Chronicles of Eden - Act VI (36 page)

Read Chronicles of Eden - Act VI Online

Authors: Alexander Gordon

Sasha stood up and wiped the blood from her mouth, teeth bared and eyes set in a firm glare as she looked down at the remains of her sisters that were strewn across the bloodied ground. Using one of her hands she slowly ran her fingers through her long hair, glancing to the tangled and messy locks with a grunt before picking up Rishla’s sword and eyeing it sharply. She then gathered her hair together behind her head using one hand then sliced it off with the sword, cutting it short to just above her shoulders. The severed locks fluttered down over the floor and landed in blood as Sasha tossed the sword to the side and walked over to the wall where they had collected armor and weapons from their fallen sisters.

“I gathered the best armor and weapon I could find from our home. They were heavy, very heavy to wear and wield, but I would not settle for anything less than the best to serve my new master with.”

Sasha dusted off the green plated leggings then attached them to her feet, taking a moment to get a sense of the added weight to her legs. She strapped on the black hip armor pieces to her sides, feeling the increased heft on her lower body as she shifted her hips and tail around with it. Looking down to her exposed breasts which had dirt and dried blood on them she growled with ire before quickly looking around her home.

“If only I could clean myself properly first,” she cursed before looking down to her chest again. She had no panties or even a shirt to cover her privates, something she feared would make her seem less respectable to the human. “Dammit! I pray he accepts me as I am. Perhaps this look will appeal to him, I hope.”

Knowing time was short Sasha then grabbed hold of the large broadsword that was resting against the wall, taking a quick second to eye over the impressive blade that had never been used before she looked towards the cave entrance with a determined face. She took a few steps before lurching back with a yelp as the heavy blade fell to the ground with her hand still holding it, taking her down with a thump followed by a frustrated yell. The girl scrambled back to her feet and grabbed the handle with both hands, straining herself to lift the massive blade up before she flinched and felt her wound throbbing in pain. With a heavy growl she fought through it and quickly dragged the sword behind her as she took off running, the large blade screeching and carving a trail behind her as she made her way out of the cave and quickly looked around with clenched teeth and heavy breaths.

“No time to heal, no time to rest, no time to lose,” she told herself. “I need to find him; I need to stay with him. I can’t be without him, I can’t!”

She started running through the rocky valley as fast as she could, frantically searching for any sign of the swordsman while her heavy blade scraped along the ground behind her the whole way. Her hunger wasn’t fully slaked, her wound hadn’t completely healed, and her mind was struggling to remain focused after her own sisters had turned on her. However the thought of the human that saved her life kept her going and allowed her body to fight the fatigue and pain it was enduring in order to find him once again.


Daemon walked along the trail that led through the arid wastes, hand resting on his sword’s handle while his eyes remained focused on the road before him. Passing by bleached skeletons and rocky cliffs he made his way through the desolate land without saying a word or showing any fatigue.

As he walked alongside a cliff that overlooked a darkened gorge he then stopped as he heard a faint sound drawing closer. A sword being dragged along the dirt, clacking against stones and bones, along with footsteps approaching caught his attention. Glancing back he saw Sasha running towards him, sword being pulled with both her hands as she showed a look of wonder on her face from seeing the swordsman again. Upon getting closer she slowed down her pace before stopping a few feet behind him, watching as he merely kept an eye on her while facing forward still.

“When I finally found him again, I didn’t know what to say. I had to have looked so pathetic to him, a reptile girl that first begged for his help then had the nerve to chase after him in her sorry state. I was scared he would reject me.”

Sasha opened her mouth to speak but no words came out, her throat feeling choked up as she tried to catch her breath. She felt flustered and anxious, seeing Daemon staring at her yet not being able to say anything to him.

“Why are you following me?” Daemon finally asked.

Sasha jumped a bit then flinched before she dropped her sword and held her side. With strained breathing through her teeth she lowered her head and shut her eyes, feeling her embarrassment growing even more for how she looked to him.

“P-Please…” she stuttered out. “Don’t… leave me.”


“Please… don’t leave me,” Sasha repeated as she took a few weary steps closer towards him before dropping to her knee. Suddenly her armor felt heavier than before while the wound at her side started bleeding again. She looked to her hand which had her blood on it then wavered before dropping to the ground.

‘Dammit! I’m so weak! My sisters were right; I’m a disgrace to our people! What was I thinking coming out here like this?’

Sasha took heavy breaths as she slowly got up on her hands and knees, feeling her stomach lurching and her side bleeding down her thigh. She then noticed Daemon turning and walking towards her. She trembled nervously while being unable to move, her eyes watering up slightly while she struggled to control her breathing.

“You’re not ready to be moving around like that, let alone carrying such a heavy sword,” Daemon lectured before kneeling down in front of her.

“Master…” Sasha breathed out with pleading eyes at him.

“I’m not your master.”

“Yes you are!” Sasha cried out as she shut her eyes and lunged forward, grabbing onto his chest and holding him while he stared ahead over her shoulder. “Please, accept me as yours! If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be alive, I wouldn’t have anything to live for! I can be strong for you, I promise I can! Give me a chance, I’ll do whatever you say, just don’t leave me! You’re the only one in Eden I could ever want, I’m yours and yours alone, master!”

“I’m not your master,” he flatly repeated.

“I want you to be,” Sasha begged as she slumped down against his chest, her head feeling dizzy while her hands weakly clung to his shirt. “I’ve had nothing to live for out here, I’ve lost everything in this horrible land. Let me prove my strength to you, let me serve someone as strong and great as you, I’ll show you I can be a perfect mate for you, one who is worthy of your seed.”

“I’m not your master, and I’m not looking for a mate.”

Sasha grunted as she felt the pain in her side growing more, taking a few sharp breaths before looking up to him with gentle eyes as he watched her with a solemn expression.

“Then kill me,” she implored. “If I can’t serve you then I truly have nothing left to live for. Toss my worthless being into that chasm and be done with it. You are the noblest and strongest human I’ve ever heard or known, if I cannot become worthy of you then I’m lost in this world.”

Daemon watched as Sasha whimpered and lowered her head, her hand slowly dropping down off his shirt onto his leg.

“I’ll do whatever you want,” she softly spoke. “I’m yours, to do with as you wish. Please, make me yours, don’t let me go, otherwise I’ll be dead inside.”

She then gagged as she felt her stomach lurching again. Quickly pushing away from Daemon she keeled over to the side and threw up with a hoarse groan, with the swordsman watching with a dull expression as Sasha vomited onto the ground before dropping onto her side with a whimper.

“Wow, you really did hit rock-bottom, didn’t you?” Tabitha chuckled.

“One more comment and you will die on this very night,” Sasha hissed. “It’s important you see the pain and struggle I went through to understand why my master is my whole world, and that if anyone, such as you, speaks ill about him or tries to harm him, then I will KILL YOU WHERE YOU STAND!”

“Okay!” Tabitha exclaimed. “I’ll be quiet! Please continue!”

Sasha groaned with eyes shut tight, feeling all her pride and hope for a future vanishing as her side continued to ache and her stomach felt like it was tied in a knot.

‘I’m so pathetic and weak. I truly am the lowest of the low of reptile girls. Perhaps I should just throw myself into the valley over there and end it; this human couldn’t possibly want anything to do with me after this horrendous display.’

She then quietly gasped as she felt herself being lifted up. With eyes of wonder and surprise she saw Daemon holding her in his arms, having her legs and tail over one arm while he held his other around her back. She blinked then noticed with astonishment that he was holding her broadsword in his hand, held inversely and lifted up off the ground behind him before he started walking along the trail again. Sasha stared at him with disbelief as he carried her and her sword without showing any signs of discomfort, words failing to form in her mouth as she questioned what she was seeing.

‘I must be dreaming, or perhaps I died, that would be more believable. How can he possibly be holding me and my sword like this? Who is this human?’

“Wait, he carried both you
your sword?” Tabitha asked skeptically.

“That’s what I just said.”


“Let me tell the story and then maybe you would understand.”

Sasha watched Daemon with eyes of wonder as he traveled through the wasteland without rest, the sky above slowly turning to night with stars twinkling above while the scenery shifted from the badlands to a grassy countryside with a few rolling hills and small woodlands stretched out in the distance. Daemon carried the reptile girl along the trail without saying a word or making eye contact with her, going strong into the night before coming across a stone ruin near a small river. He walked over towards the clear flowing stream and set Sasha down next to it, the reptile girl staring up at him in awe as he then struck her sword into the ground at his side.

“How…” she breathed out.

“Drink up,” Daemon said glancing to the river then back to her. “You need it.”

Sasha slowly looked to the water for a moment then back up to him as he watched her with a calm expression.

“Am I alive?” she questioned with much doubt.

“Are you thirsty?” Daemon dryly asked, getting a few nods from her. “Then drink up. Now.”

Sasha jumped with a squeak then quickly scrambled over to the river and started scooping up water with her hands. As she slaked her thirst Daemon merely gazed around the area, seeing the stone walls and archways of the old building standing with several pillars and piles of rubble lying around them, then looked to see Sasha sitting down next to the river as she sighed with relief after drinking so much. She glanced back to him then blushed before she quickly started using the river water to wash her body, frantically trying to clean all the blood and dirt off her as she felt embarrassed again.

“I’m sorry, I know I must look repulsive,” she quickly pleaded. “I swear I would bathe often if I could, there wasn’t anything to clean myself with let alone drink back home. I would never consider this to be acceptable for you. I promise I’ll remain clean for you from now on, master.”

“I’m not your master,” Daemon corrected her again.

“But-” Sasha said turning to him, freezing and halting her words as she saw Daemon staring at her with his piercing gaze. She then flinched and glanced down to her side as she held a hand over her wound, feeling it aching once again. Daemon walked over and knelt down next to her, moving her hand aside and examining her injury while she stared at him with a blush on her face. He then took her skirt and ripped it off her, causing her face to blush even more while her jaw dropped.

‘Dear lord, he’s going to take me as his mate right here and now. This truly must be a dream.’

She watched as he then rinsed the skirt in the river before tying it around her over the wound. He showed no emotion or concern about her injury but rather bandaged it the best he could with her only clothing.

“Thank you, master,” Sasha timidly said as she lowered her head.

“I’m not your master,” Daniel repeated with a glance to her. “Stop calling me that.”

“Sorry, master,” she quickly apologized with worried eyes.

“You don’t listen at all, do you?”

Sasha glanced to him and flinched slightly, remaining silent before looking over to her sword then back to him again.

“Um… how did you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Carry me and my weapon like that,” Sasha said as she eyed him over with wonder. “It was as if we didn’t weight anything at all to you.”

“Your point?”

“Well…” Sasha hesitantly said. “It’s just I wasn’t aware humans could be so strong. How did you manage to carry myself and my sword like that so far and for so long without tiring? Do not misunderstand, I mean no disrespect. I’m quite grateful that you came to my rescue, which by the way why did you do that? I mean I’m eternally thankful you did, I swear I’ll serve you to the best of my ability for the rest of time, master, it’s just I don’t understand why you would wish to save such a lowly reptile girl such as myself.
That’s not what I meant; I’m not that lowly, I can still be of use to you, master.”

“I’m not your master,” Daemon repeated, causing the reptile girl to jump with a squeak. “Now, how about you calm yourself and ask one thing at a time.”

Sasha looked to her sword in the ground, down to her bandaged wound, then to Daemon who watched her with a calm gaze.

“Who are you?” she asked shaking her head slowly.

“Daemon Warrick.”

“And… why did you save me? I’m a monster, and one that surly had to have come off as troublesome for you by now,” Sasha said with remorse.

“Would you rather I left you to die back in that cave?” Daemon asked, with Sasha lowering her head with timid eyes at him before shaking her head. “I saved a young girl who called out for help, that was the extent of my intentions. I didn’t expect her to be stubborn and to follow after me.”

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