Chasing Thunder (31 page)

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Authors: Ginger Voight

His eyes drifted back to M.J., who looked young, happy, and carefree. His heart tugged a little. A small part of him wished he could have known her then, before she’d shut herself off from the world.

“Doesn’t even look like the same girl, does it?” Landers said as he joined the younger detective at the wall.

Kelly shook his head. “Who are all these people?”

“You know M.J., of course. That was her grandfather, Joe. Everyone called him Pops,” Landers said with an absent smile.

“You knew him?”

He nodded. “Good man. Rebel with a cause from the time he got back from Vietnam.” He pointed to another photo, which included a younger
Native American man with a long, dark mane of hair and coal black eyes. “That’s Jimmy, Joe’s best buddy from the war. They came back home and started the bike shop together.”


Landers nodded again. “Named after the gang they had joined.” He referred to the other photos.

“Outlaws?” Kelly asked.

Landers shrugged. “Not in their minds, I reckon. They had a code of honor, but sometimes they had to administer outlaw justice. They were never big fans of red tape. There was a bit of a brouhaha when Richard joined the police academy,” he added with a smile. “But they did a lot of good though, especially after they got back from the war. Riding for charity. Raising money for Christmas gifts for the needy. Providing security, stuff like that. Then Pops starting doing solo missions all on his own.” He sighed. “That’s where it all went to hell.”

“Yeah,” Kelly murmured as his eyes slid back to the image of M.J. “I know.”

They walked over to a small table by the jukebox. “I don’t know if anyone knows who wasn’t there,” Landers said.

Kelly nodded as he sipped his beer. “M.J. was witness to her grandfather’s murder, I know that much. That’s why she hates the chief.”

Landers shook his head. “She hated the chief long before that. You know how her mother died?” Kelly nodded. “Well, I think a lot of people assumed that Joe met his fate for the same reason. Richard started his career pinpointing organized crime. It wasn’t that much different than what the Wyndryders were doing. Only his way was legit. His family paid the price anyway. But it was more than that. Joe was balls-deep in his own efforts to fight injustices he found, and he wasn’t waiting around for Richard to help him. In the end, it made him a target. After he died, M.J. took up the mantle. To the exclusion of everything else,” he added as he waved his hand at the room. “This was her world and she turned her back on it. That’s what she does. That’s who she is. It’s really that simple.”

“Is that a warning, partner?”

“Does it need to be?” Landers asked as he looked Kelly in the eye.

Kelly shrugged it off. “You know me. I’m the job.”

“So why are you here, Kelly?”

Kelly sighed. It was clear Landers thought he was investigating more than just a murder case. He was clearly getting in too deep with M.J., and all this information, which wasn’t particularly new or surprising, was meant to deter him. “Following a lead, Harry. That’s all.”

Landers wasn’t convinced, so Kelly nodded toward the bar. “See that kid? M.J. wanted me to do a records check on him.”

Landers glanced at Xavier. “Find anything?”

“Petty crime, much of it when he was a juvenile. His nose has been clean for a few years now.”

Landers nodded. “It’d have to be. Snake wouldn’t hire him otherwise.”


“He owns the bar. Inherited from his family, who were friends of Joe Bennett’s. Honorary Wyndryders, as it were.” Kelly glanced back at the wall, realizing that those were the pictures featured there. Old members of an old gang. “It probably would have died with Joe, but M.J. and Snake kept things going for a while. Lasted maybe a year before everyone scattered.”

“Wonder why?”

Landers shrugged. “Lack of purpose, probably. Lack of leadership. Everyone had their own reason to ride. M.J. wanted to honor her grandfather, but she was just a kid. Snake just wanted revenge.”

“For what?”

“He was there the night Joe was shot. Got pretty beat up, too. He was off the rails for a while, but he finally straightened up and flew right. M.J. never could.”

Kelly nodded as he took it all in. He even lingered after Landers left and Llewellyn took Lori home. He studied the pictures along the wall until closing time, when he headed straight back to the station to research the owner of the Snake Pit.



he Fourth of July fell on a Wednesday, but that didn’t damper the celebratory mood at Wyndryder. They were going to close early and have a massive barbecue for friends and customers in the parking lot. X and Lori represented the Snake Pit with a makeshift bar, serving refreshments for the thirsty bunch who showed up for the festivities. Jimmy even got his hands on some minor fireworks to thrill the kids while they waited for the big show down at the pier.

As the impromptu DJs, Mad Dog and Kid set up a sound system on the fly. Baby teased them that they were the Technology Twins, who could take over the world when their knowledge was pooled between them. For recognizing their awesomeness, Mad Dog treated her to the first dance.

Snake was the guest of honor, but Baby could see that his birthday wish—that M.J. would show up—had not come true. She stayed close to him to cheer him up, making sure he drank, danced, and laughed. She dragged him out to the makeshift dance floor, and Kid played “My Girl” as they danced. She smiled at her mentor as he twirled her around, like a father and daughter on her wedding day. They laughed throughout, and when the music faded Snake lifted the girl high in his arms in a big bear hug, reminiscent of the Joe Bennett bear hugs of old. And just like Pops had felt about M.J., Snake adored this little ray of sunshine that had spilled into their life without warning. They’d had no clue how cloudy and dull their world was until she walked into it.

She took care of the Scogginses, both at home and at Wyndryder. They were her family and she doted on them whenever she could, easily blending into their lives despite the short time they had spent together.

She even pulled Kid out from behind his computer to share a dance as the evening went into full swing. She was having the time of her life, so much so that she barely noticed the two detectives who had infiltrated their gathering.

Landers hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Snake, or Wyndryder, since he and Kelly had had their chat at the bar. Now that he knew M.J. had questions about Xavier, he was curious to see what it all meant. He found out about the party and decided to make an appearance . . . as did Kelly Harris, the very instant he connected the dots between Cooper “Snake” Scoggins and Eugene Fitzpatrick from San Clemente.

“You know her?” he had asked the bearded man at Slick, after that man had prevented him from taking off after M.J.

“We’ve met,” the man had answered.

, thought Kelly as the pieces began to fall into place.

So Kelly kept a low profile when he got to Wyndryder, sticking to the shadows as he watched the people interact. He recognized Jimmy Guerra and X, of course, and Snake as well. M.J. was nowhere to be seen, which only convinced Kelly he was on the right track. She wouldn’t want to draw attention to this event, because she wanted to keep those closest to her out of the line of fire.

By the look on Snake’s face, that was not how he wanted it to be. He could tell, because he had seen that look on his own face in the last few weeks.

Like Landers, Kelly kept his eye on X, taking particular interest in the young girl he asked to dance. She fit in so well with all the bikers and outcasts, with her dark hair and alternative clothing, that he likely wouldn’t have noticed her at all. But then she danced with Snake, and he could see how fond the man was of this girl, like a little sister or a daughter.

He blended in as best he could as he tried to get a closer look. Eventually she made her way through the raucous crowd, like a teeny hostess. She passed around trays of food and drinks, and finally stood face-to-face with Detective Kelly Harris.

He wore a black T-shirt and jeans, along with a nondescript hoodie, to blend in with the crowd. She bestowed a sunny smile as she asked him if he wanted some lemonade.

He studied her face up close. She had stunning lavender eyes that shone bright behind the novelty red, white, and blue glasses she wore. But he could see that her eye color was enhanced by contacts, which only made him study her further. She was young, clearly under eighteen, with no discernible features to set her apart from any other young girl.

But he knew he had seen her before.

“I’d love some.” He grinned and she offered a cup. When he looked down, he saw the tattoo around her wrist—a familiar tattoo that he had seen in several pictures at the Snake Pit. “Cool ink,” he said as he sipped from the cup. “Significant meaning?”

She looked down at it for a second before she grinned back at him. “Yeah. Family.”

Like a butterfly, she floated easily on toward the next guest, making sure everyone was having a good time. She wouldn’t have taken a break had it not been for X asking her for a dance. “I really shouldn’t,” she said, but he took her by the hand and led her to the middle of their makeshift dance floor.

“Don’t worry,” he said as he bent close. “Your security is standing nearby.”

He swung her around to the music until she was laughing, holding onto him so she wouldn’t lose her balance. He pulled her close to his body, which should have sent her running for the hills. Instead, it spread warmth to every finger and every toe.

“Later, I want you to watch the fireworks with me,” he whispered against her ear.

“Why?” she asked breathlessly.

His eyes were deep and dark as he stared down at her. “So I can kiss you.”

Her stomach toppled all the way to her feet. She knew she should refuse, but it almost seemed like the perfect way to top their perfect day. “Where should we meet?” she asked in a trembling, excited voice.

“On the beach,” he decided with a triumphant grin. “Let them party,” he said as he spun her around. “I want you all to myself.”

“Okay,” she found herself saying, though she didn’t know why.

“Meet me at nine,” he said, then broke away to resume his duties at the bar.

“I will,” she said as she watched him walk away.

Snake watched the interaction from where he stood near Kid’s sound system. He made a mental note to do some research on his newest bartender. He had left it up to Lori, but she had just been focused on finding help. If this kid wanted to date Baby, he had a lot more hoops to jump through. Snake glanced at Kid. “You okay?”

Kid nodded as if he hadn’t noticed what had transpired between Baby and Xavier. Snake knew his kid brother too well. He hadn’t missed a detail about anything from the moment he’d been born. He definitely wouldn’t miss one about his new favorite person. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Hey, listen,” Snake started as he leaned in toward his brother. “If you want someone, you have to go after her. Throw your hat in the ring.”

Kid shook his head and started to move away. “We’re friends. I’m safe.”

“Hey,” Snake said, pulling him back. “There’s nothing at all wrong with safe. Or friends. But if you want something more, you have to make your move, dude. What do you have to lose?”

Kid’s eyes met Snake’s. “I tell you what. I’ll make my move when you make yours.”

That stopped Snake short. He glanced around the parking lot full of people, many of them his friends, coworkers, and customers. But it wasn’t complete, and wouldn’t be, not until M.J. was at his side. Suddenly he couldn’t remember why she wasn’t.

He thought about that first kiss he had given her on her sixteenth birthday, right as the sun set. Snake smiled. “Deal.” They bumped fists. Then Kid went to find Baby, and Snake escaped the festivities altogether. Only Kelly Harris noticed his departure. And only Kelly Harris knew exactly where he was going.

He was on his way to Hollywood.

Maybe this had been her plan all along, he thought. It was so like her, to preoccupy him with Xavier so that Snake could sneak away for an undisturbed liaison. He felt like a fool as he turned on his heel and left the wild goose chases to his partner.

For one night, Kelly wanted nothing to do with bikers or Hollywood or people in general.




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