Read Champagne Showers Online

Authors: Adler,Holt

Tags: #cookie429, #Kat, #Extratorrents

Champagne Showers (15 page)

Once outside, Bradley stops and turns to me with his lip twitching.

“Dani, why the hell didn’t you have the courtesy to tell me you went back to your maiden name? Didn’t you think I deserved that much? So our marriage didn’t work and even though most of that is my fault, you could have at least given me that much.”

“Okay, Brad, I know I should have told you sooner.”

This is getting annoying.

“You know I haven’t wanted to be in contact with you. What was I supposed to do? Send you an email?”

“I guess it doesn’t matter anyway, we’re divorced and what you do is your business. I’m just hurt, but I’ll get over it.”

He sticks out his bottom lip.

“So are you and the mogul involved? Please deny it ‘cause I don’t think I can take the thought of you with another man just yet.”

“First of all, my personal life is none of your business and I have no idea what the mogul is to me. For now, he is my client.”

“Okay, I’m leaving, I’ve heard quite enough. Seriously, no man has ever regretted stopping by a ribbon cutting ceremony more than I.”

He really is upset. I didn’t know he had any feelings left, much less for my welfare or me.

“Look Brad, we could stand out here going back and forth for the rest of the day, but I need to get things wrapped up in there. I don’t want to keep Harrison waiting anymore.”

I feel a tingle in my lower belly as I say this. Oh how I want to be in there with Mega Mogul rather than out here with Brad.

His lip curls and he scoffs, “Yeah, I’ll bet.”

He holds up his hand to stop my response, “I’ll call you later this week and maybe you’ll take pity on me and succumb to my humble requests for your company at a coffee house.”

“Wow Brad, pouring on the charm. Too bad it’s lost on me.” I laugh. “Okay, call me later next week. It’s almost the weekend and I plan to relax.”

His mouth opens to make another snide comment. I hush him and then send him on his way.

I realize that I’m still holding the flowers Bradley brought me.

I walk back into the building and notice that Harrison is no longer standing there. Where could he have gone? I start to walk toward the wall of windows when the side door off the lobby opens and the strange little dark-haired man, Philippe, appears. I had thought that he was back in Montreal.

“Mademoiselle, Monsieur Towers would like you to join him in his penthouse if you are done with your business down here.”

He takes the flowers from me.

“I will have these for you upstairs in water.”

“Thank you, Philippe.” I head to the private elevator.

I turn to say something else to Philippe, but he’s already disappeared. He must use the service elevator. I go to grab my belongings from behind the reception desk, but they aren’t there. My purse and briefcase are missing. In all of the excitement and crowds of people, who knows where they have gone off to?  Shit! My car keys are in there and my wallet along with a lot of personal effects that I’m not interested in having to replace. At least my mobile is in my pocket with my business cards.

I walk back to the elevator and realize that my pass card for the elevator is also on my key ring, which is in the purse. I grab my phone and send Harrison a text.

4:39 PM


My purse is gone and my passkey is in it. could you send elevator?




And waiting.







Harrison Towers

Well that is very careless of you. I am not happy that someone may have access to my building and penthouse.


Oh no, he’s mad. Crap!



I’m so sorry. I had it stashed behind the reception desk. I don’t know where it could have gone!



And waiting again.

Then I hear the elevator coming.
. The doors open and Philippe is in there. He nods.  “Mademoiselle.” 

As the elevator heads to the top floor, my stomach churns. Now I will have to deal with canceling my credit cards and getting my card re-keyed at my condo. Not to mention, now Harrison is mad at me. Butterflies cause a ruckus in my stomach and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. Oh dear, this is not how I wanted my
day three
to end up.

. The elevator doors glide open and I’m greeted with the gentle swooshing of the water wall. I glance back at Philippe and he gestures for me to exit the elevator. I don’t know why I’m so hesitant; it isn’t my fault that my purse and pass card have been taken. Oh dear, why do these things always happen to me?

Philippe now walks briskly ahead and shows me into the grand living room, as if I didn’t know the way. I gasp as we enter the room, there is Harrison standing with his jacket off now, top two buttons undone and his tie loosened and hanging slightly askew. His hair is perfectly messed up. He advances toward me and hands me a glass of champagne. As he does so, his fingers graze against mine. Shock waves radiate over my entire body from that little touch. He flashes his megawatt toothpaste ad smile and then clinks his glass to mine and says, “To a successful opening.”

I nod and smile. He then takes a quick sip of his drink and licks his lips while locking his gaze on mine. Gasp, I can feel my loins stirring with the memory of his mouth exploring my entire body with special attention to my “P”.

Just as I feel my face turn every shade of red in the spectrum, he turns and walks toward the white leather sofa, reaches down and says, ”I do believe this is yours?”

I furrow my brow with confusion. It’s my purse and briefcase. “Oh, thank goodness, where did you find it, how did it end up here?”

“You shouldn’t be so careless, Danielle. Philippe brought it up here for safekeeping.”

Now that makes me mad, I had it secured at the reception desk. There was no reason for it to be relocated.

“Mr. Towers.”

He smirks and then interrupts, “Harrison.”

“Right, Harrison.” I’m getting very agitated.

“I will have you know that I was not, in fact, careless, I had secured my belongings at the reception desk.” I put the glass down on the side table.

“Thank you for the champagne. Did you need me for anything else, because if not, I will just take my careless self home now.”

He gives that infuriating smirk. It makes me crazy because I can’t tell if he’s laughing at me or what.

“Actually, there is one thing, how did your ex, uh Mr. Pyne, end up at the grand opening?”

Okay, where are we going with this line of questioning? I shrug my shoulders.

“I don’t know, he said he wanted to show me support for my design business. Why do you ask?”

“Oh, no reason, I just found it unusual considering what you told me about your relationship with him. Is there something still between you?”

What the hell?

“Harrison, I am really uncomfortable with this conversation. Bradley is simply my ex, and he wanted to bring me flowers. Maybe he feels bad about things and this is his way of reaching out to me. I think he may have a case of a guilty conscience.”

I find it odd that Harrison should concern himself anyway.

He stands there studying my face for what feels like an eternity and to the point where I start to feel awkward. He takes a last swig of his drink and sets his glass next to mine. He takes the briefcase and purse from my hands and discards them on the chaise lounge. In one swift movement, I find myself in his embrace. His lips come crashing down on mine and my knees buckle. Oh my, I think I’ve just swooned.

I can feel every fiber in my body respond with an intensity that could only be similar to sticking my finger in a light socket. My lips quiver under his as his hands reach for my ass and he starts to caress and kneed it while pressing his hard cock against my crotch.

We stand there probing each other’s mouths. Tongue seeking tongue, lips pressing to lips. I let my hands travel to his butt and mimic his movements. He lets out a deep guttural moan and then says in a raspy voice, “I want to finish the christening by fucking you on every surface in every room. And we are starting here.” I take in a quick shallow breath as my loins start to throb.

I feel myself getting very wet in my panties and I want nothing more than to screw his brains out over and over again. He turns to me and helps me slip out of my jacket. He lays it across the chaise next to my purse. He then works on unbuttoning my silk blouse with very capable and nimble fingers.

He discards my blouse. He then moves to my skirt; he reaches his hands behind me and unzips it, letting it fall to the floor in a puddle around me feet. My chain belt remains slung around my waist. He runs his fingers along the beads and metal and then he moves his hands back up to my bra and unleashes my breasts, tossing my bra somewhere on the floor.

He leans down and begins his assault on my nipples with his teeth while flicking his tongue on the tips. Oh, it’s just how I imagined him doing it. I moan and arch my back, the fire signals being received gladly.

I feel the flames licking at my "P" as the pulsing down there gets more and more intense at each flick of his tongue on my breasts. In another swift movement, Harrison clears all of the items on the chaise, picks me up, and deposits me on the cool leather.

He stands above me with his pants tenting from his erection and I squirm with anticipation because I know that it’s all in response to me. With lightning speed, he removes his tie and unbuttons his shirt but he doesn’t take it off. He unzips his fly and lets his pants drop to the ground. Aha, he is wearing a black pair of Calvin boxer briefs. So sexy. He removes his briefs and unleashes the erection that is just for me.

He moves over to me and I take his cock and start stroking it with one hand, and then I tentatively wrap my lips around the bulging tip. He lets out a loud moan and puts his hand on my shoulder as I begin to suck his cock. I use my hand to create pressure up and down the shaft. I look up at him during one moment and all I can see in his eyes is pure desire. He looks down into my eyes with such intensity and I feel like I might cum right there. He withdraws his cock from my mouth and pushes me onto my back on the chaise. 

He removes my panties, but instead of removing my belt as well, he leaves it there. He leans down and gives me a drawn out passionate kiss and then he once again begins his assault on my nipples. He gently twists my nipples between his fingers while circling the tips with his tongue. I arch my back and moan in absolute pleasure. He moves his attention downward by using his tongue and trailing down to my “P”. He takes his fingers and parts my lower lips and with his tongue, he goes on an exploration of my most sensitive area.

His tongue darts in and out of my “P” in a slow and methodic rhythm. It’s an exquisite torture once he begins to rub my clit with his thumb. I realize that I’m holding my breath. I let out a large sigh and just as I do so, he plunges two fingers into my “P” and starts fucking me with his fingers. In and out in a steady pace all while still rubbing my clit with his thumb. I find my hips arching to receive his assault. He keeps at this pace as I feel my body getting ready for its grand release.

Just as he is about to push me over the edge, with absolute finesse, he inserts his throbbing shaft into my inferno and starts pumping into me, hard. In and out, he slams his dick against my g-spot. I wrap my legs around his back while grasping at his butt to pull him in deeper. He responds by deepening his thrust and then he hits the head of his cock on my intense pleasure spot and I scream out in ecstasy. I throw back my head and arch my back with my legs still secured around him; his length invades my pelvis. He stiffens his body and then his release spills into me. With a loud groan, he collapses onto the chaise with me. 

The aftershocks of my own release continue to convulse through me, I feel his cock still in me, and it too has its own moment of pleasure. Harrison continues to lay on me. His sweaty flesh melds with mine. His breathing finally returns to a normal rhythm as does mine. We stay like that for at least 10 minutes. Then he withdraws his cock from me and stands up. With that sexy smirk of his, he reaches his hand out and helps me up. He embraces me for a minute, then he grabs the bottle of champagne and my hand and leads me to the master bedroom.

I follow him into the bedroom and he heads toward the en-suite bathroom. It’s so sexy in there. The travertine tile was such an excellent choice. We ran it up the vertical surfaces and the entire tub, shower and vanity. It isn’t overwhelming, but rather it’s luxurious. Hmmm. Wonder what he has in mind. I’m still reeling from the intense orgasm he just gave me and I feel very tired. I would love to just relax. We walk into the bathroom, and the rectangular tub is straight ahead with candles lit on the tub deck. The water cascades out of the waterfall faucet and  into a tub that is filled with bubbles. The smell of ginger and sandalwood wafting through the damp air is heady. Wait, how did he do this? Whoa, impressive. He must have had Philippe prepare this. I blush at the thought.

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