Cattle Valley 28 - Second Chances (9 page)

As Oggie watched, Drake ran his hand across his chest and down his stomach before wrapping it around his erection, reaching the other out to Oggie. “Come here,” Drake said, his voice even deeper than usual.

Without an ounce of reserve, Oggie walked over and knelt on the bed. He brushed his fingertips against Drake’s chest and licked his lips. The hair on Drake’s chest was short, but thick, with a smattering of grey threaded through the black. “I like this.”

“Good, because I tried that waxing shit a few years ago and swore never again.”

Oggie shook his head, trying hard to picture Drake sitting still long enough for someone to rip the hair from his body. Although he had no doubt Drake’s chest and abdomen had been shown to perfection afterwards, he liked the feel of a man. More importantly, he loved the feel of Drake. He bent over and ran the flat of his tongue around one of Drake’s nipples. The further out he licked, the coarser the hair became, scratching against his tongue.

“Mmm,” Drake moaned. “Turn around and let me taste you.”

Oggie readily agreed. It was his favourite foreplay position, like getting his cake and eating it too. He straddled Drake’s face and buried his nose in the short thatch of hair surrounding Drake’s cock. Inhaling, he smelt the soap he used each morning. For some reason, the thought of Drake showering in his en suite seemed incredibly intimate, almost domestic.

Drake nuzzled Oggie’s sac a few times before wrapping his lips around the crown of Oggie’s cock.
Oggie gasped at the delicious feel of Drake’s tongue working the slit and the sensitive skin below the head. He was moving in to reciprocate when the house phone started to ring.
“Ignore it,” Drake said between licks.
“Can’t,” Oggie struggled to say. “Two people sleeping upstairs.” He carefully extracted himself from atop Drake and reached for the phone. “Hello?”
“Is Drake with you?” Asa asked.
Oggie glanced at the naked man at his side. “Yeah. You need to talk to him?”
“To both of you. We’ve got a problem in DC. The church and shelter have both been torched.”
“Shit.” Oggie sat up. “Is everyone okay?”
“A few minor injuries, but between the fire and water damage, the shelter’s unliveable for the time being.”
Oggie closed his eyes. It only took one guess to know who was responsible. “What do you need from me?”
“I’m talking to social services in DC about transferring the residents. I was hoping we could put them up at Second Chance until we can get the shelter up and running again.”
“Of course, anything you need.” Oggie knew the ranch was about to get a whole lot busier. “I’ll let you talk to Drake now.”
“Thanks for opening your home,” Asa said.
“It’s why we built it.” Oggie handed the phone to Drake.
Oggie climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom for a drink of water. He couldn’t help but think of the young man upstairs. How would Cullen react? Would he blame himself for Willy’s actions and shut down again? Not that Oggie could take credit for bringing Cullen out of his shell, but he’d spent the day watching the young man laugh as if he hadn’t a care in the world. It was nice… No, more than that—it cemented Oggie’s commitment to the programme. Unfortunately, the desire to do right by the young men who would soon descend upon Cattle Valley and the expertise to make a real difference were vastly different.
An attack of cold feet hit Oggie. He set the water glass down and returned to the bedroom. Drake was rifling through the pile of clothes when Oggie walked in.
“How many are coming?”
“Eleven,” Drake answered, pulling on his underwear. “Asa has the airport crew clearing the runway. I’ll have to fly to DC. You want to come?”
“Yes, but I can’t. I’ve got bedrooms to make up and groceries to buy.” Oggie sat on the edge of the bed. “What about Joseph?”
Drake shook his head. “He believes he needs to stay in DC. It’s going to take a while to get the work done, and he feels it’s important he be there to oversee it.” He zipped his jeans before bending over to pick up his socks. Joining Oggie on the bed, Drake slipped them on. “I’ll try to guilt him into coming back with us.” He shook his head. “Until they catch that bastard, DC isn’t safe for him or the kids.”
“How long will you be gone?” Oggie asked.
“Not long. Expect your first big crowd for dinner tomorrow night.” Fully dressed, Drake stood and pulled Oggie to his feet. “I’m sorry this had to happen now. To be honest, I was looking forward to being snowed in with you.” Drake winced. “Shit, I forgot about my car. Can I borrow your truck?”
Naked and wrapped around Drake, Oggie shook his head. “I’ll need it for supplies, but I can drive you.”
“No sense in you risking your neck to get me there and back. I’ll just take mine and go slow.”
“Don’t be an ass.” Oggie’s first instinct was to yell at Drake’s protectiveness, but they’d already been down that particular road, and he knew he wouldn’t change Drake’s mind. “Take the truck. I’ll call Rio or Ryan in the morning and have them take me into town.”
“You sure?” Drake ran his hands down Oggie’s bare back to land on his butt. As he continued, he easily ran his fingers up and down the crack of Oggie’s ass. “We’re also going to need a way to get everyone from the airport to the ranch.”
Oggie lifted his leg and rested his foot on the bed, hoping to feel Drake’s thick fingers inside him. He was on the verge of begging when Drake removed his hand, spit on his fingers and returned them to press against Oggie’s hole. “Call Nate. Tell him you’re needed in DC to help in the transfer of kids. Ask him to come and watch over the ranch and get it ready.”
Oggie swallowed a moan as a long finger was inserted into his hole. He moved his hips, fucking himself on the delicious intrusion. “Why don’t you just fuck me before you go?”
Drake licked Oggie’s lips with the tip of his tongue before delving in for a deep kiss. He used his free hand to unzip his jeans and push his underwear down far enough to release his erection.
Breaking the kiss, Oggie grinned. “Is that a yes?”
“Where’s the stuff?”
Oggie’s legs felt rubbery as he moved to the bedside table. He withdrew lube and a condom and handed them to Drake before kneeling on the edge of the bed. Shamelessly, he tucked his legs under him and rested his upper body against the mattress. “Fuck me.”
Drake didn’t waste time and soon an empty condom wrapper landed beside Oggie on the bed. He dripped lube down the crack of Oggie’s ass and poised the head of his cock at Oggie’s hole. “Promise that I can stay the night once I get back from DC.”
Oggie’s eyes closed at the request. “As far as I’m concerned, you can stay every night.”
Drake thrust forward, driving his cock several inches inside Oggie. The grip he had on Oggie’s hips was almost brutal, letting Oggie know he wasn’t the only one riding the edge.
“Yeah, all the way in,” Oggie encouraged. “Make me feel it.”
“Relax,” Drake said moments before he surged in to the hilt.
Oggie lost his breath for a few seconds as his body fought hard to adjust to the invasion. It was the sweet burn that he’d been needing. “Fuck, yeah, that’s it…oh, fuck,” he rambled.
Drake moved his cock in and out of Oggie’s hole, grunting with each forward thrust. “So good,” he whispered, barely loud enough for Oggie to hear.
Oggie had a strong feeling that sex with Drake would never be anything but fantastic. He thought of the pilot who had also enjoyed Drake’s cock and scowled, suddenly feeling incredibly territorial. “Stay away from Stony,” he growled, pushing back.
“He’s not even a thought in my head,” Drake answered between thrusts.
Although Drake was standing, he leant over and covered the top half of Oggie’s body with his own. “I have feelings for you,” he whispered in Oggie’s ear, fucking him even harder.
It was the closest thing to a declaration of love Oggie had ever received. The emotions the statement evoked combined with the physical pleasure to catapult him over the edge. His orgasm overtook him before he could shout a warning. Holy fuck, he hadn’t even touched his cock—that was definitely a first.
Drake cried out when the muscles of Oggie’s ass clamped around his cock. “Fuuucck!”
Oggie felt Drake’s body jerk several times with the intensity of his own climax. It may have been a quick fuck, but damn, it had been a good one.
“Make sure you pack a suitcase before you come back tomorrow night.” Oggie held his breath, wondering if it had come off too pushy or needy.
“Mmm hmm,” Drake mumbled.
Oggie smiled, feeling lighter and happier than he’d been in years, maybe ever. It wasn’t exactly the relationship he’d always hoped for, but it was a start.

Chapter Seven

As soon as Drake had everyone on the plane, he stuck his head in the cockpit. “We’re all accounted for. How’s the weather holding up at home?”
“Not good, but the ground crew promised to get the runway clear,” Stony replied. He glanced back at Drake. “It’s only mid-November. What the fuck’s with the weather lately?”
“Have you ever heard of a little thing called ‘global warming’?” Drake asked.
“Fuck that—that’s just a bunch of bullshit propaganda put out there by the tree huggers.”
“You’re probably right. I’m sure those scientist who’ve devoted their lives to study that sort of thing are just trying to put one over on us.” Drake rolled his eyes. “We’re ready whenever you are.”
Before Stony could say anything more, Drake shut the cockpit door and joined the passengers. He found Joseph standing in the aisle, trying to reassure the young men that they should be thankful no one was hurt in the fires. He also preached that they should think of the next few months as a chance to see a different part of the country.
Drake had nothing to add to the discussion, so he took a seat towards the front of the plane. It hadn’t been easy to convince Joseph to leave the burned out shelter, but like he’d said he would, Drake had played the guilt card. He’d told Joseph not only was it unsafe for him to stay in DC, but he couldn’t just ship eleven troubled runaway teens to Oggie without at least giving him some help to get them settled in.
Retrieving his phone from his pocket, Drake stared at it. He wanted to call Oggie— simply to hear the man’s voice—but it was six in the morning, DC time, which meant it was only four in Wyoming.
“Trouble?” Joseph asked, taking a seat next to Drake.
“No.” Drake turned off his phone and put it in his shirt pocket. “Just thinking about calling Oggie to give him an ETA, but I’m sure he’s still asleep.”
Joseph fastened his seat belt as the private jet taxied to the runway. “I lost everything,” he said, sounding defeated.
“No you didn’t.” Drake nodded towards the back of the plane. “You’ve still got what really matters.”
Joseph’s eyes filled with tears. “Yes, I should be ashamed of myself for feeling that way, but I no longer have pictures of my Phillip.”
“I’m sorry.” Drake knew how much he treasured the photos and other mementos of his mom, so he could understand why Joseph felt the way he did.
Joseph rubbed his hands over his face. “Don’t pay any attention to me. My mind and emotions are all over the place right now.”
“That’s to be expected.”
“I’m not afraid of Willy B,” Joseph stated. “As long as he doesn’t get near one of my boys again, I’ll do whatever it takes to stop him from hurting another street kid.” Joseph cleared his throat. “Maybe it’s a good thing I’m going to Wyoming. Right now, I think Willy’s the one who should be afraid of me.”
Drake felt an odd kinship with the priest. He bumped his shoulder against Joseph’s. “Would it make you feel better if I told you Cullen went sledding yesterday?”
A gentle smile crossed Joseph’s handsome face. “Helps a lot, actually.”
“Good, then I should also tell you that he laughed his butt off the entire time, and even curled up by the fire with the rest of us afterwards and drank hot chocolate.”
“Stop it.” Joseph sounded completely shocked.
“I swear.” Drake held his hand up as if to testify. “I think he needed to get away from the city.”
“Or me,” Joseph mumbled.
The last thing Drake had wanted was to bring Joseph down even further. He remembered what Oggie had told him about Cullen’s age and wondered whether it was his place to say something. A string of curses wound their way through his head when he glanced at the dejected man. Maybe he’d made Cullen’s time at Second Chance sound like more than it had actually been. “It was his first day of even smiling, so don’t feel too bad.”
Joseph took a deep breath. “He comes off like he’s really tough, but he’s not.”
“Yeah, I think you’re right about that,” Drake agreed.

* * * *
“Joseph’s coming here?”


Oggie dropped an armful of new towels, fresh from the dryer, beside Cullen. “Yeah.

You’re not gonna run away again, are you?”
Cullen picked up one of the warm towels and held it to his face. He inhaled several
times before starting to fold it. “I don’t wanna leave, but it might be easier.” “No it won’t.” Oggie started a stack and reached for another towel. “I think you should
talk to Joseph.”
Cullen shook his head. “I shouldn’t have tried to kiss him.”
Uncomfortable with giving advice, Oggie concentrated on the pile beside him until he
figured out how to proceed. “Do you think Joseph would’ve pushed you away if he knew
you were of legal age?”
“Being underage gives him an out.” Cullen paused. “The attraction between us is there,
but I’m no good for him. I thought being around him would be enough, but it only made it
“You have to tell him the truth,” Oggie urged.
“I’ve done a lot of crazy, nasty shit to stay alive. Joseph is the kindest, purest man I’ve
known.” Tears filled Cullen’s light green eyes. “The best thing for him is for me to stay
“He’s a grown man. Why don’t you let him make his own decisions?” A horn sounded
outside the dormitory. Oggie got to his feet. “Finish those up. That’s probably Nate with a
load of donated clothes.”

* * * *

Drake stepped off the plane and shook his head. A brand new shuttle bus was parked at the edge of the runway. It seemed Asa was going all out to help Joseph and the young men. He turned to Joseph. “Asa’s thought of everything.”

Covering his face with a scarf, Joseph scanned the area. Although it had stopped snowing, the wind was whipping what was already on the ground into huge drifts. “I hope it’s a four-wheel drive.”

“Don’t worry. If I know Asa, he’s hired a competent driver.” Drake waved the bus over as the young men started to gather what little they’d managed to salvage. He could tell Joseph was still rattled and hoped his mind would be eased once they arrived at the ranch. “It’ll be okay,” he said, clapping Joseph on the shoulder.

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