring the unnaturally deep sound of his voice, she nodded.

“She warned me about the vampire.”

His eyes flared brighter, his touch growing colder, stinging her cheeks. “Do you believe I would harm you?”

“You tell me,” she challenged.

The beast answered with a growl that shook the room.


She stepped forward, the tips of her breasts brushing his chest,

“I don’t think you would.”

“Angel, you barely know me,” he hissed.

“True,” she conceded. “I know you are powerful. I know your strength is beyond imagination,” Kerstyn wrapped her fingers around one of his thick wrists and moved his hand down to her hip, her gaze never leaving his, “yet, your touch is gentle.” She ran her free hand down his chest. “And I know you would not hurt me, that you would not take my blood without permission. I know how I feel about you and that is all I need to know.”

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