Closer Than You Think (33 page)

Read Closer Than You Think Online

Authors: Karen Rose

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense

‘The sheets are clean,’ he said, using that same smooth voice that was like velvet over her skin. ‘I only slept on them once. But I can change them if you want.’

‘No, it’s okay.’ She wanted to smell him on the pillows, she thought, her heart beating so hard she was surprised he didn’t hear it. ‘I’ll only be here till late morning, right?’

He nodded firmly. ‘Bathroom’s in there. Let me pull a few things from my closet and I’ll leave you to rest.’

Faith pointed at the master bath. ‘If you need the shower, I’ll wait in the kitchen.’

He gave her another wicked grin that said he knew she was thinking of him in the shower, which of course she was. ‘I’ll use the one off of Dani’s room. Oh, and Dani’s coming by at some point this morning to re-glue your head. I’ll ask her to push it until after lunch so that you can sleep a little more.’

‘It’s stopped bleeding, so I think it’s okay,’ Faith said. ‘She doesn’t need to.’

‘Isenberg’s orders.’ He took another suit, shirt and tie from his closet, his mouth drooping into a slight pout. ‘I miss my coat.’

Faith laughed. ‘Don’t be such a baby. You’ll get it back.’

He smiled at her. ‘I know. I just wanted to hear you laugh. You should do that more often.’

All the reasons why she hadn’t laughed in the last twenty-three years came rushing in. ‘I’ll try,’ she said quietly. ‘When this is all over.’

His smile faded. ‘I’ll make that happen. I’ll get back to the case as soon as I’ve changed. I’m going to King’s College first, to check out the scene of the abduction.’

He’d get no rest, she realized. ‘If you have any food, I can make us some breakfast,’ she offered. ‘That way you can use your own shower.’

‘That would be easier. If you truly don’t mind cooking, I just stocked the fridge two days ago. You should find everything you need. I like my eggs over-easy.’ His phone buzzed and he read the text, then looked back up at her. ‘Don’t worry about the sedan that will be pulling up out front in about a minute. That’s your security detail, courtesy of the Bureau. Agents Colby and Pope. There’s a landline in the kitchen if you want to call your father. And keep the shades drawn, please. I don’t want you to be lying to him when you tell him you’re safe.’

Faith rolled her eyes. ‘Over-easy, Fed detail, shades drawn. I think I can remember all of that.’ She left him chuckling as she went back to the kitchen to use his phone.

She dialed with leaden fingers, dreading having to tell her father what was going on, unsurprised when Lily answered on the first ring. ‘Hi, Lily. It’s me.’

‘I am so mad at you,’ Lily hissed. ‘Your hotel is on the news. There was a shooting. Where are you? Why didn’t you call us? Your father has worried himself sick.’

Faith closed her eyes. ‘I’m with the FBI agent who’s working the case. I’m sorry, Lily. I really am. My new phone got damaged last night in the shooting.’

Dead silence. Then, ‘You were
the shooting?’

Faith let out a breath. ‘Well, yes. Actually I was the target.’

‘Oh dear Lord,’ Lily wailed quietly. ‘This is terrible.’

‘I know. Look, Gran’s house seems to be at the center of it. It was the scene of a murder.’ Or three. So far. ‘The police think I’m a target because my name is on the deed. Truly, Lily, that’s all I know. Last night was insane. Oh, and I wrecked my car.’

‘Your Prius?’ Lily’s voice was barely a peep. ‘Were you hurt?’

Faith sighed again. ‘Well, no and no. I sold the Prius in Miami. I bought a used Jeep and ran it off the road last night. Right after I hung up with you guys.’

‘On those curves your father hates so much. Because of what happened to your mother.’

Because Faith’s mother’s body had been found in a burned-out car at the base of an embankment not too far from the one Faith had gone over last night. ‘Right about there, yes.’

‘You were driving too fast again, weren’t you?’

‘No,’ Faith said patiently. ‘I saw a girl lying in the road and I swerved to avoid her.’

‘You what? And
all you know? Care to add any more?’ Lily asked acidly.

She was more scared than angry, Faith knew. ‘Well, I changed my name.’

‘Back to Sullivan. It’s about time you threw away any ties to that Charlie Frye.’

‘Actually, I changed it to Corcoran.’

Silence. ‘Why?’

‘It was Gran’s maiden name. I didn’t change back to Sullivan because I didn’t want to lead anyone to you and Dad.’ She hesitated. ‘Because I was being stalked. For the last year.’

‘Oh my God. That’s why you moved? That horrible Peter Combs?
behind this?’

‘Possibly. I don’t know anymore. Dad needs to know that Gran’s house may come up in the news. I am fine. I am safe. I can tell him so, so that he doesn’t worry himself any sicker.’

‘I gave him a sedative. He’s asleep. I may go to sleep for a while too. I was up most of the night with him and I’m beat. You need to call back in a few hours. And give me a number where you’ll actually pick up.’

‘I have to get another new cell phone. But call this number.’ She recited Novak’s cell number. ‘That’s the FBI agent. He’ll know how to reach me once they put me in a safe house.’

Lily sighed. ‘You going to a safe house is the best news I’ve heard. I love you, Faith.’

‘I love you too. Go to sleep, Lily. I’ll call back as soon as I can.’

Cincinnati, Ohio, Tuesday 4 November, 8.10


Finally, he thought as Novak’s garage door started to open. It was about time the white-haired bastard got back. He’d gotten lucky. This corner was a school bus stop, and loads of soccer moms had lined up in their own minivans, waiting with their kids for the bus. He blended right in. But the bus had come a few minutes before and all the moms had left. He couldn’t have stayed here much longer. He didn’t want any of Novak’s neighbors to notice the silver minivan loitering on the curb and call a cop.

He climbed out of the driver’s seat, over the console to the bench seat in the middle where he’d thrown the golf bag that held his rifle. Damn vans these days didn’t have middle windows that went up and down. Just in and out at an angle, clearing a few inches at most.

But a few inches would be enough. He’d parked in exactly the right place to set his sight on Novak’s driveway, just in case the bastard brought Faith home with him.

It was far more likely they’d put her in a safe house, but it always paid to be prepared.

If Faith was with Novak, he’d be able to take out the Fed as he pulled into his driveway. If she leaned over to help the man, he’d be able to get her too. If she was too wary and stayed down, he had plenty of time before any help could arrive to drive up behind them, get out of his minivan, and shoot her up close and personal. Even if she was smart enough to call for help.

And if Novak hadn’t brought her home, he’d go to her eventually.

I can be patient. I have to be.
He went still, finger on the trigger of his rifle.
Here he comes.
Driving a sedan.
Because I shot up his SUV
, he thought with a pang of regret. At this angle, the sedan would be a harder target. He squinted, trying to see through the car’s windshield into the front seat, but the sun reflected off the glass.

Was she with him? He didn’t want to kill Novak if she wasn’t. There would be no one else who’d be predictable enough to lead him to her.

At the last moment, the sedan floored it, rubber burning as it took the turn into the driveway. The car zipped into the garage and the door started down before he could draw a single breath.

.’ He’d expected the man to slow down as he pulled into the garage. Any rational person would slow the fuck down. The white-haired bastard had nearly taken out his own garage door. Novak was insane.

Which was kind of ironic, actually. He was pretty sure Novak felt the same way about him.

Breathe. Calm down
. He eased his finger off the trigger. Novak’s insanity must have had a purpose. It must mean that he’d brought Faith home with him. She was in the house at this very moment.

His finger itched to shoot in every window in a hail of gunfire. But that wouldn’t be wise. They could hunker down and shoot back. Call in hundreds of cops.

But at least he knew where she was. Novak wouldn’t stay in the house too long. He had a killer to catch, after all. He might take Faith with him when he left.
If so, I’ll be prepared

And if Novak left her behind?

He smiled. Even if she was armed, she was a lousy shot. The time he’d climbed in her bedroom window, she’d barely nicked him. It would be like taking candy from a baby.

Cincinnati, Ohio, Tuesday 4 November, 8.15


Deacon eyed his bed as he toweled his wet head, tempted to lie down just to close his eyes for a few minutes.
I’m so tired

Now, if Faith herself were lying on his rumpled sheets, that would be an entirely different matter. He let himself imagine it, feeling his body grow hard.

She’d considered it too. He’d seen it in her eyes, in the blush of her cheeks. Soon, he thought. Soon they’d be able to explore the chemistry that she’d called ‘crazy’. It scared her a little. It scared him too.

For the first time in his career, he found himself putting off his duty. He didn’t want to leave her here alone. That two perfectly capable federal agents would be guarding her was immaterial. He wanted to be here. He needed to be here.

But he needed her to stay alive even more. So he dragged on his boxers, cracking his bedroom door open so that he could hear if she needed him.
Mmm, bacon
. The aroma wafted upstairs, along with coffee. He would have worshipped her for the coffee alone.

Hurrying now, he reached for his trousers, spinning at the muffled cry behind him. Faith stood in the open doorway, hand over her mouth, her eyes wide.

He crossed the room in two strides, yanking her through the door, pushing her up against the bedroom wall. Covering her body with his, he peered into the hall. ‘What is it? Who’s there?’

‘Nobody,’ she said breathlessly. ‘It’s your back. It looks really bad. I was surprised, that’s all. Can you let me breathe? You’re squashing me.’

He backed up a few inches. ‘I’ve had worse,’ he assured her, cognizant that her gaze had dropped from his face to his body. That he still gripped her arm.

And that his boxers were doing nothing to disguise the fact that he’d grown even harder in the last ten seconds. The room was warm, the air thick. He let her stare, waiting for her to say something. Do something.
Touch me.

Cheeks pink, she raised her eyes to his face. She licked her bottom lip, then bit it. He heard a low rumbling growl. Realized it had come from his throat.

‘I shouldn’t be here,’ she whispered huskily. But she didn’t move. Didn’t make any attempt to pull her arm free. Her eyes dropped again and he felt the warmth of her slow exhale against his damp chest. Then the tentative brush of her fingertips over the hair on his chest.

He held his breath, hoping she’d do it again. Closing his eyes when she did, cursing silently as she petted his hair so lightly that he thought he’d go insane. Wishing that she’d pet lower. Knowing he’d explode if she did. He captured her exploring hand, flattening it against his chest, bringing the hand he still held to his lips.

‘Why are you?’ he made himself ask, his voice like gravel.

‘Why am I what?’ she asked. That she sounded dazed did amazing things for his ego.

He opened his eyes, gritting his teeth when he saw the top of her head. She was still staring down at him. ‘Here, Faith? Why are you here?’

Her body abruptly stiffened, the moment broken. She laughed shakily as she slipped from his grip and turned her back on him. ‘Those agents are here. I didn’t want to let them in until you said it was okay. I saw your door cracked open and thought . . . I mean, I didn’t think that . . . God,’ she said weakly. ‘Can you put on some clothes, please?’

He cleared his throat, unable to keep the grin from his face. ‘I opened the door so that I could listen for any trouble, but I didn’t hear them knock.’ He pulled on his trousers, wincing as he carefully zipped them.

She turned then, her face beautifully flushed. Her lower lip was plumped from her little bites. Her eyes were dark. Hungry. It was all he could do not to reach for her again.

‘They didn’t knock. I heard a noise outside the back door. I figured it was them, but peeked through the blinds to be sure.’

That brought him back to reality. He chose a clean shirt from his closet, frowning at her. ‘I thought I asked you to stay away from the windows.’

‘You didn’t ask me. You told me.’ She crossed the room, stilling his hand when he started to put on the shirt. Her fingertips brushed over his shoulder, lightly probing his bruised back. ‘I’m not stupid, Deacon. I stood next to the window, not in front of it. Does this shoulder hurt as much as it looks like it does?’

‘Hurts more a few feet lower,’ he muttered and had the pleasure of watching her eyes flash as she bit her lower lip again. Instinct took over and he pivoted, lightly gripping her chin, lowering his mouth to hers, intending to nip that lip himself. But she met him partway, lifting on her toes, surprising him again, and the kiss exploded.

He tightened his grip on her chin and let himself devour her mouth the way he’d wanted to while she’d been staring at his cock with such hunger. A step had her back flat against the closet door; the second step had him shoving himself between her spread thighs, his hands closing over her breasts. She gasped and he took the advantage, licking into her mouth, his hips rocking into her body, thrusting harder when she made greedy little noises that only wound him tighter.

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