Classic (Adrenaline Book 1) (16 page)


The blonde girl who was bent over a car like she was for sell earlier makes her way between the cars.


Ugh. She looks even sluttier now. What? I'm not jealous. I'm really not. I'm...oh shut up. Look at her. She's like a walking, talking, jump off the screen Scarlett Johannson. How am I supposed to compete with that?


Vinnie lifts his head once all the camera feeds are ready to go. Loudly he instructs, “Let the panties drop, in 4, 3, 2, 1....DROP EM!”


The blonde bombshell drops a red thong and the cars take off. Moving in closer to  Vinnie, I watch the two cars compete on the screen, the adrenaline from the entire thing pulsating through my veins like the very blood keeping me alive. The thrill of the situation has my body tensing, my heart moments from a heart attack every time there's the sound of acceleration.


When Merrick's car starts to lag in the race, I feel my stomach leap into my throat. Before I have the chance to say anything Vinnie mutters softly, “Breathe Jovi. He does this for show. To create a false sense of winning.” And sure enough Preston gets an over confident smile, makes the mistake of taking a breath, which is when Merrick zooms past him, accelerates again this time leaving him with no chance of catching up.


The race that only lasts minutes but felt like lifetimes, ends as he pulls back up to where he started, the red thong that was dropped to start it, now dropped on his car to claim it as victor.


Were you on edge too? What do you mean you knew he had this shit in the bag? Well aren't you just full of hope.


Merrick gets out, grabs the thong, and twirls it around his finger with a cocky smirk.


What's with the underwear? That's not sanitary.


Preston pulls up to the line, climbs out of his car, and yells, “You fucking cheated!”


Doesn't lose well? This should work out horribly.


Without a word Merrick watches the tantrum continue. “You fucking, no good, prick! You fucking cheated! You're not running what you said you were!”


Vinnie hands his tablet to the girl who handed it to him in the beginning before strolling over to the angry sore loser. “Watch your mouth,” he demands taking a stand next to Merrick who hasn't said a word. “Now, you came to me wanting to race.
came to me wanting to take on the big dog, and you came to me to begging to toss up cash to become the next legend. Don't be pissed off because when it came time to nut up or shut up, you couldn't hold your load.” The crowd “ohhs” and cheers on Vinnie. “He ran exactly what he said he was. You saw it before the race. You saw it wasn't stock. You were given the same look as any other racer.”


“It's not just a car that makes a race. It's the driver.” Merrick pops off the side of his car. “And every minute or every hour or every fucking day, I will be a better driver than you.” With his signature smirk he tosses his hands in the air, which causes the crowd to cheer loudly. “The car gods have spoken.”


Preston crackles his knuckles like he's preparing to swing.


Vinnie shakes his head slowly. “I wouldn't even think about it. You know the rules. Break 'em and after I let Merrick lay you out flat for coming onto his girlfriend, I'll make sure Big Rob breaks both your knee caps and bashes your brains in so hard you won't be able to remember your own name let alone how to drive a car.” The threat backs Preston down and he finishes with, “Now be a man about your shit. Shake fucking hands. And take your ass over to my girl Krissy to give up your car.”


Merrick and Preston shake hands before he leans over to get something out of his glove compartment, I'm assuming his registration or other information.


During the process, Merrick moves past him straight for me. Not wasting any time, he pulls me into him, and whispers, “I want my prize. And I want it now...”


Giggling I lick his top lip so he groans in sexual interest. “What about the after party at Olympus?”


“Fuck. It.” He prepares to bury his tongue with mine. “I can't wait that long to claim my prize.” No more words are said as he kisses me. The crowd cheers again, but the sound fades as we once more fall into our own world where the only two people who matter are us.



Arriving at the “McCoy's” their family mechanic shop, I realize just the magnitude of what's coming.


Okay so now the nerves are kicking in again. Over the last few weeks I've been doing all sorts of things that are fun and different and life changing, but this...this is huge. What if I don't like it? What if I'm bad at it? What if fail miserably? What if―


“Baby I can hear that doubt racing through your mind over here,” Merrick sighs turning off the car. My head rolls over to face him. “There's nothing to worry about. Nothing has changed. As much as watching you sacrifice yourself for me made me want you more than ever, there's still no pressure to climb into bed with me.” His blue eyes soften and he folds his fingers with mine.


Nervously I bite my bottom lip. “Can I ask you something?”




“They kept saying that you''re...well that you're...”


“In love with you,” Merrick finishes it for me.


“Are you?” I briefly pause afraid too much silence will make him rethink his decision. “Is it even possible? Does that even happen in real life? Do people fall in love that fast?”


“Jovi, I fell in love with you the first time you caught my eye. I felt that kick then and it's never stopped kicking. So do I think a person can fall in love that fast? Definitely. I did.” His admission makes me swoon. “Am I expecting you to feel the same way? I―”


“I do,” I blurt out before he can finish. Lowering to a hushed tone I confess, “I've...I've fallen for you too.” Merrick smiles brightly.


I have. And even if I don't wanna say it out loud or fear that something bad is coming from being in love, it doesn't change the truth. Besides, I don't think I would just bet myself for some guy I wasn't head over heels for.


With my face close to his that's tilted, prepared for a kiss, I whisper, “Take me to bed, Merrick.”


“Absolutely baby.” His lips briefly feather mine, the kiss simple but seductive.


The two of us head inside after he closes the garage door with the Lotus inside. There's a set of stairs that leads up to an apartment that's much larger than I would've guessed from just looking at it on the outside. Through the front door, I'm lead past a kitchen on the left and small dining area on the right with a huge living room space dead ahead. We turn right passing frame photos on the wall and left to the door at the end of the hall. He opens the door to reveals a guy's bedroom in all senses of the word. There's a king sized bed in the middle, with sheets attempted to be tucked in. On both sides of the bed there are nightstands covered in random crap, on the wall to the right a flat screen T.V. with a dresser underneath covered in shirts, hats, and socks. In the corner that direction are sketch books, bags that contain what looks like spray paint cans, and some paint brushes. To the left is a window with black curtains, and a full length mirror leaned in the corner.


I step forward and continue to look around as he closes the door behind us.


“What do you think?” He walks around and flops on the edge of his bed, kicking off his shoes once he's there.


I smirk wide. “Definitely a guy's bedroom.”


“That a bad thing?”


“No.” I step a little closer. “Not at all.”


Merrick wets his lips, drinking in my movements that have slowed as I approach him. With a slightly shaky voice he says, “Jovi, before...before we...before things go any further. I know you've never done this before.”




“But I have and I want you to know that I take EA so I'm clean.”


The information I know is supposed to be one that makes me feel better yet it slumps my shoulders.


And we're back to uncertainty.


“ take that stuff?”


“Yeah,” the confusion on his face is clear. “Why wouldn't I?”


“It's illegal.”


“I do a lot things that aren't legal.” He makes a gesture indicating the race. “Doesn't make them wrong.”


“Damn sure doesn't make them right.”


“Was racing wrong?” he questions leaning forward on his elbows. “You were brought up to believe all street racing is wrong and harmful and dangerous. Is it?” When I don't answer he continues, “You watched with your own eyes. Aside from it not being a 'certified law approved' track was anything wrong?”


I can't say that there was. Turns out there were even volunteer firefighters and paramedics on standby for worst case scenarios. I heard Vinnie tell them we were all good before we left.




“And yet it's illegal.”


“But EA―”


“Like any other drug has it's side effects. Yes. But it's biggest danger is putting pharmaceuticals out of business, so it's illegal.” My lips press together firmly as I debate for a response. “It's the only drug I put in my body. Condoms...suck. And they don't cure or prevent STDs the way EA does. So yeah, I take it. I still get tested just to make sure my system is actually clear. I've been with too many girls to risk that.”


Time out. Is what he's putting in his body so wrong? It's not hurting him. It won't hurt me. I don't have to actually take it thanks to birth control and him already being disease free. And I know the world isn't the black and white my father demands I see it as. I know that. I've started to live that...


“Baby,” Merrick extends a hand for me to take. When I drop my hand in his, he pulls me into his lap. “Like I said earlier. We don't have to do this if you don't want.”


“I do,” I argue. “I just...I'm nervous. And I don't know what I should be asking or doing or―”


He softly kisses me, hushing the confusion coming out of my mouth. His hand lands in it's favorite spot on the back of my neck, deepening the kiss. My tongue touches his and instantly the anxiety fizzles to make room for the fire that's starting.


Several pushes of our tongues later he lightly pulls away to question, “Do you need me to wrap it, baby?”


I shake my head and answer, “If you're on EA we're okay 'cause I'm on the pill.”


Excited he returns to kissing me, hands keeping me planted in his lap exactly where he wants me. Needs me. The hand on my hip slowly slips around and under my dress, lightly caressing my ass cheek. Whimpering at the contact, he grips the back of my neck tighter not letting my lips fall from his. He releases my neck and travels the other hand down so both are under my dress, gently exploring the curves. Merrick's hands travel up to untie the back of my dress with one sharp pull. The dress falls limply between us and I pull away nervous about being exposed in front of a guy for the first time.


Even though we've fooled around he's never actually seen me without clothes on.


Merrick's eyes drop to the sight along with his mouth. When his hands softly cup my boobs, he groans, “God, baby, you're even more beautiful than I thought you would be.”


I moan as a response and he squeezes them a little rougher, clearly testing my limits. His tongue snakes out of his mouth lightly tasting one nipple before the other. The sensation of his warm mouth on the stiffening flesh shoots straight to my pussy. With a mind all of their own, my legs spread wider desperate to get his body closer to mine. Our crotches grind together as he continues sucking moans out of me. Feasting on each one like it's the only thing to satisfy his hunger.


Suddenly, he rolls us over, putting me underneath him. Merrick drags the dress slowly off the rest of my body, his eyes as ravenous as his mouth was. Once I'm completely naked, heels included, he drops his mouth onto my crotch with no warning. A sharp cry explodes from me as he begins gorging on my pussy. He licks. He sucks. He nibbles. He devours every flavor he can find. My eyes shut tightly as my hands grip the sheets tighter and tighter, an orgasm building faster and faster as his tongue moves steadily. Finally right on the edge, prepared to jump over, Merrick abruptly stops.


Unsure of how I speak, I incoherently cry out, “Why'd you stop?”


With a cocky grin he pulls his shirt off. “Because I wanna be inside of you the first time you come in my bed.” The words have my legs clutching together to keep the feeling inside. Quickly he finishes stripping, slides us underneath the sheets, parts my legs, and positions the tip of his cock at the entrance he's turned dripping wet.


Suddenly my heart speeds up and my body strains itself.


Holy shit. Holy shit. It's about to happen. It's gonna hurt. It's gonna hurt so bad. It's gonna...


“Relax,” Merrick whispers pushing inside me slowly. Immediately my eyes close as the untouched muscles try to resist the intrusion, his massive member insisting to fit in a space it can't.


Yeah, yeah. It stretches. Whatever. much pain...


“Breathe,” he orders. Pulling out slowly, he dips back in pushing a little deeper this time. When I whimper in pain, his lips lightly stroke mine, trying to absorb all the pain. Softly he apologizes though his hips keep moving, “I'm sorry you're in pain baby.” I groan a little in discomfort before he whispers, “I promise to make it better baby. I promise.”


Unexpectedly my body shifts from pain towards a strange limbo like state where pain seems to crash into pleasure. The uncomfortable groans start to sway into heated moans, increasing quickly, as ecstasy starts to blanket my system.


“Oh...” I moan louder.


“Like that baby?” Merrick's hip sharply move keeping his dick diving deeper and deeper.


His teeth nip at my shoulder. My neck. My ear. Continuing to rock into me, he grips my right leg, changing the angle, the new depth flirting with pain once more, but never leaving pleasure.


For what feels like hours, Merrick buries himself inside me, making a new home. “You're mine now, Jovi.” The heaving of his hips increases and I can feel the urge to fall apart so close that the calling of his name stops leaking out and starts getting caught in my throat. “All mine.” My fingernails clamp into his biceps and he groans, his forehead falling onto mine. “Forever Jovi. You're mine.”


With an intense quiver, I come apart, crying his name like a sacred sacrifice to whoever guards this temple of pleasure. My muscles keep convulsing until the trembles thrumming through me become so powerful tears threaten to fall.


At that moment hot bursts of proof that he's satisfied begin to fill me quickly, drawing an additional orgasm from me as Merrick whimpers, “Jovi..”


In an attempt to come down from the euphoric state we've slipped ourselves into, we lightly kiss, tips of tongues teasing and tasting the lingering flavors.


A little salty with all the sweat, if you're really curious.


Eventually, Merrick rolls off of me, and pulls my body until it's flush with his. Still struggling to breathe he asks, “Was it okay?”


“It was....fantastic,” I breathlessly answer. Feeling the warmth lingering between my legs I question as our fingers fold together. “But shouldn't I wipe this out of me or something?”


“Nope.” He kisses the back of my hand. “I want you full of me a little longer...” His tongue licks one of my fingers. “You sore?”


Feeling my eyelids helplessly close, I yawn, “A little.”


“Tired?” his voice seems faint.




“Good,” he says. My eyes are now closed, moments from falling asleep. The last words I hear him say before I fall asleep are, “I love you, Jovi.”


Did you hear that? Am I dreaming it? Did I dream this whole thing? When did being awake turn into something that feels so much like a dream? Can life get any better than this?


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