Chains (The Club #8)

Read Chains (The Club #8) Online

Authors: T. H. Snyder

© 2015 t. h. snyder (Tiffany Snyder)

Published by t. h. snyder

First published in 2015. All rights reserved. This book is copyright. Apart from the fair purpose of private study, research or review as permitted by the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced without written permission.

This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people.  If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.  If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy.  Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Image Copyrights

Cover Artist Cassy Roop, Pink Ink Designs

Photographer Cassy Roop, Pink Ink Designs

Model CJ


I want to THANK the following people for their SUPPORT and ENCOURAGEMENT throughout this journey.

My READERS, I wouldn’t be here without you. Thank you for sharing in my stories and allowing your minds to live in the lives of my characters. I love receiving your words of encouragement and telling how much you love the craziness that runs rapid through my head.

Those AMAZING Indie Authors out there that INSPIRED me to do something I never thought was possible. You showed me that with a little motivation and imagination anything is possible.

My PINK CREW…I really don’t know what I would have done without the two of you ladies by my side. Throughout this entire story you pushed my limits, made me step outside of my comfort zone and made me believe that anything is possible. I love you girls more than you’ll ever know. You are BOTH my right hand chicks Carrie Moore and Ashley Lighthizer #BBDDOA4Ever.

My two very BEST FRIENDS. When times get rough and I want to bang my head against the wall (don’t laugh, true story), I can always count on my girls. Love you both long time Skye Turner and JM Witt #OverAnalyzeThisGirls.

The SUPER AMAZING, Cassy Roop, who captured an incredible image and made it come to life. I love you so much Sis!

Even though this lady makes me question my sanity, she knows how and when to test my limits. Thank you Missy Borucki for being my editor, you are truly AWESOME.

My eyes…thank you Monica Cervantes for once again proofing my story. You are simply WONDERFUL and I appreciate everything you do.

My family! You guys CHEER me on every day telling me how PROUD you are of my ACCOMPLISHMENT. I couldn't have done this without you Mom, Angie, Dad and Mar.

To my two WONDERFUL kids, you are my world Raeghyn and Mason. I love you both to infinity and beyond

Last but not least, my cover model CJ. I can’t really say in words how very proud I am of you. Together we have something HUGE to celebrate. I’m honored you’ve allowed me to use you as my model and MUSE for Jesika….thank you!!!.

An uneasy sensation forms in the pit of my stomach, a loss of control building as anticipation takes over my train of thought. I am lying to myself if I say I don’t have high hopes for this evening with Jesika. No matter what I want to do, rejection continues to play through the visions of her in my mind. I wish I could read her, know exactly what she’s feeling and predict how she will react once I share my sexual desires with her.

She’s meek, humble and reserved yet her love of life comes through in her beautiful hazel eyes and hypnotic smile. Everything about her pulls me toward her, driving a need to consume her. I plan to indulge in her wants, needs and longing. With just a touch of my hand, her body instantly reacts to the feel of my skin. With everything I am, I must have her and show her the pleasures of pain only I can satisfy.

I’m a man who thrives on passion, dominance and authority, but I’ve held back sharing the most intimate details of who I really am with Jesika. I’ve kept my true self hidden from her in fear that she would reject me, leave and tear apart my soul. I’ve allowed her to fall through the cracks of my cold, black heart and now…now there’s no other choice but expose her to the life I live.

Tonight everything will change.

Tonight I will show her my world in a way only her eyes will appreciate.

Tonight she will submit herself to my every command and desire, she will be mine.

As we approach downtown, the lights surrounding the museums shine brightly through the night sky illuminating the exhibit’s sign that reads
Strike a Pose.
Tonight, Jesika is accompanying me to the largest erotic art exhibit in the country.  The paintings, sculptures and various items that will be on display portray the world of BDSM in a form that she can see and feel. It is my hope that through her sense of sight, she will capture the beauty of submission and all the sensual pleasures it can provide.

Escorting her from the cab and onto the sidewalk, my hand falls to the small of her back. The subtle tightening of her muscles sends a jolt of excitement through me, every nerve ending in my body on high alert. The thought of her responding so quickly to my touch creates visions in my mind that, in this moment I cannot process. As badly as I want to remove the sexual images running through my imagination, I can’t help but picture bending her over and slamming my hard cock into her wet pussy.

“Connor,” her soft voice calls out. “The doors have opened.”

Clearing the intimate vision from my mind, I turn toward her beautiful face.

“Ahh, wonderful,” I respond. “I truly hope you enjoy this exhibit, it’s one of the finest in the country.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” she remarks with a smile. 

As we move between each display, I can’t take my eyes off of her and the way her brow furrows as her eyes become wide with curiosity. Some pieces are simple, less bold whereas a few others are more detailed. Each item demonstrates the craft within the artist and the sexual seduction they are able to express through their masterpieces. Watching her become so captivated and intrigued has me mesmerized. I want to touch her so badly; my hands are balled up into fists along my side. It’s taking all of the willpower I have not to extend my arm and run my fingertips along her smooth skin. She’s a phenomenal creature, her lack of knowledge and sexual inexperience oozes from her body without her even knowing it.

Stepping forward, we move toward the final painting of the exhibit. The artist has remarkably demonstrated the allurement of the dominant man hovering over the willing body of his submissive. The expression on the female subject’s face is passionate, a presence of absolute bliss seeping from her lips as she’s restrained and under complete control. My eyes watch Jesika’s mannerisms as a whispered gasp falls from her lips. With a trembling hand, she delicately covers her mouth as her gaze scans every inch of the canvas. It is in this exact moment I know I need to share with her everything I’ve been holding back.

“Jesika,” I render in a husky tone.

Her hand falls to her side as she turns to face me, hazel eyes filled with such compassion staring back to me.

“These pieces…this exhibit, it’s all so real. Everything I’ve seen tonight appears to be so lifelike, it’s extraordinary, Connor. For years I’ve captured images of models and scenery, yet nothing compares to what I’ve just experienced.”

“I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear you enjoyed yourself, but I must be honest. Tonight I brought you here to not only show you works of art, I wanted you to envision the world in which I live.”

Pausing for a moment, I stop as my heart rate begins to accelerate and a wave of fear lurks up my spine.

“I-I don’t understand,” she replies shifting her eyes from mine.

“Look at me, Jesika,” I command in deep tone, lifting her chin so that her eyes are meeting mine. 

“I’m baring something so sacred to you and my only wish is that you’ll be willing to try to accept me for the man I am. No woman has ever made me feel the way that you do. I’ve never given anyone the power to control my emotional state, yet when you’re in my presence, every reflection I have is of you. I’m not your average man, Jesika, my sexual interests are quite unique. But if you’ll allow me, I’d like to show you how passionate we can be together.”

Watching her suck in her bottom lip, I carefully observe her expression as my body begins to crave her skin against mine.

“This is all so much to take in, Connor. If this…this exhibit showcased what your interests are, I don’t know that I’m capable of doing anything like this. I’ve never…”

I stop her right then and there. Her self-doubt is clouding everything I want her to feel. She has to want to experience this with me, not fear the unknown.

“Jesika, let me show you pleasure like you’ve never felt. Allow me to treasure every inch of your body until you can barely breathe. Submit yourself to me.”


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