Cassandra's Challenge (49 page)

Read Cassandra's Challenge Online

Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

“Admiral Zafar, are you ready?”

“Yes.” As Marat and his men close around
William, Cassandra, and Tar. The King’s men close around them.

“Chief!” The High Admiral orders. “You will
stand down.”

Inside the King’s security Marat ignores

“CHIEF THAT’S AN ORDER!” The Captain of the
King’s men turns to the High Admiral.

“Are you trying to countermand the King’s
protection?” Dark eyes gleam at Valerian.

Realizing what’s happening, that Zafar is now
under King Jotham’s personnel protection Valerian silently takes a
step back.

Turning the group heads to the waiting


Entering the shuttle Cassandra immediately scans
the cabin, finding Victoria sitting with Lucas. Everyone has made
it safely. Some of her tension eases.

“Captain, we’re ready whenever you are.” William
leads her to a seat. In minutes the shuttle is air borne.

“I need to talk to Marat and his men.” William
leans over to her.

“To give them a choice.” As the shuttle hits
some turbulence Cassandra’s stomach starts to roll.

“Yes.” Seeing her pale he turns her face to his,
eyes concerned.

“I’m fine, go talk to your men.” With a small
smile she touches his leg. Nodding he moves to the back of the
shuttle. His seat is quickly taken by Javiera.

“Queasy?” She asks in a hushed voice.

With her eyes closed Cassandra nods.

“Did you eat this morning?” She shakes her head.
“Here, eat these, they’ll help.” Javiera passes her what looks like

“I don’t think they’ll stay down.” Cassandra
confesses as she takes them.

“They will.” In a slightly louder voice,
“Shuttle turbulence always takes a little getting used to.”

“Thanks Javiera.”

“No problem.”

The Captain of the King’s guards enters the
compartment, eyes scanning, finally coming to rest on the Admiral
who’s walking forward.

“Admiral, a message from Admiral Carnot.” Taking
the message the Admiral reads.

“Thank you Captain. What’s our arrival

“Fifteen minutes sir. You and your party will be
taken directly to the Royal Wing were you can settle in. The King
will see you at 2000 tonight.”

“Understood, there will be several people
arriving that will need escorted to the Royal wing today. I will
get you their names for security checks.”

“I have not been authorized for that sir.”

“They will be clothiers for the future Queen,
they will be required.”

“Get me the names I will see if they can be

“Thank you Captain.”

As the Admiral walks back to Cassandra, Javiera
returns to her seat. Seeing that his life mate is still pale he

“It’s just the turbulence and not eating this
morning.” She shows him the crackers Javiera had given her. “I’m
fine. What did your men decide?”

“They’re all staying.”

“Even with the High Admiral?”

“Because of him.” He reaches into his pocket
handing her the message. Frowning she scans it.

“Not on any lists, sending you a going away gift
on the Judgment, five days. Carnot.” Handing it back to him she
smiles her understanding, Tibullus was on the Judgment, he
alive. In five days he will be on Carina. She loses the
smile as the shuttle hits more turbulence.

“Five more minutes.” William tells her.

“Okay. Talk to me. Tell me what’s going to
happen next.”

“We’ll land and be escorted to our quarters in
the Royal Wing. We’ll be given the day to settle. We’ll be meeting
with the King tonight to explain.”


“I need the names of Javiera’s family for
security clearance. They need to get started on your clothes.”

“I’ll need something for tonight.”

“Yes.” She hears the concern in his voice.

“I’ll be fine, I promise. Go talk to

Passing the information onto the Captain, the
Admiral returns in time for the landing.

“Welcome to Carina Cassandra.” William whispers
in her ear. Squeezing his hand she exits the shuttle.


“Aunt Cassie look, it’s a castle!” Victoria
comes running up to her.

“I see.” And what she sees amazes her.

The shuttle has landed inside what she gages to
be a thirty foot wall, in a large open vividly green space, a
walkway leads to the entrance of a four story building that did
resemble castles found on Earth. It seemed to be made of some type
of grey stone that suddenly changes to purple as a ray of light
strikes it. Following that ray upward Cassandra gets her first look
at the three suns she’s only seen in her dreams and a painting.
They pull at something in her.

“Cassandra,” William’s voice pulls her eyes from
the sky to his. “We need to go.” He wishes he could let her take
her time but the guards need to get them inside.

“Of course.” Turning she follows the others
along the path.

The guards lead them down wide corridors lined
with portraits, art and furniture. After several turns they
approach a very large closed door with guards stationed in

“Report Sargent.” The Captain of the King’s
security demands.

“Captain, no one has approached, your seal
remains intact.” The Sargent steps aside so the Captain can inspect
the seal. Satisfied, he removes a key from his pocket, unlocks the
door breaking the seal, and steps aside so the Admiral’s party can

“Admiral Zafar ,” The Captain turns. “The key to
the Royal Wing.” He hands the key to him.

“Thank you Captain.” William turns to find
Cassandra has yet to enter. She’s looking at the Captain. Taking a
step towards him she stops.

“There are many rule’s that I am still
unfamiliar with,” She address the Captain. “Is it permissible to
know your name?”

The Captain’s eyes reveal none of his surprise
as they gaze down at the small, dark haired woman who has acquired
the protection of one of the most respected Admirals in the

“Deffand, mam. Nicholas Deffand.”

“I thank you Captain Deffand, for all you and
your men did today. Please pass that along to them.”

“Mam.” The Captain nods. Turning Cassandra
enters the Royal Wing.


The Royal Wing is set up as a private residence
for guests in need of high security and their staff. The first
floor contains the only entrance to the wing it opens into a formal
foyer. As Cassandra passes through she enters a mid-sized formal
reception room, obviously set up for entertaining with couches and
chairs, what would be considered her staff waits for her. Unsure
what her next move needs to be she turns to William.

“Marat, two of your men need to be stationed
outside the door at all times. No one gets in unannounced all are
scanned with the exception of the King.
. Is that
understood?” The Admiral stares at each man.

“Yes sir.” Marat motions to two of his men to
guard the door.

“Hutu, the kitchen is that way.” He points. “It
is fully stocked and has been inspected by the King’s personnel
chef. Get everyone something to eat.”

“Yes sir.” Hutu hustles out, knowing no one had
eaten yet.

“The third floor consists of rooms for guards
and staff, you’ll need to assign those rooms Marat.”

“Yes sir.”

“Lucas, take Cassandra, Victoria and the
Michelakakis’ to the second floor you’ll find the other living
quarters, get everyone settled while the Colonel and I show the
guards the perimeter.”

“Yes sir.” Turning Lucas heads further into the
first floor, obviously knowing his way. Knowing this is the way it
has to be Cassandra follows Lucas into yet another foyer, this one
round containing a curved staircase in its center. As Lucas leads
them to the second level the stairs continue to the third.

“This level is divided into two separate areas.”
Opening a door he leads them to the front half of the second level.
“Leander, this is the largest suite, it has a private living area,
bath, and second bedroom for Amina that can only be accessed
through this door. I’ll take the first room across the hall, the
Colonel the second. There is a common living area down the hall
that we can set up for the girls.”

As he speaks Tori and Amina run into the suite
to look at the room.

“It’s set up to be easily defendable.” Leander
says to Lucas.

“Yes, on the small chance someone could get this
far.” Lucas turns to look at Cassandra.

“Cassandra your and Victoria’s quarters are this

“Go ahead we’ll bring the girls over after their
done exploring.”

Turning Cassandra lets Lucas lead the way to the
door that opens to the other half of the level.

It opens into a large living area, not as formal
as the first level but still not what Cassandra would consider

“This is your public area, back this way,” Lucas
crosses the room to open another door that leads down a wide
hallway. “Private living area. Small suite for Victoria. Your

“Mine and your father’s. Is that going to be a
problem?” She asks entering the suite. The room is huge.

“No, not for me.”

“Then who?”


“Lucas, if there’s something I need to know tell

“There’s going to be talk.”

“We’re both aware of that.”

“Kyle’s going to have a problem with all

“All this?”

“The talk, you, what’s going to said and
whispered about the two of you.”

“That I’m a much younger woman, using your
father to get to the throne.”

“Yes.” His eyes shoot to hers. “You’re aware of
what’s going to be said.”

“Yes, William thought I should be prepared.
Anyone who believes your father can be used is an idiot.”
Cassandra’s eyes flash. “Kyle’s problem is going to be

“Yes. He likes to believe that dad and mom would
have eventually gotten back together if she wasn’t killed.”

“They wouldn’t have.”

“No they wouldn’t. But Kyle’s never had the idea
challenged before.”

“So I’ll be the scapegoat.”

“The what?”

“The one he blames.”


“Aunt Cassie!”

“Coming. We’ll talk more later but Lucas he’ll
just have to deal with it.”

“Is this
room?!?” She’s in the smaller

“It is for as long as we’re here.”

“Awesome! Amina come look!” As the two girls go
explore Javiera enters.

“Sorry, they got away from me.”

“Not a problem. Where’s Leander.”

“He went to see if the bags have arrived

“I’ll go help him.” Lucas heads out. Sitting on
a couch Cassandra leans her head back, closing her eyes.

“How you doing?”

“Better, but there’s a lot of day to go. I’m
going to need an outfit for tonight.”


“Audience with King Jotham, 2000.”

“I don’t know if any of the gowns will be

“I was hoping for one of the pant outfits.”

“That might be possible, they didn’t need as
exacting measurements for those.”

“Well that will be the priority when they get

“Okay. I was able to get a test before leaving
the ship. Once we get settled I’ll get it to you.”

“Thank you.”

“Aunt Cassie!” She sits up.

“There’s a huge tub in here!”

“Is there?” Cassandra smiles.

“Yeah. Come see.”

“On my way.”


“The King’s men patrol the other side of the
garden wall. Marat, I still want one man patrolling inside.”

“Yes sir.”

“That should cover everything for now. Get your
men settled, gear organized. Once you have your duties assigned
turn it over to Colonel Tar for approval. Dismissed.”

As Marat and his men leave the Admiral turns to

“What do you think?”

“The place is a fortress, well designed, easily
defendable, if anyone could even get in the palace.”

“It’s not people getting into the palace I’m
concerned about. It’s the ones already inside.”

“You’re thinking one of the King’s people?”

“It’s a possibility.”

“Will, you got her here. She’s safe.”

“There’s still the traitor to deal with. He’s
not giving up. It’s gone too far.”

“It’s one thing to attack some unknown woman on
some unknown planet, Will. But to attack a challenger to the
throne, under the protection of King Jotham, that’s suicide.”

“Maybe. But this is the situation he’s been
trying to avoid, now it’s in his face, could make him more
dangerous than the Regulians.”


“Yes Hutu.”

“Where do you want the meals served?”

“Where is everyone?”

“Lucas and Leander are transporting bags, I
believe the women and children are in the Royal suite.”

“Send the meals to the Royal suite, the guards
to the third floor. Tell Marat to make sure the men at the door are
relieved to eat.”

“Yes sir.”



Entering the Royal Suite the Admiral finds Hutu
has set up a table in the large living area. Everyone is eating
except Cassandra, she isn’t in the room.

“Where’s Cassandra?”

“Back in your suite.” Lucas says after

“Eat Quinn.”

Going to find her he passes through the empty
living area and enters the sleeping chamber.

“Cassandra,” She turns from the window, walking
over to her he rubs her arms. “You need to eat.”

“I will I just needed a minute.” She looks back
out the window. “The gardens are beautiful.” Pulling her back
against his chest he looks at the gardens thinking about security
not flowers.

“Tell me what’s bothering you.”

“The day started so fast, I’m just trying to
catch up. Understand everything that’s happened, prepare for what’s

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