Caught (Men of the Show Book 3) (10 page)

“Obvious?” she exclaimed. “Aside from what happened at the wedding, nothing about this has been obvious. It’s been mixed messages left and right,” she said as she walked away a couple of steps, trying to rid of the loud buzzing in her ears. “I can’t even process this.”

Shannon shook her head. The cold air helped to clear the confusion, but her mind was still going a mile a minute trying to put everything together. She whirled back to him. “But you haven’t even done or said anything!
I don’t get it.”

He gave her a shy grin. “Yeah, I wasn’t quite sure how you felt about me. Plus, there’s that whole thing about your work…”

“You seriously don’t know?”

He frowned. “Don’t know what?”

His blue eyes were so bright and his handsome face so full of worry that she didn’t even stop to think, didn’t care she was in public with thousands of people walking around them. She did what she’d being telling herself she shouldn’t. She launched herself at him…again. She would think about the consequences, figure everything out later. She was going for it. She was doing this…with him.

Matt caught her and held her tight against him as her mouth collided with his. His lips were soft and warm under hers, and, after a few seconds, he moaned and opened to her, his hands sinking into her hair. He tasted like the whiskey he’d been drinking, and she warmed all the way down to her toes when his tongue curled with hers.

They remained locked together, neither wanting to pull away and dampen the fire erupting between them. A few people snickered as they stepped around them, a couple even muttered, “Get a room,” but she didn’t care.

When Matt broke the kiss, he kept her close in his arms.

“Come back to my hotel?” he asked in a soft voice.

There was no question. She was going to break one of her own rules and enjoy a wonderful night with a sinfully gorgeous man. Since her personal life was on hold for the most part, she deserved this one night, and there’d be no regrets.

She nodded.

Chapter 9

Throwing money at the driver, not caring he’d given the man an extremely healthy tip, Matt jumped out of the cab under the porte cochere, grabbing Shannon’s hand in his and pulling her toward the lobby.

He couldn’t believe how everything had all played out. When he’d seen Dust walk through the restaurant doors, he hadn’t known whether to laugh or hide. Even with Shannon’s repeated insistence about having no time for anything but work, something refused to let him throw in the towel. He continued to ask her out, and she continued to say yes, which gave him confidence in his decision to persevere, yet the opportunity for full disclosure still eluded him.

It certainly wasn’t how he would have scripted it and there were moments when he feared she’d deck him before rushing off into the night, but he’d been able to get her to listen. And her reaction after she’d gotten past her initial anger at him…he still couldn’t get the picture out of his mind of her throwing herself at him. Now they were heading up to his room and he was anxious to get them both naked.

They beelined toward the elevator, their rapid footsteps loud against the marble floor, where they waited in impatient silence. The doors opened at last, but they had to pause as another couple emerged. Once the coast was clear, Matt pulled her in and hammered at the button to close the doors before anyone else stepped in. The elevator closed with a hushed thud and he yanked Shannon against him, unable to wait any longer. Her arms went around his neck while his hands grabbed her hips through her jacket and held her tight. His mouth moved hungrily over hers, urging the kiss deeper and deeper. With the wall at her back, he pressed himself against her and groaned in appreciation. She was the perfect height.

“I’ve wanted to get my hands on you again so badly that now that I can, I don’t know where to start,” he murmured.

“I don’t care,” Shannon said as her mouth sought out his. “Just touch me. Anywhere.”

He gave a quick grin before his lips found her neck. “Oh, don’t worry. I will.”

The elevator stopped and the doors opened behind them. Matt walked them out, loving the intense look of desire in her eyes. He was going to enjoy making her scream.

Matt held the door for her and she brushed by, walking down the narrow hallway as she pulled off her jacket, her footsteps muffled by the thick charcoal carpeting. Shannon’s gaze darted around, taking in the quiet elegance of the room and the marble fireplace surrounded by black leather chairs. “A fireplace?
I didn’t know they had those in hotel rooms.”

“Then you haven’t been staying in the right places.”
He tugged off his coat and tossed it on the couch. “Be right back.”
He stepped into the bedroom behind him before returning a second later.

Shannon placed her purse on the loveseat, looking everywhere but at him. He couldn’t tell if she was nervous, and told himself to go slow, just in case, but that was probably going to be nearly impossible. When her gaze finally landed on him, the deep blue of her eyes notched up his hunger for her even more and he swore at that point he would do anything for her, give her anything. All she had to do was ask.

Shannon gave him a lazy smile and that was his opening. Matt reached out and cupped the nape of her neck, pulling her lips to his. He tried to take things nice and easy, his tongue teasing and toying with hers. But soon he urged up the pace, stealing breath-taking, drugging kisses from her like he needed them to breathe before backing off and fighting against the hot need pulsing through him, insisting he take her hard and fast. He couldn’t have their first time together be a sprint to the finish line, even if his body was demanding just that.

Matt loved it when she had a wall at her back, pressing the entire length of her body against his, so he walked her backward. As he leaned into her, placing his palms flat on either side of her head, Shannon mewled into his mouth, and the sound nearly broke him.

He stopped and broke off the kiss. Taking a deep breath, he grappled to reign himself in, battling against the strong desire coursing through his blood warring at his fight for control. “I…I need a minute…”

“What’s wrong?” Shannon asked and the worry was clear in her voice, most likely concerned he was now having second thoughts.

Matt stepped back enough in order to make eye contact with her. “No, no,” he said quickly. “It’s not that. God, it’s not that. Please don’t think it.”

“Then what is it?”

“I just…I need to catch my breath,” he told her. “I’ve wanted you for so goddamn long that I’m afraid I can’t be gentle…or slow.”

“I don’t need you to be gentle. I just need you to touch me. Now. Please, Matt.”

Any control he had snapped at her words. Matt had to touch her and he had to touch her everywhere. As his lips crashed back down on hers, his hands slid down her shoulders and made quick work on the buttons of her cream suit blazer. He jerked the jacket down, but not all the way off, locking Shannon’s arms against her body. His fingers returned to tug at the small faux pearl buttons on her blush silk shirt, fighting the urge to rip the fragile fabric away while his mouth never left hers, continuing its almost punishing possession. When her blouse opened, Matt lost himself in the vision of her breasts swaddled in the silky cup of her bra. His mouth watered as he shoved the fabric down and sucked on the tight peak before rolling the bud with his tongue.

Shannon threw her head back and moaned, ratcheting up his need even more. Hot, heady desire surged, demanding he sink himself deep into her and take what he wanted, but he needed to be patient. He had to hear her scream his name before anything else.

She tugged at her jacket, trying to free her arms, but they remained trapped. Matt was inclined to leave her confined for the moment since once her hands fell on him, it was going to be over. Shannon jerked again before giving up with another throaty moan he felt deep in his gut.

His hands moved to her hips before reaching around to unzip her skirt. He let it fall to the floor and stepped back to take in the sight of her. She stood on long, shaky legs in nothing but her soft pink bra and matching bikini bottoms, with her arms locked at her side by her blazer and her back arched, offering her breasts out to him. Her cheeks and lips were the same blush color, her eyes smoldering, and her hair a messy tumble over her shoulders. At the end of her mile-long toned legs, she still had on her beige pumps with a gold toe, and Matt had never seen anything so sexy in his life.

“Jesus Christ, you’re beautiful,” Matt rasped before diving in again and claiming her mouth. His hands reached around to squeeze her behind as they ground against one another.

“Matt, help me out here,” Shannon murmured.

He shook his head, his lips never leaving hers. “Not yet.”

They kissed with reckless abandon and soon it was clear that reasoning was slipping away from them both. Shannon squirmed, trying desperately to wrap her legs around him. Needing skin-on-skin contact, Matt grabbed the neck of his sweater, shirt and T-shirt and yanked them all off in one tug over his head, before pulling her back to him.

His hands wound their way down again and yanked her panties aside. He skimmed through her slick folds, causing her to pant and him to clench his jaw at how wet she was. Matt took in a deep breath, the sharp scent of her want filling his nose, as he slid two fingers into her. Her eyes went blind and her mouth opened with a silent plea as she moved against his hand.

“That’s it,” he urged her. “Come for me.”

Matt continued to thrust into her and stayed with her as she sailed up and over, moaning out his name before dropping her head to his shoulder. He couldn’t recall ever seeing anything so incredibly arousing. He returned to her nipple and gently nipped, causing Shannon to jerk as he lightly blew on the tight bud.

“God, that was sexy as hell,” he said.

She huffed out a laugh. “I’ll take your word on that.”


Shannon opened her eyes and almost stilled at the sight of him. He stood in front of her clothed only in jeans, which rode low on his hips revealing the dark blue band of his boxer briefs. She’d admired some nice chests in her life, but they all paled in comparison to Matt’s. His shoulders were massive with strength, while his arms bulked and bulged with solid biceps and thick forearms. His chest, chiseled and carved, was model perfect and smooth, without a spec of hair except for a sparse dark trail starting at the bottom of his six-pack and disappearing into his pants. Her eyes widened when she realized the glistening tip of his erection was peeking out of the top of his underwear.

She lost her breath at the sight of him and somehow became even wetter. After the intensity of her orgasm, she was surprised to be so edgy again so soon, but simply looking at him, the massive size of him, had her desperately wanting—needing—him inside her.

Shannon tugged at her jacket harder, determined to release her hands and put them on him. “Matt, help a girl out here.”

His lips twitched as he reached behind her. “I thought I already had,” he said with a gravelly voice.

Freeing her arms, she wrapped them around his neck and pulled his mouth back to hers. His hands returned to her panties and pushed them down her legs. She stepped out of them and reached for his pants, her fingers brushing the head of his penis, spreading the beaded pearl of liquid, which pulled a groan out of him.

As Shannon unbuttoned his jeans, she murmured against his lips, “Please tell me you have a condom on you.”

His hand stopped hers. “Grabbed one when I went into the bedroom.”
He reached into his pocket and revealed a square package.

“Oh, thank God,” she said as she pulled him back to her. “Good thinking.”

Shannon couldn’t get enough of him. She needed him all over her, everywhere and anywhere. He was thoroughly seducing her with his mouth and hands, but soon their movements were jerky, unsteady, and they both craved more.

Matt shoved down his pants and boxers before ripping open the gold wrapper. A small flutter of panic quivered in her stomach at the sight of him sheathing himself, quietly taken aback by his size. She didn’t have much time to wonder if they were going to have a problem fitting things when he grabbed her hips and started to hitch her up, and she suddenly had very different worries.

“Wrap your legs around me,” he demanded.

Shannon tried to stand her ground. The last thing she wanted was an embarrassing reminder of her mammoth size as soon as Matt realized she was too tall for such maneuvers, making everything awkward as he strained to hold her.

“Come on,” Matt repeated and, before she could stop him, lifted her as if she weighed as little as a feather. “Wrap them around me.”

Shannon did as he said, although amazed he hadn’t pulled something. The head of his impressive erection nudged her, and though a smidgen of worry still niggled at her, she didn’t even try to hold off, too overwhelmed by her need.

Squeezing her legs against his sides, she shifted her hips downward, taking him within her, and her breath caught in her chest. His hands gripped her waist, trying to slow her.

“Jesus, Shannon,” Matt hissed between clenched teeth. He tried to ease her back up, but seemed unable to resist as he pulled her down at the same time he thrust into her. Tremendous pressure filled her and she sucked in a breath, holding it until she loosened around him. He stilled, his chest heaving as he waited her out.

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