Cautious (Sequel to Disastrous) (10 page)

It was the perfect time, until there was a knock at the door that
ruined the whole fucking moment. Mia jerked back as her hand came up to a halt.
Cursing a storm, I backed away from her and watched my beautiful, hot-as-hell
girlfriend jump off my desk and adjust herself.




I wanted to kill whoever was behind that door. Cold-blooded
fucking murder.

My head whipped toward the entry the moment it opened. As soon as
I saw it was Jimmie, I flipped him the fucking bird. “My bad, Bro, should I
come back?” He asked with a mockingly raised brow.

“No, no, no.” Mia blurted. “I was just leaving.” Catching her
breath, she grabbed her jacket and turned to face me. “Sorry,” she mouthed.
When she leaned in to kiss me good-bye, I grabbed her arm and whispered in her
ear, “You have got to be fuckin’ kidding, Mia?”

“I’m sorry, Marcus. It’s only four days. A bet is a bet.”

I pulled her into me again and harshly blurted, “You weren’t
fuckin’ saying that a minute ago.”

“Please don’t be mad, okay?” she whispered back.

Fuck, I didn’t want to be mad, but my dick was on the verge of
exploding. That’s how horny I was. Her eyes pleaded with mine, and I couldn’t
be pissed anymore. I let out a deep breath and nodded. “Fine, have a good time
at lunch.” I planted a kiss on her lips.

She gave me one last slight smile, turned, and made her way
toward the door. Jimmie gawked at her. “Whoa, you have a hot date, Mia?”

She smiled at him and leaned in to kiss his cheek. “Yes, with
your mother.”

Nodding, Jimmie smiled, “Ah, well the two of you will be the
hottest chicks in the place that’s for sure. Have fun.”

“Thank you, Jimmie. Catch you guys later!” And just like that,
she was out of my sight. My body heated with the adrenaline.

Jimmie turned his head my way pointed at me and burst out

“Fuck you, Jimmie, you fuckin’ cock-blocker.”






With wobbly legs, I exited Marcus’ office and treaded
toward the elevators. I needed to get out of there fast. Once the elevator
doors opened, I entered, pressed a button, and sank against the cool metal
barrier. Breathing heavily, I stared at my reflection along the silver-plated
wall opposite me. Emerald eyes narrowed back at me with the I-want-to-fuck-and-fuck-now
look. The red smeared lipstick was not pleasing. I reached in my purse to grab
a tissue and my lipstick. Wiping my lips clean, I gave myself a fresh coat of
red. Giving myself one last look, I straightened my dress, teased my hair with
my fingertips, and walked out of the elevators and into the lobby to meet up
with Theresa.

If Jimmie had never entered Marcus’ office, there would have been
no stopping me. Marcus would’ve had me, right then and there. I was angry with
myself, not for letting myself cave in but rather for thinking that I was being
childish with the stupid bet. I just wanted something different for us. Before
our separation, we never talked. Everything was resolved with sex. Now Marcus
confided in me. He trusted me enough to pour out his feelings and secrets. I
didn’t want to lose that. However, deep down, I knew I had to please my man,
because I felt that if I didn’t I might lose him to someone else who was more
than willing.

Someone like Stephanie.

That brought me to the reason why I showed up at his office
unexpectedly, overly dressed, with my best pair of four-inch boots, along with
my hair and makeup done as if I were scheduled for a photo shoot.

What was wrong with me?

Hearing her name over the phone left an unsettled burning deep
within my stomach, and as much as I wanted to brush it off, I couldn’t. I did
trust him with every inch of my being, but what woman would have just let it
slide? Again, was I being childish, or it could just have been
what he had.

No, I guess it was juvenile. I was frustrated that I allowed
myself to stoop so low. There was no turning back now. What was done was done,
and I couldn’t change anything about it. Though, I had to admit seeing the look
on his face when I entered his office unannounced was priceless. The way he
gawked at my appearance forced me to laugh at the memory.

I spotted Theresa the moment I entered the Japanese restaurant.
Waving her hand, she stood at my approach. “Hello, Theresa.” I leaned in
hugging her.

“Whoa, Mia, you look amazing.” She pulled away from our embrace
and settled back in her seat.

“Thank you. So do you.” She surely did. Theresa was in her early
fifties but could easily pass as Marcus and Jimmie’s older sister. With smooth,
long, brown hair and bright green eyes that brightened with her smile, she
stood at four feet eleven inches. Even with heels, she was tiny. Theresa was
also fashionable as she dressed in a classy but sexy way with her cream fitted
dress, royal blue peep-toe pumps, and gold accessories. I aspired to be just as
chic at her age.

A waiter approached our table. “Hello, can I start you off with
anything to drink?”

“Yes, I’ll have a glass of merlot. Mia, would you like one as
well?” I nodded with a smile. She ordered two glasses and the waiter left us. “So
how’s my favorite lady?” She asked with bright smile.

“I’m good. I’ve been stressing over this exam that’s scheduled
for tomorrow, but after taking a day break from studying, I think I’ll be
fine.” The waiter brought us our glasses, and then we ordered a variety of
sushi. “How are you?” I asked when it was just us again.

Sipping on her glass, she slightly nodded. “I’ve been okay, just
a little down lately, but that’s to be expected this time of year.”

Theresa was never one to be upset or at least from what I’d
witnessed, which worried me. “This time of year?”

“Yes, it’s the anniversary of my husband’s death. It’ll be
fifteen years next Saturday.”

A chill ran through me as I leaned in and folded my arms on the
table. “I didn’t realize he passed a week after Marcus’s birthday?”

Theresa ran a freshly manicured hand through her hair as she
slightly nodded. “Oh yes, Marcus didn’t want to celebrate his birthday for
years after James’ death.” Laughing once, she continued. “Can you blame him? I
think it wasn’t until his twenty-first birthday that he allowed me to plan a
party for him; even at that age, he was hesitant.” She took a few more sips of
her wine.

“So is he going to be okay with the surprise this week?”

“We’ll find out then.” Laughing at my wary expression, she added,
“I was kidding by the way. I think Marcus will be just fine, especially because
you’ll be there.” She leaned in and grabbed my hand, reassuring me.

Nodding, I shifted the focus back to her. “It must be hard to
deal with the loss of your husband. Even after fifteen years, how did you find
the strength to move on after losing the only man you’ve ever loved?”

Theresa looked as if she had just been punched in the gut.
Removing her grasp from my hand, she leaned back in her chair and blankly
stared at me. I felt beyond terrible. I didn’t realize my words would be too
painful for her to handle.

“Theresa, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to . . .”

She waved me off with a sway of her hand and shook her head. “No.
That’s the thing, Mia.” She rested a fist under her chin as her eyes focused on
mine. “That’s why it was never easy to let go. The guilt . . . I just . . .”
Her eyes began to water. She reached for a napkin and gently dabbed the cloth
along her lids. I was confused by her reaction. There was definitely more
behind the loss and mourning of her husband. It was as if she were carrying a
burden that weighed heavily against her shoulders.

Looking back at me with wet eyelids, she pressed her lips
together and studied me for a few seconds. “Can I confide something in you?”

Stunned by her instant change in demeanor, I simply nodded.

She wasn’t convinced, “Mia, you have to promise me that you will never
tell anyone. Okay?” Reaching for my hand, she gripped it tightly. “No one, Mia.
Not even Marcus. Please promise me this.”

Anxiety ran through me as I stared at the woman who was more
damaged than I had assumed. So many scenarios sprinted through my mind as she
begged me with her eyes to keep quiet. I wanted desperately for her to trust me
and to be able to disclose anything. But why was I so nervous? One side of my
mind was yelling, “Please don’t tell me!” The other side was saying, “Just tell
me. I can handle it.”

With that, I nodded, allowing her to spill her deepest and
darkest secret.


As I entered the shopping center with both my mother
and Megan, I nodded at their comments and suggestions. I was there physically—laughing,
talking, and even trying on shoes—but my mind kept drifting back to Theresa and
our discussion at lunch. I felt every bit of the pain and guilt from the load
she had been carrying for so many years. I cried along with her as she
confessed and spilled everything. How I could keep it from Marcus was beyond
me, but it wasn’t my secret to tell.

“Mia, are you okay, sweetie?” Sara, my mother, reached her hand
out and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

Smiling at the gesture, I glanced at her, “Yes, I just have a lot
on my mind.”

“Ah, Marcus and you are doing fine?”

“Yes, we’re doing better than fine. Thank you for asking.”

“Good.” She smiled and adjusted the few pieces of clothing that
hung from her arm. “Are you going to try those on?” She pointed at the few
blouses I held.

“No, I’m just going to grab them.”

“Okay, I’m going to go to try these on. I have no idea where
Megan ran off to, but I’ll meet you at the register?”

“Sounds good.” Slightly nodding, she turned and headed toward the
dressing room.

With thoughts of Theresa and Marcus constantly running through my
mind, I continued to rummage through racks of fabrics in the boutique. I had to
try to forget the information Theresa had just confided in me. It was the only
way I could stop feeling guilty for keeping it from Marcus. As my guilty
feelings continued to pour out, I decided to send Marcus a text to apologize for
my earlier encounter and to tell him that I loved him.

“Hey, Mia, look at this bad boy!” Looking up, I saw that Megan
held a tiny piece of lingerie pressed against her.

“It’s an oversize stocking, Megan.”

Laughing, she stroked the fabric as if it were a fur pet. “What,
you don’t think I’ll look hot in this? Jeremy will die! Well, after he bangs
the hell out of me.” She winked.

Shaking my head, I yanked the thin fabric out of her hands. It
was a netted full body suit, with only a hole at the crotch area. “Yeah, he’ll
have a field day with this.” I handed it back to her.

“Come on, you never dressed up for Marcus before?”

Yes, I had. I looked pretty damn hot too, but I also remembered
waiting for over six hours for him and the night had taken a bad turn. I didn’t
want to go into that story with Megan. I nodded and headed toward the shoes in
the store. She was following quickly behind me. “Have you ever stripteased for

Frozen in place, I slowly turned. “No. Wait, have you?”

“Not with Jeremy, but with my ex back in Philly. You should so do
it, Mia!” Her smile spread with her eyes wide open.

“I would be too embarrassed.” Still, when Marcus stared at me
naked, he never made me feel uncomfortable with my body. Instead, he made me
feel sexy. He stared at me in awe, as if he had never seen a naked woman
before, and I knew that wasn’t true. Though standing in front of him, dancing,
having him watch my every move—I could never do it.

“Oh come on, Mia. Take a few shots to loosen up. I’m telling you
he’ll love it! You can do it on the night of his birthday—a little birthday
striptease and sex.” She wiggled her perfectly arched brows. Then her face
turned serious. “Besides, you still have that stupid bet going. You have a lot
of making up to do.”

Damn you, Megan. Damn you. I couldn’t believe I was actually
considering it. Megan could convince me sell my organs on the spot, and that
comment about of a lot of making up to do hit me hard with guilt. “I wouldn’t
even know what to do, how to set it up, or what to wear?”

Crossing her arms, she dropped a hip and flashed a crooked smile.
“Oh yeah, now I can finally teach you something. Come on. Let’s go into the
lingerie section. We have lots to do.”


For the next few days, nothing major had occurred.
Marcus and I saw each other when we could. On Wednesday, we went on a nice date
on to the same Italian restaurant he took me on our first night together. It
was nice to catch up with Mr. Giuseppe again; that old man had such a humble
soul. We truly enjoyed his company. Marcus eventually got over the entire office
teasing incident. He hadn’t brought it up since, but I knew he was looking
forward to getting together tonight. It marked two weeks since we had made our

I should have jumped his bones the moment he picked me up, but I
decided to let it drag a little longer because he was going to have me that night.
He was dressed down in jeans and a white t-shirt, looking yummier than ever.
How that was possible, I wasn’t sure. He didn’t mention the bet all week after
the incident in his office, and he didn’t mention it the entire ride to the
movie theater either.

We talked about the exam that I had just passed. We discussed his
birthday plans—he did not know that a surprise party was being planned by all
of his family and friends. We even talked about the case he was preparing that that
was supposed to have started on Monday. We talked about everything else except
the bet. Had he forgotten?

We pulled into theater parking lot. Marcus walked around and
opened the door for me. “Why thank you, Mr. DeLuca.” Reaching for my hand, he
smiled, shut the door behind me, and hit the alarm for his car.

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