Caught on Camera (Black Towers Book 1) (9 page)

Read Caught on Camera (Black Towers Book 1) Online

Authors: Lauren Hawkeye,Suzanne Rock

“Yes.” He recoiled. Taking Georgia’s hand, he dragged her through the small group and toward the street. As Georgia passed the stunned woman, she could distinctly hear the word

Georgia tried to stop and give her a piece of her mind, but Cole was far too strong. As they half-walked, half-ran, Cole pulled out his phone.

“—we’re coming out the front.”

More dancers piled out of the club, and Georgia could hear their voices rise up behind him. As they burst out onto the sidewalk, a long, black limo pulled up to the curb.

Cole pocketed his phone and opened the door. “Get in.”







Chapter Eight



-Starlet Regina Carlton on reports that her ex Cole Anderson was seen leaving a nightclub with Georgia Evans



Georgia shook her head. “I—”

Cole picked her up by the waist and unceremoniously dumped her into the car. She sputtered, stilling when she saw more and more people spilling out onto the street. They all started shouting at once, and as their voices blended together Georgia realized that if she didn’t get in the limo, she was going to be crushed by a sea of fans.

“Holy shit.” Georgia had wanted fame again. Looked like she had it.

Cole grinned. He let go of the door and slid across the seat, just as the crowd descended upon them. As the limo pulled away from the curb, Georgia looked over her shoulder at the paparazzi and fans, taking pictures.

“They can’t see us, you know,” Cole said.

“What?” Georgia asked, turning back to him.

Cole knocked his knuckles on the side window. “They’re tinted. We can see out, but they can’t see in.”


“Where to?” the limo driver asked.

“Good question,” Cole said as he turned to Georgia. “No doubt the paparazzi knows about us now. They’ll be sitting out in front of both of our apartments on the off chance we’ll give them a picture.

“Oh.” Georgia folded her hands in her lap and realized that she was shaking. “I’m sorry Cole. I guess . . . I guess I forgot about all of the madness that was part of the industry.”

She was really apologizing for her moment of panic ruining the mood between them, though why she felt the need to make that right, she wasn’t sure.

He smiled and put his arm around her. “Don’t worry. They’re just interested in us because it’s a slow news week. Once another celebrity hits the headlines, they’ll forget all about us.” He hesitated for a moment, then tightened his grip around her shoulders. “Take us to that hotel on the outskirts of town. The one I had my mother stay in when she visited last month.”

“The Oasis?”

“Yes, that’s the one.”

“It will be about ten minutes, sir.”

“That’s fine.” Cole pushed a button and a privacy screen went up between them and the driver.

Georgia’s first instinct was to tell Cole that she didn’t want his arm around her, but… well… that was a lie.

She didn’t know if she could go through with this. But she`d been living in misery for so long.

Why shouldn’t she have something she wanted?

“We’re going to a hotel?” Unbidden, her pulse picked up.

“Just for the night. After our appearance, people are going to be on the lookout for us. I want to make sure that things calm down a little before I send you home.

It made sense to her. Back when they were dating, both Cole and she had done something similar lots of times to avoid unwanted media attention. Although the thought of spending the night with Cole in the same hotel room made her nervous.

Nervous and… hot.

“Hey.” He hooked his finger under her chin. “It’s okay. By tomorrow morning, no one will remember, much less care about what happened there that night.”

“Right.” She stared out a window, counting the palm trees as they passed. When Cole tugged on her fingers, she turned back to him.

Before she could suck in another breath, Cole had tugged her against his body. One hand tangled in her hair, making sure she looked at him and nothing else.

“Now tell me. Did you mean to start something, back there on the dance floor?” His stare raked over her, and excitement rushed through her. “I’ll give you this one chance to say no.”

She should tell him no. She was opening herself up to a world of pain.

Right now? She didn’t know if she cared.

“I’m not saying no.” Georgia’s breath caught as he covered her lips with his own.


The next several minutes passed in a blur. When the limo stopped, Cole dragged his lips away and pulled Georgia out onto the sidewalk before the driver could come around and open the door. People stopped and stared, but he didn’t care. Cole felt like a man possessed as he navigated the crowded hotel foyer and dragged her to the elevator. Once inside, he pulled her to him and started kissing her again, hard. All the while, he kept reminding himself that this was real. She was real. He had dreamed of this moment, this reunion for so long. Now that it was actually here, he wasn’t sure what to do first.

One thing was certain, however. He was going to do it all, even if he had to tie her to his bed to do it. As soon as the elevator doors opened, he pulled her along the hall, taking out his key card as they moved.


He ignored her feeble protests, not wanting to give her to much time to think. He slid the keycard into his door and dragged her inside. Shutting the door with his foot, he pinned her against the wall and kissed her again, this time taking his time to taste her thoroughly.

She tasted just like he remembered, sweet and innocent with a touch of tang, like those small round candies he used to get as a kid. She reminded him of that playful, wild time, a time when he didn’t have a care in the world.

It was only part of the reason why he found her so addicting. Underneath her conservative exterior, far below the sensible girl she portrayed to the world, there was a wildcat waiting to come out. He had recognized it years ago when they had first started dating. That side was there now. He just had to awaken it.

After a long moment, he broke for breath, and Georgia clung to his jacket. “Just promise me one thing.”

“Name it.” He turned her away from the door and started inching her backward toward the bed.

“No cameras.”

He laughed, a genuine sound he hadn’t made in years. “Absolutely.” He picked her up. “Some things are much better off camera.” He tossed her onto the bed, causing her to drop her purse on the floor, spilling its contents.

He didn’t care. All that mattered was Georgia, and all of the erotic things he wanted to do to her.


Georgia squirmed as he lifted her skirt and removed her panties. It had been a long time since she had been with a man, too long. She briefly wondered if she would measure up to the more experienced women he was used to being with, but then the thought dissolved as he knelt between her legs.

“Beautiful,” he whispered as he slid his finger in between her folds. “You’re even more beautiful than I remember.”

She watched as he brought his finger to his lips. “Cole—”

“You taste better, too,” he said as he removed his finger from his mouth. He crouched before her and lifted her legs. Georgia gasped as he rested them on his shoulders and spread open her folds. Cool air kissed her sensitive skin, and then his warm, wet tongue was there, exploring and claiming every inch of skin as his own.

Georgia fisted her hands into the bedspread as pleasure shot through her bloodstream. She wiggled under his touch, desperate for more. He gently circled her opening, collecting the moisture he found there. Then he slid his wicked tongue up and flicked her clit, spending ripples of ecstasy to shoot through her core. Again and again he tortured her, staying along the outer rim of her opening, avoiding exactly where she needed him to be.

Pressure built, and on the third rotation she let go of the bedspread and threaded her fingers through his hair.

“Cole, please.” She held him against her, willing him to slide into her opening. The wicked man refused to obey, however, instead preferring to torture her with his tongue.

The air heated, and pressure built in her core. Georgia slid her hands from his hair and dug her nails into his shoulders and back.

“I’m close,” she gasped as she let go of his shoulders and reached for the headboard above her. She gripped the wooden spokes and pushed her hips closer to his eager mouth.

That tongue. . . she gasped as it finally entered her, dipping just inside her opening. He moved lightning fast, light kisses that left her wanting more.

“Oh, God.” She widened her thighs in invitation and he took advantage. Desire swirled through her bloodstream, making her light headed. Then he slid his finger inside her opening, and her world exploded. Pleasure poured through her body, filling every crevice and pore. Cole slowed but didn’t cease, and as he lengthened his movements, Georgia shivered with bliss.

After the last ripple of joy made its way through her body, Cole retreated and smoothed his palms over her legs.

“I had forgotten how beautiful you are when you come.”

“Let me return the favor.” She let go of the headboard and sat up. She reached for his pants, but he stepped back, just out of reach.

“Not yet.” He picked up her purse and placed it on the end table.

“What are you doing?”

“Picking up some things that spilled out of your bag when we came into the room.”

“You don’t have to do that.” Her voice was full of frustration. “Get back here.”

“No, I think I do.” He straightened, holding a fist full of ribbons in one hand and a butterfly vibrator in the other. “Still a dirty girl, hmm?”

“Give me that.” She reached for the items, but he pulled them back. “Very interesting. I think we may be able to use these.

“Cole, I’m not into games anymore.”

He raised his brows. “No? And you carry these in your purse to remind yourself that you aren’t a kinky girl?”

“It was a mistake.”


“I placed the vibrator in there by accident, and the ribbons were something my agent gave me.”


Georgia stared at the strands, unable to form the words. To remind me to live.

“Then she wouldn’t mind if we used them,” he said.

“No,” Georgia said. “Don’t use them.” It would seem wrong somehow, using ribbons that were designed to remind her of her baby as a sex toy. This was wrong, not just the ribbons, but this whole scenario. She started to stand, but Cole put his hand on her shoulder, stopping her.

“Okay, no ribbons.” He set them aside. “But you can’t tell me that this is off limits.” He held up to the vibrator.

“No.” She eased back down on the bed. She didn’t really mean it.

He clipped the straps from the vibrator. “We can use these.”

She flashed him a skeptical look. “What are you thinking?”

He gave her a seductive smile as he eased her back down onto the bed. “You’ll see.”

“Cole, I—”

“Trust me, Georgia.” He took her hand, kissed it. “I’m not going to hurt you. I promise.”

He shifted on the bed and kissed her lips. The touch was gentle and reassuring. Then he secured her arm to the headboard above her.

Georgia’s heart hammered against her ribcage as Cole took away her freedom—her choice.

Once he had, she felt strangely free. Free to be wanton and enjoy every drop of pleasure that she could wring from this moment.

Shredding his clothes, Cole climbed onto the bed and knelt between her thighs. His eyes burned a track down her body, and Georgia squirmed under his stare.

“I wanted to go slow, to drive you out of your mind.” Cole cupped her breasts in his hands, strumming his thumbs over her nipples, making her moan. She closed her eyes, whimpering at the loss of the touch.

Her eyes flew open again when she heard the crinkling of a foil wrapper. Cole tore open a condom with his teeth, sheathing his hard cock in one sure movement.

The sight of his fingers wrapped around his length had moisture surging between her thighs.

“I’ll go slow next time.” He placed his erection against her damp opening. “But right now I just need to fuck you.”




Chapter Nine


Next month: Why we give love a second chance.

-Elite Magazine


“I trust we’re all feeling better after the weekend?” Kevin pinned both Georgia and Cole with a stare, arching his eyebrows, his message clear.

Georgia felt heat staining her cheeks. Beside her, Cole huffed out a laugh.

Yeah, they were feeling better. After that first time, when he tied to her to the bed and fucked her long and hard, he’d proceeded to wring pleasure from her that she hadn’t thought was possible.

She hadn’t been this relaxed in… well… ever.

“Good.” Kevin smirked, and Georgia blushed harder. She was sure that everyone in the room knew exactly what she and Cole had been up to all weekend.

Did it really matter, though? The intimacy had been between them, and no one else. Who cared who knew?

“So today’s the big sex scene day.” Kevin gestured to the robes that both Georgia and Cole were wearing. “We’re filming this a little differently than you might have done these scenes before. We’re going to shoot this scene in one long shot with no cuts. If we need another take, we’ll do it after this one is completely done. So everybody get comfortable.”

Georgia felt surprisingly shy as she slid under the covers of the bed on set, then slipped out of her robe and handed it to a production assistant. Beside her, Cole did the same, and when the steel strength of his naked thigh brushed against hers, she caught his eye and bit her lip.

“Do you trust me?” Cole eased her back on the bed in the position Kevin wanted them in, ranging himself overtop of her. He was hard, his erection pressing against her thigh, reminding her of how sore she was after their weekend sexfest.

“You’re supposed to be wearing underwear!” Georgia hissed up at him, but her his arched to press into him all the same.

He grinned wickedly down at her.

“I discovered something about you this weekend, Georgie.” Dipping his head so that she could hear his whisper, she ran her tongue over her lips. “You still want the thrills of the old days, just without the drugs or the booze.”

“What makes you say that?” Georgia knew the production people around them were bustling around, preparing for Kevin to yell action, but her attention was focused only on Cole.

“You’re still my dirty girl.” He smirked down at her and gave just the slightest roll of his hips. “Let me help you find safe outlets for the thrill-seeker in you. Trust me.”

“Cole!” It hit her then, what he was planning. She slapped her hands against his chest, but it was like trying to move a boulder. “Don’t you dare!”

“Action!” Kevin yelled, Cole dipped his mouth to kiss her as the script called for, and her protest was swallowed whole.

The scene called for some hot kissing, Cole on top of Georgia. After about thirty seconds, he was supposed to reach down between their bodies, ostensibly to position himself at her entrance.

Except that instead of pretending, when he slid his hand down between them, Cole’s clever fingers tugged her nude thong aside and guided himself into her waiting heat.

“Oh!” Her moan was anything but fake as he exaggerated thrusting forward, seating himself inside of her. “Yes!”

Her eyes were wild as she looked into Cole’s. They were surrounded by people, dozens of them, and no one knew that he was actually inside of her, stretching her swollen flesh.

“Like that, do you?” He dipped his head, barely whispering. The hand still between them adjusted something, and Georgia felt arousal wash over her just as she detected the faintest whisper of a noise. “Don’t worry, I’m wearing a condom.”

Cole thrust, and vibrations ground down against the sweet spot of her clit. She gasped as she realized what he’d done.

Not only was he actually fucking her under the sheets on this set, but he was wearing a cock ring.

“That’s it, baby.” This was one of his lines, but as he delivered it, Cole fisted his free hand in her hair and thrust again. The vibrator pressed against her clit, and she cried out.

From over Cole’s shoulder she could see Kevin, giving her a thumbs up. God, everyone here probably thought they were just giving the performance of a lifetime.

It was the hottest thing they’d ever done.

“Come for me.” Cole whispered into her neck as he ground his pelvis down against hers. The orgasm started in her toes and exploded outward and she cried out, her fingers clawing at his back.

She could feel the moment that he followed her, his body tightening as his heat spilled inside of her. She stared up at him, dazed, as he bent and placed a tender kiss on her lips.

“That’s a wrap!” Kevin shouted enthusiastically. Cole, sweat glistening on his brow, waved away the productions assistants, instead taking their robes himself. She whimpered as he pulled out.

As if she was a doll, Cole sat her up, pulled her robe over her shoulders before donning his own. She expected him to have that wicked, self-satisfied grin on his face, but instead he looked as shell-shocked as she was.

Their eyes met, and they didn’t have to speak. This—this was why they’d always been so perfect. They just clicked.

Cole opened his mouth, but before he could speak, the director rushed over.

“That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” Grinning, he gestured to the bed. “If you two can keep that kind of chemistry up, we might be looking at Golden Globe nods.”


Georgia frowned, trying to let that sink in. Just days ago, that would have been the most exciting news she could have imagined.

Now, compared to the heat that had just incinerated the pair of them?

It wasn’t the focal point of her life.

“Seriously, guys. You did amazing today.” Kevin shifted his focus from Georgia to Cole. “You both did. I’m not sure what happened this past weekend, but keep it up.”

Cole slid his arm around Georgia, and she could see that he was barely suppressing a snicker. “It’ll be… hard. But we’ll try.”



Cole was still reeling from the mind-blowing pleasure he and Georgia had just shared. Fuzzy-headed, he turned to find a curvy blonde waving at him in the doorway. “Leta!”

“I didn’t know your sister was visiting the set.” Georgia murmured. This was… awkward.

“I’m as surprised as you are,” he whispered back. Cole grabbed Georgia’s hand and turned to meet his sister. “I didn’t think you were coming until tomorrow night.”

“I wasn’t, but Oliver really wanted to see you in action. We didn’t miss it, did we?”

“I’m afraid we just wrapped up.” He dragged Georgia over to where Leta was standing with a little boy who was as blonde as her. “You remember Georgia.”

“Of course I do.” Leta smiled as she hugged Georgia. “It’s good to see you.”

“You, too,” Georgia mumbled. Oh man. This was a lot to take in.

Cole bent down until he was eye-level with the little boy. “And how are you, buddy?”

“I’m an army man.” The kid pulled out a toy laser gun and aimed it at Cole. “You better look out.”

Leta rolled her eyes. “Manny, stop that. Your uncle’s at work.” She turned to Georgia. “Manny is into all things military, now.” She ran her fingers through the boy’s blond locks affectionately. “He wants to be just like his dad when he grows up.”

Cole held up his hands in mock surrender as his grin widened. “An army man, eh?” He stood and placed his hand at his forehead, giving the young guy a salute. “Yes, sir.”

The boy lowered his gun and saluted back, apparently satisfied with Cole’s obedience. “Where is the enemy?”

Cole lowered his hand and considered his nephew. “I think I saw them hiding behind the director’s chair, sir.”

The boy gave a curt nod. “Let’s go then.”

“Okay. You first.” The boys took off toward the other side of the stage.

“Your husband is in the military?” Georgia asked.

Leta sighed. “Doing his second tour in Afghanistan.” She smiled at Georgia, but her eyes were full of sadness. “He’ll be there another six months.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, well. Such is the life of a military wife.” She watched Cole and Manny for a moment in thought. “Thank God he has Cole. My brother has been really good with him.” Leta glanced at Georgia. “Cole had always been fond of kids. He’ll make a great father someday.”

A dark shadow formed in Georgia’s chest as she thought about the baby she had lost. She watched Cole as he chased his nephew around the set. Both of them were laughing and smiling like kids in a schoolyard during recess.

“He wants to be a father?”

“Oh yes. I think children is the only thing he loves more than acting.”

Manny squealed as Cole lifted him over his head. After a quick twirl, he set the kid down on the ground and tickled him until he was rolling around on the floor.

“Okay, that’s enough.” Leta moved away from Georgia and toward the boys. “I don’t want Manny’s animal crackers and juice to end up on the studio floor.”

As she moved, Cole whispered something into Manny’s ear. The boy nodded in agreement and the men stood as one, aiming fake guns at Leta.

“You better not come any closer,” Cole said.

“Yeah, or we’re going to blow you up,” Manny said.

“Come on guys, that’s enough.”

“Bang! Bang!” Manny shouted.

Georgia blinked back tears as Leta faked her own death and the boys did their victory dance. Leta was right. Cole
good with children. He’d make an excellent father someday. Just not with her.

She was broken. Her miscarriage had proved that. She had no idea if her body could even carry a baby to term. What was she thinking? Not only was she no longer a party girl, but she didn’t even know if she could give Cole what he so obviously wanted—children of his own.

“We should all go out to dinner together,” Leta said as Cole helped her off the floor. “I want to hear everything about this new project.”

“Only if Georgia can come too.”

“Of course.”

Cole glanced in her direction. “Georgia, are you all right?”

“What?” Georgia wiped a tear away with her fingers. “Yes, I’m fine. Must be allergies.”

“You have allergies?” Cole stepped away from his sister and nephew. “Do you need medicine?”

“No, I’m fine, really. I just, I have to go.”

She turned toward her dressing room.

“Wait.” Cole grabbed her hand and waited until she looked over her shoulder at him. “At least come to dinner with us.”

“No, I can’t.” She sniffed back more tears. “I’m sorry.” She ignored Cole’s confused expression and quickly retreated to her dressing room. She managed to make it back and close the door before the tears started falling once more.

“Stupid girl.” She swatted at her tears as she threw herself into her makeup chair. Pulling out her phone, she swiped the screen to look up the phone number for a cab. The last thing she wanted to do was to suffer through a dinner watching Cole and his nephew. The two looked so perfect together. Seeing them interact only made the pain worse. The sooner she got out of this place and home, the better.

Her browser automatically opened to a search engine, and current news stories scrolled through a flash player beneath the search bar. The stories were the typical gossip and personal improvement pieces, and normally Georgia wouldn’t pay much attention to them, but one familiar picture caught her eye.

The picture was of her and Cole at the club Friday night, dancing. Under the picture was the headline
Cole Anderson is never without a lady.

Before she could think better of it, Georgia clicked on the picture and opened up the article. Scanning the contents, her gaze settled on the last paragraph.


Will love last the second time around? Not likely. Cole loves to play the field, as evidenced by the fact that on the evening shown here, he arrived with not one but two ladies who were most definitely not his costar. Already he has been seen making the party circuit while Georgia sits at home alone. This reporter feels that he seemed much more at ease with Regina, and holds out hope that Cole will come to his senses and the power couple will soon be back together.


Setting down the phone, Georgia leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes. The reporter was right. This was never going to work. She and Cole were too different, and wanted different things. He was a party boy, an extrovert who had a different woman on his arm every week. He had money, power, and influence to spare. She was just a lowly rehab graduate, trying to put the pieces of her life back together. She had lost most of her Hollywood contacts, and had to prove her worth all over again. He wanted to live in the limelight, she wanted to flee it. If they had children, he’d probably want to parade them around for the media, while she’d want to keep them out of the spotlight as much as possible.

It was crazy to think that a relationship would ever work. She was much better off alone. But if that was the case, then why did the prospect of giving Cole up leave such a big hole in her heart?

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