Chase the Dark (29 page)

Read Chase the Dark Online

Authors: Annette Marie

Tags: #Young Adult Fiction, #Paranormal, #urban fantasy

She rose to her feet, facing the draconian. He looked back at her, hiding in shadows. She wanted to see his face. She wanted to see guilt.

“You stole the Sahar from me. You stole it the first time I slept.” He’d even warned her, hadn’t he? His parting words before she went to sleep—
Keep the Stone close

“Piper,” Lyre interjected quickly, standing as well. “This is a good thing. We have the Sahar. Ash protected it for—”

?” she finished sharply. Ash didn’t move, didn’t flinch under her hateful glare. “Don’t be stupid, Lyre. He was protecting it for himself. It was perfect, wasn’t it, Ash?” she mocked. “By the time anyone realized mine was a fake, the trail would be so muddled, no one would be able to trace the real Sahar back to you. You’d get it all to yourself—just what every daemon wants.”

Lyre glanced between them again, anxiety rolling off him. “Piper—” he tried again.

“Why are you defending him?” She rounded on the incubus. “He betrayed us!”

“He saved the Sahar,” Lyre yelled back. “So what if he was going to keep the real thing? It all would have worked out in the end!”

“What about my father?” she shouted back. “When it was discovered as a fake, he’d be accused of swapping the Sahar before the Gaians stole it. The Hades and Ra families will go to war. He’ll be ruined!”

Lyre looked panicked. His gaze jerked from Ash and back to her. “Some things are more important than careers,” he mumbled.

“Like what?” she asked acidly. She whipped back to the silent draconian. “What’s worth ruining my father’s life for, Ash?” She shook her head, feeling like she was shattering inside. “You’re a selfish coward. A thieving, lying coward. My father knew you were bad news. He knew—”

She froze as the truth slammed into her. A tremor ran through her body. Rage erupted inside her, boiling up, ready to escape.

“It was
.” Her hands shook and her stomach twisted. “
were the reason Father took the real Sahar out of the vault before the meeting. When you came to the Consulate, he knew you were after it. He swapped it with his own fake to be safe. You—God, how could I have been so stupid?” She shrieked a mad laugh. “You told me yourself, the day after! You were able to guess what had happened in the vault because
you’d already been inside it.
You’d already tried to steal the Sahar, but you recognized the fake.”

“Piper—” Lyre began, doubt heavy in his voice.

“You already had a fake,” Piper went on, right over Lyre. She stared the draconian down, waiting for him to react, to deny it, to confess, to do
. “Why else would you have a perfect fake stone ready to go? You broke into the vault early, intending to leave your fake behind while you made off with the real one. Then, when the ambassadors came to get the Sahar and everyone realized it wasn’t the real one, they’d blame my father. They’d accuse him.” Her rage crested and broke. “
You were going to frame my father!
” she screamed. Tears spilled down her cheeks. “I trusted you!”

She turned away, unable to stand his stillness, his impregnable lack of reaction. “Father knew,” she choked. “He made me promise to keep you upstairs while they moved the Sahar. So you couldn’t make another try for it.” Her lip curled. “It must have made your day when you found out I had the real Sahar all along. I never should have told you. You betrayed the Consulate, you betrayed my family, and you betrayed us.”


Lyre stared at the cement rooftop between his feet, his face twisted with unhappiness. Disappointment even. Not like he was surprised, but like he’d hoped for better.

Piper turned around again. Ash looked back at her, his face cold, mask-like, exactly like the photo from his profile page.

“Say something,” she demanded flatly.

“Like what?” His toneless, silky voice sent a shiver down her spine. “You’ve said it all, haven’t you? You have the whole story already. No need to consider the other side of it.”

“Tell me the other side then,” she shot back. Hope—weak, blinding hope, like with Micah—rose in her. This time she quashed it. What could possibly excuse Ash’s behavior? He was a thief. A lying, cheating, heartless thief.

He went unnaturally still again, a black statue in the shadows, as he hung on an answer. Then he made a rasp of disgust in the back of his throat and turned his face away.

“You have two options,” he said. “Take the Sahar and do whatever the hell you want with it. Try to save yourself, your father, whatever. Or we follow through with the original plan.”

She clenched her teeth against the fury exploding in her. Screaming at him wouldn’t force an answer out of him. He probably didn’t want to admit there was no other side to the story. He’d wanted the Stone, and he’d done whatever it took to get it no matter who he had to betray. It was what any daemon would’ve done. Daemons weren’t human. You couldn’t expect them to hold things like integrity and trust at the same level of importance as a real person.

“I don’t trust you,” she said flatly. “I’m not doing anything that involves you. Just leave now.”

“Piper—” Lyre muttered.

“Go with him then!” For some reason, it was easier to unleash her writhing emotions on Lyre instead of Ash. Looking at him hurt. Burned. Made her ache with all the shattered pieces inside where trust had been. “If you can still defend him, even now, then go with him. Let him lie to you and betray you some more.”

“Piper,” he snapped. “Get a grip!”

“A grip?” she shouted back, incensed.

“Yeah! You’re not thinking clearly. So Ash stole the Sahar—exactly what every daemon this side of the universe wants. And yeah, I think he’s an asshole right now. I’m pretty fucking pissed off too, but I also want to live to be angry tomorrow—and maybe even next month or next year. The only way that will happen is if we work together to get ourselves out of this.” He lowered his voice. “You know we can’t do it without Ash.”

She ground her teeth, refusing to admit it. The burning pain of betrayal seared her, worse than when Micah had walked out on her after she told him she’d loved him. She’d trusted Micah with her heart. Ash, she’d trusted with her life.

Opening her fist, she looked at the Sahar. It glimmered in the faint city lights, pulsing with power. She remembered, mere hours ago, Ash telling Lilith with flawless sincerity that he hadn’t stolen it. She snorted mirthlessly. What a liar.

“Fine,” she snapped. “Fine, we’ll do it your way, Ash. But if you so much as
at the Sahar—”

“You’ll what?” The demand came out in a hiss. Piper jerked back a step, shocked to see his eyes had flashed to black. He smiled, showing his teeth. “You’ll do what, exactly, Piper? Hate me more? Do not forget I gave you the Sahar and I can take it back at any moment.” His stare was ebony ice, daring her to challenge him.

She was frozen under his glare like a rabbit caught in a hawk’s sight. Forcing her spine straight, she bared her teeth right back at him.

“Why don’t you then?” she burst out, furious at him all the more for frightening her. “Take it, then.” She thrust her fist at him, the Stone clenched painfully tight in her fingers. “Take it and go do whatever it is you want it for. Will unlimited power make you happy, Ash?” she sneered. “Make up for all the friendships you betrayed?”

A deep rumble vibrated from his chest and his arms flexed—a lot like he was fighting the urge to hit her. She took a hasty step back.

“Why did you give it back?” she asked, forcing her voice into a more neutral tone.

His jaw flexed. He glanced at Lyre, then back to her. “The Sahar does me no good if everyone thinks I stole it—”

“Which you did,” she muttered.

Before he could reply, his head turned. A rush of beating air broke the silence and Zwi swooped out of the darkness. She landed on her owner’s shoulder with flared wings, chattering and trilling. He listened attentively.

“Two teams of prefects with trackers are inside the club,” Ash said emotionlessly. “If we’re going to leave, it has to be now.”

“How do you know that?” she asked suspiciously.

“Zwi was keeping watch.”

“Zwi is an animal.”

“So are humans.”

She opened her mouth to retort, but Lyre stepped in front of her. “Let’s go then. Now.”

Ash jerked his head in a nod. “I’ll get a car and meet you one block east of here. Don’t be long.”

“But—” Piper began.

Ash turned toward the edge of the building. In one swift movement, he swung over the edge and dropped silently out of sight. She listened for a second, but didn’t hear him land three stories below. Breathing deeply, she clenched her hand around the Stone, purposefully squeezing until it hurt.

“Come on, Piper,” Lyre said.

She turned to the incubus, a little taken aback by the hostile stiffness of his profile. He didn’t quite look at her as he gestured toward the fire escape a ways down the south side of the roof.

problem?” she snapped.

“What’s yours? You know what, Piper?” Anger sharpened the edges of his words. “I think sometimes people get desperate. And they do desperate things—sometimes the wrong thing. Maybe you should think about that for a while before you call the same daemon who almost died saving your life a coward again.”

He turned and walked away.

Piper blinked the tears back. It figured Lyre would take Ash’s side. Daemons always backed one another over a haemon or human. She remembered Ash’s incoherent apology when he’d been bleeding to death after the disastrous fight in the medical center. He’d felt guilt then—he’d known all along he was doing the wrong thing. A desperate thief was still a thief.

And being desperate didn’t make the consequences any less real.

. . .

The Gaian’s current meeting place was hidden in the last place anyone would expect—an old Consulate.

The very idea offended Piper. This Consulate had serviced the neighboring city until Quinn was appointed Head Consul. Not just any Consulate could accommodate the kind of traffic a Head Consulate got. A new one on the other side of the city had been built and this one had gotten less and less use over the following years. About a year ago, it had been shut down for good. She had visited it a number of times before it closed, but she’d also been to dozens of others and the particular interior layout of this one wasn’t springing to mind.

She, Lyre, and Ash crouched in the safety of the bushes right at the edge of the building’s overgrown front lawn. Consulates always had a large, treeless expanse around them to prevent people from sneaking too close. The house was a small, two-story mansion, fortified with steel in some places, marred by peeling paint in others. The barred windows glared brightly—it definitely wasn’t abandoned anymore.

Their plan was simple. They would sneak around back, scope out a likely looking window, and Ash would have Zwi scout the inside of the building. If her father and the Gaians were there, she, Ash, and Lyre would sneak in to rescue Quinn. They didn’t have a lot of time. The prefects who’d come into the Styx would be tracking them.

“Well?” Lyre asked in a whisper.

Ash shrugged. He’d barely spoken on the drive over. He was partway shaded and he either didn’t care or couldn’t control it. Either way, Piper had enough sense not to antagonize him anymore; she no longer trusted him about anything, including whether he would lash out at her. The scary thing was he could kill her so easily. All it would take was one shaded moment when she was standing too close. Considering he seemed at least as angry with her as she was with him, his control would be even more slippery.

She didn’t understand why he was so ticked off. Was he angry that she, unlike Lyre, hadn’t shrugged off his actions as “what any daemon would’ve done”? Had he thought she wouldn’t care or that she’d understand his ambitions? Did he think she should’ve forgiven him?

“I’m going to scout around,” the draconian said. “Wait here.”

She pressed her lips together before she could argue. Without a backward glance, Ash slipped into the trees, vanishing into the dark shadows. It would be hours yet before the sun breached the horizon, and there was only a sliver of moon to cast any light. She chewed her tongue as she squinted at the Consulate. There was no telling how many people were in there.

“Piper,” Lyre said in a low voice.

She knew that tone. “Don’t bother.”


“You’re going to defend him again. I don’t care what you have to say, I am not forgiving him for—”

“Piper,” he growled. “Shut up. Would you
for once in your life?”

“You’re one to talk.”

“Shut up and listen!” He glared so ferociously she sat back on her heels and crossed her arms. She gave him a pointed, spit-it-out look.

He coolly assessed her. “I know what it’s like for you, being the daughter of the Head Consul when you can barely compete in this world. I know you study so hard to compensate for your missing magic. I also know you do a lot of dangerous shit that’s over your head because you want to feel like you’re strong and so your dad will notice you.”

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