Caught in Heat [Half-breed Shifter Series Book 1] (6 page)

Trapped inside the cylindrical cage, she could only hold on for dear life as he ate at her pussy and lavished her with his tongue. Arms burning as she held herself up, she leaned back against the safety cage, where more cold metal cupped her ass and the backs of her shoulders. She spread her knees wider, and lifted her feet up to give him plenty of room to work, resting her toes on rungs up by her waist.

He hummed his gratitude, sucking her clit into his mouth. She never thought it would be so exciting to have a male go down on her while hanging suspended fifteen feet above a level surface as she clung to a rickety ladder for dear life. But the excitement and danger made her pussy swell hotter.

Groaning as her flavor flooded his tongue, the human wrapped one arm around the ladder so he could reach up with a free hand and slide three fingers inside her. The barrel of his gun lifted toward her, raising the level of danger even more as it damn near stared her in the eyeballs. One wrong move and he could accidentally blow her head off.

God, that was hot.

She came, screaming out her release and gripping his fingers hard. She pressed her breasts against the ladder step because the cold metal was heaven on her burning nipples. As the minutes passed and she squirmed on his fingers, dribbling wetness down his hand, he moaned out a distressed sound.

“Jesus Christ, why did I do this? I wish that was my cock inside you. I wish—” He choked on another groan as her cunt grew even tighter around his fingers. “Oh, God. I want to fuck you again so bad.”

“Soon,” she gasped. But her orgasm went on. “Or maybe not so soon.” This might take a while.

He cursed then wrapped his mouth around her clit once again, sucking on her as he thrust with his fingers. She kept coming. The sensation grew, frustration mounted. Something in her beast realized there wasn’t a cock at play and the orgasm stretched on as if it were waiting for a penis and ejaculation to join the fun.

Below her, the human dropped his flashlight. If fell a long way before shattering on the flood below, plunging them into darkness.

She arched and ground down on his hand, continuing to come, her excitement only peaking higher.

“Mother fucker.” He let out an agonized groan. “Please. I need—”

Knowing exactly what he needed, she came a little more, as if she had to make up for what he was losing.

When she finally settled, his breathing was hard and erratic. He rested his damp brow on her thigh as he slowly disengaged his fingers. She jerked with aftershocks of pleasure.

“Remind me to never do that again,” he said.


“Unless I’m able to get inside you directly afterward,” he finished before she could complain.

Riley grinned. “You
get inside me…just as soon as we’re off this ladder of death.”

“Down,” he commanded. “Now.”

She laughed and began to descend.


* * * * *


As soon as his boots touched the ground, Shaw reached up to catch Riley’s hips. The shotgun slid off his shoulder and landed with a thud somewhere around his feet, probably next to the shattered spotlight. But with his hands on her skin, he wasn’t too concerned about his firearm at the moment.

His major concern was how the hell he was going to open his fly and free his erection when he couldn’t seem to stop touching her.

Riley solved the dilemma by reaching between them and sliding down his zipper. When warm fingers enveloped him, he hummed. She stroked the rigid length, starting at the base and gliding all the way to the tip, where her thumb captured a drop of pre-cum, before she moved back down the shaft, coating him with himself.

He picked her up and braced her spine against the entrance of the compound. She kept hold of him, guiding him to her core. Wet and warm, her pussy invited him inside and he sank home.

Ah, yes. Home. Felt like he was returning home after being away for a long, miserable winter. He never wanted to leave her again, never wanted to be with anyone but her.

Hooking her knees under his arms and holding her legs in the crook of his elbows, he spread her and pushed deeper.

She arched her back, straining her shoulders against the door and her pubis against his groin.

“I love kissing you.” He pressed his mouth to hers, sliding his tongue inside. The two of them kissed the breath out of each other. His tongue mimicked the slide of his dick as he moved in and out at a slow, leisurely pace that made her cling to him, running her fingers through his hair to clutch his scalp.

When he finally broke the kiss, he kept his lips on her, traveling down her jaw and throat. “I love touching you,” he said. “I love…I love…”

Damn, he couldn’t think. He needed—

He needed—

“I love fucking you.”

She grinned and squeezed her inner muscles around his cock. His head went fuzzy; he picked up his pace. She blinked at him, her eyes lighting as she watched him thrust.

Literally lighting up.

It wasn’t the first time, either. Last night, there’d been the spotlight to help him see, and it hadn’t seemed so prevalent in the day when they’d been up on ground level outside. But down here in the dark, her gaze lit the entire corridor. “Do you know your eyes glow when you come?”

He wasn’t sure why he asked. Of course, she would know.

But she blinked in confusion, strobing the room with light, dark, and then light again. “Do they really?” Reaching up, she patted her sockets as if she could feel them blaze.

Shaw wasn’t sure why he smiled, but her curiosity was adorable. “Actually, they start right before your orgasm, at the very edge of your peak when you’re as excited as you can get.”

Shooting him a get-real look, she shook her head. “No way.”

“Look at the wall; you’re lighting up the whole stairwell.”

When she did, her gasp of pleasure undid him.

He slowed his pace, moving nearly all the way out of her. The glow in the antechamber dimmed.

Growling, she muttered, “Bastard.”

He couldn’t help himself, he chuckled.

“Okay, Princess. Have it your way.” He shoved back into her, flexing up to hit her sweet spot.

Her eyes lit up the entire manhole as she exploded.


* * * * *


Shaw accidentally slid out of Riley as he eased her feet back down to the floor. Both of them froze as his limp dick pulled free and slapped against the side of his leg. Their gazes caught. He wanted to kiss her—anything to harden his cock so he could push back into her, but Riley cleared her throat and stepped away from him, turning expectantly toward the door.

“Okay, that does it. I want a shower, bed, and food. Not necessarily in that order.”

His lips quirked. She was definitely one hundred percent woman, demanding her creature comforts. But instead of irritating him, that feature charmed him just as much as her sweet, inverted heart-shaped bare ass did.

Shaking his head, he dug into his pocket for his key. “Yes, ma’am.”

After unlocking the door, he pushed it open and stepped back to let her precede him inside. As she disappeared through the doorway, he bent down to retrieve his gun and the spotlight. After inspecting both, he discovered the light was done for but the gun was still in working order.

Lifting his face, he paused when he found her turning in a slow circle to study the twenty-by-twenty-foot enclosure.

Shaw examined the room, as well, seeing it how she saw it. Hard, cold, sterile.

No way would she be able to tell he’d been living here for the past year and a half. It looked more like shapeshifting hunter headquarters instead of someone’s living quarters. No throw pillows on the black vinyl couch, which looked like something that belonged in a 1960s doctor’s office waiting room. No pictures hung from the stark, cement walls.

It hurt too much to put up images of Hailey. She’d been too young when she died. And there was no way he wanted a reminder of his parents; a part of him still blamed them for what had happened, though rationally, he knew it hadn’t been their fault. Other than those three, he’d never allowed anyone to grow close enough to him to make him want to hang their photos.

Moving his weight from one leg for the other, he uneasily eyed Riley as she glanced curiously at the mess of cups and plates and magazines. For some reason, he felt bad about providing her with such shoddy accommodations.

But her face didn’t show revulsion, merely interest as she ran her hand over a pile of magazines on his desk. Pausing, she lifted an issue of his subscription to
and flipped it over.

She read the name on the mailing label. “Shaw Griffin.” Lifting her eyes, she blinked at him, her lips curling in amusement. “So, you
have a name.”

He nodded, feeling rueful for spending the past half a day fucking her without ever telling her who he was.

As the word fuck crossed his brain, his dick jumped to attention. He watched her glance toward his bed in the corner and take in the rumpled sheets. He couldn’t wait to get her on that mattress. But instead of immediately moving toward the bed, she glanced at the other corner where a mini kitchen had been set up. His cock swelled as he thought about taking her on the table, spreading her out like a gourmet meal and dining to his heart’s content.

But again, she didn’t hop that way. She glanced at him. “So you have food and somewhere to sleep. What about a shower? I think I’d like to get cleaned up first.”

The shower. His penis grew another inch. Oh, how many different ways could he take her in the shower? He already pictured himself, ass on the watery ceramic floor of the tub, knees bent with his back propped against the wall as she straddled his hips and faced away from him, reverse-cowgirl style, while the water sprayed down on her tits and clitoris and he pushed up into her cunt from behind, serving her a double whammy of pleasure.

“Bathroom’s that way,” he said, his voice husky from the image swirling through his head.

Riley surprised him again as she flashed him a smile and patted his stomach in gratitude before moving off, away from him. “Great. I’ll take mine first. You can see about hunting us up some grub.” Her bare ass swung deliciously behind her as she strolled toward the bathroom alone.

His mouth fell open. Wait a goddamn second. What about his shower sex fantasy? What about taking her on the table? And the bed? Why hadn’t she sent him that flirtatious, come-and-get-me big boy smile and invited him to join her?

He just about said, “Fuck it,” and followed her into the bathroom. But then it struck him.

Oh, shit. She must be losing the fever.

No! It hadn’t been nearly long enough.

As his body itched for release, he nearly wept. What was going to happen when she was no longer in heat?










Chapter Five


As Riley scrubbed at the clumps of dirt and grass stuck to her, she also regretted she was washing off Shaw in the process. After their time together, she knew she would be forever changed. Not only had he touched every part of her body and learned every detail, but he’d reached into her very soul. She didn’t feel like she could completely be herself again. Without Shaw, she was empty.

Her kind didn’t mate for life. Males and females typically separated after sex. Then again, by itself, her animal didn’t go into heat, but mated throughout the year; it was the shapeshifting feature that put her into heat. So, maybe it was the shapeshifter, or possibly even the human in her, that made her feel so connected to Shaw. Like he was her life partner.

She shivered under the warm spray and rubbed at her arms. Tilting her face to the water, she let the mist coat her cheeks and cleanse away any tears that wanted to fall.

This couldn’t last. Her fever would die down, he’d remember she was a shifter, and that would be that. Goodbye, Riley.

Hugging herself, she shook as tremors of fear seized her. How much longer did she have before the fever faded? How much longer did she have with him?

Already, she could feel tenderness between her legs. Her pussy was beginning to experience the strains of overuse, and her nipples a bit of chafing. She’d heard from other females that only happened when the fever began to weaken. Soon, she’d lose her high and she’d be out on her ass. Or dead.


* * * * *


Shaw opened the fridge and rested his arm on the top of the door as he leaned inside to examine his food stock. His body still craved Riley. He’d even masturbated twice since she’d disappeared into the bathroom, and still his cock kept growing back to full erection.

It was insanity. Her claim that he had to be inside her to get hard so quickly was pure bullshit. Or maybe it was the cream from her body smeared all over him that kept him aroused.

If that were the case, he may never shower again.

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