Chasing Perfection Vol. 2 (10 page)


“To new beginnings.” The words were out of my mouth before I’d had a chance to think them through. What the hell? I took a larger gulp of my drink than I’d intended.


Fortunately, Krissy didn’t seem fazed by what I’d said, but instead added her own part to the toast. “And to sexual pleasures.”


I drank again to that.


I had just set my glass down when Krissy’s hands were on my shirt again. This time, she didn’t bother with the buttons and just pulled. Some came free while others popped off. I didn’t care because then she was pushing the shirt from my shoulders and her hands were running over my chest and abs, her eyes almost black with the intensity of her desire. My skin felt like it was on fire as she explored every inch of my toned body. When she pressed her mouth against the space just above my bellybutton, I had to close my eyes as a surge of heat when straight to my cock. I’d never gotten so hard, so fast as I did when I was with her.


When her hands went to my belt, I opened my eyes. I wanted to see her reaction. I’d always heard how I measured up to other men, but I also knew that Krissy wasn’t like other women. She wouldn’t lie to me just because she thought it was what I wanted to hear.


She grinned up at me as her hands did their thing. She tucked her fingers under the waistband at my hips, sliding under the elastic of my underwear as well, and, in one smooth motion, pulled everything down to mid-thigh.


Her eyes widened. “Holy fuck!”

Chapter 17



I’ve seen a lot of cocks. I mean, I’m not a slut, but still, I’ve seen a lot since my first. I’ve seen ones I didn’t even want to touch and others that I couldn’t wait to get inside me. Thin, thick, long, short, curved, straight. And, with total honesty, I could say that I’d never seen one that made me instantly and completely wet like DeVon’s did. He was about an inch longer than average, so I’d fucked a couple that were longer, but none of them had been that thick. Some girls may like the guys who’re so big it feels like they’re gonna come out of their mouth. I didn’t. I liked the ones who could rub every single inch of me, and DeVon looked like he could deliver that in spades. I’d felt him hard when we’d kissed, but that hadn’t even come close to doing him justice. My mouth watered at the thought of him pushing past my lips...




The amusement in his voice told me that he’d said my name more than once.


I tore my gaze away and looked up. His eyes were sparkling, but the moment I wrapped my hand as far as it would go around him, they closed and his head fell back.


“Fuck,” he groaned.


I grinned. I loved it when men made that sound, and I loved knowing that I caused it. I released him and took a step back. He started to protest, but the words died in his throat when he saw me unzipping my dress. I was suddenly very glad that I hadn’t needed to tape the dress to my breasts. That would’ve made my sexy little striptease a bit awkward.


The heat in his eyes went through me as he ran his gaze down my body. Because of the kind of dress it was, I hadn’t worn a bra and the way it had hugged my body meant a thong if I wanted to avoid a pantyline, so as the material pooled around my feet, all I was left wearing were my thigh-highs and a tiny piece of black silk that was rapidly getting soaked.


He let out a string of what I could only assume were curse words in Italian. Then again, it could’ve been a shopping list, for all I knew, and it still would’ve made me want to go to my knees.


And while I fully intended to have that magnificent piece of flesh in my mouth at some point, I had other things in mind to get started. Besides, he needed to cool off a bit if this was going to last as long as I hoped we both wanted it to. I backed towards the bed and climbed onto it without taking my eyes off of him. It had taken me a while to get that ability down pat. I’d fallen off of more beds than I cared to admit.


When I was comfortably propped up in the center on a pillow that the owner of this fabulous room had so kindly left in the middle of the bed for me, I crooked my finger at DeVon and beckoned him. He started to take a step, then realized that his pants were around his thighs. While he was getting out of them and his shoes, I toed my shoes off. I didn’t know if he preferred women to keep heels on during sex, but I didn’t care. I’d keep on my thigh-highs if he wanted me to, but the shoes were going. Toe-curling sex wasn’t any fun if the toes couldn’t curl.


When he reached the edge of the bed and started to crawl towards me, his powerful muscles bunching under his skin, my mouth went dry. Fuck, he was gorgeous. He started to reach for the waistband of my panties but I stopped him with a shake of my head. He gave me a puzzled look.


“Take them off with your teeth.”


“Fuck, woman,” he muttered under his breath. “You’re going to be the death of me.”


“As long as you fuck me first, that’s fine with me,” I snapped back.


He moved up my body until we were face-to-face, his body hovering over mine, but not touching. He bent his head and I waited for him to kiss me, but he didn’t. Instead, his lips traced over my jaw and then down my throat. I tilted my head back and caught a glimpse of what I hadn’t seen before.


There were mirrors above the bed.


I made a mental note to decide at a later time if those were hot or creepy, and then I focused my attention on DeVon kissing his way down my body. He wasn’t going so slow that we were losing momentum, but rather just slow enough to test my patience. And he was far from gentle, using his teeth until I was sure I was going to have marks all over me, but as long as he kept up that delicious pressure, I didn’t care. When he finally took one of my nipples into his mouth, I gasped, my back arching as electricity shot through me.


His mouth was rougher on my nipple than it had been elsewhere. He sucked hard enough to make me cry out, then switched to the other one. My pussy throbbed and I lifted my hand to my breast. My fingers had just closed over my hardened nipple when DeVon’s hand wrapped around my wrist. He looked up at me and just shook his head.


Okay, I thought. If that’s how he wanted to play it. I put my hand on his head and applied a little bit of pressure, just enough for him to know that it was time to move. Something in his eyes sparked, but he let my nipple fall from his lips and ran his tongue over my stomach and down to the waistband of my panties. It wasn’t until he took the material between his teeth that I realized he was actually going to do what I told him to do. With an ease that surprised me, my panties came off and disappeared over the side of the bed without ever being touched by his hands.


“You’ve done that before,” I said.


He grinned at me as he sat back on his heels. “I’ve done a lot of things before, Ms. Jensen.”


“So have I,” I said.


He raised an eyebrow. “I may have to put that to the test.”


A thrill went through me as our eyes met. He wasn’t joking and the idea excited me more than it probably should’ve. Something told me DeVon was the kind of man who’d test my limits and I’d beg him for more.


Without taking my eyes from his, I spread my legs and let my lips curve up into a saucy smile. “But first, why don’t you put that mouth to better use?”


The corners of his mouth tightened and, for a moment, I thought he was going to balk at me telling him what to do. Then he stretched out on the bed between my legs and I shivered in anticipation. The shiver turned into a yelp as he sank his teeth into the flesh of my inner thigh. The flash of pain quickly became absorbed into pleasure as his mouth soothed the abused skin.


He looked up. “No chance of anyone from work seeing that, is there?” The heat in his eyes said that he was only half-joking.


I wondered which part of the question’s implications he was more interested in, someone from work knowing what we were doing, or anyone else being in a position to see that part of my body.


Then he was running his tongue down the length of my slit and I forgot about the question. His mouth covered me, his tongue going deep inside. I moaned, then protested when he raised his head.


“Just as you promised. Delicious.” His mouth glistened as he smiled, and then he was lowering his head again.


My eyelids fluttered and I swore. Damn. He was just as good with his tongue in my pussy as he was with it in my mouth. Then he started on my clit and I tried to lift up to get more. His hands went around my hips, holding me in place as he worked me towards climax. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over me, each one pushing me further along until I was riding the edge of an orgasm. Just as it was about to break, his mouth was gone, leaving me panting, my body a knot of frustration.


I opened my eyes, wondering if he was getting ready to fuck me, but he was just lying there, watching me. My breasts were heaving as I dragged in air and I knew my entire body was flushed. What the hell was he doing?


“Do you think you’re in charge, Ms. Jensen?”


His voice was soft, almost dangerous, and I suddenly realized that I wasn’t in control. Even when I’d thought I was telling him what to do, he hadn’t been doing anything he hadn’t wanted. He really was a control-freak.


He pushed himself up onto his knees and I saw that he was harder than before, but he wasn’t paying any attention to himself. That intense gaze was completely focused on me.


“You’re not going to come until I decide to let you.” He lightly ran the tip of his index finger across my sensitive flesh and I bit my lips to keep from whimpering.


Just a little more.


I decide to let you.”


Fuck that.


I raised my hand to my mouth and licked my fingers. I watched his eyes follow my hand down my stomach, my destination evident. Just before I could reach what I wanted and prove to him that I wasn’t about to listen to him, his hand closed over mine. I opened my mouth to protest, but then he was dragging our hands down between my legs and my jaw snapped shut.


He pushed our fingers between my lips, rubbing my clit too hard to take me right over the edge. My body bucked, the nearly painful sensation radiating out until I thought I’d explode. I could feel myself taking this new feeling and folding it into what had been there before, building on it. I’d always liked a little kink. Handcuffs. A little bit of hair pulling. Fucking hard and fast. This...this wasn’t like anything I’d experienced before and if the pressure inside me was any indication, I liked it.


Then, just before I could come, he pulled our hands away.


“Dammit!” I cried out in pure frustration. “What the hell?”


“Do you think you’re in charge?” he repeated his previous question.


I sat up and caught a look of surprise on his face. I wrapped my hand around his cock and gave it two firm strokes. He couldn’t stop himself from moaning and the sound turned into a growl as I wrapped my lips around the head.




His hands found my hair as I began to lick and suck as much as I could. What I couldn’t get into my mouth, I used both hands to stroke. His fingers tangled in my hair, sending little tingles of pain through my scalp and when he began to tug, I knew he was close.


Let’s see how he liked it.

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