Read Claiming the Knights Online

Authors: S.E. Leonard

Claiming the Knights (15 page)

“I am sorry, please don't kill me.” Joel said not aware that Anne belonged to anyone.

Dean and Scooter decided that for now, he lives, but as soon as Raw comes back, they will figure out what to do with him. They secure him to the chair, and tape his mouth.

“And to think we were gonna let your stupid ass go. You just sealed your own fate,” Scooter said as they walked out, locking the door.

As they made their way back to the big room Scooter turned to Dean. “She's yours huh, maybe you should let her know that, Fuck.”

Anne could hear them coming down the hall. She knew this wasn't going to end well. She had fucked up, big time.

“You might wanna go into the room baby. I think I'm about to get yelled at,” Anne said to Raven.

Raven started to get up, still crying over the whole thing. “You should stay Raven, you should hear this too,” Scooter said, and Raven sat back down.

Anne stayed quiet about it.

Scooter stayed standing, and put a foot on the bench next to Anne. “You ever pull a stunt like that again, you are out. You understand Anne? We are just getting things back to normal around here and then you gotta get all independent on us, and about get your stupid ass killed!” he was yelling at this point.

“Sorry Scooter. Won't happen again,” she said, tears falling. She didn't like him calling her stupid, but she knew that she had been.

Scooter grabbed Dean's arm. “You see this guy?”

She nodded, looking up at Dean.

“He fucked up. He fucked up big time. I get it, you are pissed at him, but in this situation, you get the fuck over it and he helps you, you get me? You fuckin' get me Anne? You two can have your personal shit on the side, but when it comes to this fuckin' club, you both put it to the side. NOW!” he shouted. He let go of Dean and walked out.

Anne looked up at Dean. “So sorry,” was all she could muster through the tears. Raven got up and left the room.

Dean sat down beside her. “No I am sorry, babe. I really fucked things up between us, and ultimately made you feel like you couldn't ask for my help. I will do anything to make it up to you.”

“Anything?” she said. The wheels were turning. If he really wanted her back, it was all about claiming her. If he couldn't do that for her, then she was as good as gone.

“Yeah babe, I owe you,” he replied.

“You are gonna claim me.” She got up, and walked out. She was stubborn and that statement was all he should need, to know what he had to do.

She went to the room where Raven was sitting on the bed, with her phone. “Pack up, we are going home,” she said to her.

Anne and Raven walked into the big room with all their bags.

Dean was confused. “What are you doing? Scooter hasn't given the all clear for you to be alone.”

Anne turned to him and glared. “Apparently you didn't understand what I said a few minutes ago, so I will say it nice and slow. You...Are...Going...To... Claim...Me.”

“Oh ok, let me pack a bag.” He said, and headed down the hall.

“Praise the fucking Lord, he gets it,” Anne said to Raven, and they headed for the door.












Chapter 10


Raw had taken care of Mr. Dalton. He was able to catch him off guard, at home in his bed. Raw was good at his job, and therefore there would be no evidence. He just disappeared. A missing man and his missing son. They would both go down as two unsolved cases.

The club members were all accounted for and they were making their presence known back in Vancouver and Portland. They all showed up at a fund raising run for a fellow MC's daughter. She had cancer and they all made an appearance, so there would be alibis for all of them.


              Drifter had been back since right after the incident with Anne and Joel. He went straight home to see Jewl. She had been expecting him, and was all over him as soon as he walked in the door.

“Hey babe, I missed you so much.” She was practically climbing up the side of him.

Drifter let his duffle bag fall to the floor, and he picked her up under her arms, lifting her to him. He kissed her hard.

“Legs,” he commanded, and she wrapped them around him. He let go of her underarms and cupped her ass with both hands.

“You been a good girl?” he asked her, as he nuzzled her neck, smelling her.

“Yeah baby, I have been so good. I did take care of myself a few times, but that is it,” she said, so proud of herself.

She had been tempted a few times, but she would think right back to how he treated her when she had fucked around. She didn't like it, not one bit. He was serious.

“Were you a good boy?” she asked him, sarcastically.

“Yeah babe, only you and my hand.” He pulled back a hand, and smacked her hard on the ass. She yelped. “There ya go babe,” he said, and put her down.

“What do you want Drifter? Do whatever you want,” she said, undoing his pants.

He had wanted to check the tapes before he did anything with her, but this was too much. In the past, he had always found some random bitch to fuck the hell outta on a run. But this time he held out, giving Jewl a chance to prove that she was his. His plan was to let her fall asleep, and then watch all the tapes in fast mode, during the night.

He was pulled from his thoughts as she pulled his already hard dick out of his pants, and had her lips wrapped around it. She worked fast and that was part of his fear. Had she been doing this with others, giving his shit away? However, all his thoughts were over powered with her mouth on him.

She was doing a fine job on her own, but he couldn't help himself. He reached down and cradled the back of her head with both hands and held her still, as he had his way with her.

She felt him picking up intensity and she knew he was about come. She prepared by opening up her throat so she could swallow. It worked like a charm, and he was done.

“My turn?” she asked him, as she looked up at him, licking her lips.

“Get your sweet ass in the bedroom. I gotta call Pres, and then I will be right there.” He pulled out his phone, as she headed for the bedroom.

A few minutes later, he was in the bedroom with her, taking what was his with his mouth, and then he got back inside her. This is where he really wanted to be. This was what made him feel the best, the most loved. This was all his.


              Raven was keeping to herself for the most part. She knew that her mom and Dean had made up. For one, they were all lovey dovey and flirty, and two, she heard them making up the night before. Dean had never stayed over. Raven knew that they had been seeing each other for years, but her mom had always kept that away from Raven. The only thing she could think that had changed, was that Anne was insisting that Dean claim her. Like an ol' lady? Was her mom going to be a part of the club, not just a hired hand?

Anyway, the whole thing was confusing and, well, gross. I mean who the hell wants to hear their mom having sex? Not her, that was for damn sure.

After she had some coffee and toast, she went into the living room where her mom and Dean were sitting.

“Mom, I think I am going to give you two some space and stay at Meg's for a few days.” She wasn't asking, but she knew that her mom should approve.

Raven figured if she had Meg covering for her, that when Raw came back, she could see him. With her mom all hot and heavy with Dean, could she really protest if she found out?

“Not sure if I like that. She and Joe livin' together,” Anne said, being her usual over protective self.

Raven just looked back and forth at her mom and Dean. “Really Mom? That is the card you are gonna play? Really?”

Dean raised his eyebrows. “The kid has a point darlin'.”

Anne glared at him and then turned to Raven. “I suppose, but if you go anywhere, you text me, and until all this shit is over with the club, you two girls stay with Joe. No girl’s night. You hear me?”

“Yes Mom, I hear you. I will stay where Joe is,” Raven said. Inside she was jumping for joy. The fact she might lose her virginity soon was all she could think about.

An hour later, Meg was pulling out of her driveway and they were off. Raven was a free woman for a day or two. Now she hoped that Raw would get done with his club job and get back here.

Her wish came true later. Joe had gone to bed. Meg and Raven were in the living room watching a scary movie when her phone buzzed and scared the hell outta both of them. They laughed afterwards and then Raven read the text.


Raw: I want to surprise you Bella Raven. I am back to Vancouver. Can you get away from mom? Tell me.


              She read it to Meagan. Meagan encouraged her to go for it. You only live once.


Raven: I am at Meg's house, no mom tonight I will text you the address in a minute. Come get me!


              She asked Meagan the address, and sent it to him. Then she started to freak out.

“Meg, this could be it. I could lose it tonight. I am freaking the fuck out.”

Meagan was happy for her. She was hoping Joe would sleep through it all, but she wasn't that lucky.

They heard the bike pull in, and the engine stop. Raw came to the front door, but Raven was already there before he could knock. She had her bag with her.

Raw said hello to Meg and was about to shut the door, when Joe came out of the bedroom.

“What the fuck is going on here?” he said, watching Raven heading out the door with Raw. “What the fuck Meg?”

“Raw is here to get Raven, didn't want to bother you babe,” Meagan said, knowing that he was on to her.

“I thought I told you to stay away,” Joe said to Raw.

“You want to stay way Bella?” Raw looked down at Raven to clarify her intentions.

“No. Joe, I am twenty years old and who I decide to be with is my decision,” Raven said, and shut the door.

Joe just looked at Meg and shook his head. “You bitches are trying to get me killed one way or another.” He went into the bedroom and shut the door. Meg waited a few minutes, and went in after him. She knew just how to get his forgiveness. An hour later, all was forgiven and they were both sound asleep, wrapped around each other.


              Raven rode on the back of his bike. She assumed that he would take her to a hotel, but she was wrong. They pulled into the club lot. He parked the bike and she slid off the back.

“Not sure if this is such a great idea,” Raven said, referring to the being together at the club.

“Bella, you are woman? No? You make your choice? No?” he said to her.

Raven knew what he was doing.

“I not be with you to sneak. We be honest or not at all. Capisce?” Raw said to her, grabbing her hand, and started walking towards the door of the club house.

Holy shit! He was just going to walk in there with her, hand in hand, and then what? Take her to his room? She was in shock, but just kept walking with him.

When they walked in, there were a couple of prospects playing pool and Crazy Nate was there at the bar. Raw smiled at all of them, and then started to lead her down the hall.

“Wait a minute,” Nate said, stopping them in their tracks.

“Raven? Raven, is that you?” he asked, walking towards them.

Raven looked up. “Yeah it's me. How are you Nate?” she said casually. She was trying her best to act like it was no big deal that she, Anne's daughter, was heading down the hall with this man... at the club house.

“Does your momma know where you are sweetheart?” Nate asked. He knew that Anne would not be ok with this, at all.

“I am 20 years old,” she said, and then let go of Raw's hand, as she headed towards the room he was staying in.

When she disappeared around the corner, Nate took a step towards Raw and leaned in, speaking quietly, “You sure about this man? If Pres finds out about this, he is not gonna be fuckin’ happy,” Nate whispered, and headed back to the bar.


              Raw stood there. He knew that on some level he was taking advantage of this young woman. She was very naïve about life, very sheltered. Then there was the part that he couldn't let go of, the part that he couldn't shake. He had his taste of her and he wanted more. He wanted it all and she was willing to give it up. He felt some guilt about what he was about to do. Taking that from her and then being gone. Leaving. That is what he did, and he was going to prove it to himself that he could do it with this one. The one that seemed to be clutching his heart. The one that was like no other before.

He rounded the corner of the hallway and there she was, waiting. He unlocked the door, and went in with her.

“You sit.” He pointed at the bed. She sat.

“What Raw? Did you change your mind? You said that it was my choice,” she blurted out, trying to save the moment, not wanting him to change his mind.

“I have to tell you truth before we make more choices,” he said looking down at her. The way she looked up at him made him hard instantly and he pondered the idea of taking her right then and there.

“Ok, tell me.” She was anxious to be with him, and feel him on her again. It had been consuming her for days.

“I will leave. I do not belong here. You will stay. You have to know that of me before I take you,” he said, warning her of his plans, and convincing himself. “I will leave soon.”

“I know that is what’s going to happen, but I don't care. I want it to be you.”

With that, Raw walks to the door and turns the lock.


              Nate sat back down at the bar and took a drink of his beer. What was the crazy fucker thinking taking Raven into his room? Anne was going to blow her top. He decided to keep it to himself. He headed down the hall to his own room for the night. This wasn't going to end well, he just knew it. The sick part of him wanted to go listen at the door, but he didn't.


              Raven sat on the bed as Raw walked back over, and stood in front of her. He took her hand and lifted her to standing.

“Oh Bella, do you trust me?”

“Yes. I don't know why but I do, completely,” she said.

His mouth came down on hers. She could feel the warmth of his piercings against her chin as he took her mouth, entered her with his tongue, and melted her.

A moan came from nowhere, she couldn't control it. It was just pure primal want with him. She lost all sense of risk, or consequences. He could do whatever he wanted and she would comply.

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