Casey's Warriors (Bondmates) (31 page)

“But who will take care of you?”

The mixture of emotions coming from Lorn was so strong she had to partially close their link down so she could focus on Nast. Their gaze held and he was the first to look away, to close his eyes and blow out a harsh breath. “Do not worry about me. I am a Warrior. I will survive.”

“But surviving isn’t the same thing as living, is it, Nast?”

Before she could understand her own motivations she did what she would do for any friend who was hurting, she gave him a hug.

He stiffened against her then wrapped his arms around her like she was made of glass. With a barely audible groan he ran his fingers through her hair, causing pleasant little tingles from her scalp to move down her body. “So beautiful, such a generous heart.”

They remained like that for a little while longer, Nast running his fingers through her hair while she listened to the steady beat of his heart. She barely came up to his chest but as with Lorn, she didn’t fear Nast. He would die to protect her and she knew it. He began to caress the sensitive side of her neck with his rough fingertips and she bit her lower lip as her body flared to life beneath his knowing caress, the energy between them changing as well until her pussy began to swell and soften again. Embarrassed by reacting like this in front of the other men, especially Lorn, she broke their hug and stepped back.

His nostrils flared and a slow, pleased smile curved his lips. “You honor me, Matriarch.”

She had a sneaking suspicion what he was so happy about. No doubt he could smell her arousal just like Lorn could. Giving her that heavy-lidded look that made her want to jump him again, he went back to his place between the two younger men. Lorn was practically panting on the other side of the room and she sent a bolt of disapproval through their bond that didn’t faze him in the least.

Giving up on her horn dog of a husband, she focused her attention on the man whose shoulder he now clasped. “My Matriarch, may I present Chel of House Lamont.”

The man in the green armor approached her and while he was nervous, there was also an air of serenity to him. His hair was a rich chestnut brown and his skin was paler than the other men, closer to her own coloring. He had brown eyes like she did, but his also had flecks of amber and gold in them. Very pretty eyes framed by long dark lashes and well arched brows.

When he knelt before her she caught the scent of herbs and she leaned closer, intrigued by the elusive aroma. Being near Chel was like a cool, calming balm after the rough fire of Nast’s desire. While she loved to burn, it was also nice to just enjoy and relax.

He chuckled against her chest, his words vibrating against her skin. “Matriarch, I’m trying very hard to behave as you demand, but it is rather difficult when you press such generous softness against me. I do have a weakness for breasts and yours are magnificent.”

Flushing, she ignored the other men’s soft laughter and focused on Chel. He looked up at her and winked, deepening her blush until she was sure her entire body was bright red. Lowering his head, he closed his eyes and awaited her touch. Cursing the fact these men were all chest level to her on their knees she leaned forward and shivered as his face pressed between her breasts, her stiff nipples pleading with her to let him move his head just the slightest bit to the right so his generous mouth could give her the attention her body craved. A fire burned through her now that made her eager for the feel of Chel’s skin against her own and her resistance against their overwhelming desire weakened further.

She pressed her lips to his forehead, then over each eyelid, trembling as her movements rubbed his lips over the now swollen mounds of her breasts. It certainly wasn’t helping her self-control that Lorn ached with lust right now, feeding her own arousal until she was ready to lift her skirts and bend over for the promise of blissful relief. Stepping back with a shaky breath she watched Chel slowly stand, his gaze devouring her body until he reached her face. He gave her a look that was more of a sensual promise than Nast’s sexual threat and Onyo’s raw hunger.

The ability to speak fled her so she was thankful when Lorn came to her side. His gaze went to her stiff nipples pressing against the thin fabric of her gown and he let out a small growl that the other men echoed. Then, in a bold move that shocked her, he cupped her right breast and rubbed his thumb over it, sending a cascade of pleasurable sparks streaming through her body and settling in her clit. With all the sex they’d had there was no way she should feel as needy as she did now, but she did. She wanted him, bad, and if she was being honest with herself she wanted the other men as well.

But especially Nast.

God help her but she was beginning to think Lorn was right. Nast did belong with them but she wasn’t sure if she was ready to admit it to herself yet, let alone her husband. Still, her desire for the other man went beyond just lust. She wanted to soothe his fears, to comfort him and make sure that he knew how much he was wanted, how much he mattered to her. The logical part of her brain argued she was delusional, but in her heart she knew there was something special about Nast, something that set him apart from every man in the universe except for Lorn. While she understood there was a bond between her husband and Nast, she didn’t expect to feel that connection between them, as if she had a tiny flash of insight into the handsome Warrior, and that glimpse into Nast’s heart showed her how desperate he was for her, how much he needed her in ways even Lorn didn’t. Lorn loved her with everything he had, of that she had no doubt, but Nast was far more vulnerable than her husband and she feared hurting the other man, but she just wasn’t ready to leap into his arms.

At least not yet, despite her libido’s fervent protests.

, you are thinking too much. Come with me,” Lorn murmured and led her into another room of the apartment. When her gaze landed on a bed big enough to throw an orgy on she balked.


“Shhh, Casey, there is nothing to fear here. Only pleasure.” He cupped her face with his hands. “Let us worship you.”

Her half-hearted protest died in her throat as Lorn kissed her, drowning her in his raw need. His tongue stroked against hers, coaxing forth a reaction that sent a hard burn simmering in her lower belly. Taking his time he stroked the fires in her blood higher until she was frantic for more.

Breaking the kiss he stared into her eyes. “Do you wish for any of the men to join us?”

She licked her lips and hesitated, trying to think not only of who she desired, but who would help to keep her husband safe. All three men would bring different skills to her household and all three would be loyal. More importantly, she would be able to keep them safe. Her mind kept returning to Nast, insisting she wanted him above the others, but he scared her. The things she felt for the handsome Warrior were shockingly similar to what she felt for Lorn when they first met and she wasn’t sure if she could handle two husbands when she was just beginning to learn how to be a wife to Lorn. “All of them. But I only want you inside of me, please.”

Lorn’s joy and relief overcame his lust, but not for long. He shouted for the other men and soon she found herself surrounded on all sides by eager male hands. Lorn never stopped touching her, so as panic began to set in at being intimately caressed by so many strangers, he was her anchor, an endless source of unquestioning love and hard desire.

Then he stepped back and sat on the edge of the bed, pulling off his boots as Nast and Chel joined him, leaving her alone with Onyo. The dark haired man gave her a smile that was almost shy as he bent down to brush his lips over hers. It was a pleasant kiss and she could almost taste his inexperience with women and apprehension of displeasing her. With a start she realized she was feeling his emotions and the need to comfort him blended in with his gentle desire.

She laced her arms around his neck and tugged him closer, tracing his lips with her tongue, urging him to open to her kiss. With a low groan he did and at the first stroke of her tongue against his he let out a long, deep growl. His relief tickled at her and she lowered her shields further, reaching for him. Not breaking their kiss he stripped out of his armored top then easily lifted her so her dress hiked up as she wrapped her legs around his hips.

Remembering back to a time when the farthest she would go with a boy was kiss him, she lost herself in Onyo’s eager touch, threading her hands through his silky black hair and sighing against his mouth. Despite his age this was his first time in many ways. He gave her lower lip an experimental nip with his fang and she moaned loudly.

He pulled back immediately and gave her a worried look. “Did I hurt you?”

“No,” Lorn said from behind Onyo’s back. “Earth women make noises like that when they’re aroused. It means you did something that pleased them.”

Onyo’s gaze gleamed as he focused on her mouth. “Then let me make sure she makes more of them.”

He returned to kissing her, now licking at her lips and exploring her mouth with an eagerness she found very arousing. Soon she was rubbing against him, scoring his back with her fingernails as her need built. Onyo gripped her bottom and rocked her against his hard abdominals. Shock mixed with her pleasure as she realized she might climax from just grinding against him.

Turning, he walked back to the bed and sat down on the edge with her on his lap, never breaking their kiss. This put his hard shaft, still trapped behind his pants, right against her slit and she moaned again. Heat spun through her blood and she cried out when Onyo began to thrust against her. A hint of his hard, male lust mixed with the passion coming from Lorn and she threw her head back, unable to think of anything beyond her aching need to climax.

Lorn’s voice tickled over her senses as he said, “That’s it,
, give us your pleasure. You are so beautiful in your passion.”

Riding Onyo’s lap as if she was riding his cock she thrust her hips against the other man, screaming out as he stiffened beneath her. The sensation of Onyo hovering on the edge of his own orgasm hit her just right and she cried out, loving the way his cock vibrated against her pussy through his pants as she ground her aching sex against him. His howling roar mixed with her cries of passion and she hugged him close, giving him the affection his soul was starved for. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tight, his love pouring into her. It was a different kind of love, an affection that wasn’t as much romantic as it was…belonging.

He gave her one last kiss and slid her off his lap and into Chel’s arms.

Dazed with pleasure she barely noticed Onyo speaking with Lorn in a low voice before leaving the room. Chel’s gaze was locked on her breasts and she noticed for the first time he’d already removed his green armor top, but like Onyo, he kept his breeches on. Licking his lips he held her back with one hand while teasing down the front of her robe enough so just the first pink hint of her nipples showed above the fabric. Despite her orgasm she found her arousal building at an alarming rate and knew it was coming from Lorn. He was so pleased with her, so happy she’d given Onyo the gift of a partial bond.

When she glanced over at him she found Lorn completely nude and sprawled out at the head of the bed along with Nast who’d taken off his shirt but still wore his pants. A smattering of light red and blond hair covered Nast’s broad chest and she licked her lips at the thought of biting his firm pectoral muscle. Lorn stroked his impressive erection as he watched her and she was about to demand he join them when Chel licked along her breast.

His tongue was rougher than both Lorn and Onyo’s and she wondered why right before he freed her left nipple and sucked it into his mouth.


A shudder wracked her as he laved the tip of her breast, sucking and biting at that nub until she was panting and crying out against him, begging him not to stop. With a pleased growl he switched to her other breast, using his free hand to stroke the overly sensitive tip of the nipple he’d just released. At the pinch of a fang she stiffened, then moaned. Biting harder, he scored her with his fangs and she shamelessly thrust her breast into his mouth, needing more.

The warm, intense edge of his desire brushed against her soul and she eagerly reached for him, needing the connection between them as he drove her wild with his talented mouth. It was his turn to snarl as that elusive connection between them was made and she thrust her passion at him. His loneliness, his relief at her acceptance of him, raced through her heart and she buried her hands into his hair, pulling him closer.

“I’m here,” she whispered. “It’s okay.”

He froze against her breast then lifted his head and met her gaze with such passion mixed with adoration that it almost threw her into her own orgasm. “My Matriarch.”

She smiled and shifted her hips, rubbing against his trapped erection. “Give me your pleasure.”

For a moment his eyes cleared and he grinned at her before returning to his gaze to her breasts. “Look how pretty they are, all creamy with such pink nipples. So hard for me. I could lick these berries forever and never tire of your taste.”

The men behind him groaned and she could no longer think when his mouth fastened onto her breast again, flicking that devil-blessed rough tongue of his over the painfully hard tip. He gripped her hips with his free hand and helped her grind her pussy against his shaft, the drag of the thick crest of his erection over her swollen clit driving her wild. Soon he had to abandon her nipple and rested his head against her chest, his ear over her heart as they both strained for their release.

Lorn chose that moment send a burst of arousal through their bond and she jerked against Chel, screaming as his cock began to vibrate beneath her. She could sense his shock at the feeling of her beginning to orgasm, followed by a strong surge of male lust that mixed with her own, driving her wild in his arms. Ecstasy tore her apart as he continued to grind against her even as he climaxed, his howling roar muffled against her chest and sending more vibrations through her body until she could barely breathe.

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