Club Prive Book 3 (8 page)

Read Club Prive Book 3 Online

Authors: M. S. Parker

Chapter 11

At some point during the night, Gavin and I had moved under the covers and the blindfold had come off. I wasn’t sure when it had happened, but it didn’t matter. I was waking, warm and content.


And I could smell cinnamon and coffee.


I rolled over onto my back, my hand automatically sliding across the sheets next to me. I was alone in bed. I frowned even as I opened my eyes, and that’s when I saw why Gavin wasn’t in bed with me. He was standing next to the bed, wearing blue and green plaid boxers and nothing else. In his hands was a tray with food that I couldn’t recognize from this angle.


When he set it down in front of me, I saw a plate with two of the gooiest, stickiest cinnamon rolls I’d ever seen. They were both lathered in thick, buttercream frosting and still steaming. A small bowl of fresh fruit, neatly sliced, sat to one side of the plate, and next to it was a small plate with two eggs, sunny side up. My stomach growled loud enough for me to blush, but Gavin didn’t say a word. I shifted my gaze across the tray to the mug of coffee, and right next to it was a single rose. It was the most exquisite flower I’d ever seen. Pure, snow white with just the tips a deep, crimson red.


“Thank you.” The words came out in a whisper. I reached out and brushed my fingers over the rose petals. They were as soft as they looked.


“You’re very welcome.” Gavin sat on the bed next to me. “Shall we share this amazing-looking food?”


“I thought you said you couldn’t cook?” I teased.


“I can’t.” He grinned at me as he picked up one of the two forks. “It’s room service.”


“Room service?” I asked. “This isn’t a hotel.”


His grin widened. “No, but next door is.”


I gave him a puzzled look, but didn’t waste any more time asking questions. The food smelled far too good. The first bite of the cinnamon roll was just as good as I’d imagined.


“I send my out-of-town clients to the hotel and they give me... perks.” Gavin took a bite of the roll, chewing as slowly as I was to savor the flavor. After he’d swallowed, he clarified, “I order their room service from time to time.”


I leaned forward to take another bite and Gavin’s gaze dropped. It was only then that I realized the sheet had fallen, exposing my breasts. I flushed and pulled it back up to cover myself.


Gavin reached for me, his eyes blazing in that way that made my mouth go dry. He slid a finger between the sheet and my skin.


“You have nothing to be embarrassed about.” His voice was a soft caress. With a gentle tug, he pulled the sheet from beneath my hand, baring my flesh to the cool air. “I could stare at you for hours.”


I shivered as he lightly traced across the top of my breast and down to my rapidly hardening nipple. He circled the dusky rose-colored flesh with his fingertip, then pulled his hand back. Without another word, he resumed eating. After a moment, I did the same, not bothering to cover myself again. I was still feeling a bit self-conscious, but the admiration I saw on Gavin’s face was enough to keep it at bay.


We were halfway through our meal when Gavin broke the silence. “We should go away next weekend.”


I stopped with my fork halfway in my mouth. I had to have misheard him. There was no way he’d just asked me to go on a trip with him.


Gavin either didn’t seem to notice my silence or he was intentionally ignoring it. “A nice, romantic weekend in the Hamptons. What do you think?”


I was grateful that I had a mouth full of food. It gave me the opportunity to think as I chewed and swallowed. I loved the idea of spending an entire weekend with Gavin, and the fact that he wanted it to be someplace romantic made it all the more special. If he’d just wanted sex, all he would’ve have to do would be to ask me to come here. Taking me to the Hamptons, that meant something more. That was the kind of thing couples did.


“I’d love to,” I said as soon as I could manage the words.


Gavin beamed. He leaned over and brushed his lips across my forehead. It was a chaste gesture, almost out of place, but I loved that he’d done it. While I enjoyed the passion and the sex, it was nice to know that he would do something nearly platonic. It made me feel like there was more to our relationship than just fucking.


“It’s getting late,” Gavin said. I could hear the reluctance in his voice. “I need to get ready for work.”


I sighed. He was right. Our little bubble was nice, but it couldn’t last. The real world was out there and we’d both have to face it sooner or later. “Me too.” I didn’t even want to think about the work I was going to have to do when I got in to the office. It had been worth it to put off doing those files last night, but that didn’t mean I was looking forward to having to do them this morning.


Gavin stood and started towards the bathroom. I watched him go, my eyes drawn to his trim waist and firm ass. It may have been covered now, but I knew what lay beneath.


“You know.” He paused in the doorway. “We could save some time if we showered together.”


I froze for a moment, images of naked, wet Gavin dancing across my vision, and then I was moving. I tried not to look too eager, but the grin on Gavin’s face told me that I might not have succeeded. When his hand closed around mine, I no longer cared if I’d looked like I was desperate for him. The truth of the matter was that I did want him, and the feeling was so intense that desperation was a fairly accurate description.


The bathroom was bigger than my bedroom. It followed the same warm tones that decorated the rest of the condo, and the brass fixtures matched that style. The shower itself was encased in glass, a separate entity from the tub that sat just a few feet away. For a moment, I wished Gavin and I had the time to indulge in a long, slow bubble bath. I could see it in my mind’s eye, the soapsuds sliding across our skin...


The sound of water being turned on brought my attention back to the present. Gavin left the door open a crack as he removed his boxers. I wasn’t sure when the rest of the lingerie Gavin had bought me had come off, but it had. The only thing I was wearing were my stockings and I had a feeling those weren’t going to be good for much after this, not after having slept in them all night.


“Allow me,” Gavin said as he knelt in front of me. He lifted one of my feet and I put my hand on his bare shoulder to balance. As he rolled the stocking down my leg, I realized that his position put him very close to other things, and my pussy throbbed. Two of my previous four lovers had gone down on me, but none of them had been even close to as skilled with their mouths as Gavin was.


Almost as if he could read my mind, Gavin turned his face as he put one leg down and lifted the other. His breath was hot against my inner thigh, but he didn’t close the distance. By the time he returned my foot to the cool tile floor, my skin was humming with anticipation.


“I think the water’s warm enough.” Gavin stood.


I let my gaze wander down his body as he turned. He wasn’t fully erect, but knowing that just being near me had brought him to half-mast was enough to make me smile. I don’t think it would matter how often we made love, I would always love that his body responded to me like that.


Gavin stepped into the shower and held his hand out. I followed him under the warm spray, letting the water rinse away the sweat and sex of the night before. I closed my eyes as the water soaked into my hair, keeping them closed when I heard the snap of a plastic lid and the fresh, clean scent of shampoo filled the steamy air.


A moment later, I felt Gavin’s hands in my hair. I made a sound in the back of my throat as he began to massage the shampoo into my thick curls. I’d always loved having my hair washed, but I’d never had it done like this. As his fingers worked against my scalp, my hands began to slide across my skin. From one side of my stomach to the other. Over my belly button and just above the pale curls between my legs. Up to my breasts, cupping them, feeling their weight on my palms.


“All rinsed,” Gavin spoke low in my ear, his voice merging with the sound of the water falling.


I turned towards him, opening my eyes at last. Every drop of water was a new sensation on my skin. I blinked through wet eyelashes and tilted my head to look up at him.


“My turn.”


I held out my hand and he squirted some shampoo into it. I pressed gently on his shoulder and he went to his knees. His eyes closed as I began to work the shampoo into his hair. The strands were silky soft as they slipped between my fingers. I worked it into a lather and then began to rinse his hair clean. I smiled as I realized that we would smell alike today, and I was glad that he hadn’t used something spicy. That would be a bit too obvious.


As the last of the suds swirled down the drain, Gavin’s hands began to move up and down my legs, running from knees to hips. His head tilted back and he opened his eyes. With our gazes locked, he lifted my left leg and hooked it over his shoulder. Still looking at me, he leaned forward, opening his mouth so that I had no doubt about what was coming.


“Ah...” I sighed as he licked me. One long stripe, before settling to tease around my opening. All the while, his eyes were open and fixed on me. His hands held my hips as he kissed me, his tongue exploring my pussy as thoroughly as it ever had my mouth. It danced up to circle that little bundle of nerves and I cried out.


I fell back against the wall, barely registering the cool tile against my back. All I could feel was Gavin’s mouth, his tongue and lips passing over sensitive flesh until I was a quivering mess, held in place only by the man between my legs. He sucked and licked until I was calling his name, begging him for release. The moment he slid a finger inside me, I began to come. Then he crooked it, brushing against that spot that made the world go white.


I wailed, not caring if anyone could hear me. My nails dug into his shoulders, deeper and deeper, until I knew he’d be bruised, but I couldn’t let go. It was too much pleasure, too much sensation. I needed to get it out somehow.


Then, after what felt like an eternity, Gavin’s hand and mouth were gone, my body empty and craving to be filled by something larger and thicker. My eyelids fluttered open as Gavin reached for the door.


“Where are you going?” I managed to ask the question. I didn’t care how late we’d be, I wasn’t about to let him leave just yet.


He grinned at me. “I don’t actually store condoms in the shower.”


My body gave a long, low pulse. “Is that all?” I turned so that my back was to Gavin. “Don’t.”


I could almost hear him going completely still. This would be my choice, I knew. It hadn’t been a full week, but I didn’t want to wait anymore. I turned my head so I was looking over my shoulder at his startled face.


“I went on the pill.”


His eyes widened and his breath caught in his throat. He wanted this too, but I could tell he was torn. He wouldn’t want me to feel like I’d been forced into anything, so I had to make him believe that this was all me.


“I want you inside me, Gavin,” I said. I slid my feet further apart. “I want to feel you, nothing else, nothing between us.”


“Fuck,” he groaned.


The door slid shut behind him and he crossed to me in two long strides. He pressed his body against the length of mine, his cock hot and heavy against the swell of my ass. His hands ran along the front of me, cupping my breasts, fingers tugging at my nipples until I was pushing back against him.

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