CarnalPromise (6 page)

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Authors: Elle Amour

And it wasn’t. Not in this moment. Funny how the saying
soothed her.

She studied him. His tense body eased as if a heavy weight
had been lifted off his shoulders. She slipped a hand around his neck and
pulled him closer. “I want you too, Drakkar.”
Right now, more than you know.

She needed someone to love. Someone who she could at least
pretend would love her in return.

“Jinn.” He took her lips again, this time like a coveted
treasure, someone he would cherish for all time. “God’s teeth, I’ve craved for
you, craved this.” His mouth caressed the underside of her chin, his kisses
trailed a path down her neck. Each touch stirred a deeper, hidden part of her.
She sighed slowly, savoring the rising intensity of her desire for him. If this
was what it meant to be bonded, she would treasure the sensation for all time.

As it stood, this single night was one she would relish
always. For who knew what would happen on the morrow? Or if she would find her
uncle only to die?

She swallowed her tears as inside she relegated her demons
into her inner darkness. Although she knew the fiends would raise their ugly
heads again, this night she would make hers. Hers and Drakkar’s alone. To hell
with the rest of it. “Drakkar, I need this about you. Your kindness.”

He studied her. His dark green eyes penetrated her depths.
What did he see? She could only guess.

His breaths grew heavier, caressed her skin. “You will have
it, Beloved. Just give me the chance to prove myself to you.”

A sad smile graced her lips as the thought passed through
her that she would like the same when it came to her warrior skills, yet she
knew he wouldn’t agree. But she didn’t want a discussion tonight. She only
wanted to be loved. She guided his head to hers. “Show me.”

“Yes,” he breathed before his lips possessed hers, claiming
her, taking her.

His body stirred. He held her, ravaged her mouth with sweet
sensuality as he slid her down the bed to lie prone against him.

His hard body called for hers, his penis pulsing against her
leg through the fabric of the pants he’d donned. For once, she released
herself, allowed herself the liberty to love and be loved.

Nothing had ever felt so joyous, so magnificent.

So free.

A breathless moan escaped her lips. Drakkar’s hands slid
down her back to her rear. His lips teased hers as he squeezed her bottom. He
slipped one hand in front of her to roll her on her back then unwrapped her
from the sheet. He chuckled softly. “You know both cheeks of your ass fit in my
hand.” His penis jerked against her.

She giggled, joyful that he seemed to like how she felt. His
reaction proved it.

Lying half on her, he pulled her close again.

“Mmmm.” She liked the feel of him, liked the fact she aroused
him so. He slid a knee between her legs and parted them. His fingers brushed up
her ribs to her breasts. His mouth followed, leaving a trail of heated pecks
and nips in their wake. Encircling one of her fleshy mounds with his hand, he
eased his fingers to her nipple, making the tip peak.

She swallowed and let her ragged breaths escape her as he
wet his lips and touched her areola with his mouth. He lapped the budding top.
With his teeth, he gently tugged on the tip as his tongue circled the nipple. A
cry of pleasure erupted from her. The need to mate surged through her. She ran
her hands through his dark hair, holding him against her. “Drakkar…”

Wetness burgeoned between her legs, like water rushing
through a broken dike. Moistness coated her inner thighs.

“You’re ready for me,” he rasped. The strength and promise
in his voice taunted her. The warmth of his breath caressed her nipple, making
it peak harder. She arched her hips and his hand dropped to her mons, sliding
his fingers through the hair covering it until he reached her clit. He rubbed
the vestige of her sex. “Wet.” He ran a finger against her slick folds and
dipped it inside.

She grasped his arms, clamped onto the rock hard biceps that
were part of the strength of the man—a reminder to her of his ability to do
what he’d said, protect her.

As well as a reminder of his power to prevent her from
completing her personal mission. “No.” She shook her head as she spoke to
herself, needing to banish any thought of something more than this pleasure.

“What is it you want, Beloved?” His exhalation feathered her
skin, heating her flesh where it touched.

She groaned, wishing he hadn’t heard her mumbling. She slid
her hands down his solid pecs and the sculpted abs below to the waistband of
his pants. “You have too many clothes on.” She slipped her fingers inside his
waistband and pulled down the fabric as far as she could, caressing the high
end of his taut butt in the process.

He lifted a corner of his sensual mouth. An erotic gleam
shone in his eyes. “Easily corrected.” Rolling off the bed, he quickly
dispatched the cloth and hastened to rejoin her, yet even as he did so, she
appreciated the view. Drakkar’s back was broad yet it tapered to a narrow
waist. His ass and legs were tough, molded for strength.

She nestled against him as he rejoined her. “You are right,
my Beloved,” she said, her voice thick with sex.

“About?” He circled an arm around her shoulder, drawing her
into him and lifted her chin with the crook of his finger, his green eyes
tentative, as if unsure what she would say next.

She giggled against his palm and kissed it. “When you
claimed me, you said we would at least have handsome children.” She took his
hand in hers and eased his palm along her cheek. “If they look anything like
you, I will be pleased.”

He chuckled with a hint of amazement, as if he couldn’t
believe she accepted him so readily. “I’m glad the sight of my naked ass turns
you on. I was afraid…” He bit his lip and only spoke the concern through his

She released his hand then fingered his lips and placed a
gentle peck on them. “You think I don’t want you?” She exhaled against his
chin. “For once, you couldn’t be more wrong.” She suckled the sensitive spot at
the crook of his neck.

“Then why do you fight me?” He rose on the elbow he’d slid
under her shoulders and rested the other hand aside her head.

She looked at him and cringed at the pain she saw in his
gaze. “Not tonight, Drakkar. Please. I want this evening to be just ours. Not
our issues.”

He swallowed again. She lightly fingered the knot of his
Adam’s apple as his gaze softened. She would remember this about him.

“Jinn, I…”

He paused. She knew he wanted to tell her more but she also
knew he still held his secrets, as she did hers. She smiled and fingered his
full lips. “It’s all right.” She allowed herself a haunting smile. “Tomorrow
I’m sure we will fight.”

His mouth twisted as his lips frowned under her touch. “I
don’t want to fight.” He spoke through her fingertips then captured two of them
with his mouth and sucked.

Her laughter burbled from deep within. She knew what he
meant. “No, you want to fuck.”

He released her fingers. “Damn right.” She’d never seen him
so pleased. Nor so handsome.

Grinning like an imp, she shifted and lifted her arms over
her head to stretch, purposefully arcing her breasts against him, rubbing her
nipples in the hairs of his chest. “Then have me,” she exhaled.

Circling her leg around his to bring him closer, she rubbed
her clit against his steel-like quads, the feel of him sending carnal shivers
throughout her. “God’s teeth, Drakkar, I crave you too.” She reached for her
breasts and toyed with them, reminded of the time he’d found her doing just
that, of the times she’d spent without him.

“Woman,” he gritted out, “do you know what the sight of you
touching yourself does to me?”

“No,” she whispered hoarsely, her eyes heavy-laden with
desire. “Tell me.”

His arms encircled her and grasped her roughly. “It drives
me insane with the need for you.” His kiss possessed her. “I must have you,
Jinn.” He swallowed again. “Always.”

The tip of his penis teased her cunny and wavered against
the hollow of her sex with a will of its own.

“God.” He quivered as his chin dipped down to move her hand
out of the way and take her breast in his mouth.

The erotic movement shot her carnal tension to the breaking
point. “Mmmm-” She arched her hips toward him, taking him into her. He grabbed
her ass as the muscles within her seized his rod, wanting him to complete her.
As he withdrew, he pulled against her. His stronger movement caused her inner
muscles to squeeze even more, clenching his penis tighter. She whimpered as he
left her, wanting the fulfillment again.

His response came quickly. He plunged into her harder, the
friction enveloping her, letting her focus only on this one act, this blissful
refrain as the tempo of his rhythm, of his playing her, increased. “God’s
teeth.” She grasped his shoulders and gyrated her hips against him, timing her
movements with his, letting his body beat against the outside of her flesh,
stoking the nub of her sex as well as her depth. His fingers pressed into her
ass, holding her, controlling her hips, pulling at the flesh to separate her
cheeks, causing pleasant spasms around her anus.

Suddenly, he rolled on his back and pulled her on top of
him. “Pleasure yourself on me,” he croaked seductively. “Let me see you. I’ll
hold back as long as I can.”

Breathless, she studied him through the slits her eyelids
had become. Slowly, she began to move, rotate her hips on his.

“That’s it, Beloved,” he whispered. “Ride me.”

She released an uneven moan and churned her hips faster
against him, kneading her clit against the skin over his pubic bone as she
pulled up and down on his staff. “Mmm.” The erotic heat surged in her and
caused the pitch of her moans to rise higher, grow louder. She couldn’t stop
the sound if she wanted to.

Her body shook from the onslaught of pleasure. Her nerve
endings tingled with heady expectation. Desire moved from carnal need to
hunger. She had to have him, had to experience this intoxicating sense of him,
the completion, the soaring to the sexual peak followed by the mindless fall
into the abyss of ultimate pleasure.

“Yes, Jinn. Feel me, how I need you. How you need me.” He
squeezed her buttocks again, tugged at her cheeks and rimmed a finger over the
entrance to her rear.

“Oh, by the ancestors,” she somehow muttered. Then her
vision went black, her body focused only on their joining and the ultimate
sensation that bonded them. Her loud moan echoed in her ears as she climaxed
and went over the edge. God’s teeth, nothing had ever felt as good as this man.
How could she survive without him?

She collapsed, lying atop him. In moments, other senses swept
into her consciousness—the heat from Drakkar’s body, the thin sheen of sweat on
hers. She nibbled at the salty flesh of his neck, small moans of wonder still
exuding from her. Drakkar quickly rolled her over again and pumped himself into
her. He’d closed his eyes and she watched his face, saw the lines in it deepen
with pleasure. He was a prisoner of his desire for her, his lust for her demanding
to be sated. She relished that. That he would need her so badly.

Then she felt it again. Her sexual hunger rising.

He growled as his fulfillment magnified. The sound only
proved to stir her more. Tremors racked her body again as the speed of his
penetration hastened. Her rough moans grew louder. She wanted this, hungered
for it like an Androsian drug. Before the climax took her again, she knew she
was as much a captive to this joint need of theirs as he was. Letting all
thought go, she peaked once more.

Then Drakkar growled with his release. His body shook as he
came. His chest heaved with unsteady breaths. She palmed his torso while he
looked at her and held himself above her.

Pausing a moment to catch his breath, he lay against her.
“Woman, in all that’s holy, you can’t ever leave me again. I don’t think I
could survive another length of time without this.”

She giggled, knowing that untrue but understanding what he
meant. There was nothing like this. And perhaps that’s the way it was meant to
be. For most couples driven by the need to bond, anyway.

“I know what you mean.” She fingered his face. “I have
missed at least this about you.”

He scowled in play. “But not my demands.”

She sputtered. “No, not those.”

He smirked. “But we’re not talking about those tonight.”

She inhaled seductively and raised her breasts to rub
against him. “No, we are not. Tonight we are pretending we are not at odds with
one another.”

He arched a brow. “We’re pretending?”

She grimaced. “Well then call it ignoring if you must. I just
want to appreciate this.” She palmed the flesh where her hands lay. She
relished the way he felt, both outside and inside her. She’d never had someone
who fit so well against her. She sighed as she touched him, loving the contrast
of the softer skin that covered such rock-hard muscle. “You are a powerful man,
my mate.”

He closed his arms about her in a tender embrace. She was
amazed at how gentle such a robust man could be.

“And you like that?”

Jinn giggled. “Yes, wouldn’t any woman?”

His full lips twisted in confusion. “I thought maybe I…” He
shook his head. “But we’re not going to talk about that tonight.”

She brushed his lips with her fingertips once more.
“Drakkar, there are things I need to do that you would not understand.”
more aptly, agree with.

He frowned. “You could try me.”

She shook her head a moment. “Not now.” She traced the line
of his cheek with a finger. “Right now I want to enjoy your company and forget
about everything else.”

He pressed his full lips together and the lines around his eyes
deepened his look concerned, curious—cautious. “If you must,” he murmured,

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