Claiming Their Cat (10 page)

Read Claiming Their Cat Online

Authors: Maggie O'Malley

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic, #Suspense, #paranormal, #Werewolf, #menage

She tried to pull her hand away, but he wouldn’t let her. That was the most absurd thing she’d ever heard. “I’m sorry, but you kill people for a living. What’s innocent about that?”

“The people I’ve killed weren’t exactly humanitarians of the year. They all are involved in the drug trade or human trafficking
needed to die.”

“You can’t just kill people even though they may deserve it. That’s what our legal system is for.”

“I killed many of the enemy when I was in the Marines. Was that wrong too?”

On some level, it was probably wrong. She believed in protecting God and country, but being judge, jury, and executioner—especially the executioner—wasn’t the same.

“Aside f
me being the big, bad killer, would you take me up on my offer of protection?”

Yeah, right. Like she could just overlook
part of him. He had to be constantly looking over his shoulder. You couldn’t kill people without pissing someone off. She’d be putting her and Cat2 in more danger.

tried again to pull her hand away

“I got an email from Alvarez today. He’s offering twenty million dollars for the safe return
the baby. He included a picture of you and I’m sure he sent it to all the bounty hunters, mercenaries, and gangs in the border states. I had thought you had some damaging information about him, or maybe you had stolen something.
I know he wants your child something bad. Now
the way I figure it, you must be carrying his twenty million dollar heir. Am I right?”

Cat felt her heart stop and then beat so fast she thought it would jump onto the table. Alvarez knew that the baby was old enough to survive outside of her. Horrific images crashed her mind. Her belly roiled. Lots of people would slice her baby from her body for twenty million.

“Easy, now. I know that sounds terrible, but I told you to make you realize you need
help I’m

He continued to rub her wrist gently. His eyes said he was sincere, that he wanted to help. Maybe he
keep them alive until the baby was born. Then she’d figure out a way to disappear. She’d dye her hair and cut it off. Maybe she should do that anyway.

Did she truly have a choice in her condition?

“Maybe, but what’s the price?” What could she have that was worth that much money?

“There’s only a small price to pay, but I guarantee you will love it.” At the soft rap on the door, he said, “Enter,” like a king commanding his staff.

Her belly growled when the server placed the aromatic steak in front of her. It had been a long time since she had fantastic food. When Alvarez found out she was pregnant,
he had her moved
from the hired help bunkhouse and given a room off the kitchen. The food was better
but it wasn’t this. She wanted to eat and to hell with the negotiations. She raised a brow when he instructed the waiter that they be left alone for an hour. Maybe being an assassin forced him to be an introvert.

Rio let her eat in peace, for which she was thankful. The steak was delicious along with the sautéed asparagus spears. They chatted about nothing, which was fine with her because she had decisions to make.

One - go to the ladies

room and try to sneak out.

Two - scream bloody murder when they went back through the lobby.

Three - take Rio up on his offer, depending on the price, of course.

Two was a no go. If the cops came, her name would be in the police report. She’d already tried running before and ended up in the smelliest place on earth. And she still didn’t know how he found her. Depending on the price, she would take Rio up on his offer, but fleeing at a later date was still in the works.

“If y
ou’ll excuse me, I need the ladies’

“Right through there.” He pointed to another door she hadn’t even noticed.

“Really? This room comes with its own powder room?”

He nodded, his eyes crinkling.

“Of course it does.”
Well, so much for option one.

The bathroom was small, but decorated like the upscale establishment that it was. And there was no other way out. The towels were real fabric and a nice smelling hand lotion was provided. The only way to use option one was to have Rio choke on something.

When she got back to the table, the waiter was putting several desserts out and pouring coffee, which smelled delightful.

“That will be all for tonight.”

Four delectable sweets sat on the table.

“What we don’t eat, we’ll take home with us,” he said.

“Well, I want a sliver of each.”

Rio cut a piece of every one and placed it on a plate. The chocolate smelled divine. He tapped the pink, covered box on the table. “This surprise we take home. Which brings us back to my offer.”

Ah hell. He was going to ruin her dessert. “I can’t cook, but I can clean and wash clothes.”

“Nothing that domestic. You’ll be my very…special…mistress.”

His gaze heated, but she focused on his mouth.
What did he say?
“Come again.”

“Mistress. Your sole purpose is to pleasure me and allow me to pleasure you.”

“In bed?”

“Everywhere, whenever.”

Okay, what mental disease causes someone to be a killer and a pervert with a thing for pregnant women? Something besides rabies. Yeah, she had enjoyed the last night, but that had to be a one-off, because wanting sex with a pregnant woman had to be rare. “Somehow, I don’t think that I’m worth twenty mil in that department.” Hell, most of her sexual encounters were not repeats, which had been fine with her. She wasn’t someone who men gravitated to.

“You’re hot as hell. My cock’s always hard when I’m around you. Don’t worry; your pleasure is as important as mine.”

Definitely a mental disease.

It was true he

an erection last night, but she just put it down to the fact he hadn’t been with a woman in a while. All that killing would take up a lot of time and energy, lots of pent up adrenalin. He probably banged more than one after a mission. She really didn’t know what to say, so she
the chocolate cake in her mouth.

What was option two again? Oh yeah, scream.

Of course, at that precise moment, Cat2 decided to do a summersault and remind her there would be worse things than
Rio. Her plan to seduce him, gain his trust so she could escape afterwards, came to the forefront.

“Okay, but I’m not doing anything kinky.”

“Define kinky.”

“No pain.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it. You and your child’s
health and safety
most important thing.”

She slipped her sliver of key lime pie in her mouth, savoring the smooth tartness. Then she asked. “Why? Why? Why?”

“I’ve already told you. You’re sexy.”

Taking a
bite of the turtle cheesecake
, she
almost sighed
at the creaminess
pointed her fork at him. “And you’re a liar.”

“Nope and I can prove it. Let’s st
art your mistressing duties now.

“Huh? In here?
This is a
place of business.”

“Yep. No one would dare bother us.”

Because you threatened them?

How could this be happening? The baby kicked again.
Okay, all right, already. I don’t need such a painful reminder.

She plopped the last sweet into her mouth and tried to enjoy it while she mustered up enough courage to speak. How was she going to pull off playing the role of an escort? “Okay. What would you have me to do?”

He scooted his chair back. “Come over here and release my cock from my jeans. It’s been begging all day for your touch.”

Her face burned with mortification as she stood before him. She undid his buckle, popped the button, and tried to slide the zipper down. Her hands were badly shaking, so he had to help. She’d never make a seductress.

“Now pull it out.”

Cat wrapped her hand around his cock and pulled it free. It was big, long, and hard. But that couldn’t be for her. Maybe he was on one of those ED medications.

“See what you do to me?”

She saw but didn’t believe.

“Pull your panties off.”

“Please don’t make me do that.”
Would begging work on Rio?

“I’m letting you keep your dress on.”

Gee thanks
. He held a steady grip on her arm as she shoved her panties down and stepped out of them.

“Now come and straddle my lap.”

Rio’s wicked grin did nothing to assuage her fear. She was surprised when the expensive chair didn’t creak under her added weight. He pulled her dress up and cool air rushed her backside. If anyone came into this room, she would surely die of a heart attack.

“Touch me.”

chastised herself when a thrill ran through her at his naughty instruction. She gripped his cock, surprised at the soft skin over granite. She thumbed the slick bead on his slit. His head fell back, and he groaned. She pumped it lightly, and he pushed his hips forward. Oh no. Going slow was the key to this game.
Cat would
torture him just like he did her last night.
Her fingers itched t
o unbutton his shirt and feel that warm skin over his chiseled muscles.

A smile played around Rio’s mouth. “You’re teasing me and enjoying it.”

“Yes.” She couldn’t deny it.

“Two can play that game.” He snaked his hand between her legs and slowly swirled his calloused thumb on her clit. Little jolts of pleasure rolled through her, and she fought not to let her own head drop back. She forced herself to hold his gaze, but she couldn’t when he pinched her nipple. The pain was pleasure since her breasts were so sensitive.

He pulled her dress down under her breasts and cupped one with his brawny hand. “These are perfect. Scoot forward so I can taste them.”

She couldn’t wait. Leaning forward put his cock right on her clit. She couldn’t help but rock against it while she pumped him. When his mouth captured her nipple, a moan escaped her lips. The tide had turned, and he was in control.

There was no going back. She wanted to come—again—just like last night.

His warm mouth sucked her hard as she rode his cock on her clit. She felt the moisture from her desire on her nether lips that were swollen with need.

When Rio pulled away from her nipple, she missed the heated pleasure and groaned.

Chapter Seven





Her little moan of desire shot like a rocket through Rio. His need to bring her pleasure was overwhelming. At least her body
was willing
. He could protect her and at the same time, give her pleasure. She had a little bit of submissive in her, but there was no way she worked in a brothel unless she was a great actress.
where sex was concerned
. That
was fine with him, because it would be a pleasure to bring out th
hot, sexy woman hiding under all that shyness.
f course, he
her to tell him about how she came to Alvarez’s attention, but that could wait
—for now

“Turn around and place your hands on the table.”

Her wide eyes made him wonder if she’d ever been taken from behind, the wolf’s favorite position. She slipped from his lap, pulled her dress over her tits, and
did as he asked

stood and nudged his cock against her behind. “Oh no. I want those beautiful tits free.”
Reaching a
, he
pulled her dress down, and then
lipped her dress up over her ass. And what a beautiful ass it was, so round and firm. He leaned over and started in the middle of her back, kissing each little sensual ridge lengthways her spine. As she squirmed, he skimmed his lips
her side, little goose bumps following in his wake. His cock was hard, his beast pushing to claim.

hat wasn’t going to happen tonight.
No, t
onight was about sinking his cock deep in her sweet pussy, not about claiming.

his finger inside her. She was wet and ready for him. Pressing his cock against her entrance, he eased the head in, holding back from shoving it as hard and as far as he could. She felt like silken heat.
She moaned and threw
her head back. He
in more, careful not to hurt her or the ba

When he was fully seated in her, he took a deep breath. Going slow was torture. She looked over her shoulder. “Don’t stop.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I’m going to hurt you if you don’t start moving.” She tried to rock, but he held her firm. It would be so easy for both of them to get lost in the
, but he couldn’t let it go that far. He eased in and out, increasing the pressure, increasing the tempo, keeping his wolf in check.

“Come for me, baby.”

kept pumping,
reached his long arms around and rubbed her clit. Her little ‘oh’ was his undoing.
orgasm sucked his cock in, clamped down
milked him with her molten heat
. His fangs pierced his gums. He tasted his blood, wanted to taste hers. His balls pulled tight before he expl
oded. Heat rushed as he bucked.

Just a taste
,” his

He leaned back instead of forward, rode it to the end. When he was drained, he
pulled out,
sank back into the chair
and took her with him.
wrapped her in his arms and held her. Her snuggling close pleased his wolf. It was trust. A small step.

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