Chronicles of Eden - Act VIII (13 page)

Read Chronicles of Eden - Act VIII Online

Authors: Alexander Gordon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Epic

“And this is Alyssa,” Triska continued, the group watching as Star had pounced the witch to the floor and was licking her face with eager meows.

“She likes you,” Luna congratulated.

“I noticed!” Alyssa barked back before spitting and shaking her head as Star held her down and licked her face with swiftly wagging tails.

“And this is Kroanette,” Triska introduced, with everyone watching as Star had shoved her face into the centaur’s large breasts with muffled mews.

“Aren’t you just the playful one,” Kroanette mused before scratching behind the jinx’s ear. Star purred and arched back while her expression became that of bliss from the centaur’s touch.

“She likes you,” Luna congratulated.

“I noticed,” Kroanette calmly replied as the jinx turned docile in her hands.

“This here is Doku,” Triska continued, with Star looking at Doku curiously as the harpy had her head lowered and her wings held close.

“Um, nice to meet you,” Doku softly spoke.

Star tilted her head with a curious mew before getting close to Doku’s face. She batted away the harpy’s long bangs a few times to catch glimpses of the girl’s yellow eyes before quickly bringing her head up and under them to stare into Doku’s eyes directly. Again she mewed while the harpy’s long hair draped down beside their faces.

“She likes you,” Luna congratulated.

“I noticed,” Doku replied while watching the jinx staring into her eyes with wonder, something that was making the harpy feel a little uncomfortable.

“And this is Clover,” Triska said waving to the elf.

Star kept her distance and merely meowed once while watching the elf showing a dull stare at her with her arms crossed and a small scowl on her face. The jinx made no effort to step any closer as she remained perfectly still near Triska.

“I don’t think she likes you,” Luna mentioned shaking her head.

“Don’t care,” Clover flatly retorted.

From around the girls Squeak walked out towards the jinx, eyeing the magical monster carefully with a small smile on her face.

“This is Squeak,” Triska introduced with a wave to the ant girl.

Star meowed and tilted her head curiously.

Squeak squeaked and did the same.

The two girls went back and forth speaking in their own tongues while the rest of the group watched them curiously. After a while Star hopped closer and poked Squeak’s breast a few times, lightly batted her antennae with one hand, then moved around and patted the girl’s abdomen with a questioning mew. The jinx eyed Squeak over for a moment then quickly jumped in front of her and meowed, with Squeak merely squeaking back in confusion as she wasn’t sure what the cat was thinking.

“I… think she likes you,” Luna unsurely reasoned scratching her head.

Triska smiled weakly at Squeak and shrugged before looking around at the girls, all of them glancing behind them to the last one to be introduced to the jinx.

“Well, that just leaves one more…” Kroanette carefully said.

“What about Kitten?” Luna asked. “She hasn’t met Kitten yet.”

“And in the interest of making a new ally in this world, she won’t right now,” Triska stated shaking her head.

“Oh, c’mon,”
Kitten spoke up in discontent.
“Let me meet her. I just want to remind her that my master already has a kitten, and that’s me. Let me out for just a minute.”

‘She’s been friendly with us so far, there’s no reason to have you scare her like I know you would.’

“It’s not scaring, it’s more like… lecturing.”

Triska gently grabbed hold of Star’s hand, the jinx turning to her with a curious mew as the cambion took a slow calming breath.

“Star, there is another here for you to meet. Please try to be on your best behavior for this one, okay?”

Star nodded with a happy smile and meow, her tails waving around together behind her as all the girls kept a close eye on her now.

“Are we sure we should do this?” Specca worriedly asked.

“What could possibly go wrong?” Clover dryly remarked.

Triska slowly nodded then turned her attention towards the archway as other girls stepped aside. From around the corner Daniel walked out into view, a steady breath being made as he prepared himself for what might happen once the jinx laid eyes on him.

“Hello,” he kindly greeted with a small wave. “My name is Daniel Sorres. It’s nice to meet you, Star.”

He jumped a bit then looked around confusedly, the other girls showing puzzlement at his reaction before noticing that Star was gone. Triska looked to her hand that was holding the jinx a moment ago then spun around to see the cat once again seated in front of the grandfather clock staring at the swinging pendulum with a gently rocking head. Everyone watched as Star meowed to herself with each swing of the weight while Daniel rubbed the back of his neck with an awkward expression.

“Uh, not the reaction I was expecting.”

“Seriously?” Alyssa questioned with a raised eyebrow. “What is it with her and that clock?”

“She really likes it,” Kroanette reasoned with a shrug.

“She didn’t even wait to see Daniel,” Falla huffed with annoyance. “What, does she just not care? Is he not good enough for her or something?”

“Strange how she got that idea, huh?” Clover flatly said with a roll of her eyes.

“Star?” Triska called out. “There’s someone here who wants to meet you.”

The jinx looked over to her then hopped to her feet with a loud meow as she saw Daniel, her tails sticking straight up behind her while her eyes became focused intently on the male standing under the archway.

“Here we go,” Specca nervously said as all the girls tensed up.

“Easy, Star,” Triska spoke while holding out a hand to the jinx, seeing very clearly the heightened interest the monster was showing towards Daniel. “Come over here and calmly introduce yourself. We’re all friends, remember?”

Star took one step closer before vanishing, instantly warping over and tackling Daniel down to the ground with a high-pitched yowl. All the girls jumped in surprise as the jinx began to fervently grab at Daniel’s pants while her tails whipped about wildly behind her.

“Star, stop!” Daniel pleaded as he tried to knock the girl’s hands away.

“Get her off him!” Alyssa ordered.

Falla quickly ran over and grabbed the jinx around the waist, yanking the girl off and throwing her aside, only for her to instantly warp back down atop Daniel and resume trying to yank his pants off with a wide smile on her face.

“Hey! Leave him alone!” Falla yelled as she grabbed the jinx and threw her aside, only for the cat to once again warp right back atop Daniel without pause.

“Daniel!” Specca cried out as she and Luna raced over, the two grabbing and lifting Star up by her arms. The jinx warped right out of their grip and appeared atop Daniel again, yanking down his pants and grabbing hold of his genitals with a zealous yowl.

“She’s going to rape him!” Kroanette shouted as she ran over and grabbed the jinx by her hair. She tried to yank the cat off Daniel before Star’s body shifted out of her grip in a small teleport, the monster keeping atop Daniel while escaping the centaur’s hand entirely.

“Leave him alone!” Doku softly pleaded as she fluttered over and flapped her wings at the jinx.

Star quickly shoved the harpy aside without looking while her other hand was being repeatedly swatted away by Daniel’s. The jinx kept trying to mount him as he kicked about and tried to get away from the excited monster. Squeak ran over and grabbed the jinx by the shoulders before Star and Daniel both teleported off the side, the jinx keeping Daniel pinned down while trying to mount him still.

“She can move him with her!” Falla cried out.

“Of course she can!” Alyssa snapped. “How do you think they steal away their men?”

“Do something, Alyssa!” Luna wailed.

Alyssa tried to push the jinx aside with her magic, a distorted ripple of air wavering around Star and Daniel for a moment before it blasted back violently and knocked Alyssa away into a tumble.

“Alyssa!” Doku exclaimed.

“Dammit!” Alyssa cursed as she scrambled to her feet. “I wasn’t even trying to attack her, I just tried to move her off Daniel. Any magic directed at her gets reflected, even if it’s benign.”

“Star, stop!” Daniel pleaded as he kept trying to push the excited jinx away from him, her fevered meows and bright smile staying constant as she relentlessly tried to grab and straddle the male under her.

“Star!” Triska yelled. She ran over and grabbed the jinx from around the shoulders, throwing her aside, then watching in horror as the monster instantly warped back atop Daniel and continued trying to rape him. Again she grabbed and tossed the monster aside, which was easy enough, then watched as the jinx promptly reappeared on Daniel and kept trying to hump him on the ground.

“Don’t make me draw this!” Triska threatened as she grabbed her sword’s handle.

“Don’t!” Specca ordered grabbing her hands. “If you attack her with that you’ll kill yourself for certain!”

“She’s going to rape Daniel!”

“Why did you want to show her Dan anyway?” Clover barked out at her. “What did you think was going to happen?”

“Somebody stop her, please!” Doku urgently implored as Luna and Falla tried again in knocking Star aside. Their efforts were in vain as the jinx instantly appeared back atop Daniel, never letting him get away or allowing him a moment’s rest as she persistently tried to rape him.

“We can’t get her off him, what do we do?” Kroanette fretted while scampering around anxiously.

“We can’t attack her or force her to move, what else can we do?” Triska demanded.

“Figure something out!”
Kitten yelled in her ear.
“I warned you, Triska, but you just wouldn’t listen! If that thing rapes my master it’s all your fault!”

Alyssa growled in frustration as she watched Daniel frantically trying to keep Star from grabbing his groin or mounting it to rape him then glanced over towards the open doorway. She quickly ran outside while the other girls continued trying futilely to get Star away from Daniel. Every time they lifted her off she instantly appeared back atop him, her excited meows and wide smile showing she only had one thing on her mind and was completely ignoring the pleas of everyone for her to stop.

“Star! Please stop this!” Daniel cried out as the jinx kept grabbing and stroking his genitals with a lustful grin on her face.

“We can’t get her to stop!” Luna whined as she tried pulling the cat away, the monster again warping right out of her arms and appearing atop Daniel.

“Don’t do that to him! He said no!” Pip whined while flying around in front of Star’s face. The cat swatted the fairy away without giving her a second glance, her entire focus being on Daniel and nothing else as she kept trying to straddle him.

“So what’s your plan for getting her to knock it off?” Clover quizzed Triska. “Or did you have none?”

Triska started panicking with her hand trembling over her sword’s handle. She watched all the girls try and fail to get Star off of Daniel, the jinx never ceasing her attempts to rape him while being impossible to ward off by either force or words.

“Do something!”
Kitten yelled out.
“She’s going to rape my master in front of us!”

“I don’t know what to do,” Triska stuttered shaking her head. “I… I don’t know what to do!”

“Get her off him!” Specca pleaded, her efforts to push Star away doing nothing to keep the jinx from appearing right back atop Daniel.

“We can’t make her go away!” Luna whined as she and her sister tried and failed to lift away Star by the arms again.

“She’s trying to put him inside herself!” Kroanette screamed as the jinx had gotten Daniel hard with her hand was frantically attempting to mount him, the boy shaking his hips around to avoid that while the girls tried to push or throw away the jinx to no avail.

Squeak grit her teeth and swung a fist at Star’s head, the ant girl’s foot then slipping with a screech that sent her attack to the side and struck Falla instead. The butterfly screamed as she bounced away along the ground, with all the girls watching in surprise before turning to Squeak as she held a hand over her horrified mouth. The ant girl quickly rushed over to Falla and held her up in her arms as the butterfly had a large bruise on her arm.

“Squeak, why?” Falla cried out.

“Don’t attack Star!” Specca warned as she tried to no avail to push the jinx off of Daniel. “Your actions will get reflected back either onto yourself or those around you!”

Squeak held Falla close and squeaked in sorrow as she shook her head with her frantic pleas for forgiveness. The butterfly cringed as her arm felt like it was struck with an iron club then turned to see the other girls still trying to ward away the relentless jinx.

“It’s okay, Squeak, it’s not broken. Just stop that girl from touching our man.”

“Wait, let’s talk about this!” Daniel shouted desperately. “Star, please listen to me for a moment!”

“Please don’t rape him!” Doku pleaded with tears falling down her cheeks.

“Daniel!” Pip cried out grabbing her hair.

“Dammit!” Clover yelled before rushing over, charging into Star and knocking her aside. The elf quickly hugged her body close to Daniel with her thighs holding onto his waist, her arms wrapping around the back of his neck as all the girls stared in surprise at seeing Clover pressing her body close to his.

“Hold onto me, Dan!” Clover ordered as Star hissed at her with anger.

Daniel quickly held his arms around the elf and kept her close, the two watching as Star yowled at them while slowly drawing near on all fours.

“Can’t fuck him if I’m on him, can you?” Clover spat out at the jinx.

Star quickly swiped her nails across the elf’s face, doing so again and again as Clover screamed and shut her eyes.

“Clover!” Daniel called out.

“Just don’t let go, Dan!” Clover insisted as she kept a firm grip on him.

Star grabbed the elf and the three vanished, appearing a few feet to the side with Clover still holding onto Daniel on the ground and Star growling in frustration with her hands gripping the elf’s back. The jinx yowled in anger and tried warping the elf off again, being unable to as she and Daniel weren’t able to be separated now. They all appeared near the girls with Clover still hugging close to Daniel, the two holding each other tightly while Star hopped around them meowing in frustration.

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