Clay: Armed and Dangerous (16 page)

Read Clay: Armed and Dangerous Online

Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #romance

Clay plunged inside her and she automatically raised her hips to meet him. He was
such a perfect fit. And somehow it felt more intense, more pleasurable than it ever
had before. As if knowing he loved her made their sex even better.

Making love.

Unable to take her eyes from his as he thrust with slow and deep strokes, Rylie bit
her lip to hold back any words that might decide to spill out on their own. He smiled
and brought his mouth to hers, licking her lip where she was biting it. She wrapped
her arms around his neck, holding on tight as she opened up to his tongue, and maybe
even to the sweet emotions sweeping through her heart and soul.

This time her orgasm came out of nowhere. Fireworks exploded in her mind, brilliant
colors and flashes of light that rocked her straight to her core. The walls of her
channel contracted, gripping him with every pulse of her release.

“I love you, Rylie,” Clay murmured, his words uneven with his harsh breathing. And
then he groaned with his orgasm, throbbing inside her as he came.

He rolled over onto his side, pulling her with him and staying tight inside her. He
held her to his chest, their sweaty flesh pressed close, enveloping her in his strong
arms. “You’re mine, little wildcat. All mine.”


While Rylie sat beside him on the drive to the Flying M Ranch right before noon on
Saturday, Clay wondered what was going on in her gorgeous head. He had a good idea
that she was sorting out her feelings for him, yet trying to keep from acknowledging
them. But as far as he was concerned, it was only a matter of time.

Of course, if he ended up having to arrest her brother, that might put a bit of a
damper on their relationship.

She’d been fairly subdued when he drove her to the Thorn Ranch to change and get ready
for the MacKenna-Hunter shindig. Levi Thorn had been there, but the man hadn’t had
much to say, and he seemed to have a lot on his mind. Clay liked Levi, and his gut
told him that Thorn was a good man. But from experience, Clay knew too well how a
good man could end up in a bad situation and not know how to dig himself out.

Outside, the spring day was partly cloudy, but it didn’t look like it would rain,
at least not until late evening. Acres of dry grass rolled by on the two-mile drive,
populated by herds of cattle. Clay gritted his teeth at the thought of what he might
have to do soon. A little more evidence and he wouldn’t have a choice.

Rylie seemed to tense the closer they got to the Flying M Ranch, and one hand moved
to her neck to play with the hearts-and- diamonds necklace he’d convinced her to wear.
She clenched her other hand so tight on her lap that her knuckles whitened against
her denim skirt. Her blond hair shone in the sunlight and her chocolate eyes looked
so big she appeared younger than she was. She had flawless skin, a natural beauty
that didn’t need makeup, and the freckles across her nose were just damn irresistible.

Clay took one hand off the steering wheel and placed it over hers. “You all right,

“Why wouldn’t I be?” She gave a forced smile. “It’s just a party.” He turned his attention
back to the dirt road as he made the turn into the Flying M Ranch. “It bothers you
that your friend has gotten married.”

“I’m happy for Skylar.”

“But you’re worried about her for the same reason you’re worried about us.” He glanced
at Rylie as she raised her chin, a defiant look on her face.

“You know my history, Clay,” she said as he looked back to the road.

“It’s not
history. Can’t you get that through your thick little head?” He gave her a crooked
grin. “It’s a beautiful head, but damn thick.”

Rylie’s lips twitched. “You’d better watch it, or I’ll come up with something really
good to do to you while we’re at the bar-beque.”

“Uh-oh.” Clay shook his head as he guided the truck up to the MacKenna house. “You’ve
got that look in your eyes again. Don’t tell me you’re gonna try to corner me in the
bathroom again.”

She reached over and rubbed him through his jeans. “Oh, just you wait. I’ll think
of something even better.”

Clay groaned as he pulled the truck alongside a row of vehicles parked in the massive
front yard. Obviously it was going to be one hell of a party—there had to be fifty
vehicles there. Off to the right, to the side of the barn and extensive corrals, huge
awnings had been pitched, and folks milled around, chatting and carrying plates heaped
with food.

“Looks like everyone and their mother is here,” Rylie said as he opened the door and
climbed out.

He took her hand as she followed him out the driver side door, enjoying the feel of
her small fingers within his. Her skirt hiked up and his body warmed at the thought
of what was under that skirt—nothing but bare skin, just waiting for him to touch.

“Later, Sheriff.” With a naughty smile, Rylie pulled her skirt lower, hiding that
delicious prize. “If you’re a good boy, I might just let you sample some.”

Clay groaned and swatted her on the ass while he slammed the door shut. “If you’re
not a good girl, I’m gonna have to turn you over my knee and spank you.”

She grinned up at him as he draped his arm around her shoulders. “You keep promising
and not delivering.”

Even though he was determined that she take their relationship seriously, he was glad
to see her feisty personality and sass had returned. He held her close as they walked
toward the crowd, the sound of voices and laughter filling the warm early-spring air.
Children played Frisbee and football out in the field, and to the side of the tents
a few folks apparently had a hot game of horseshoes going on. A faint breeze carried
with it smells of grilled beef and roasted chicken, along with the tangy scent of
barbeque and spice.

Rylie was her animated self as she greeted people she knew and was introduced to those
she didn’t. Clay could hardly tear his gaze from her beautiful smile long enough to
do his own share of socializing. It felt good to be with her anywhere they went.

But damn, he couldn’t wait to get her alone again.


Chapter 12

Rylie made polite talk as she worked her way through the crowd with Clay at her side.
They stopped to talk with Wade Larson for a moment. Rylie was almost surprised to
see him, since he’d been after Skylar himself for so long, but the man was his usual
half-surly, down-home-boy self.

Everyone seemed to want to make small talk with Rylie and Clay, but she was dying
to find her best friend to see if she was really as happy about being married as she’d
seemed all these months. It couldn’t last—Rylie knew that—but the months were starting
to stack up. Surely, Skylar wasn’t as thrilled as she had been, right?

When Deputy Quinn greeted them, it was all Rylie could do to patiently wait by Clay’s
side while they bullshitted about one thing or another.

Finally, Rylie spotted Skylar MacKenna-Hunter in the crowd and her heart rate picked
up. She asked Quinn to excuse them as she grabbed Clay’s hand and then led him toward
where her friend stood with her new husband. They were across the way, standing near
where a dance would be later that evening. A makeshift dance floor had been laid out
beneath a massive tent, with speakers and other soundstage equipment for a live band.

Clay’s hand tightened around Rylie’s as they walked toward the newlyweds. Skylar seemed
more beautiful than ever, her hair tumbling down her back in a fall of auburn, a radiant
smile on her face. Zack was watching Skylar with pride in his eyes, and a look that
This is my woman.

Not for the first time, Rylie had to acknowledge that Skylar’s husband was certainly
a handsome man,
although not nearly as gorgeous as my man.

The thought made Rylie falter and only Clay’s grip on her hand kept her moving forward
until they reached her friend.

When Skylar turned and saw Rylie, delight filled her expression. “Where the heck have
you been keeping yourself these last few weeks, sweet pea?”

“I still can’t believe you went and did it, girlfriend.” Rylie hugged Skylar tight,
inhaling her friend’s familiar orange blossom scent. “Are you keeping that man in

Skylar laughed as she pulled away. “It’s an uphill battle,” she replied with a grin
at Zack.

Nope. No sign of waning joy. No sign of sneaking, creeping misery. All Rylie could
see in her friend’s face was happiness.

“Well, be sure and call me if you need any help.” Rylie turned from Skylar to face
Zack, and poked her finger at his chest. “Now listen good, cowboy. You treat my best
friend right, or I’m gonna kick your ass.”

Amusement sparked in his gray eyes as he gave her a solemn nod. “Of course, sweet

“Only Skylar is allowed to call me that.” Rylie planted her hands on her hips and
gave him a pretend glare. “And if you don’t behave, I’ll tell everyone what her pet
name is for you.”

Zack cast Skylar a look over Rylie’s head. “You didn’t.”

Skylar reached up and planted a kiss on his cheek. “Sorry, baby. I did.” He rolled
his eyes and Skylar laughed.

“Congratulations, Hunter.” Clay stepped forward and offered his hand to Zack. “Snagged
yourself one beautiful woman.”

“That I did.” Zack grinned and clasped Clay’s hand and then released it. “I hear you
caught one of your own,” he added, with a wink at Rylie.

Clay hooked his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “Got that right.”

“Well, he’d like to think so.” Heat flushed Rylie’s cheeks and she elbowed him in
the side. “Trust living in a small community to spread crazy rumors.”

“Now what was Denver telling me?” Clay said to Zack. “That the night you decided to
get married, you tossed your woman over your shoulder and carted her off to Vegas?”

“Yup.” Zack caught a handful of Skylar’s auburn hair and tugged on it. “Wasn’t about
to let her get away.”

Clay looked down at Rylie with a teasing grin on his face. “So that’s how it’s done.”

She gave a loud sniff and folded her arms across her chest. “Try it and you won’t
be walking straight, Sheriff Wayland.”

Zack chuckled and laughter glimmered in Skylar’s light green eyes.

“When’s Trinity coming home from her delayed honeymoon?” Rylie asked, anxious to change
the subject. “She and Luke are in Australia, right?”

“Yeah, but the first week she’s scheduled to be all over the place, working in public
relations for her new software company.” Skylar’s grin seemed to light up the room.
“The second week is the one she’ll really get to enjoy—or should I say it’s the week
she’ll really get to enjoy Luke. We’ll probably have to do a reception like this for
her, somewhere down the road.”

Rylie reached out and squeezed her friend’s arm. “I’ll be here for that one, too.”

God, it was weird. Both of the MacKenna sisters had gotten married. Her old world
had changed in what felt like five seconds, and she hadn’t seen it coming.

“Way to go, Hunter,” a deep masculine voice interrupted, and Rylie’s eyes cut to Noah
Ralston, another sweet-talking hunk who lived in the local area. Noah gave Skylar
that sexy grin that used to make Rylie’s heart flutter. “ ‘Bout time someone roped
in that gal.” As Noah congratulated the newlyweds, Rylie’s gaze went from Noah to
Zack, and then rested on Clay. Good Lord, talk about a trio of handsome male specimens.
All were around the six-foot range, all big and muscular, and all drop-dead gorgeous

Yet the only man who gave her any kind of thrill now was Clay. It was as if he filled
her senses, fit her life in ways she never dreamed a man could.

Somehow the thought both frightened and comforted her, a strange and unsettling feeling
that she couldn’t decide what to do with. The weight of his arm around her shoulders
felt right, and she found herself wanting to lean into him. Wanting to draw strength
from him and let him lead. Wanting to not always have to be the willful woman she
prided herself on being.

If she allowed herself to give in to these feelings, would she be giving up her own

Rylie pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind. She couldn’t deal with them now.
The thoughts were too new, too fresh, too... alien.

Her gaze roamed the crowd and she spotted her brother talking to a curvy woman with
black hair and a beautiful smile. The way the woman was looking at Levi, and the slightly
goofy expression that was on her brother’s face, made Rylie snap to attention.

“I’ll be right back,” she said to Clay. Before he could respond, she slipped out from
under his arm and made a beeline for Levi.

He was making such goo-goo eyes at the gal that he didn’t even notice Rylie’s approach,
so she butted right in. “Hi.” She grinned as she stuck out her hand, offering it to
the brunette. “I’m Rylie. Levi’s sister.”

The woman grasped Rylie’s hand, her smile warm and friendly. “Chloe Somerville. I’m
a friend of Skylar’s from college—just came in for the reception, but I’ve been in
Bisbee for about a month now.” Chloe released Rylie’s hand and turned her dark eyes
on Levi, who had a sheepish look on his face. “Your brother’s mentioned you quite

Before Rylie could respond,
Funny, but I’ve never heard of you,
Chloe hooked one finger on the back of a wheelchair beside her, drawing Rylie’s eyes
to a boy of about nine or ten years of age. She’d been so focused on Levi and Chloe
that she hadn’t even noticed him until that moment.

“This is my son David.” Chloe’s look was one of an adoring mother as she stroked his
dark hair from his eyes. “He has a recent spinal-cord injury. Levi has been helping
him with his therapy by teaching him how to ride, and he ramped our rental cottage
to make things easier. I’m buying the old Karchner place, so he’s been working on
getting it modified for David, too. It’s older... some of the doorways are too narrow,
and of course, there are steps everywhere... Sorry, I’m babbling.”

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