Carol's Image (19 page)

Read Carol's Image Online

Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags:, #Fluffer Nutter

“Hell, a young teacher is not what I’m lookin’ for. But you can always try to hook her up with Rob. He needs someone to tame his ass.”

Laughter filled the truck, breaking the tension.

“I heard you on the phone yesterday, ordering a tux. What’s up?”

“Carol’s parents have an annual big-shit dinner and she hasn’t been in years. She and her parents are…estranged. But they asked her to go this year, and she wants me to escort her. Seems like her parents weren’t too happy with her becomin’ a nurse, so I sure as shit don’t expect them to be too happy with her datin’ a cop.”

Jake turned to look at his longtime friend, knowing the look he saw on Tom’s face. “You don’t look like someone who’s nervous to meet the parents. You look more like someone who wants to stir the shit to see if it smells.”

Tom, smiling, said nothing.

Chapter 14

om walked to Carol’s door, dressed in his tuxedo, tugging at the neck.
Why don’t they make these big enough to move around in? Hell, I would even take being able to breathe in this suit right now!

Still distracted as the door opened, Tom was unprepared for what greeted him. Not often speechless, he found himself simply staring at the vision presenting itself in front of him.

Carol’s dress was the exact color of her eyes – summer sky blue. The beaded halter bodice and fitted waist hugged her curves to perfection. The silky layers floating from her tiny waist to the floor swirled around her feet. Her blonde tresses were pulled up into a soft twist at the back of her head, tendrils hanging down, accentuating the elegant style.

As Tom’s eyes were busy devouring her appearance, Carol was perusing Tom as well. His muscular build filled out the jacket of the tailored tuxedo as it narrowed to his waist. The tailored pants could do nothing to hide the build of his thighs, nor the bulge she noticed. Her breath caught in her throat as her eyes traveled back up to the face of the handsome man standing in front of her. His eyes had made their way back to her angelic face at the same time.

That was when he noticed the twinkle in her eyes as she smiled up at him. Stepping into the apartment, he pulled her gently over to the mirror in the entranceway. Turning her so that she faced the mirror, he stood behind her with his hands on her shoulders.

“What do you see, angel? Tell me the whole image that you see.”

Eyes meeting in the mirror, blue eyes gazing at blue eyes. Carol looked at the image in the mirror.

“I see an incredibly handsome man, who makes my heart beat faster just by having him near.”

“What else, angel?”

“I see us – we look good together. We look…right.” Carol’s eyes sought his once again, as though to see if she was answering his question correctly.

Tom just nodded. “What else do you see, angel?”

Carol looked back at herself and smiled. “I see a very healthy me. I see a nice looking woman, who is strong and competent.” Her eyes, still twinkling, sought his again. Smiling, she added, “I like what I see. I like the image looking back at me.”

Tom wrapped his arms around her gently. “Damn straight, angel. Damn straight. We’re workin’ that shit out. Bit by bit.” He moved his hand around to the front, placing his fingers under her chin to lift her face to his. “But baby, this image of you has nothin’ to do with your dress, your hair, your makeup. You’re just as gorgeous first thing in the morning!”

Carol rose on her tiptoes to plant of soft kiss on his lips. “I love you, Tom Rivers.”

“I love you too, angel girl.”

Tom draped her light shawl over her shoulders before they headed out into the night. Neither knowing what to expect from the evening. Both knowing they could face anything with each other.


The venue had valet parking, and when they arrived at the ballroom in Jefferstown, a young man opened Carol’s door to assist her down from Tom’s truck. A growl from the driver’s seat had him snatching his hand back as his eyes cut over to the impressive tuxedoed man sitting behind the wheel.

“You may take the keys – I will assist the lady.”

Carol couldn’t contain her giggle as the young man sprinted over to Tom’s side of the truck to retrieve the keys. Tom rounded the front, striding to her door. Peering at the beautiful woman inside, he shook his head for a moment before lifting her out. Keeping his large hands around her waist, he waited until she was steady on her feet.

Curious, Carol asked, “Why are you shaking your head?”

Tom just chuckled as he kissed her forehead. “Just can’t figure out how I got so lucky. You are so goddamn beautiful. Takes my breath away, angel.”

Smiling, Carol stuck her arm out for him to take. “Gonna buy a lady a drink, sailor,” she joked.

“Yes, ma’am,” Tom replied before leaning over to whisper in her ear. “And when we are done with this shindig, I’m gonna do a lot more to you than buy you a drink.”

“Promise?” Carol asked, eyes large with hope.

“Guarantee,” Tom stated, willing the blood to stop rushing to his dick, just thinking about peeling off the silky creation she was wearing. “Damn, let’s go before I throw you back into the truck.”

Taking a deep breath, Carol allowed Tom to take her by the elbow and lead her inside.
Please let my parents act normal tonight.


Entering the ballroom, Carol was taken back to many years ago when she last attended. How different everything seems now. Then, she was an awkward teenager with a paid escort desperately bouncing between wanting to fit in and wanting to hide. Now, she was walking in on the arm of the most handsome man there. She immediately saw the heads of women turning to see who had entered and their eyes lingering on Tom as they walked by.

While Carol was noticing the women blatantly staring at Tom, he was scowling at the obvious lust in the eyes of the men leering at Carol. He initially had his hand on her back as they were entering the room, but quickly moved his hand around to settle on her waist, pulling her in gently to his side.

Carol noticed that the venue seemed much the same as years before. The circular tables, covered in white and silver cloths, were laden with food. Women of all ages were elegantly dressed; their evening gowns rivaled the colors of the floral arrangements covering the tables.

Before Carol could begin her search for their table assignment, she was greeted by a familiar voice. Turning, she saw her father, distinguished as always in his dinner tuxedo, walking toward them. Her mother, perfectly coiffed in a gold evening gown next to him.

“Carol,” her father spoke in his smooth voice. “I see you have decided to finally come to our annual gathering.” Reaching her, he leaned down to kiss her cheek, then pulled back with a scowl when Tom did not remove his arm from around Carol’s waist.

“Father. Mother,” Carol greeted. “It’s nice to see you again.” Turning to smile up at Tom, she could feel his hand give her waist a gentle squeeze, giving her courage. “I’d like to present my boyfriend, Tom Rivers. Tom, these are my parents, Harold and Estelle Fletcher.”

The men shook hands, both measuring each other with their eyes. Turning to Carol’s mother, he kissed her proffered hand.

Carol’s mother eyed her dress carefully before giving her approval. “I see that my taste in clothing finally rubbed off on you, my dear. Your dress is beautiful. We will show you to our table. You, of course, will be sitting with us.” Before Carol could even think of a reply, her mother turned, taking her father by the arm and leading them to their table.

Tom heard Carol sigh and as he looked down, he noticed her smile seemed less bright. “Let’s go, angel. These men around here have stared at my woman long enough. Maybe if I get you seated they will keep their tongues in their mouths.”

Carol’s smile returned as she leaned into his towering frame as they made their way through the tables following her parents. The head table was already partially filled, leaving five empty chairs. As they approached their seats, the men at the table rose to greet the ladies. Carol’s smile faded as she felt Tom’s hand tighten on her waist. Sitting at the table was Ronald, with his parents joining them.

Tight lipped, Carol greeted the Harriston’s politely. “Ronald. Mr. and Mrs. Harriston, how nice to see you. May I introduce Tom Rivers.”

The men shook hands, although Tom couldn’t resist holding the handshake a moment longer with Ronald in a silent warning. Once they were all seated, Carol noticed the chair on the other side of Tom’s was empty. “Will someone else be joining us?” she asked her mother.

“Yes, my dear. A new friend of Ronald’s will be joining us. I believe she is running a few minutes late.”

She. Thank God. At least Ronald will have his own escort so he won’t be bothering me.

Even Tom relaxed at that news.
Thank fuck I won’t have to peel that prick off of Carol tonight.

Carol began to relax as the dinner was served. People tended to talk less as they were eating, and if her parents were occupied then they always ignored her.

“So Thomas, I understand you are a policeman.”

The table was quiet as all eyes turned toward Tom. Carol’s spoon halted halfway to her mouth as she stared at her father.

“Yes sir. I’m a detective with the Fairfield Police Force.” He held the eyes of Mr. Fletcher, refusing to look away or back down from what he knew was a challenge.
Intimidation doesn’t work on me, jackass. Go for it!

“Well, that must be fascinating work,” Mrs. Fletcher said, with a false smile. She opened her mouth to say more, but Ronald’s friend arrived at the table.

“Sydney, how nice to see you again,” Ronald greeted.

Carol, having set her spoon down, grateful for the reprieve, looked up to see a gorgeous brunette wearing a skintight dress that showed bounteous cleavage move to the table.

Ronald began to make the introductions when Sydney exclaimed loudly, “Tommy, how good to see you again!”

Tom’s head swung around as his stomach dropped at the sound of his name.
Fuck! How the hell did she get here, as Ronald’s friend?

Ronald, seemingly surprised, asked, “Oh do you know Mr. Rivers?”

Leaning over, cleavage threatening to spill out of her dress, she kissed Tom’s cheek. “Oh yes, we are old,
close, intimate friends
.” Looking over at Carol, Sydney smiled and asked, “And who are you?”

Carol couldn’t find her voice.
Close. Intimate. Friends. More like fuck-buddies!

Tom discreetly removed Sydney’s hand from his shoulder, introducing her to Carol. “This is my girlfriend, Carol Fletcher.”

Giggling, Sydney pressed her hand to her enormous breasts, drawing as much attention to them as she could. “Oh Tommy. A girlfriend? When you and I were well acquainted, I never thought that just one woman would be enough for you!” Taking the seat next to Tom, she was sitting between him and Ronald, but her attention was definitely on Tom.

Horrified at the turn of events, Carol shot a glance at her parents, expecting indignation. Her father sat stone faced, but her mother looked…smug. Glancing at the other members of the table, she realized that no one seemed shocked other than her and Tom. Ronald and his parents had smiles on their faces.

The room felt small, tight. There was no air to breathe. Carol could feel her vision blurring.
Set up. We’ve been set up.

She couldn’t look at Tom, afraid of what she would see. Interest in Sydney? Perusing her gorgeous body. Remembering times gone by. Comparing her to….
don’t go there. Breathe. Breathe.

She felt Tom shift in his chair, placing his arm around her shoulders, pulling her in for a gentle hug.

“Angel?” Tom whispered. Carol stared at her plate.

“Angel. Look at me,” he quietly ordered. Carol slowly raised her eyes to him.

“Let’s leave. This is fucked, and you know it. I wanna get you out of here.”

Barely shaking her head, Carol said, “No. It’s fine. I just… I…um…let’s just eat.”

The meal ruined for Carol, she attempted to take a few more bites, but the food tasted like cardboard.

Mrs. Fletcher began her sly assault again. “Tom, we were talking about you being a policeman. I was just wondering if that career pays very much.”

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