Chasing Chelsea (8 page)

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Authors: Maren Smith

“Hello, beautiful,” the brawny security guard told her, wrapping his hand in her long blonde hair and pulling her head back to trail his nipping kisses down the exposed line of her throat.

Chelsea stared, frozen in surprise until Kaylee dashed by her, grabbing at her arm.

“Run,” she said again, laughing. “I guarantee, honey, he’s brought someone for you too.”

That startled Chelsea back to life. “What? Who?” She grabbed her sandals up off the grass, but there wasn’t time to stop and put them on. “I don’t need anybody!”

“Oh, but he would never overlook a chance to pleasure a guest.” Kaylee gave her arm a squeeze. Her gaze darted past Chelsea’s shoulder. “Run!”

“For all the good that will do you,” Master Marshall drawled, as he came striding out of the darkness. “Run as fast as you can, for as long as you can. But you, my love—” He pointed at Kaylee, those devil-blue eyes of his seeming much darker and fairly glittering in the brightness of the garden lights. “—you are already caught, and I will have my prize.”

Chelsea and Kaylee bolted in opposite directions. Heading for the maze, Chelsea could have got away but she couldn’t help glancing back instead. She hesitated. It was a giddy sight playing out behind her. The redheaded Sinclair, dripping wet, her slave’s garment in her hands, was grabbed up from behind.
She and the leather-clad man who caught her twirled together before he heaved her up onto his shoulder. He laughed, slapping her bottom while she shrieked and kicked, doing everything except breaking free as he carted her off into deeper shadows.

Kaylee barely made it to the edge of the tall grass before Master Marshall tackled her. He took her stomach-down to the ground, pinning her hands up high behind her back. Tearing at the fastenings of his pants, he kneed her legs apart. Whatever he whispered was for her ears alone, and it must have been wonderful because Kaylee was moaning, arching her hips back to rub against him in response.

Jackson was ripping open a condom packet with his teeth, his pants already sagging down far enough to bare the muscular swells of his ass. From this vantage, she couldn’t distinguish the length of hard flesh he dressed that condom over, but Sara was urging him on, her fingers and her heels both digging into his buttocks, trying to hasten him along.

Chelsea had no idea where Hannah had gone, but she could hear vegetation crashing out in the field and there was a
longhaired man in hot pursuit.

Selena was the only one not running. Floating on her back as if without a care in the world, she offered playful splashes and beckoning smiles to the tall, lean man standing at the water’s edge. Kicking off his shoes, he pulled his shirt off over his head and unzipped his trousers.

“It’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding,” she teased.

“Luck, schmuck,” he said, stripping out of his trousers. He never even noticed Chelsea and didn’t seem to care at all who might catch sight of his extremely prominent erection.

Chelsea covered her mouth, her wide gaze darting from one couple to the next until a softly whistled ‘yoo-hoo’ caught her attention. Two men—twins, identical in appearance from the black of their boots all the way up to the way they parted their short dusty blond hair—stood on the other side of the pond from where she hovered uncertainly. They were staring right at her, both with the same hungry intensity.

Even knowing she was the only woman left, Chelsea actually looked behind her. There was no one there, just the giant outer wall of the hedge maze blocking her way back to the safety of the Castle.

“What do you think, Trevor?” one brother asked his twin.

“I think I’d like to find out if she tastes half as good as she looks. What about you, Travis?”

The first brother smiled. “I’ll bet she cums twice as hard for me as she will for you.”

Quality matters more than quantity, isn’t that right, honey?” As if on cue, the brothers divided, circling opposite sides of the pond and coming right for her.

Chelsea didn’t realize she had backed up until she felt the prickling stab of the hedge bushes pushing back at her. Her breath caught, but it wasn’t fear she felt churning at her insides. It was excitement. Strange, knot-tightening excitement that made her knees go weak and her heart pound as if it were about to explode inside her.

“I’ll bet she hollers my name first,” Trever grinned as they sauntered towards her.

“I’ll bet you she can’t remember any name, including her own, by the time we’re done with her,” his twin replied.

Kaylee was moaning constantly now. So was Sara, her arms and legs both wrapped around Jackson as he moved in slow undulations over her. Someone was getting spanked in the field, and in the pond, Selena and her lover were nothing but two heads floating above the water as they shared soft kisses. And Travis and Trevor were still coming toward her, rapidly closing the distance.

Her heart panicked; her belly thrilled.

Travis beckoned. “Come to Daddy, beautiful. I’m going to make you feel so good.”

Chelsea was almost tempted.
Her stomach spasmed, tensing so tight and hard. Her palms were sweating. Her breasts ached to feel him make that promise a reality, and all around her a veritable orgy unlike anything she had ever before witnessed continued to unfold.

Run, Kaylee had told her.

Dropping her sandals, Chelsea did exactly that.


helsea didn’t go around the maze, she went right through it. The branches were sharp and dense, but when she dropped to crawl, they thinned out enough for her to wiggle right through. For once, her height was not a detriment. Thin as she was, she was under, up and running again before the brothers reached the outer wall of the maze. One dropped to crawl through after her. He squeezed, but the breadth of his shoulders made that both painful and difficult, and he swore. The other laughed, dashing right to follow the wall around.

“Where’s the entrance, Trav?” he called back.

“All the way around! Go, go!”

Chelsea ran, following the twisting path when it was easy and dropping to scramble under the maze walls when dead ends sprang up to block her. She actually heard it when one brother ran past the wall she crawled under. She could hear the other crashing into a dead end somewhere in the distance behind her.

“Sweetheart,” one called out in the night. He was laughing, but warning weighed heavy in his tone. “Your bottom is going to match your hair when I catch up with you. And I will catch up, that I promise you!”

A slow shiver trembled through her, tightening her in ways both scary and delicious. She should be afraid right now; any sane woman would be. She was being pursued by two men—strangers who thought she was a part of the BDSM community that occupied every inch of this resort and who, when they caught her…
they caught her…and damn if a part of her didn’t hope they would…would act on that assumption, and yet that didn’t frighten her anywhere near as much as the excitement spurring her to keep running.

“Allez allez come-in-free…” Travis (or was it Trevor) crooned, prodding his way through the maze behind her. “Where are you, darling?”

Dropping to the ground, she crawled under the next wall, the last hedge as it turned out. A wide stretch of lawn rolled out across the well-lit grounds, past three different sets of fornicating statues to an even wider stretch of Castle wall with an alcove very similar to the nursery playground. If she ran in the shadows, she might just make it all the way there without Travis or Trevor spotting her.

“Those have got to be the prettiest damn ankles I’ve ever seen.”

Chelsea bolted, crawling through the prickly wall with the skim of strong fingers only just missing her shins, then ankles from behind. She got out from under the hedge just as a shadow came running around the far corner of the maze.

So much for not being spotted.

She’d never run harder or faster in her life. Without looking back, she raced for the alcove with her heart pounding so fiercely it made her chest and her head both hurt, and hovered breathlessly on the verge of laughing the entire way. She heard one of the twins shouting behind her, calling to his brother, the cry of a hunter in pursuit, but he was far behind her. Far enough, anyway. If she could reach the alcove…if she could find a place to hide…

The alcove was blocked by a fence
, but when she hit the gate it flew open and she dashed inside. Only two garden lamps lit the darkness here and both were up near the Castle entrance. The entire back half of the garden was blanketed in darkness, but not so much that she couldn’t tell the path from the grass or the bushes from the trees and bricks of the Castle.

It wasn’t empty, either. Three men surrounded a mostly (if not completely, it was too dark to tell) naked woman bent into waist-high stocks. With her head and hands immobilized, it didn’t take much imagination to figure out what the men were doing. Now and then, she thought she saw camera flashes. The only door to the Castle was located at the top of the second-floor stairs and was blocked by the shadow of a man, who was sitting on the topmost step, enjoying leisurely puffs on his e-cigarette while he watched the scene below unfold.

She was never going to reach that door before the brothers reached the courtyard, and without the maze to slow them down, they were going to catch her.

Abruptly, Chelsea switched destinations, practically diving headfirst to get into the perimeter bushes. She crouched in the shadows with the cold bricks of the Castle at her back, and wondered what in the world she was going to do now. If she
was lucky, maybe the brothers would head straight for that door, giving her a chance to dash back out of the alcove and into the garden without being seen. If she wasn’t lucky, however…if they chose instead to search the area…

The captive woman in the stocks was moaning now, those faint noises of intensifying pleasure accompanied by the wet,
slick slapping sounds of sex. Of the skinny-dipping party, Chelsea could hear nothing more at all. But, of her pursuers…

Chelsea cupped both hands across her mouth when the leafy branches to her left suddenly jerked and jostled and a black-clad shadow ducked into the space beside her. She recognized his scent first—the spice of that godly cologne mingling with the fresh scent of cinnamon from his vapor cigarette; it made that stab of lust deep inside her flutter wildly.

“Hello, Red.” Kade grinned, little more than a flash of white teeth in the dark.

“Go away!” she hissed, and even slapped at him but missed by a mile. Her attempt jostled the bushes, making the branches and leaves rustle loudly.

“Ah-ah,” he cautioned, his voice barely above a whisper. “You’re going to bring them right to you and then what will you do?”

She had absolutely no idea. Give in was the first wild urge to bounce around inside her, but that was just too wild. Too frivolous and exciting and…and naughty; the kind of thing that fit in beautifully with a place like this and yet which was completely unlike her. She’d never been “wild” before. She’d never been naughty. Her heart was a thundering storm in her chest. She’d never done
like this. The exhilaration warring inside her began to feel perilously close to panic.

“Here they come,”
Kade whispered, nodding for her to look behind her. Far down the wall, maybe twenty yards away, the bushes rustled as the vegetation was carefully searched.

“We’re going to find you, beautiful,” one of the twins sang.

“We’re also going to spank you raw,” the other added, and a different section of brush along the Castle wall parted now too. They’d split up, but they were both searching their way toward her. They were going to find her. She didn’t have a chance.

Dread and anticipation mingled, making her lightheaded. Chelsea rose slightly on her haunches, trying to see past Kade, through the branches and leaves and the dark, obscuring night to where the light on the alcove steps haloed the only door.

“You’ll never make it.” Kade tsked.

She had already come to that conclusion.

Another searching rustle—not twenty, but eighteen yards behind her now, and quickly closing the distance.

“I could call them to you.” Kade’s smile grew, turning the shadows of his lean face positively demonic. “Or would you like to, let’s say, come to other arrangements?”

Another rustle; fifteen yards now. She could hear the snap of branches as one brother, no longer content with parting the brush, stepped through them into the narrow line of space between the plants and the rough stone wall.

“Can you see her?”

“Not yet.”

Their voices drifted closer.

Oh, this was such a bad—terrible, delicious—idea. She looked to Kade.

“Tick tock, Red,” he mused. “Tick tock.”

She was going to regret this and she knew it, and yet reaching for Kade somehow added to her excitement and quelled the panic—backwards of what it ought to be.

“Help me,” she begged, clutching at his vest. The leather felt as warm as his skin, and it smelled so good. It brought that old adage about striking bargains with the devil right to the forefront of her mind. Then he touched her, his warm hands finding her thighs in the darkness and sending that thrill of excitement soaring. His fingers slid down to grip her knees and she actually closed her eyes at how right it felt for his hands to be on her, but she only had a second to enjoy that touch before he yanked, pulling her legs right out from under her.

Squatting, Chelsea only fell a few inches, landing with a bump on her bottom. “What—”

He pushed her flat on her back in the soft dirt, crawling on top of her. Her involuntary gasp became a yelp when he grabbed her minuscule slave dress and ripped it right off her. It tore as if that were its function, coming apart at every seam. What happened to it after that, she had no idea, because that was when Kade lay down heavy and hot on top of her, tucking himself like a lover between her startled legs, positioning his hips to hers and guiding her ankles to wrap back around him.

“Passion, Red,” he whispered, and then he kissed her.

As panicked as she had been just seconds before, Chelsea was now stunned. She couldn’t move. She lay in the cool dirt and leaves, burning in her belly, her breasts, everywhere his body touched hers, positively scalding where his naked flesh came into contact with her skin. She didn’t kiss him back, but she couldn’t bring herself to push him off either. She lay frozen with shock and indecision, and consumed by the most overwhelming need to open her mouth and see if she couldn’t tempt him in.

She heard the clink of his belt buckle and Kade rose slightly. She felt his impatient shoves and jerks and then he was lying on top of her again, only now it was his bare hips that she felt hugged between her thighs. And more, now she could feel…it—thick, hard, stretched already to its full length and scorchingly hot where it pressed across her pubis and nudged at her belly. Her tight, clenching belly, filled to overflowing with an eagerness that felt like living things rolling and tumbling inside her. She shivered with every breath she tried to take, but that only brought their bodies millimeters more into fully fleshed contact with one another.

“Trust me,” Kade murmured against her lips. She could feel his smile. She could taste his dark laughter, and then he was kissing her again. The big, bad wolf… She melted.

His hand cupped her naked breast. His thumb traced and rolled across the tip of her standing nipple as his hips began to move, slow undulating motions that humped and bumped against her. The swollen head of that burning cock rubbed and pushed at her mons, just north of where she ached to feel him the most. It was an age-old dance, and it made her whole body come bursting to life.

Her back arched without her wanting it to, pushing her willing breast right up into his hand. Her legs hugged him, her ankles digging into hard, hot flesh—his buttocks, his naked buttocks—she trembled, but not because she was afraid. No part of her was afraid now, or panicked, or reluctant. She was all
eagerness, shivery titillation that didn’t know how to interpret what he was doing as anything other than simply wonderful.

Chelsea was not a virgin—few made it to the ripe old age of twenty-four these days with their virginity still intact—but nothing Charlie Robertson had done in those late night college study sessions had prepared her for this. Charlie Robertson had kissed her; Kade nibbled and teased and overwhelmed until, with a sigh, she opened her mouth and he swept in like a storm. Charlie Robertson had touched her as if she were a treasure, priceless and fragile; abandoning her breast, Kade shoved his hands down under her body and seized her hips, gripping her ass as if he owned it. He kneaded, squeezed, pulled her buttocks apart as if he were trying to open her right up for him, and then slapped, his hand clapping the side of her hip just hard enough to sting.

His fingers shifted, shoving deeper under her, following the curve of her backside until he found the hot, wet entrance of her. Her whole body leapt at the electric shock of that moment when he shoved into her, first one finger and then another, one from each hand, both invading deep, as deep as he could go.

Her gasp was filled with the taste and breath of him, and he laughed, feeding that dark chuckle into her an instant before his fingers pulled. He really was spreading her open now, filling the air all around them with the mortifyingly slick and unmistakable sound of her desire. She could hear slapping too, the loud cup of empty air captured between their hips each time he mock thrust against her. The motions were growing, strengthening, a heady rush of impacts that fooled her body into thinking he really was inside her. Not his fingers now, but his cock. A flood of moisture flooded from her, coating his fingers and turning that slapping sound wet.

She wanted him in her—her ankles locked behind him, digging into the muscular swells of his pumping buttocks. She wanted to know what it felt like to be owned by thrusts this commanding—she arched, lifting her hips in an effort not just to match his motions but to impale herself upon the cock that seemed content only to rub and glide in the slickness quickly spreading up her belly. She wanted his strength slamming home so deep and fierce inside her that he couldn’t help but touch all the parts of her that no one else could reach—she moaned, a sound so guttural and raw that it froze them both.

At least, she thought it froze them because suddenly Kade stopped. She whimpered, pulling at him, needing him to keep going. With only the faintest light from the Castle infiltrating this deep in the bushes, she couldn’t truly see the need on Kade’s shadow-masked face as he looked down at her, but she could feel it. She could feel the trembling strength in his arms as he fought himself not to become unleashed. She could feel the raggedness in his breaths as he forced himself to stay calm and in control.

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