Clay (BBW Secret Baby Bear Shifter Romance) (Secret Baby Bears Book 4) (5 page)

A fraction of a second passed before Clay reached for Chloe and pulled her into his arms, nuzzling her face before kissing her deeply. Chloe’s knees went weak with the passion of the kiss. She moaned softly into Clay’s mouth as his tongue slipped between her lips. Desire licked at the base of her spine like a fire and Chloe tangled her fingers in Clay’s soft brown hair, tugging at his scalp until he groaned with pleasure.

“I want you,” Clay whispered in Chloe’s ear, sending a fierce chill through her body. “I’ve wanted you from the first moment I saw you, you’re gorgeous,” he added, nibbling at Chloe’s earlobe until she whimpered with pleasure. Chloe laced her fingers with Clay’s and gently tugged him down the hallway and into her dark bedroom.

Once inside, Chloe and Clay tumbled down onto the bed together. Their two bodies pressed and clung against each other, as though they were drowning and in need of a life raft. When Clay found Chloe’s mouth and kissed her, she felt as if they were breathing the same air. Her belly tensed with arousal and as Clay stroked his hands down her back, she moaned loudly into his neck. Clay gently pushed her down on the bed and nuzzled her neck before biting and sucking at the tender skin. Chloe gasped at the incredible sensation of Clay’s warm, wet tongue and his scratchy stubble. The feelings racing through her body were too strong to be ignored, and she lay back with her eyes closed, enjoying the way her body responded to well to Clay.

“I want you out of this,” Chloe said with a smirk as she slipped her hands under Clay’s shirt. As he tugged it over his head and tossed it to the floor, she let her eyes wander down his muscular chest. “You’re the gorgeous one,” Chloe said shyly, reaching forward and stroking his hairy, strong body. “I love this.”

Clay grinned. He unbuckled his belt and yanked it out of his pants, tossing it to the floor and bending over Chloe’s frame. For a moment, he stared directly into her eyes. Chloe shivered as his warm, honeyed amber eyes penetrated her own.

“When you look at me like that, I feel like you can see everything inside of me,” Chloe said softly. A blush covered her cheeks and she licked her lips slowly. “It feels so private, Clay.”

“I want to know you,” Clay murmured huskily as he crawled back on the bed, clad only in dark jeans. “I desperately want to know you, Chloe.” He kissed her roughly, until the stubble on his chin was painful against her own skin. Still, Chloe didn’t pull away. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her slender, taut body against his, liking the feel of their skin together. Clay’s hands slid down her body and began to tug at the hem of her dress. Chloe arched her back and allowed Clay to pull the dress all the way down, until she was clad only in her bra and panties.

Clay stared at her with reverence. “You’re gorgeous,” he murmured again. The sound of his deep voice sent shivers through Chloe’s body and she closed her eyes, letting her head sink back into the silk pillows on the bed. Clay’s touch on her body was just as she guessed it would be: half-clumsy, trying to be gentle, but still a little rough. His fingers and hands were strong – she guessed that he did a lot of work outside – and the rough callouses on her soft belly sent a spike of lust and arousal through her body. Clay leaned down and kissed Chloe softly, sucking on her lower lip until she moaned and shuddered. As they kissed, he slipped his hands down her bare back and gently squeezed her ass. Chloe sighed and pressed her body against Clay’s, desperate for more of his touch. She closed her eyes as she felt Clay’s hands slip inside her panties and tug them down her legs.

Chloe sat up and reached behind herself, unclasping her bra and dropping it to the floor. When Clay’s hands covered her breasts, she moaned at his rough touch. Clay stroked and rubbed her nipples until they were as stiff as pebbles. The feelings running through her body were so intense, she didn’t think she could last for very long. She could feel her face flushed with arousal and desire and her crotch was thumping for want of Clay’s attention.

As Clay pinched and tweaked Chloe’s nipples between his fingers, she groaned and arched her back. Chloe spread her legs and Clay climbed in between them, grinding against her bare crotch with his jeans. She could feel a large, stiff erection between his thighs and she slid her hands down his muscular body and unfastened his jeans, tugging them down his hips and thighs.

Clay shifted and pulled his pants down, throwing them to the ground. He was naked under his jeans and Chloe almost gasped again when she saw his cock: it was large, and wide, and perfectly proportional to the rest of his amazing body. She blushed hotly as he climbed between her legs and thrust against her labia.

“Touch me, Clay,” Chloe begged. She closed her eyes and relaxed her head on the pillow as his rough fingertips stroked her inner thighs. Spreading her legs as wide as she could, Chloe anticipated Clay’s touch on her wet pussy with a hot, pulsing sense of pleasure. When he finally slipped a finger inside of her, she cried out. She was so wet that she could already feel a wet spot forming on the bed underneath of her, and Clay’s finger wriggling around inside of her body felt heavenly. She gasped as his thumb found her clit and began moving around it in slow, torturous circles that sent a delicious spike of pleasure through Chloe’s body.

Clay groaned. “I can’t take it anymore,” he growled. “I need you. I need to have you, Chloe.”

“Take me,” Chloe moaned. She spread her legs wide again, anticipating the heavy feel of Clay’s body against her own. Instead, he grabbed her wrist and tugged her forward so she came off the bed and crashed against him. Clay held onto Chloe firmly as he laid down on his back. His massive cock was sticking straight up in the air and Chloe shivered as she straddled his thighs. The head of Clay’s erection brushed against Chloe’s labia and she felt an electric pulse of lust between her legs. Her lower belly was throbbing and without warning, she sank down hard on his cock, letting it fill every inch of her most secret place. Clay groaned at the feel of Chloe sliding down on his cock. For a moment, she stayed there, unmoving. Then she began to rock her hips gently back and forth, teasing Clay with her body.

Clay reached up and began stroking Chloe’s breasts, rubbing her nipples with his thumb. The sensation was exquisite and she cried out as she arched her back. Chloe moved her hips faster until she was grinding on Clay’s hard erection. He strained and groaned and pushed far inside of her. After a moment, they matched their rhythm and began to move as one, as one perfect muscular being. Chloe stared down at Clay’s gorgeous amber eyes, feeling truly exposed and vulnerable. All traces of the alcohol had left her body as they sensuously rocked back and forth and she realized that she’d never felt intimacy as true as what she currently felt with Clay.

Clay took one hand away from her breasts and gently pushed it between her legs, rubbing against her clit with each movement of Chloe’s hips. His touch felt incredible and she gasped loudly as her wetness gushed from her pussy. Clay’s cock twitched inside of Chloe and she moaned, gripping his chest with both hands and grinding her hips hard. She began to feel like something kept gripping her between the legs and she held her breath as she desperately ground her clit against Clay’s waiting thumb.

Beneath her, Clay’s body was soaked with sweat. He closed his eyes and strained his face as he thrust up and deep inside Chloe’s body. A thrilling sensation racked her limbs as they moved together and when she began to come, she let out a strangled cry of pleasure. The orgasm was forceful – it left her shaking and breathing hard, her forehead damp with perspiration. Clay grabbed onto Chloe’s hips with both hands and thrust as forcefully as he could. She watched as he groaned and strained beneath her, his muscular body tensing with the lust that flowed easily between them.

Chloe gasped as she felt Clay’s cock tense and pulse inside of her body. As he filled her with his seed, she collapsed against his chest in a mess of sweat. Her limbs felt sated, relaxed, like someone had just given her a full-body massage.

Clay gently took hold of Chloe and pulled her close. She slid off his body and wrapped her limbs against his, falling asleep before she’d even had the chance to kiss him goodnight.

Chapter Four

In the morning, Chloe woke up with a dry mouth and a pang in her chest. She opened her eyes, afraid that Clay would be gone. Instead, he was sitting up in bed and staring at her.

Chloe blushed. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

Clay chuckled. His voice was husky and still thick with sleep, and Chloe felt another pang of desire as she looked at his tan, sculpted body. “Nothing’s wrong,” Clay said with a lazy grin. Chloe’s heart fluttered in her chest. “I just like watching you sleep.”

Chloe bit her lip before grinning widely. “You wanna go get Noah and have some breakfast?”

Clay’s stomach growled in response and they both burst out laughing.

As Chloe climbed out of bed and wrapped her silk kimono around her lean frame, she couldn’t help but feel a touch of hesitation. What was going to happen? Now that they’d slept together, she was worried that Clay would change his mind. What if he didn’t want anything to do with her? She frowned. And what if….
No, I can’t think that way
, she decided firmly.
I like this guy, and I told him. If he chooses to play games with me now, well, I’m just not going to do that. We may not be in New York any longer, but that doesn’t mean he’s any different. He’s a man, after all

“What’s wrong?” Clay leaned over Chloe. “You look tense.”

She shook her head. “Nothing,” she lied.

Clay stared. “Don’t give me that,” he said as he pulled his shirt over his head, covering his carved abs. “I know something’s the matter. You’re acting different. Shy, again, like you have something to hide.”

Chloe glanced down at her painted toenails. “I’m starting to think that I was wrong,” she said softly.

“What, like I’m never gonna see you again?” Clay’s tone was light but Chloe could tell that he was vulnerable behind the jokey words.

She shook her head quickly. “No,” Chloe replied. “Not like that. Nothing like that.”

“Then what’s wrong?”

Chloe sat down on the bed and put her face in her hands. “I think I was wrong, before,” she mumbled into her fingers. “I think I’ve always been wrong.” She looked up at Clay and sighed before patting the bed. When he sat down next to her, she continued: “I used to think that everyone played games, Clay. I used to think that no one was genuine, and the only people who were acting that way were doing it to get some advantage. I never thought I’d meet someone like you.”

Clay grinned. “I know, I’m one of a kind,” he teased. “But Chloe, you have to know, most people aren’t like that.” He snorted. “Hell, it sounds exhausting. I couldn’t imagine jumping through hoops just to make someone happy because they were too afraid to say how they really felt.”

“I like you more than anyone I’ve ever met,” Chloe confessed. She looked away. “And I know I’m not supposed to say things like that, I know I’m not supposed to just open up and tell you how I feel. I’m supposed to play hot and cold, and then only after you confess that you like me,…” She trailed off, feeling stupid. “But I can’t live like that anymore,” Chloe said firmly. “It’s my life, and I have to take responsibility for my own happiness. I want to trust my gut, and I want to be with you.”

Clay grinned. “That’s fantastic,” he said. “You have to know by now how much I like you, too,” he replied.

Chloe felt a hot rush of adrenaline spike through her body.

“Noah’s my son,” Clay continued. “And now I’m just happy that I get to be a part of your lives.”

“What?” Chloe gaped. “Are you kidding me?”

Clay shook his head. “Dead serious,” he said with a grin. “I donated sperm. It wasn’t supposed to be used, it was supposed to be for this…project,” he added. “But I was contacted recently, and told the truth. And Noah’s my son. I was looking for you,” he added. “And when I saw you, I just knew in my heart that I was going to love you forever.”


“There’s more,” Clay said, “The whole point of that project was to do research on Bear Shifter DNA. I’m a Bear Shifter, Chloe, and that means Noah is too. I know this is a lot to take in, and if you need time to process-“

Tears came to Chloe’s eyes. She sniffled and melted against Clay’s shoulder. “I should be freaked out right now,” she said softly. “But I’m not. I’m just excited. Is that weird?” She giggled. “I can’t believe that for once, my stupid intuition was actually right about something.”

Clay wrapped an arm around Chloe and pulled her close. “I’m glad,” he said as he nuzzled her tousled blonde hair. “And I promise, I’ll always make sure your life is exciting. It’s not going to be like New York City, but Ithaca’s not so bad.” He winked at Chloe.

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