Clan and Conviction (Clan Beginnings) (41 page)

Wynhod released him for a moment.  The next second, Krijero felt the unforgiving hardness of a double cockring sliding up his pricks.  Wynhod snugged it tight to the base of his groin, choking off the raging fire that began to slip into the lengths.  The Imdiko cried out and tried to jerk in a vain attempt to dislodge the hated pressure.  It was no good. 

To make matters worse, Gelan’s voice rose over the roar in Krijero’s ears.  “Vibrate, medium speed.”

Excruciating ecstasy exploded in the Imdiko’s loins.  Climax billowed against the cockrings, trying to shove cum out in a white-hot explosion.  There was no give, no escape however, leaving Krijero screaming for release.  He fought his bonds, but only succeeded in tugging at the nipple clamps, which brought pain jolting through his senses.  It drove back some of the arousal, enough to leave him gasping and wailing with every breath.

It also gave him back enough of his senses that he was able to recognize the thin, flexible wooden rods in Gelan and Wynhod’s hands when they stepped in front of him.  Krijero had been caned a few times and knew how it could hurt like hell before the endorphins finally caught up to wash away the worst of the agony.  He almost welcomed the coming beating, hoping it would drive back the vicious arousal that made his dicks throb so badly.

Gelan spoke in a loud, carrying voice.  “Imdiko, do you acknowledge your misbehavior that has led to this public punishment?”

Krijero winced.  Now the spectators knew he wasn’t in here because he had a masochistic vision of pleasure.  They were now fully aware he’d done something to warrant severe penalty.  Still, he had no choice but to answer or possibly face even worse consequences.

His voice soaring into higher registers than normal, he said, “Yes, Dramok.”

“And do you freely, with full consent, give yourself over to us, accepting the reprimand you are about to receive?”

Krijero wanted to hide rather than admit his wrongdoing.  He wanted to crawl away and shrink from all those watching eyes.  His voice a sob, he answered, “Yes, Dramok.”

Wynhod snapped a nod.  “Very well then.  You offer yourself to us for caning and will service our needs afterwards.  Do you agree this is appropriate punishment for your misbehavior?”

“Yes, Nobek.”


Gelan and Wynhod moved to either side of Krijero as the walls shifted to reflective surfaces, allowing the onlookers to see Krijero’s punishment from all angles.  None of the shameful discipline would be hidden.  It took everything the Imdiko had to not squeeze his eyes shut.  He could only hang here, suffer, and wait for it to be over.

He heard the windy whistle of a descending rod and the strangely slight sound of it hitting flesh.  The noise sounded no more impressive than footfalls on rocky ground, yet the pain that blazed across Krijero’s ass a moment later was monumental.  He jerked and shrieked in agony.  The miniscule movement his bonds allowed made the harness chafe his skin and pulled at the clamps on his nipples, adding to the torment.  Yet it also shifted the pulsing plug in his ass, rubbing harder than ever on the cum spot inside.  Despite the fiery hell of the strike, renewed arousal clamored through his groin.  He would have come then and there if not for the rings choking his fluids off.

Another whistle and another white-hot line of pain erupted across Krijero’s buttocks.  He screamed and jerked again, once more blending the hurt and carnal elation to make him mindless with hellish need.

Gelan and Wynhod plied only his ass with the rods, but they didn’t miss any of that surface.  Krijero clenched and jerked with every strike, helpless to stop doing so though it ground the throbbing plug against his hotspot with malicious accuracy.  Bliss and torment became confused over the next minute that they punished him.  His strangled screams mixed with desperate moans.  Krijero later thought he wouldn’t have been able to decide whether to have it end or for it to go on forever if he’d been offered a choice.

One thing he did know, even though sensible thought had long departed his head:  he wanted to come.  He wanted release more than he had ever wanted anything before.  His entire body strained for climax, only to be thwarted by the tight clench of the cockrings.

When the thin rods ceased falling on his throbbing buttocks, Krijero only dimly heard the crash of applause from those watching.  He’d long lost the awareness of the many faces outside the window, trading sight and most sound for heavenly and hellish sensation.  Even now, he heard little above the roar in his ears, the darts of thin but potent pain from his nipples, the thudding ache of his ass, and the brutal eroticism of denied orgasm.

The plug in his butt fell quiet, giving only the slightest relief from the mindstealing need to climax.  Before Krijero could process what was happening, Gelan stepped over the bench in front of him.  The Dramok remained still fully clothed, but his cocks were giving the bottom of his formsuit an impressive task of holding him in.  The scent of Gelan’s arousal was all Krijero could smell, making his own body clench with fresh need.

A hand grabbed hold of the buttplug and ground it in hard, right up against Krijero’s prostate.  The need to come surged in a massive wave, only to be stopped once more.  The Imdiko’s mouth fell open in a desperate scream.

Something pressed into his mouth, something hard against his teeth and palate.  Wynhod stopped grinding into his ass and Krijero realized Gelan had mouth jacked him.  As he moaned, the Dramok pulled at the seam of his pants, opening them to let his engorged cocks fall out.  His hands circled Krijero’s head and he stepped forward, slipping his primary dick over the Imdiko’s tongue and down deeper into his throat.

Krijero swallowed in reflex to let Gelan’s swollen member penetrate fully.  The spicy delight of the man’s juices filled his mouth. 

“Look at me,” Gelan whispered. 

Krijero rolled his eyes upward to gaze into the other man’s face.  Gelan’s expression still displayed brutal demand, but a softness peeked out as well.  Caring.  Compassion.  Despite the agony, Krijero melted under that regard.

Gelan’s hips moved slowly back and forth, mouth fucking Krijero with care.  He sighed, the corners of his mouth turning upward slightly.  “I do enjoy seeing your lips around my cock, Imdiko.”

Meanwhile, the buttplug eased out of Krijero’s back passage.  The need to climax remained a brutal master, but it wasn’t quite so crazy-making demanding.  At least, not until he felt Wynhod’s muscular thighs between his and the hot, slick prod of his dick at his anus.

Wynhod pressed into him, sliding in easily.  Now Krijero had them both in his body, pumping against him.  Their gasps of pleasure mitigated some of his misery.  He only wanted to make up the disappointment he’d caused.  He only wanted to keep them. 

Well, that and climax.  He wanted that pretty damned bad too.

Krijero moaned around Gelan’s driving length as Wynhod found his cum spot yet again.  Hot, aching need roiled in his gut.  Desperate arousal tortured him, with no guarantee they’d allow him release.  Krijero raised his gaze once more to look up into Gelan’s face, to see if there was any chance at all that the Dramok would show mercy.

His eyes met his lover’s.  Nothing feral or anything close to daunting remained in Gelan’s expression.  The man looked at Krijero with what could only be blatant love.  The Dramok’s face was soft and pained and needing, a look that sat alien upon his elegantly feral features.

It shook something inside Krijero.  It felt almost as if something inside his chest tore wide open to bleed inside.  His vision swam and blurred.  No amount of blinking would clear it so he could see that look fraught with devotion anymore.  A look Krijero had done nothing to deserve.

Gelan’s whisper reached his ears.  “My beautiful, beautiful Imdiko.  When will you figure out we’ll never leave you alone?”

Krijero wanted to believe that.  He wanted it with all his being.  But that black, throbbing scar remained across his heart, a remnant of old betrayal that screamed over and over that sooner or later, he’d lose it all.

Krijero chuffed a sob.  As if he’d given a signal, Gelan said, “When you’re ready, Wynhod.”

“Now,” the Nobek answered. 

The pressure at the bases of Krijero’s cocks slid forward and released.  A firm grip replaced it, stroking from his groin to the tip.  At the same time, Wynhod’s cock collided with that bright, heavy spot inside.

Gelan’s command arrived just in time.  “Come for us, Krijero.”

Rapacious heat bloomed, swallowing first the Imdiko’s gut, then his chest, then his head.  It traveled through his bound limbs, then coalesced once more at the base of his cocks, shrinking into a single spot blinding in its intensity.  Then it traveled in a rampaging stream, coursing a molten path up his cock.  With explosive painfulness, it burst free, fountaining in thick, hot bursts to coat Krijero’s belly and chest.  He screamed.  His body strained, feeling as if it turned itself inside out in the effort to rid itself of all the pressure that had boiled within for so long.

When Krijero returned from the rapturous delivery, he discovered Gelan pumping cum down his throat while a groaning Wynhod emptied into his ass.  Cheers and applause sounded from the viewing room behind Gelan as the two men strained against Krijero’s lax body.

Someone’s voice came so clearly to Krijero that he surmised the man who spoke was just on the other side of the glass.  “Now that is discipline.  Those two brutes almost make me wish I was an Imdiko.”




Chapter 11


Krijero woke with the sheltering arms of the other two men wrapped around him.  Spooned behind him, but not so close as to set off the welts on his ass to complaining, one of Wynhod’s legs slung around his.  The rich, masculine scents of the pair surrounded the Imdiko, lulling him to feel safe in body and heart.

He let one eyelid crack open.  He silently begged the ancestors to let it still be dark with hours more to lie in Gelan and Wynhod’s bed, between their muscled bodies.  Unfortunately, the ancestors were not interested in his pleas.  First light peeked over the mountains to softly illuminate the room.  Soon he’d have to rise and go to work.

With a disappointed sigh, he squirmed closer to Gelan, shoving his face against the warmth of the other man’s neck.  The Dramok chuckled softly and stroked his hair while Wynhod slid over to close the small bit of distance Krijero had put between them.

Gelan said, “Good morning to you too.  How do you feel?”

Krijero muttered, “I’m not getting up.  Neither are you two.  We’re staying right here for the day.”

That got a chuckle from Wynhod, who burrowed his face into Krijero’s hair.  His arm and leg tightened around the Imdiko, making him smile.

Gelan’s voice was amused.  “We are, are we?  That might not be so good for our employment security.  First, turn over and let me see how your ass is.” 

Instead of obeying or answering, Krijero wrapped his arm around Gelan and pressed closer to him.  His refusal was met with Wynhod’s palm smacking his ass.  Krijero yelped as the welts they’d left on him burned fiercely in response.

Wynhod’s tone held laughter, but there was no mistaking the disciplinary steel in his words.  “You heard the man.  On your belly.”

Muttering grumpily, Krijero twisted onto his stomach so they could inspect the night before’s handiwork.  Light fingertips running over his butt made the Imdiko writhe from sparks of pain and the beginnings of arousal.

“The swelling is gone,” Gelan reported.  “Well marked and still tender though.  Make sure you take a pain inhibitor.”

“All right,” Krijero agreed.  They’d already noted last night that there was no broken skin.  He was glad they seemed content with the punishment he’d already endured and weren’t going to make him go without pain relief.  Otherwise, he’d be working from a standing position all day.

Wynhod added, “And if anyone asks, make sure you tell them whose marks these are.”

Krijero turned his head so he could glare at the Nobek.  “Who, pray tell, am I going to show my ass to at work?  You just want to show off.”

Wynhod popped his ass again.  It hurt, but the show of power also enticed Krijero.  If he wasn’t careful, he’d be aroused and begging for a fuck.

The Nobek narrowed his eyes at Krijero.  “Behave, or you’ll go over my knee and get spanked like a five-year-old.  I know how much you hate that.”

Krijero sighed.  He’d rather put Wynhod in the mood for other things, but there wasn’t enough time before they had to rise and get ready for work.  He did have time to do some talking, however.

“I might have a lead on who’s behind Frenzy.”

Gelan pushed at him to roll over on his side to face him.  His eyes were alight with interest.  “What did you find?”

“It could be someone high up from Benor Industries.  They’ve got a reach you wouldn’t believe.”  Krijero filled him in on Dramok Benor’s holdings and interests.

Gelan frowned.  “Benor is a huge deal.  Bigger than big.  As in, damned near untouchable.”

“I know.  But he’s got every connection needed to have pulled Delir and Frenzy off.”

Even Wynhod mused over the idea.  “Those dummy company links back to his ownership … that alone is worth investigating.”

Gelan scowled.  “We did investigate.  Nothing tied in.  Benor’s companies came up squeaky clean.”

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