Read Christmas Nights Online

Authors: Penny Jordan

Christmas Nights (42 page)


it—the end?’

Jon looked lovingly at his wife.

‘No, not the end; this story will never end,’ he told his niece. ‘This is just the beginning, and like our love it will last for ever,’ he told Heaven in a voice low enough for only her to hear as he leaned across to kiss her.

‘Oh, grown-ups—yuck!’ Christabel exclaimed. ‘You’re just like Mum and Dad—they’re always hugging and kissing too. I’m never going to get married…’

‘You’ll change your mind, you wait and see,’ Jon warned her with a smile. ‘The proof of the pudding’s always in the eating—you ask Heaven.’

‘Oh, always,’ Heaven agreed, laughing.

Grown-ups, Christabel decided crossly, were a complete mystery to her. First of all that silly kissing and now they were laughing for absolutely no reason at all that she could see!

IMPRINT: Special Release eBooks

ISBN: 9781460888155


First Australian Publication 2012

Copyright © 2012 Penny Jordan

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