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Authors: Rebecca Rivard

Claiming Valeria (31 page)

A Note
from the Author


To the Reader:

Can’t get enough of those sexy fada shapeshifters? If you’d
like the series to continue, please consider leaving a review on Goodreads or
the e-store where you purchased it. Reviews are more important than ever to
authors. They help us improve our craft and guide other readers to our books.

If you missed Book 1 in the Fada Shapeshifter Series, it
tells Dion and Cleia’s story.

SEDUCING THE SUN FAE: A Fada Novel, Book 1

A Dark Shifter Alpha…

Dion, alpha of a clan of river shapeshifters, has had enough.
The sun fae queen has seduced many of his best warriors, leaving them fit for little
but fishing and drinking wine, and draining life-energy from all his clan in the
process. Then comes the final straw—she works her wiles on his youngest brother.
It’s time to turn the tables on the shallow, pleasure-loving queen.

A Jaded Fae Queen…

Cleia is a two-hundred-year-old fae whose powerful glamour gets
her any man she wants. But she’s bored. She wants something more—and all she knows
is that the river fada men have it. So when she meets the big, untamed river fada,
she decides she’s going to have him.

She all but orders him to her bed.

That’s just what Dion is counting on…


Here’s a taste of

Dion’s breath hitched. Damn, the sun fae queen was hot—and
not just because, like all her people, she carried a touch of the sun’s radiance
within her.

No, her body was a feast for the senses: long and lithe, with
strong, slim legs, nicely curved hips and breasts that would fill his hands perfectly—and
he was a large man. The queen didn’t bother to conceal that taut, sexy body either.
She was wearing a light, gauzy dress the color of ripe apricots and as she and her
entourage approached the stream where he lurked, the short skirt revealed flashes
of smooth golden thighs.

His whole body heated despite his hiding place in the cool stream.

He scowled. It wasn’t the first time he’d seen Queen Cleia, but
he’d always avoided getting this close, knowing the woman used her looks as a weapon.
He’d expected her to be good-looking; the sun fae were famous for their allure,
and their queen’s beauty was legendary. She didn’t disappoint: exotically tilted
eyes; a fine-boned, oval face; lips the color of red coral and hair a gleaming river
of sunshine. But he hadn’t bargained on his immediate, intense response.

The woman was pure, undiluted sex.

The queen strolled past, close enough that he could have reached
up and dragged her into the stream with him. It was late May, and already the weather
hinted of the summer heat to come. She paused to cool herself by lifting her hair.
The movement lifted her breasts as well, the nipples hard points against the apricot

He drew a slow breath, his gaze riveted on those tempting points,
and she glanced in his direction. Quickly, he ducked beneath the surface so that
she saw nothing but a shadowy undulation in the flowing stream.

Not that she couldn’t have sensed him if she tried. He had a
Gift for blending into the waters and wetlands that were his natural habitat, but
a woman such as her, his equal in power, could penetrate the illusion if she tried.
But she believed herself safe on the lush, flower-filled grounds of her sprawling
compound as she strolled with her companion, a regal, copper-haired woman nearly
as lovely as herself, the two of them trailed by a pair of bulked-up, glowering
blond guards.

The queen gave a small shrug and turned back to her companion.
He slipped between the cattails that edged the stream and lifted his head to watch
her pass. Her scent filled his head: sweet and a bit tart, like a fresh-plucked

She was close…so close. Close enough for him to see the vulnerable
curve where her hair had fallen forward over one shoulder, exposing her nape and
the delicate pointed ear of a pureblood fae.

His fingers flexed on the stream bed.

Not yet

It would be easy to take her…so easy. He was a master of the
quick, silent death. But it was too risky with her guards just steps away. If he
was caught, his clan would be embroiled in a war, and weakened as they were, they
just might lose.

Besides, killing a woman didn’t set right—even a heartless bitch
like Cleia. No, he had a better idea…


And watch for
(Tiago and
Alesia’s story), out in early 2016.

Stay in touch!

1) Sign up for my newsletter. You’ll be notified about the publication
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Tempting the Dryad
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3) Send me feedback. I enjoy hearing from readers and try to
answer every email! If you have a question or a comment, feel free to contact me
[email protected]

Hugs and thanks
for reading—
Rebecca Rivard


Claiming Valeria: A Fada Novel, Book 2

The Fada Shapeshifter Series

Copyright ©2015 by Rebecca Rivard

Excerpt from
Seducing the Sun Fae: A Fada Novel, Book 1
Copyright ©2015 by Rebecca Rivard

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places,
and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been used fictitiously
and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons living or
dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

Cover art and design by Laura Gordon/The Book Cover Machine

Editing by Katherine Teel

All rights reserved.

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recording, or otherwise—without the permission of the copyright holder is illegal
and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized editions of this work, and
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