Carter's Treasure (20 page)

Read Carter's Treasure Online

Authors: Amy Gregory

Tags: #first time love, #motocross love, #overcoming fear, #Contemporary, #sweet romance, #General, #Romance, #learning to trust, #Suspense, #Fiction, #growing up, #Contemporary Romance

“I want to be able to see you, is that okay?”

She gave him a little nod. He turned and ran his hands up her arms, up her neck, to her face. Molly glided her hands gently around his waist and as she parted her lips, just barely, he slipped his tongue over hers. The two of them stood kissing for what felt like an eternity. He was going to take this slow.

Her muscles rippled under his hands as he skimmed his palms down her arms and made his way down to her waist. He was trying to gauge every sharp breath she took, watching for signals to stop. Just under the hem of her t-shirt, he ran his fingers across the skin of her stomach, weighing her reaction, before he inched the fabric up. Molly let the kiss go and raised her arms up for him to slide the top off. She’d been ready for bed, he realized, when he saw that she didn’t have a bra on. He kept the chuckle to himself. She had wanted him, had come to him because she was ready. That was heady knowledge and his heart swelled at the thought.

Carter ran his hands slowly over her and her breath caught. “Are you okay, Gorgeous?”

In barely more than a whisper, she murmured, “Yes.”

Molly tugged at Carter’s t-shirt, and he helped her pull it up over his head. Immediately he grabbed her, holding her to close to him, skin to skin.

“Oh my God, you feel good.” Carter rubbed her back, then moved her hair off her neck and leaned down to kiss the soft skin there, his other hand massaging her side. She sighed and kissed his bare chest. He pulled away an inch or so and ran a finger from her side to her stomach, along the elastic waistband of her pajama shorts. With little effort, the tiny shorts fell to the ground. She stepped out of them, leaving her in nothing but a sapphire blue lace thong.

“God…you are beautiful.”

His hands slid around to squeeze her perfect ass as she rubbed her hands over his chest and stomach. He thought he would die when she ran her fingers down his torso to where his muscles sloped into a deep V. She attempted to undo the button-fly of his jeans, but couldn’t work the buttons. He grinned. “Let me help you.” He unbuttoned them, leaving the jeans hanging open.

Leaning over, he scooped her up. She kissed his neck as he laid her gently on the bed.

“I’ll be right back,” he whispered.

He really didn’t plan on this, but he’d been damned sure to be prepared just in case. Carter went to the bathroom. Returning seconds later, he placed a condom on the night stand and watched as she smiled shyly up at him.

“Are you sure you’re all right?” Carter asked again, and again she nodded. He pushed his jeans and boxers to the ground, and with her watching him, he walked around the bed to lie beside her. Carter tried not to let her wide eyes embarrass him. He knew she’d never been in the same room as a naked man before. The shock and innocence on her face was adorable, and he memorized it for a day when he was old and gray.

As Carter sunk onto the bed beside her, she laid back down. He propped himself up on one elbow and watched her face as he ran his hand from her cheek, down her neck, and over her body. He could feel her heart pounding in her chest as he caressed her breasts. Molly watched his face, just focusing on his eyes. He saw every flutter, every blink, and every time she opened them wide. She could hide nothing from him in those deep blues.

“I love you so much,” he said quietly, then leaned down to kiss her gently on the lips.

He moved his kisses down her jaw and continued to let his mouth roam down her body. She sucked in a breath as he took her breast in his mouth. Molly let a small groan escape as his fingers slid down the middle of her body. Carter wanted to make this moment last. As his hands ran over her body, lost in exploration, her breathing became fast and choppy. He watched her eyes dilate as his fingers slipped under her thong. As his hand slipped further, her breath was sucked in on a hiss.

He lowered to kiss her chest again then watched her face for one last signal to stop, before he slowly pulled her panties down. Her eyes went wide once more, her mouth parted as the tip of her tongue darted out to wet her top lip.

Carter slowly climbed back up her body, letting her take a breath. He watched her eyes follow her hands as she moved them over his chest, up his neck, and to his cheeks. When Molly locked eyes on him once more, he saw what he’d been waiting for—desire. She was past the point of being nervous or scared. She was his. He lowered to kiss her lips, gentle but possessive. He couldn’t contain that side of him another moment. He had warned her before that she would be his from this point on. When Molly’s eyes fluttered shut, he pressed on.

She whimpered his name and that was all it took. He finally lost the control he had been fighting with since he laid eyes on her. Knowing there would be pain before pleasure, Carter took what felt like hours to ease himself into her. He held still for a long minute, waiting for those big eyes to tell him she was okay. Molly didn’t fail him.

When she opened them, her heavy-lidded eyes had gone from sparkling sapphire blue to almost black. He watched her chest raise and fall quickly with the short breaths. Her lips parted as if she were going to speak, but when he moved just a fraction the would be words fell away on a soft moan. When he moved again, her graceful fingers snaked up to his biceps and dug in, pulling him tight.

Carter leaned down, kissing her lips, taking over her mouth, devouring her like a starving man. When he felt her legs wrap around his waist, he drowned himself in her, over and over until at last he pushed her over the edge. She let out a high pitched noise before pulling his mouth back to hers and kissing him harder than she ever had. The need Carter sensed in her sent him tumbling after her.

With one motion, her legs fell off his waist, the grip on his upper arms released, and her arms fell to the bed as she sunk almost lifeless into the soft bedding. Looking down at her beautiful body with the shimmer of sweat dancing across her, she appeared completely at peace except for the hint of a satisfied smile on her mouth.

Carter dropped to the bed beside her and pulled her limp body to his chest. Instantly she snuggled into him, a perfect fit, like she understood that was where she belonged. “I love you, Molly.”

“I love you too, Carter. So, so much,” she whispered into the night.

Chapter Eleven


Brody woke the next morning with a rock in his stomach. Feeling the cold sheet beside him, he realized Erin must have been up for awhile. He ran his hands over his face and tried to wake himself up. Throwing on yesterday’s jeans, he walked out to the kitchen.

“Hey, babe. How are you feeling this morning?”

When Erin looked up from the book she was reading, Brody could tell. He crossed to her and bent over to hug her from behind.

“I’m sorry honey. Hang in there, okay?”

She took a deep breath, but instead of answering, she laid her head against his forearm still wrapped around her.

“I love you so much. Can I get you anything? Crackers, toast?”

Erin shook her head no.

Brody had been about to stand back up when he saw Molly’s iPod sitting on the table. He reached over and grabbed it.

“When did you get up, Erin?”

“Oh…I don’t know…about six-thirty, I guess. Why?”

“It’s a few minutes after eight. Molly should be done running by now.” He walked over by the front door to look behind the recliner. “Her running shoes are still here and so is her iPod.” Brody held it out as proof. “Damn it. She’s not running. She’s not even fucking here. Son of a bitch, she spent the night with him.”

Brody’s fist clenched and he brought it down on the back of the cushioned recliner in front of him. Not raised to be a violent or physical man unless he was defending himself or his own, Brody suddenly felt a rage like he’d never known. He’d told Sterling to leave her alone, he’d made it apparent he didn’t approve, yet his sister was not where she was supposed to be. He dropped the iPod onto the chair and tightened his fingers into the padding until they all turned white.

“Now, we don’t know that, Brody.”

“Oh hell, Erin, really?”

“What’s all the yelling about?”

Brody turned around to see the motorhome door opening and his parents walking in. Oh holy hell. There’s no way. Why now? “Nothing.”

Brody turned back to Erin, fully expecting to see the panic in her face at the unexpected guests. She was as calm as she usually was.

“We checked the track before coming here, Mol must be done running?” James asked.

Wanting to prolong the agony a little longer, Brody crossed to hug his mother, with Erin on his heels to do the same. “Why are you guys here, and so early?”

Erin’s brow furrowed. “Is everything all right?”

James didn’t answer. “Molly in the shower? We need to talk to her.”

When Brody’s eyes locked on his father’s, James continued. “Things are getting worse. We need to tell her what’s going on.”

Shit. Their worst nightmare was coming true.

Brody knew if his parents had dropped everything to come, the threats must be getting more serious. He knew if he had eaten anything yet, it would be coming back up about this time. He rolled his shoulders and tried to stretch the knots in his shoulder blades. The stress was pulling him under.

James crossed the motorhome. When he knocked on the bathroom door, Brody dropped his head.

“James.” Karen’s head tilted. “We agreed. We were going to come and talk to George
. I don’t want my daughter upset and riding a bike if we can help it. Don’t you dare say a word to her, not yet.”


“I mean it, James. Not a word until we piece more of this shit together. It’s not safe.”

“She’s not safe.”

“That’s why we are here, James.”

“You don’t think she’s going to wonder what the hell is going on? She knows all about that library I’m designing. She knows I wasn’t going to be able to come in but for one race—maybe. Suddenly, I’m here…” He motioned between himself and his wife. “We’re here and we won’t leave her side? That won’t be obvious at all.”

“We’re at least talking to George—first.”

“Damn it, Brody. Where is she? I’ve knocked twice.”

“She’s not here.”

“What do you mean, she’s not here?”

“I mean, she’s not in the motorhome.”

“Well, where is she?”

“I don’t know.”

“What the hell is going on here, Brody? What do you mean you don’t know where your sister is? We’re dealing with something serious here. This is exactly why your mom and I came in. To help you watch her. Hell, we get here to find out something has already happened.” James ripped his cell out of his pocket. “I’m calling 911.”

“James.” Erin placed her hand over his cell to prevent his dialing. “She’s fine, at least for now.” She waved an absent hand in Brody’s direction. “He knows exactly where she is, he’s just pissed about it.”

“What’s going on here?” James eyes darted between Brody’s and Erin’s.



Molly heard voices when she got closer to her motorhome. Great, this will be fun. The closer she got, one voice stood out crystal clear. She skipped the last few steps and opened the door. She was right, it was James and Karen too. Molly jumped into James’s arms, not doubting for a second that he wouldn’t catch her.

“What are you doing here? I’ve missed you so much.” Molly kissed his cheek with a big, wet smacking kiss, always over exaggerating everything in a show for James.

James hugged her tight as she squeezed his neck, never outgrowing the affection they showered on each other since she was a young girl. He sat her back down on the floor and patted her back so she could go to Karen. As Molly crossed to Karen’s open arms, the twinkle in Karen’s eye made Molly giggle. She couldn’t wait to tell her about last night. How special Carter had made her feel, how right he’d made the moment. Molly could feel the heat on her cheeks, but knowing Karen was happy for her made everything so much sweeter. She had finally found the one that Karen had always promised was waiting for her.

“Where the hell have you been all night?”

Brody’s voice made her jump in Karen’s arms. The tone and the strength, not something she was used to, had certainly never been used on her, at least…not from him.

The flashback hit her out of left field. Trying to catch her breath, she shut her eyes tight to block out the yelling behind her.

Brody had dragged her into trouble more than once as kids, James and Karen had gotten upset and even angry once or twice. Their silence was more powerful than if they had yelled, knowing she’d disappointed them simply crushed her. She had argued with Brody over the years over meaningless things, but always as siblings.

This was different. The authority he was trying to dominate her with sent her crashing into the past.

Molly blinked several times, trying to concentrate on Karen’s face, trying to remain focused. Brody’s anger was making it impossible.

“Brody, stop it,” Karen snapped at her son.

“No, Mom. Her ass should have been on that couch last night.”

Even though her back was still to Brody, she could feel the anger coming from him. She could hear how his words were said through gritted teeth. A shiver went up her spine.

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