Read Chase Me Online

Authors: Elizabeth York

Chase Me (11 page)


“Kate,” Eddie whispered and I tilted my head up to look at him. “I swapped our phones because of a look you had on your face when you were dropping me off.”


“What look?”


“I think it was hope.” Eddie answered and I knew he had seen it. He had been joking and said he hoped to see me soon. I tried to hide my blush, but he had seen it.


“And today? Why did you stay?”


“It was the lost and frightened look on your face.”


“What do you mean?” I asked as clouds started to cover up my stars and light snow fluttered down on the skylight.


“I have a little brother and every time my mom would take us to school she would drop him off at daycare. He would have the same look. He was terrified of the situation, but even more so of asking for help. When I looked at you it was as if you were screaming for someone to make it better without saying a word. I wanted to be there for you. I hope I have helped more than I have been an ass-hat,” Eddie spoke sweetly and I realized that he could read right through me.


Most of the men in my life were not around very long. Some call it daddy issues. Some call it poor coping skills. No one ever took the time to learn to read me, but Eddie walked into my life knowing how and that scared me more than anything.


“I am afraid of you,” I whispered and Eddie seemed to tense. “You have been amazing today, but you cut through my bullshit to see everything I don’t want you to see and that terrifies me.”


“Sleep here with me tonight Kate, and tomorrow I may not seem so scary.”


Just like he ordered, and I halted all the thoughts and stared at the snow on the glass above me until I fell fast asleep.

Chapter 9



“Kate,” Eddie called my name and I tried to turn into him. “Hey gorgeous,” he spoke softly and I realized he wasn’t beside me.


“Is it my mom?” I sat straight up as the hair on my neck stood up. Fear enveloped me for no reason. I was going to need a valium here soon.


“No,” Eddie knelt down in front of me. “Nurse Kelly is holding a shower for you. They have everything you need. Go get cleaned up and I will meet back up with you.”


Eddie started to clean up the candles and pillows as I rose to my feet. I realized that I had actually slept on him and that was a new one for me. I reached over and picked up my phone to see thirty-nine missed calls from an unknown number.


“Hey Eddie,” I spoke softly. “In case I don’t get a chance to say it. Thank you. I needed a friend without stressing out my family and you stepped up without a second thought. It means a lot more than you realize -,” I broke off with tears filling my eyes. Holy fuck I was in trouble. I was falling for this guy.


“Kate,” Eddie spoke my name as he wrapped me in his arms. Then he pulled back and made me laugh through the tears with a simple question. “Are you always going to call me Eddie?”


I pulled back and walked out of the room and down the corridor to see nurse Kelly.


“You are always here,” I replied and she nodded.


“I am where I need to be, and where I want to be. Now let’s get you cleaned up so your mom can stand you to be near her,” she joked, but it took away the hesitation that I felt.


I pressed play on my voicemail to hear thirty-nine messages from Kurt panicking because he couldn’t find me and then there was the last one.


I can see you snuggled up with that man you were at the diner with. You look so happy, so peaceful as you snuggle into him. I know you are wishing he was me. Wake up Kate, feel me near you and wake up. Come to me on your knees begging for forgiveness.



“Mom,” I whispered as I pushed open her door. I walked inside to see her turned toward Eddie and he was holding her hand.


“I told you she would be right here,” Eddie spoke sweetly as he helped her re-adjust to see me.


“Hey mom, how do you feel?” I whispered as I heard a groan slip from my mother’s lips. “Do you need anything?”


“Water,” her voice cracked and she took a sharp breath when she tried to reach for her light. The beeping on the machine sped up every time she moved or felt pain and it caused the nurses to come in a lot.


“I got it mom, don’t hurt yourself.”


I took her cup and went and filled it with water from the dispenser at the nurses’ station. I questioned whether or not I should tell Eddie about Kurt again, or maybe go see Mark, but I shrugged it off. I grabbed a straw and headed back into the darkened room. I flipped on one of the dimmer lights and walked over to the ghost of a woman that was left in my mother’s place.


I fed her through the straw as a nurse came in and took her vitals. I knew my mom had been sick, but it was never this bad. It broke my heart to know that she was in pain and there was nothing I could do to help her.


“Where did the cute guy who brought me flowers go?” My mom asked.


“Behind you,” Eddie spoke out.


“He would make a great son in law, Kate. He brought me flowers,” she groaned out her words as she shifted around. I think her meds were a little high as she repeated stuff.


“Yes, she is the cherry to my coke,” Eddie replied and I laughed. It seemed my mom was working her soda pop girl magic on him as well.


“Aren’t you supposed to be at work with your father this morning?” My mom gritted through the pain of moving things around her.


“I am supposed to be, but what is he going to do? Fire me?”


“Kate, you have bills. Just because I am here doesn’t mean you need to be here.”


“I need to be where you are,” I replied with a soft smile and she started shaking her head. “This is not a negotiation, mom.” I warned, but her brown eyes shot up at me and I already knew she was going to either guilt me into leaving or soda-pop-girl me.


“Give him a chance to be your dad while the doctors bring me back from the death I feel lingering near me, and change your clothes. I swear you have been wearing that for a week now. You look like hell.”


“Mom, I just took a shower and changed into borrowed blue scrubs because we stayed the night. Where would I have gotten scrubs before today?”


“Kate, I think we should have a double wedding,” my mom exclaimed and I was sure I was looking at her like she had gone insane.


“Mom, I think they need to turn down your meds. No one is engaged.”


“Kate,” Eddie called my name and I looked over at him to see him point over my finger. I turned to see Mike standing in the room with flowers, balloons, and a little monkey holding a little jewelry box.


“Oh my God,” I shouted and started to cry as I stepped out of the way. I watched as Mike dropped to one knee beside her bed and profess years of love to her.


“Karen, you and I have always been together. From neighbors, to co-workers, to friends, and lovers. We have been through love, and loss. We raised this beautiful daughter of ours together. It would make me happy if you could over look my years of stupidity in not asking you sooner, and agreeing to marry me. Will you marry me?”


Eddie walked over and placed his hands on my shoulders as I cupped my mouth. This was the mom and dad I wanted my whole life and it took her getting sick to show Mike that he wasn’t going to find anyone better because she was his best.


My mom shouted “yes,” with a rasp and the monitor went off. We were quickly shooed out of the room by the staff. I wrapped my arms around Mike as soon as we were out the door.


“Looks like you are not such a dip shit after all,” I murmured in his ear and he laughed.


“Eddie, take my girl here out to your parent’s place as soon as you can. I think she will love it.”


I didn’t know what they were talking about and I didn’t care. I had my family, but the dreaded C word still lurked in the back of my mind. My mom maybe winning over the love of her life, but she still had another battle in the war.


“I’m going to give you both some time,” I spoke as I leaned in and placed a kiss upon Mike’s cheek. I need to go start my new job tomorrow so that means shopping with Brooklyn tonight.


“Can I see you again?” Eddie asked as Mike stepped back inside the room.


“Eddie,” I sighed. “You really don’t want to be involved with me. I am a mess. I drink too much. I say fuck a lot when I am mad, like every other word. I like to hit people and use them for sex. I don’t even know you, but I know you deserve better than someone who calls you an asshat.”


“That might be true,” Eddie seemed to tsk to add a little sarcasm to his statement. “You are going to be a handful. I mean
a lot
of work. You don’t do what you are told. You are stubborn as an old donkey. You cuss at strangers and you don’t like Butterfingers,” he finished with a smile. “But Kate, I think you are worth the work.”



I had stayed up too late with Brooklyn doing Tequila shots and shopping. I was late and felt like hell. I showered again and stole Brooklyn’s clothes. A tight black belted sheath dress. It was sleeveless with a cowl neck and still had tags on it. I ripped the tags off and donned the dress. Brooklyn was going to kill me for taking her new outfit, but at least I would die looking better than I feel.


I refilled my coffee, called for a cab, and then called one of my lifelines.


“Hey Brook,” I spoke up as she answered.


“Is Karen okay?” She immediately asked about my mom. I knew she was in court and I was being a tool, but I needed her reassurance.


“She’s fine. I need – I – Just tell me I can do this job without killing him,” I replied. I heard her talking to someone as the phone muffled and then she returned.

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