Claiming His Wife (18 page)

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Authors: Golden Angel

Tags: #whipping, #domestic discipline, #figging, #anal play, #spankings, #birching

Wrapping his long fingers around both
of her slender wrists, he used his free hand to pick up one of the
ropes that he'd permanently attached to their headboard.  It
was a soft, silky length of material that he could wind about his
wife's wrists without worrying that it would harm her delicate
skin.  And having the rope readily available meant that his
valet had no more cause to complain about ruined

"Edwin, no, pleaaaase," Eleanor begged
as he wrapped her wrists tightly, securing them over her head,
knowing that having her hands tied meant that he was going to take
his time.  Tease her.  Play with her.  Torment her,
while she was bound and helpless and unable to even urge him

This was what she got for trying to
tease him when she was in her bath.

"Perfect," he murmured, sliding his
body back so that he could admire the pretty picture she made, with
her golden hair spilling across the pillow, her arms stretched
upwards, and her breasts thrust up with their pretty pink tips,
like a sweet offering for his mouth and hands.  He cupped her
breasts, watching her face as he pinched her nipples tightly.

Eleanor writhed, the stinging
sensation of pain mingled with pleasure shooting through her and
making her already sensitive body wind even tighter around the
tension in her belly.  Her husband was looming over her like a
dark god, his eyes boring into her, watching every nuance of her
expression as he pinched and rolled the tender buds, tugging on
them and making her pant as she twisted and squirmed beneath him.
 Rubbing her thighs together did nothing to ease the growing
need between them, and she groaned, arching her back and begging
him for more. 

Scooting back, Edwin
straddled her thighs, one hand still on her breast, the other
gliding down her stomach towards her mound. 

"Edwin, please, touch me," she begged,
trying to lift her hips, but unable to with his weight on her lower

"I am touching you,

She moaned.  "More... please...
touch my... my pussy."

Those were the magic words.
 Edwin loved to hear her breathlessly begging him, using terms
that would never pass her lips in any other situation.  On the
other hand, she knew that too, and she was becoming more
comfortable using them.  Hoping that it would push him into
doing what she wanted. 

So he slid one finger down her slit,
feeling the scalding heat of her folds, gliding through the slick

"Like this?" he asked, swirling his
finger in a small circle.  

Eleanor groaned, squirming beneath him
even more as she tried to trap his hand, to rock against him.
 "No, Edwin, please, more."

"So bossy," he said, shaking his head.
 "But you're not in charge, are you, Eleanor?"

"No," she said, her blue eyes pleading
with him to give her what she wanted.  Needed.  She was
willing to say anything to get it.  

Leaning down, he kissed her belly,
amazed that it held the spark of life beneath its slightly rounded
surface.  His finger probed and she gasped, shuddering as he
pumped his finger slowly in and out of her grasping channel.
 When he withdrew again, her voice broke on a sob.

Quick as a wink, Edwin had her flipped
over, settling her on her knees with her upper body stretched out
before her.  She looked over her shoulder at him, her
expression a mixture of sexual frustration, need and outrage.

"You said you weren't going to spank
me while I'm pregnant!"

"I said I wouldn't punish you," Edwin
said, holding one hand on her lower back to keep her in place, his
other hand raising and coming down on her rump with a sharp smack.
 His wife let out a low moan, her hips pressing up against his
hand on her lower back, as if trying to lift her bottom to ask for
more.  "I don't want you distressed... but this isn't
distressing you, is it Nell?"

His voice was a low, seductive croon,
and as he spanked the other side of Eleanor's bottom, she moaned
again.  It was true, she wasn't the slightest bit distressed.
 If anything, she was more turned on than ever.  Edwin's
darker fantasies were beyond anything she could fabricate for
herself, but whenever they indulged in them, it aroused her to wild
heights.  She trusted him not to harm her, and truthfully she
couldn't see the harm in being spanked like this, as he wasn't
anywhere near her belly, but she'd had to protest anyway.
 Even though she liked it, sometimes, when he spanked her, she
always felt as though she should voice the proper, feminine

She really shouldn't enjoy it when he
ignored her protests completely.

The flurry of stinging slaps to her
backside had her burning up, inside and out.  She moaned as
Edwin's hand punished, then caressed, and then stroked her soaked
slit, before rising up and peppering her bottom with sharp smacks
again.  Tugging at the restraints, she begged him for more
every time he thrust his fingers inside of her, the pleasure rising
up until she felt like she might orgasm from the feel of his hand
coming down on her burning, aching flesh. 

Edwin spanked her until
her bottom was a hot, flushed pink and her arousal was dripping
down her thighs.  His cockhead was dark red, angry looking and
demanding to be buried inside of her.  Something that he
wasn't going to deny himself any longer.

Flipping his wife on to
her back, Edwin grasped her thighs and pulled them apart.  The
swollen lips of her pussy blossomed like a flower, coated with
creamy dew, her clitoris so plump and eager that it was engorged
larger than he'd ever seen before.  Hooking her legs over his
arms, he reached up to cup her breasts as he lined up his cock with
her wet heat. 

"Yes, oh please, Edwin, please,
yeeee-EEEES!"  Eleanor screamed as he thrust forward, her body
bowing and clamping down around him as he pinched down on her
nipples and used them to hold her in place as he filled her.

Her pussy spasmed around him, her legs
bending and trying to draw him in further as she sobbed out in
ecstasy.  Making a low, growling noise in the back of his
throat, Edwin leaned forward and began to pound into her, hard,
fast and mercilessly, knowing that she was aroused enough that she
could take it.  In fact, Eleanor had started to orgasm almost
the moment he'd entered her, stretching her open with the delicious
friction of his cock sliding inside of her.  

With her wrists tied to the bed, and
her lower body in Edwin's complete control, there was nothing she
could do but shriek and convulse around him as he ravished her.
 Her pussy tingled and fizzed as her first climax began to
subside, unable to fully dissipate while Edwin was still moving
inside of her, his body rubbing against her sensitive swollen lips
and the fat bud of her clit.  

He was rock hard, a length
of steel invading her body, and rubbing over an exquisitely
pleasurable spot with every thrust.  Eleanor writhed, knowing
that he was watching her every shudder, every twist of her body,
and she enjoyed it.  Knowing that his entire focus was on her
was a blissfully satisfying experience, even if the rush of
pleasure was becoming almost painful in its intensity.

A second orgasm overtook her as he
ground his body against hers, trapping her clit between them and
using his pelvis to send waves of ecstasy surging through her.
 Eleanor cried out, her pussy tightening around the thick rod
inside of her, trying to milk it of its seed.  Instead, Edwin
continued to thrust, hard and deep, making her scream as her body
bowed and tried to move beneath him.  She tried to press her
legs together, but his arms held them too tightly.  There were
no defenses for her vulnerable pussy as his merciless assault on
her most tender spots continued.  

She sobbed with relief and release as
he groaned and surged, his cock swelling inside of her, throbbing
against her inner walls as spurt after spurt of hot seed filled
her.  Drops of moisture clung to her long lashes as they
fluttered, her eyes rolling upwards as the last spasms of pleasure
were wrung from her body. 

Edwin's forearms kept him
from putting his full weight on Eleanor as he released her legs and
leaned over her, finding her lips with his.  He was careful
not to put any pressure against her stomach, although she didn't
seem any worse for wear from their vigorous lovemaking.
 Kissing him back, she made those happy, dreamy sounds that
indicated he'd tamed her - for now at least.  

Pulling his lips away, he looked down
into those sapphire blue eyes that had captured him from the very
beginning, even if he hadn't known at the time quite what that had

"I love you, Eleanor," he said,
shifting his weight to one arm so that he could cup and caress her
cheek, loving the softness of her skin, the submissiveness he felt
in her every languid movement.  "You're the perfect woman for
me, never doubt it."

The happiness shining out
of her eyes was unshaded, and he knew that he'd finally found the
right words, the ones she’d been waiting to hear.

Chapter 8

Damn his mother and her
blasted notions of 'fun' traditions.  Scowling into his cup,
Wesley contemplated disobeying a direct order from his mother, so
that he could at least spend the evening in the company of his
bride.  Whose bloody awful idea was it to keep the bride and
groom apart for the night before the wedding? 

He could hear the gaggle of females,
even from half a floor away.  Another one of his mother's
ideas; having Cynthia's friends over to help entertain her the
evening before.  Or, possibly, just to keep her occupied while
his mother attended to all the last minute decisions and tasks that
were necessary to any major event.  She was absolutely in her
element with this wedding nonsense. 

Truthfully, he didn't begrudge his
mother her fun - he just wished it didn't come at the expense of
his own.

If Cynthia had been
alone... well, he wouldn't have anticipated the wedding night of
course, but they'd already done a few things and he wouldn't be
averse to indulging in more of those.  After all, there was a
certain illicit thrill to engaging in sensual activities with his
bride before she was actually his wife.

Growling under his breath,
Wesley decided to quit the house and head to Edwin's for the sake
of his own sanity. It was only a short carriage ride from here to
the house Edwin was renting. An even shorter distance to Alex’s,
although he was fairly certain that Alex had joined Hugh at
Edwin’s.  Nell was here, with Cynthia, Grace and Irene, so the
husbands had all gathered at Edwin's.  Originally Wesley had
intended to stay in his own house, hoping for a chance to see
Cynthia at some point - not that he would ever admit the sentiment
to anyone - and sneak her off somewhere for a bit of fun.

If they'd been in London,
he would have indulged in the expected stag night, although he
privately admitted to himself that he would have still preferred to
try and debauch his bride a little further rather than sit in some
smoky den with women who didn't actually interest him and a host of
other drunken men.  Although, considering his closest friends
were now all happily married, it was distinctly possibly that there
wouldn't have been any loose women at his stag night anyway.
 Which would have been fine with him.  The only loose
woman he was interested in was Cynthia, and the damned wench had
better only be loose with him.

He'd been hoping to get a little stag
night celebration with her, but it seemed like she was doing just
bloody fine without him.

Another peal of feminine laughter rang
down the hallway. 

Tossing back the remains of his drink,
Wesley swallowed, ignoring the burn in his throat, and slammed the
glass down on the table next to him.  Enough was enough.
 Bounding up and into the hall, he stalked towards the front
of the house, resigned to the fate of becoming just like his
friends, patiently waiting for their wives to come home.
 Although at least they could look forward to warm bodies in
their beds tonight, unlike him.

Well, perhaps Alex might be
sympathetic.  The man had been as quiet as ever when it came
to discussing what was going on between him and his wife.
 Maybe Wesley wasn't alone when it came to an empty


Despite the concerns that had nagged
her all day, Grace was thoroughly enjoying herself.  She'd
hoped to be able to sneak into Alex's study and go through his
things, to find some clue as to his desire for a reconciliation,
but he'd been in the blasted room all day.  In fact, he'd
still been in it when she'd left the house to come to

The atmosphere with the
other three women was so relaxed that she could almost forget the
tension that seemed to dog her every waking hour.  Although
the Countess had greeted them upon their arrival, she'd quickly
excused herself to go attend to other matters, leaving the younger
women to their own devices.  Dressed in their less formal
gowns, they'd sipped sherry (probably a bit more than was wise, and
Eleanor had had weak tea because her stomach was feeling
unsettled), eaten chocolate and given Cynthia all sorts of
interesting marriage advice.  Discussion and celebration of
Eleanor’s pregnancy, once she confided the news to them, had led to
a discussion of intimate bedroom proceedings.

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