Read Clipped by Love (Bellevue Bullies #2) Online

Authors: Toni Aleo

Tags: #romance, #new adult

Clipped by Love (Bellevue Bullies #2) (52 page)

Okay, kinda.

Actually, no, she still hates it.

But she likes me and I feel we are solid. We spend most of our time holed up in my room or hers, watching
between partying with the guys and doing homework. We are still keeping us a secret, but I’m pretty sure everyone knows we are together, except for Coach. He has no clue, and no one has said anything. Even Jace and Markus don’t even tease us anymore; they just accept what we are.

Which to me, is perfect.

I’m wholeheartedly in love with her, and sometimes I think she’s in love with me. She still is a bit prickly and tries to hold back. But when it’s just us, and she wraps around me like an octopus, I can’t help but think that she feels like I do. I’ve wanted to say it, tell her how I feel, but she’s so damn skittish when it comes to that. And why ruin a good thing? We are happy, and while, yes, I want to tell her how I feel, I kind of want her to admit it first. I don’t want her to say she loves me because I tell her. I want her to do it first. But then she could be waiting for me, and, in that case, I guess we will see who gives in first.

What else is new with us, though? It’s always a constant battle.

I did hear once that love was a battlefield. Fits with us, I guess.

Looking over at my brother, I shake my head. “No, she isn’t going. She didn’t want to go alone, and she’s worried that Dad will show up.”

He nods. “Have you talked to him?”

“No, why would I?” I ask, my nose wrinkling up. “Wait, have you?”

“No way, I’m with you. I think the only person who talks to him is Jace.”

“Which I don’t understand,” I deadpan, and he nods.

“I don’t either, but I let it go. He’s his own person,” he says then as I reach for my phone and shrug.

“I hope he doesn’t show up,” I say as I place the phone against my desk so I can tie my shoes.

“Yeah,” Jude agrees. “Is your girlie girl going?”

Grinning, I answer, “She’s on the team.”

“True, things still going good?”

“Great,” I inform him. “She’s really great.”

“Good, you seem really happy, Jayden. That’s good,” he says and I shrug.

“Right girl does that to you.”

“For sure. Does she know how you feel yet?”

Shaking my head, I stand up, shaking my leg out. “Nope.”

“Loser, just tell her.”

“No, I’m gonna let her do it first,” I decide, retucking my shirt. Turning to the phone, I ask, “How do I look?”

“Like a fucking pansy,” he teases with a grin.

“Aw, thanks, just what I wanted,” I say, laughing before reaching for the phone. “Okay, gotta go.”

“Have fun, and if Dad is there, ignore him, okay?”

I nod, my stomach turning from the mere thought of seeing him. “I’m gonna try.”

I just hope he ignores me.



When I show up, most of the team is already here. We were supposed to meet up five minutes before for a short meeting with Coach. I have bubble guts since I really don’t want to see my dad, but Jace has already confirmed that he’s supposed to show up. Not what I want, but instead of yelling at Jace like I was tempted to, I let it go. Taking a page from Baylor’s book, I decide not to let him have power over me. I am stronger because of him; I don’t need to worry.

But it’s hard to remember that as I walk in with Jace.

I tuck my hands into my pockets to keep them from shaking as Jace looks around and says, “I wonder where Baylor is.”

Looking over at him, my brow raised, I ask, “Why?”

“She’s bringing me my cuff links. I forgot them on my dresser,” he says, looking around for her.

“When did you talk to her?”

“In the car.”


“You see there is a thing called a phone and you can text people and they can text back. It’s a superamazing invention,” he informs me like the little smartass he is. “What? Why are you looking at me like that? She’s my friend,” he says, making a face at me.

Glaring, I roll my eyes. “Whatever.”

“Jeez, Jay, why don’t you just put a sign on her that says
? Oh wait, she won’t let you,” he teases, and my glare deepens.

“Do you want me to kick your ass?”

“Not really, maybe afterward,” he says, and then he points to the left. “There she is.”

Looking at where he is pointing, I actually take a step back in utter shock, holding my chest to make sure I’m still breathing. Because the girl who is walking toward me is by far the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen in my entire life. In a thigh-length, skintight, black lace dress, she walks nervously toward us in some very high black heels that sparkle in the light. Her dress is one-shouldered, with her other arm out for the world to see, and I love the way her shoulders look, so toned and defined. Her hair is down, straight, almost to her ass with some pulled up while her makeup is dramatic and eye-catching.

I said before that I don’t want to give anyone power over me, but Baylor, she has it.

She has it completely.

Sucking in a breath, I shake my head as she hands Jace his cuff links.

“You’re a lifesaver, thanks,” he says, putting them on. He then adds, “You look hot.”

Smiling shyly, she waves him off. “I look fucking stupid. I hate my hair, this dress is too short and too tight, my feet hurt, and I could kill Delanie for sending me all this shit.”

All I can do is grin.

“Yeah. Okay, psycho, learn how to take a compliment,” he says before walking away, shaking his head. I’m sure I heard him mutter that she was crazy, but all I can do is drink her in.

“What, stop,” she says, waving me off. “By the way, you’re stupid hot in a suit.”

Looking away, she runs her hands down her dress. And I can’t help it, I reach out and touch her jaw softly. “Baylor, you are…hell… Baby, you are a beautiful disaster.”

Her eyes soften, her annoyance fades away as a grin pulls at her glossy red lips. “I think I’m the only girl who would totally get that.”

“You’re the only girl I’d say it to,” I say as I take a step closer. “Honestly. I’m having a hard time breathing here.”

With her face turning a sweet pink color, she looks me deep in the eyes and says, “Um, well, thank you. I was sorta kinda hoping you’d like it.”

“I do,” I promise. “A whole bunch.”

As her lips turn up into a grin, she whispers, “I really want to kiss you.”

“Then do it,” I challenge, but she shakes her head.

“Everyone is here, and my dad is around here somewhere,” she says, looking around, but I can’t look anywhere but at her. She is so gorgeous. I love her like this, I do. But then I love her dressed in her equipment, ready to kick ass, and even when she’s in her jeans and a sweat shirt, ready for class. I love her no matter what, but my favorite is the tee and sweat pants. That’s when she is the most comfortable, and usually the time she gets naked for me.

The words are on my lips, ready to go, but then she bites into her lip before looking back at me. “There he is, come on.”

Turning, she walks like she’s been in heels her whole life and not on skates toward where the group is gathering around Coach. When I see the guys looking her over, my chest puffs out, and I wish I had that damn sign. I wish like hell she’d just let the world know. It didn’t bother me before, but as I watch my teammates check her out like she’s a single girl, anger eats at me from within. I dare anyone to touch her, I’ll kill them.

“Hey, Moore,” I hear McCarthy say then, and she looks over at him, her brows raised.


“You look fucking hot,” he whispers. “If you need someone to keep you warm—”

“I’ll get a jacket, thanks though,” she says, rolling her eyes, and I grin. She may not want the world to know we are together, but she is quick to turn down anyone who flirts with her. She’s mine. I know it, she knows it, so why do I care if everyone else knows?

“Okay, team, thanks for coming, and everyone looks very sharp. I’m proud,” he says, looking us all over. “Remember schmooze the hell out of these people. Explain why we need money for our trips and just have a good time. No drinking, though, but enjoy yourselves.”

After clapping his hands, we are dismissed, and as we walk away, Baylor falls into step with me. “I wish we could find a corner and hang out.”

“That would be ideal.”

“Eh, we only have to stay for a couple hours,” she says, letting out a breath. “Which I don’t know if I’ll last, my feet are crying.”

“I’ll rub them later,” I promise, tapping her thigh, and her lips curve.

“I’m holding you to that,” she says, pointing at me as we head to get some food. After piling our plates full of food, I watch as she smothers her plate with the mustard that she had to ask the waiter for.

“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever asked about the mustard thing,” I say as she drowns her food in it.

Looking over at me, she squirts the mustard from the container into her mouth before asking, “What mustard thing?” When I just look at her, she grins before shrugging. “I have no clue. I’ve loved it since I could remember. Dad says I used to drink it out of the bottle; I still do sometimes, clearly. It’s weird.”

Making a face, I tell her, “I think I just gagged.”

But she isn’t gagging; her face is bright and happy as she devours her food while I sit there in amazement of her love for the yellow condiment. As much as we both don’t want to be here, soon we are having a good time. Being with her makes everything better, and thankfully, I haven’t seen my dad at all. As we talk to each of our benefactors, I find that Baylor is very good at schmoozing. This isn’t her first time doing this and everyone loves her. How could they not?

The night is going great. I feel like everyone we talk to is quick to donate. They are impressed with Baylor, her talent, and even more the fact that she is so personable, which is honestly mind-blowing. Baylor, personable? That’s like a happy fox. Have you ever seen a happy one? I sure haven’t.

When a tap comes to my shoulder, I fully expect to turn and see my dad, but instead, I find that it’s Jace behind me. “Can I talk to you real quick?”

Nodding my head, I lean in, pressing my hand to Baylor’s back. “I’ll be back.”

“Oh, okay,” she says with a small smile before carrying on about the game we just played a couple nights before.

I walk with him away from the conversation and ask, “What’s up?”

“Dad is here,” he says softly, and my stomach sinks, anxiety filling my chest.

“Okay?” I choke out.

“He wants to talk to you.”

“I don’t care,” I answer, tucking my hands in my pockets. “Tell him to go fuck himself.”

“See, I said that, and he’s insisting that I come and get you.”


“I don’t know, Jay. He said it’s about Mom, and he wants to speak to both of us about it,” he says, not meeting my gaze. “I was gonna just tell him to tell me, but then I kind of want you with me.”

As he looks up at me, his eyes are full of uneasiness and I don’t know what to do. No, I do know what I need to do, but I really don’t want to. But still, it’s my duty as his brother to be there for him, even when I don’t want to.

Nodding my head, I cup his shoulder and say, “Lead the way.”

“Thanks, Jay,” he says softly as we start to walk across the room, but I don’t say anything back as I prepare myself to face my dad for the first time in almost a year. When we reach my father, he has a beer in his hand as he talks with an older guy. Seeing us, he pauses and says, “These are my other two boys, Jayden and Jace.”

The older man smiles as he reaches for our hands. “Yes, I’ve seen you two play. Impressive.”

“Thank you,” Jace says, and I just nod.

“This is Bryan Fisher, the owner of the Nashville Assassins. Told him to come out for a good night and to get to know you guys,” my dad says, grinning at me, but I know what he is doing. He’s trying to blind me with a big hockey owner so that I’ll stay and talk. I don’t want to bite, but this could be my future. So I do what I have to. We talk to him, but I still ignore my dad. When he talks to me, I don’t answer, and I make sure he knows that I am only there to talk to Mr. Fisher. I find that he’s actually a really nice guy, which is surprising since my dad is such a dick.

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