ChangingPaths (16 page)

Read ChangingPaths Online

Authors: Marilu Mann

“More. Yes more. Fuck me, Gareth. Please. I l…” she swallowed.
“I love it when your cock fills me up.”

He slid home. The velvet smoothness of her pussy nearly
undid him. He bent to capture a nipple. She groaned then laughed as it popped
out of his mouth. Her hands came up to cup her breasts together for him. He growled
his pleasure. When she growled hers he exploded inside her.


He woke before dawn. A sound, something out of place. He got
quietly out of bed, moving slowly so as not to wake Harmony. Pulling on his
jeans, he opened the bedroom door and moved through the cabin toward the living
room window. He stared out into the fading night, the almost-full moon
illuminating the yard around the cabin. A flicker of movement at the edge of
the woods caught his gaze and he waited patiently.

A white wolf stepped out of the trees, raised his head,
scenting the air, then trotted around to the left side of the cabin. Before he
could move away from the window a light-gray wolf came out right behind him but
turned toward the right side of the yard.

He shook his head, knowing he could go back to sleep—or at
least back to bed—without fear of anyone, especially her ex, getting near the
cabin. Rion and Kaj would see to their safety. It felt weird to depend on his
brother for anything. At the same time if felt good. Real good.

Almost as good as Harmony’s arms sliding around his waist.
He put his hands over hers as she kissed his shoulder blade.

“What’s wrong?” Her voice was soft, just a little scratchy
from sleep.

“Nothing. Just checking things out. Rion and Kaj are out
there patrolling the woods.” He turned in her arms to pull her close. “Let’s go
back to bed.”

She smiled up at him. He opened his mouth to speak then shut
it again. He was leaving in two days—who knew how long he’d be gone. Micah and
Pete would make sure she was safe but he had no right, really, to ask her for
any declaration.

He would wait until he got back from Oregon. If she still
welcomed him, then he’d see what he could do about getting her to fall in love
with him. He might need some advice from Olivia. That thought ensured he wouldn’t
get much sleep for the rest of the night. So it was only fair that he make sure
she didn’t either.

He reminded himself that he still needed to talk to Micah
more about Harmony’s comment about how the moon made her feel. He could have
sworn she’d grown wolf’s claws again. He grinned. Time to follow his woman to
bed. Maybe he could get those claws to rake down his back again. His growl was
sexual as he moved down the hall.


Rion stopped at the very edge of the property. He’d seen a
shadow moving in the house then waited until it was joined by another one.
Heaving a huge sigh, he watched them as they moved toward the bedroom. Gareth
had definitely found a treasure in Harmony. Hopefully they could find her
psycho ex before he did anything else to her or Rain.

He couldn’t stop thinking about Amilee, their sister. Her
silence had kept him and Gareth from knowing what was going on until it was too
late. The bastard she’d married had killed their niece, their nephew and their
sister. But unlike Harmony their sister had never tried to leave. She’d never
told anyone what was happening to them. He still remembered the futile rage at
being told they were too young to take the bastard on. His uncle had done the
killing but Rion and Gareth had wanted to be the ones to do that. That denial
had been a part of why they’d left their birth Pack in the long run.

Rion couldn’t imagine a shifter doing that to his mate.
Mating was such a sacred bond, at least that was what he’d always been told. It
was what he’d grown up around. He saw it in the Alpha here with his mate too.
He hoped he’d see it with Gareth and Harmony as well. Though knowing Gareth,
someone would have to nudge him into admitting how he felt about her. A wolfish
grin crossed his face as he realized he was thinking about his brother as
though they’d never been separated.

Rion? Everything okay?
Kaj stepped into the
moonlight, his head tilted to one side.

Fine. Just thinking. Anything unusual on your side?

No. All quiet all the way to the road. Did you see the
light on in Rain’s room?

No, she must have just turned it on. Is she okay?

I think so. I believe the young one is worried about too
many things for one so young. She worries about her mother, her father, Gareth
and her mother, and her first shift. It’s a lot for a sixteen-year-old to have
on her mind. Do you remember what you thought about when you were sixteen?

All I thought about was leaving home.
Rion shook from
head to tail.
Now I sometimes wish we had stayed put.

Kaj moved closer and bumped shoulders with him. Sympathy and
support all in one gesture. Rion heaved a sigh and raised his head.
Come on,
let’s make another round. I want them to have peace tonight. They’ll have more
shit to deal with tomorrow at the Gathering when Rain makes her first shift.

Right. Kaj yawned widely then shook much as Rion had a few
minutes ago.
Let’s hit it then. I’ll be on the road a day or so after you
and Gareth. I’m heading south, though, not west.

The two wolves made another round, scenting the air, looking
for anything out of the ordinary, anything that didn’t belong and doing so in
companionable silence.


Chapter Eleven


Harmony woke to the smell of bacon and fresh-brewed coffee.
She rolled over slowly, feeling a few aches and pains from the last evening.
Not bad aches like she’d had after a beating from Tom, but a different pull on
unused muscles. The kind that came from prolonged lovemaking with a powerful
shifter male. Gareth’s stamina amazed her, but what really amazed her was that
she’d managed to keep up with him. They’d made love until almost sunrise and
she’d finally fallen asleep with her head on his stomach and his hand stroking
up and down her back.

Getting out of bed, she stretched, raising her hands high
over her head and going up on her toes. A low growl behind her had her spinning
around to see Gareth standing in the doorway wearing only a pair of jeans that
were dangerously low on his hips. He held a plate piled high with bacon and
biscuits in one hand and a big mug of coffee in the other. His gaze traveled
from her bare feet up to her face and she watched him very slowly put the plate
and cup on the dresser and ease the door shut with his foot.

She couldn’t stop the soft laugh that came out of her even
as she started backing up. His bright-blue gaze returned to her then he was
unfastening his jeans. He stumbled a bit when he tried to step out of them as
he moved closer to her.

“Again? Honestly you’re insatiable.” She laughed.

“Moonlust, babe. Full moon tonight. Nothing a male wants
more at this time than to fuck or fight, sometimes both. And when he’s got
someone like you in his bed? He knows he’s got everything.” He’d come closer,
his voice deep and guttural, his eye taking on that silvery sheen she
associated with his wolf. Knowing he’d never hurt her, she still shivered as he
took the final few steps that separated them. He reached out to pull her
against him. The heat from his body seeped into her bones. As his scent reached
her, her body began to react even though she didn’t think she could.

With another low growl he scooped her up. The cold wall
against her back only made her get a tight hold on her lover. She wrapped her
legs around his hips, then grabbing a fistful of his hair, Harmony pulled
Gareth’s head up. The fierceness of their mouths meeting was almost brutal.
Still felt his restraint, knew he was holding back so as not to scare her. She
let loose her own growl, surprised that it came out of her. He yanked his head
back to stare at her.

“I think last night proved I won’t break. Fuck me and stop
holding back.” The lower pitch of her tone held echoes of her growl. Harmony
swore she could feel herself pacing back and forth. It was as if some beast of
her own held her in its grip.

His quick grin flashed then she felt his cock at her
entrance. Holding her with just one arm, he guided himself into her. She let
her head fall back against the wall as he did as she’d asked. She held on
tight, pushing against his thrusts, taking him deep, feeling her body’s
response. Her nipples pebbled as they brushed against the soft hair on his
chest. The wall held as he thrust over and over into her. Long, hard strokes
that melted her insides and felt oh so good.

She clenched her inner muscles as tight as she could. Her
pussy shuddered from the friction. She loved the strength of his arms holding
her against the wall. His body heat rose, as did hers. A thin bead of sweat
traveled from her collarbone toward her breasts, but before it could go between
them his tongue swooped it up. He licked then sucked, letting his teeth graze
her skin.

He had been so careful not to mark her in any way, no
bruises, no hickies, no bite marks. Harmony wanted more. She held tight to his
head, pushing his face harder into her skin. He growled again then she felt his
teeth. He bit softly, all around her left breast, then right on the nipple. She
cried out. It took a hard tug but she managed to yank his head back.

He stared at her, his eye now much more silver than blue.
She nodded jerkily toward the bed, his panting breath a counterpoint to her
own. His cock, still embedded deep within her, twitched. Gareth moved with her
to the bed. She felt the mattress give beneath her then sag more when he
positioned himself over her.

She pulled him closer but when he started to kiss her she
shook her head. Before he could move she scooted down just enough so that her
mouth was even with his chest. The need to mark him rose in her again. Even
though she knew this was something only the Moon-Called did to their mates she
didn’t second-guess herself this time. She loved him and she knew he loved her
though neither of them had actually said the words. He was hers and only hers.
That thought resonated through her as she made her move.

Opening her mouth against his chest, she gave him a quick
lick before latching her teeth into his flesh with a growl. He froze for two
heartbeats, then as she continued to bite hard right over his heart he started
moving again. Hard. Fast. She had to have those hips pistoning into her. Needed
him slamming into her core.

From the guttural sounds, he needed it too. The feel of her
teeth sinking into his muscle made her feel invincible. She pulled on his skin,
sucking in rhythm to the driving force of his thick, hard cock inside her. The
sound of his dick sliding into her moist heat with solid slaps undid her. She
growled against his chest as she held on. He went wild. Harmony’s entire body
shook as he threw himself into her.

The guttural sounds of their lovemaking filled the room. He
tossed his head back, growling. When her teeth broke through his skin she felt
herself come. She tasted the hot, sweet tang of his blood. Harmony knew,
without a doubt, she’d claimed her mate. His groan filled her senses with
searing, sweet heat. He slipped his hand behind her head, keeping her mouth on
him. She loosened her grip, licking across the bite to stop the bleeding then
met his gaze. Without another word she tilted her head, making her neck

He struck like a damn snake, latching on to the sensitive
area right where her shoulder met her neck. His teeth broke through her skin as
his hips slammed into her but she couldn’t draw enough breath to cry out. And
then he froze but she could feel his cock pulsing deep within her just as her
second orgasm rolled through her body. Gripping his ass tight with both hands,
she held him close, her body throbbing where they were joined. She took deep
breaths, feeling him licking across the mark he’d made on her. A mating mark.

She’d started it. She’d wanted him. And she’d taken. They
hadn’t discussed it at all but he hadn’t hesitated in returning the mark.
According to shifter law, they were as good as married. He raised his head to
meet her gaze. Harmony searched his face, looking for any sign that he
regretted it, regretted tying himself to one who was Denied.

All she saw was his beautiful silver-blue eye. Then that
smile curved slowly across his face.



They spoke at the same time. He laughed as he softened
inside her. As he slipped out of her they readjusted so they lay side by side.
For a moment they just stared at each other. She put her hand over the mark she’d
made on his chest. He covered her hand with his.

“I’m afraid you’re stuck with me now, babe.”

“Gareth, I’m sorry.” She felt his shock, felt him start to
pull away. She threw her leg over his. With strength she didn’t know she had,
she rolled him to his back. Once she was sitting astride him she said his name
again. “Gareth.”

She forced his gaze back to her face then smiled. “I’m sorry
I didn’t ask you first if this was what you wanted. I know I come with a lot of
baggage. A crazy stalker ex, a soon-to-be-first-time-shifter daughter…”

She shook her head, laughing softly. “I didn’t even think, I
just…well, I just acted.”

She whooshed out a breath as he reversed their positions.
Now she stared up at him, his body tight against hers. “Harmony, I love you. I
think I’ve loved you since I saw you standing on the side of the road holding
that damn tire iron as if it was a weapon. I love Rain as if she was my own. It’s
not the Moonlust talking, it’s me. I. Love. You.”

She laughed then hugged him tightly. “Oh thank god! I love
you too. Oh I love you so much!”

They lay there grinning at each other like lunatics until
they heard Rain moving around in the hall. The bathroom door closed. They held
still until the shower turned on. He kissed Harmony once, hard and fast, then
rolled off her.

“I made breakfast, but everything’s probably cold now.”

“It doesn’t matter, that’s what microwaves are for.” She got
out of bed, loving that his scent was all over her. A quick sniff told her that
hers was all over him. She flinched a bit when her robe hit the mating mark on
her neck, but then she grinned. They were mated. For life. She wouldn’t want it
any other way.

He had pulled his jeans on. When he turned to smile at her
she saw the mating mark on his chest. Her smile was more of a satisfied smirk.
was the only word ricocheting in her brain. He picked the cup of coffee up off
the dresser. After taking a sip he brought it to her, kissing her before
handing it to her.

“I’ll go heat up breakfast. You might need to talk to Rain,
tell her what’s happened between us.” Gareth jerked his chin toward the
bathroom where water still ran.

Harmony hesitated. “Do you think we should wait until after
the Gathering? She’s already got so much on her mind…”

“I think you should tell her now. She’ll know something’s
different between us and I don’t want her to think I’ve hurt you in any way.”

“You’re probably right.” She hugged him with one arm then
stepped back. She took a sip of the coffee. He’d fixed it just the way she
always drank it. He winked at her before he left the bedroom, whistling.

Taking a deep breath, Harmony leaned against the doorframe.
She snagged a piece of bacon from the plate he’d left on the dresser. She
realized she was starving. When she looked down the plate was empty. Frowning
because she couldn’t remember exactly what she’d just eaten, she finished her
coffee. She had just about two minutes of peace to toss on her robe and grab
her slippers before the shower shut off in the bathroom. Taking a deep breath,
she expelled it slowly as she waited to talk to her daughter. How on earth did
she tell her what had just happened?

Rain jumped a little when she opened the door. “Jeez, Mom!
You scared the crap out of me.”

“Sorry, sweetie. Can we talk a minute?” Harmony hadn’t even
been aware of moving into the hallway. Where was her mind?

“Can it wait until breakfast? I’m so hungry and I smelled
bacon as soon as I woke up.” Rain looked as though she expected a scolding.

“No, hon. But this shouldn’t take too long. Please? You
aren’t in any trouble.” She nodded toward Rain’s room. She followed her anxious
child into the bedroom to sit down with her on the bed.

“Rain, you like Gareth, right?”

“Duh.” Rain rolled her eyes then shook her head. “Yes, Mom.
I like him. We’ve already had this conversation. I like him and I’m okay with
the two of you…well, with you sleeping together. We really need to soundproof
my room though because knowing you’re in there together and hearing it are two
different things!”

Harmony couldn’t stop the blush that rose in her face, the
heat of it making the mark on her neck sting a bit. Taking a deep breath, she
tried to figure out a way to tell her daughter that she now had a stepfather.

“Hon, I love Gareth and he loves me so…”

When she paused, Rain’s entire face melted into a huge
smile. “Oh my god! Are you guys getting married? Can I be your maid of honor?
That’s so freaking cool! That means he’ll be here permanently, right? ‘Cause I
know that wolves, well the animal ones, anyway, mate for life and he’s a wolf,

“Rain, slow down…” Harmony laughed at her excitement. “Honey,
shifters are a little different. I’m hoping I can talk him into a civil
ceremony and
of course
if that happens you’ll be my maid of honor, but

Taking a deep breath, she spoke as quickly as she could,
wanting to get the words out in the open. “Shifters mark their mates and when
they do that, it sort of means they’re already married, at least as far as
other shifters are concerned. And this morning, well, we both got a little
carried away and we marked each other. So we’re already kind of married but
that doesn’t change anything. I mean, it changes some things because he will be
moving in here and yes, we’ll be together until one or both of us die, but I
want you to know that nothing is going to change between you and me. I don’t
want you to think that having him here means I love you any less because that
couldn’t be further from the truth.”

She stopped only because Rain leaned forward and hugged her,
hard. “Mom, take a breath. Stop. I know I’ve been a total shit and please don’t
yell at me for language. I’m glad you guys did this marking thing, whatever it
is. He makes you happy and I think you make him happy too, so I’m okay with it.

Rain paused and leaned back, taking a deep breath. “What
kind of mark are you talking about? And is it someplace that’s going to totally
creep me out if I see it?”

She laughed at her daughter’s scrunched-up face and shook
her head. “It’s easier to just show you and no, it shouldn’t creep you out.”

Pulling aside the neck of her robe, she tilted her head so
she could see Rain’s face as her daughter took in the mark on her neck. Rain
drew in a deep breath then met her mother’s eyes.

“Does it hurt?”

“A little, but that will go away. The mark will stay though.”

Rain swallowed hard. “Where did you mark him?”

Gareth tapped on the door and Harmony smiled. “It’s okay.
You can come in.”

He stepped into the room. Harmony watched as Rain’s gaze
zeroed in on the mark on his chest. He never took his eyes off Rain as he moved
closer to Harmony to run his hand over her shoulders.

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