Chasin' Eight: Rough Riders, Book 12 (45 page)


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Rising, Freestyle:

If she was going to show off to the world, she needed Derrick’s help. She didn’t want to have a crutch in her life. Not a thing, not a person, but giving up his comforting touch and presence right now was impossible. “I can only do it with you there. Is that possible? I know it’s a huge imposition, but if you’re present it will help. So much.”

He pulled back to stare into her eyes, his gaze thoughtful as he examined her face. The caring lover she’d grown to appreciate over the past months—he was probably considering what was the best for her. Derrick nodded slowly. “How about this. If you and Nathan can work around the hours the climbing gym is closed, you can use the place to do your shots. There will be no distractions and no audience.”

Extreme relief shot through her. Oh God, she hadn’t even thought about that part. She hugged him close, burying her face in the vee of his neck, loving the way he created a wall of protection to hide behind.

“Thank you.” And the rest? She sat back quickly, catching his gaze again. “And you’ll be there?”

“As long as you want me.”

Wasn’t that a loaded question? She shifted, straddling him to be able to reach his lips easier. “I want you. I want you now.”

She wanted to be held and caressed. Distracted from the heavy burden in her brain. He kissed her with just the right touch of compassion and rising lust, and her body softened. Warmed in all the right spots. He ran his fingers down her back, and she arched against him, breasts growing heavy with anticipation.

He kissed her jaw, held her firmly, yet tenderly. A wave of need swept past, followed by guilt. She’d been turned on back at the climbing wall as well, and that had nothing to do with Derrick.

She pulled away. “Oh damn.”

A low rumble of discontent escaped his throat as he paused. “What?”

, I need to tell you…” Sure, how was she supposed to say this? Mortification hit hard, and the heat flushing her face was more from shame than the expectation of Derrick’s lovemaking.

She didn’t realize she’d dipped her head until his fingers under her chin brought her gaze back to meet his. “Mel? What? Is this something to do with me watching the shoot? Is that going to embarrass you—?”

“Oh hell, no. I’m just trying to tell you…” She’d sworn to be honest in her relationships, and she wasn’t the type to let a situation start that could cause them trouble down the road. “I need to tell you about Nathan and me.”

One brow snuck upward, his expression highly amused. “You mean the fact he wants to get in your pants, or the fact he turns you on?”

Her jaw must have hung open for a full minute before she found her voice. “You’re kidding. You figured that out how?”

Derrick grinned. “Sweetheart, I’m not stupid. I know a guy putting on the moves when I see it. And your response? You have this little habit of flushing right here—” He dragged a finger down her throat and over her chest. “When you get excited, it shows.”

She was so embarrassed. “I had a crush on Nathan from the time I was about thirteen. I followed him around Katy’s and his house one entire summer. He must have been so freaked at having a teenager dogging his heels.”

Derrick stroked her back, smooth and even. Tantalizing circles that pulled her a tiny bit closer to him on each rotation. “And did you do anything about that attraction?”

“I was fifteen, he was like twenty. Of course not.”

“So, you’ve got the object of your teenage crush hanging around.” Derrick linked his fingers with hers. “Mel, I’ve been enjoying our time together, a lot. I don’t think the fact the guy turns you on is bad, it proves you’re human. Call me crazy, but the fact he’s attracted to you is okay with me as well. Maybe that’s a guy thing—I’ve got you, he doesn’t. You know, caveman attitude.”

Melanie laughed softly. Sexy, kind and understanding. She’d have to have her head examined to give this up. “You are who I want to be with. Not him.”

His grin lit the room. “Then I don’t mind if he gets your motor running, as long as I’m the one in your bed.”

He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her.

Melanie grabbed him by the shirt and clung to him as their lips meshed. A gentle caress of mouths, with no teeth, no frantic moving to the next stage. Almost as if they were exploring each other for the first time.

It was an offering, a sacrifice. Something to affirm that while having Nathan show up created a new situation between them, the foundation they had built was solid and worthwhile.

Derrick rolled her under him on the couch, working his way down her body. Removing her clothes, kissing all the tender spots he’d discovered over the past months. His fascination with her breasts made her smile.

“I still can’t believe you like them that much.”

Derrick hummed happily. His palms forced her nipples upward so he could more easily suckle one, then the other. “More than a mouthful is too much.”

She laughed. “Barely a mouthful. Oh, that’s good.” She held on to his head, keeping him close. His lips surrounded one tip, his fingers pinching and drawing the other nipple tight and ready for his hot mouth to lick. Circles followed by long, slow licks. A shiver raced along her spine and she pressed harder to his lips, looking for a little more.

The soft fabric cradled her torso as he tugged her toward the end of the couch. She laughed as he pulled her yoga pants from her in one smooth practiced move. Somehow he caught her panties at the same time, and she lay sprawled totally naked before him.

He stared at her, his gaze intent, hunger on his face. “I know why Nathan wants you.”

She hesitated. Why was he bringing up Nate?

Derrick rose to his feet, looming tall and muscular over her. He still wore all his clothes, and she realized with a start she wasn’t embarrassed in the least to be completely naked before him.

“You have no idea how beautiful you are.” He rasped out the words—lusty and low.


He squatted beside her, shaking his head slightly as he drew a finger down her body. “Your body is powerful. Slim in the right spots, curved perfectly in others.”

His palm cupped her hip for a second before slipping back to cradle her ass.

The expression on his face, even more than his words, stroked her. “I’m glad you like how I look.”

He grinned wickedly. “And the way you smell.”

“Oh my God.” He had picked up her legs and draped them over his shoulders, and her sex clenched. Wanting something to grasp, to fill her. She didn’t have long to wait. Maintaining eye contact, he lowered his head and breathed in deeply.

“The way you taste.”

Revenge can be sweet. Forgiveness is sweeter.


Welcome to Paradise

© 2011 Elle Kennedy


Welcome to Paradise, Book 1

Singing sensation Charlotte Hill can’t wait for her high school reunion. She’s out to give Nate Bishop—the man who walked away with her virginity—the sexiest ride of his life. Then give him a heaping dose of the same medicine he gave her fifteen years ago.

Stomp all over his heart as she walks out the door.

Nate has never forgotten the green-eyed redhead who set his body on fire, the one girl who saw past his bad reputation. The heat of those memories still warms his thoughts, even after all these years. After he did the right thing and let her go, rather than let his love chain her to a town she despised.

Now she’s back in Paradise looking sexier than ever, and Nate finds himself powerless to keep his distance. And Charlotte, in spite of her resolve, can’t believe she’s so easily falling under his spell. Yet mind-blowing sex doesn’t bury the past. It unearths painful emotions too long buried. Emotions that could stamp out rekindled love before it catches flame…

Warning: Contains a reformed bad boy and a newly minted bad girl with revenge on her mind, feuding families, dirty little secrets, and a lot of dirty sex.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Welcome to Paradise:

There was something different about her. Nate couldn’t exactly put his finger on it, but something about Charlotte and the way she was looking at him brought on a spark of unease. She hadn’t said much since they’d gotten into his beat-up black pickup truck, and as they neared the B&B, Nate was rethinking his decision to be alone with Charlotte.

He wanted her so badly he could taste her. Her perfume, an intriguing combination of roses and honey, sent his senses into overdrive. He breathed her in each time he inhaled, his cock growing harder by the second.

Yet this didn’t feel entirely right. She’d claimed that she was over everything, that their past didn’t matter, but her sudden aloofness didn’t sit well with him.

“You okay?” he asked, pulling up to the curb and killing the engine.

Charlotte blinked, as if coming out of trance. “I’m fine,” she said lightly, already reaching for the door handle. “Let’s go inside. I’m a little cold.”

Nate got out of the truck and followed her toward the porch, unable to stop himself from admiring her perfect ass. She was all grown up, all right.

His apprehension continued to climb as they headed upstairs. Though it was only nine-thirty, the house was bathed in darkness. The Andersons lived in a small suite on the main floor, and they must have turned in already. Nate’s pulse sped up when Charlotte opened the door to her room and gestured for him to come inside.

He hesitated in the doorway. “What are we doing, Charlie?”

Her mouth quirked. “Catching up.”

A little alarm went off in his head. “Why don’t you want to talk about what happened between us?”

“Because it’s in the past. I told you, Nate, I got over it a long time ago.” Her green eyes twinkled. “Are you just going to lurk there in the doorway?”

He took a step forward then halted again. “Are you trying to seduce me?” Both anticipation and dread accompanied the question.

“Would it bother you if I was?”

The teasing look on her beautiful face made his cock twitch. “I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?” The tease became a taunt. “Come on, Nate, you were never one to mince words. Tell me, do you want to be seduced?”

His entire mouth went as dry as sawdust. Who was this woman and where had his Charlotte gone? As a teenager, she’d never been this forward. He’d made every move in their relationship, including that final one that resulted in the two of them lying naked on a blanket by the lake.

“Here’s the thing,” the new Charlotte said in the old Charlotte’s familiar throaty voice. “Like I said before, my life is hectic. I don’t have a lot of time for, you know,
stuff. And chances are that won’t change in the near future since I’m going on tour early next week. So I figured as long as I’m here…”

“You want to do some fun stuff,” he finished. “With me.”

“With you,” she confirmed.

He gulped.

Charlotte took a few steps toward him. “Come on, Nate, you know you want to say yes. And I can assure you, I’m much more experienced than I was with you.”

A hot blade of guilt sliced into him, which she must have picked up on because she waved a careless hand.

“In the past,” she reiterated.

Before he could respond, she moved even closer. Her hands dropped to his waistband, and he sucked in a breath then released a ragged burst of air when she unsnapped the button of his trousers and tugged on the zipper.

And Nate did what any healthy red-blooded male would do when a beautiful woman was trying to take off his pants.

He let her.

There was no mistaking his arousal as his pants hit the floor. His erection, long and thick, rose in full salute, pushing eagerly against his boxer-briefs.

“Say yes,” she murmured once again.

His throat was so tight he couldn’t say

Taking his silence as a cue to continue, Charlotte slowly sank down to her dainty knees, gripped the elastic of his briefs and yanked. The second his cock was exposed, Charlotte’s mouth devoured it.

Nate groaned at the moist heat surrounding him. Holy fuck. Only back for a couple of hours, and she already had her lips clamped around his dick. The most incredible sensations rippled through his body, the pleasure so intense, he found himself thrusting deeper. Moaning, Charlotte took him as far as he could go, lapping at his shaft with her tongue, her head bobbing up and down as she worked on him.

She sucked his tip, kissed it then brought a hand down to caress his balls. Every muscle in his body went taut with arousal. He was dangerously close to losing it here, and her husky moans and soft, slurping sounds only brought him closer to the edge.

“You taste so good,” she whispered, her breath fanning over his engorged head.

Nate shuddered and dropped his hands to her head to keep her still. When she tried to take him back into her mouth, he fisted her red hair and groaned again. “Don’t. I’m three seconds away from coming, baby.”

Her soft laughter danced over his tip. “So?”

“So I don’t want this to be over yet.”

Charlotte’s fingers slid down to cup his sac. “You’re still young,
. I’m sure you can muster up the energy for a second round.”

And with that, she sucked him so deep his legs almost gave out.

Chasin’ Eight




Lorelei James





The chase is on…


Rough Riders, Book 11

Bull rider Chase McKay has finally landed in a pile too big to charm his way out of. Caught with his pants down, he finds himself bucked right off the PBR tour until he can get his act together.

Hollywood actress Ava Dumond became the tabloids’ favorite target when her longtime boyfriend was outed as gay. Now she wants a place to lay low and a chance to prove to herself that she can satisfy a red-blooded man between the sheets. The sexy, rugged cowboy she finds holed up in her Wyoming hideaway seems like the answer to her every fantasy.

But Chase has sworn off women. Forever. Or at least a month. Whichever comes first.

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