Colorblind (Moonlight) (6 page)

Read Colorblind (Moonlight) Online

Authors: Violette Dubrinsky

“Bold, Mr. Pleasant?”

“Yea. Me and Hollis been noticin’ it. They don’t fear the whip like they ’posed to.”

Because Leon had laid down new rules. Pleasant didn’t say it, but Leon heard the accusation just the same. He was glad.

“I know you’s new to this business of slavin’, being from across the sea an’ all, so you’s probably feelin’ like they deserve to be treated like…us whites or somethin’,” Pleasant said in a low, forceful tone.

Leon closed the stall door and turned to Pleasant, who shifted his feet a bit before continuing. “These niggers here ain’t like us. Don’t look, think, act, or feel like us. Whip’s all they know. Take it away an’ they don’ know how to act.”

“Mr. Pleasant, are you human?”

Caught off guard by the question, Pleasant stuttered out a confused, “Yes.”

“And these slaves? They’re human too, aren’t they?”

Pleasant’s face grew red, and he shook his head. “They look human, but they ain’t no better than talkin’ animals.”

Leon smiled coolly and arched a brow. “What is it you really wish to tell me, Mr. Pleasant?”

“Them rules you set ain’t gonna do.” Pleasant rushed the words out, shaking his head. “If I can’t beat ’em, then they ain’t gonna do no work, and you ain’t gonna make money.”

“My accounts are fine, Mr. Pleasant. Actually, since taking over, my profit share has increased,” Leon replied easily. “If you’re finding problems working under me—”

“I ain’t never said that, Mr. Arnaud. I’s just tryin’ to make you the most money.”

“Well, thank you for your concern, Mr. Pleasant,” Leon replied, “but until my profits are affected, the new rules will stay.”

“Whatever you say, Mr. Arnaud,” Pleasant replied with a slight frown. “Wife’s waitin’ for me. See you in the mornin’.”

“Good night, Mr. Pleasant.”


She was in the bayou when he found her. It had been a particularly hot day, and the heat had only recently begun to cool. Leon sat, partially obscured by some short trees, and watched her swim.

Although there was no moon tonight, he could still see every detail of her glistening body that rose above the water. She swam slowly, her toned arms cutting the water delicately as her long legs propelled her forward. She stopped suddenly, and Leon wondered if she’d seen him. He tried his way into her mind, but found her mental shields up. A smile curved his lips. No one could ever doubt that she was a fast-learner.

He was about to make his presence known when she relaxed once more and turned over, floating on her back and giving him the most perfect view of her high breasts and flat stomach.

Before he could list the reasons why he shouldn’t, Leon shifted to his human form, and easily made his way into the bayou. She’d closed her eyes, but the little smile on her lips told him she was aware of this presence. That made him wonder how long she’d known. Curious, he asked exactly that when he was near her.

Her little smile grew larger as brown eyes opened and found his.

“From when you were watching me, hidden behind those trees,” she replied, and he almost groaned as her body disappeared beneath the surface. She began to tread water beside him. Her hair lay flat on her head, curls wet and running loosely to her back.

“That was before you were floating on your back?” Leon asked softly, moving closer. Her smile faded slightly and her eyes lowered to his lips before lifting again to his. The nod she gave him was barely a slight motion of her head but he caught it. He felt her nerves as if they were his own and reached out cup her cheek.
Did you do that for me?

Her eyes widened as he spoke directly into her mind. She closed her eyes. He felt her then, a soft, delicate brush as she sought access to his thoughts. He lowered his shields and she slipped into his mind, her eyes popping open as she glimpsed some of the images at the forefront.

Leon thought she’d pull away, swim again from him, but she shocked him by replying in kind.
I knew you were watching me.

His hand moved from her cheek to the back of her head as the other slipped around her smooth back. Penny parted her lips as he pulled her forward.


At the first touch of his lips to hers, she sighed, slipping her arms about his neck as their bodies pressed together. The kiss started slowly, gently, a caress of lips and tongues. Within seconds, it turned frantic, something that both terrified and entranced Penny. Her body seemed to have a mind of its own, wrapping itself snuggly around Leon’s as she kissed him enthusiastically.

With her legs hooked around his back and one of his hands squeezing and rubbing her ass cheek, Penny could feel the hard length of his erection between them. She’d seen penises before, but they’d belonged mostly to the young boys who hardly had clothing to wear. What pressed against her felt much larger and thicker than any she’d seen before.

Lifting slightly, she ground her hips against his length, moaning at the sensations that rushed her body. She felt like she was humming, her body pulsing as if she was a heartbeat. Leon growled and bit her lip, drawing blood. Penny whimpered, but he caught it with his mouth, his arms tightening about her body.

She didn’t feel him moving, but cool air touched her skin and then the pliable earth was at her back.

“Leon—” she began softly, only to sigh when his lips closed over her nipple, tugging slightly before bathing it with his tongue. “Oh…that feels…amazing.”

He did the same with her other nipple, sucking and licking until she placed her fist against her mouth to keep from screaming.

Leon didn’t like that, apparently, because he moved her hand away and replaced it with his lips, kissing her thoroughly before licking his way down her body. Her legs were already parted, so he settled his face easily between them.

Confused, Penny pushed to her elbows. “W-what are you doing?”

He lifted his head, locking yellow eyes on hers before speaking in a low voice. “You’ll enjoy it.”

Penny didn’t doubt it. Her body loved everything he did to it.

She felt his fingers at her most intimate place and gasped, remembering how good they’d felt inside her. That had been two weeks ago, and she’d thought of it daily. Every time she saw him, every time she watched his fingers move as he wrote a letter…

She fell back against the bank as his finger lightly traced over her center, sliding over the nub hidden by her folds of flesh, before dipping down to her entrance. The most delicious sensation accosted her. Instantly, she lifted her head. He was kissing her
! Leon was kissing her down there!


He gripped her hips tighter.


Her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell to the bank, moaning when his lips tugged slightly on her sensitive nub. His finger pressed into her slowly. Penny pushed her thighs further apart, arching her back for more. Whimpering, she gripped his hair, holding him in place as she felt something unfurl in the pit of her belly. Her thighs began to shake; her lips opened on a silent gasp. It was the same feeling she’d had two weeks ago, the one that had robbed her of her breath. She cried out hoarsely as she pitched into bliss. As she tried to catch her breath, he kissed the inside of her thigh before his lips settled on her sensitive bud again.

“Leon—wait—I—ooh…hmm…” She broke off and gripped his hair, uncertain whether she wanted to push his head away or pull him closer. As he licked her from hardened bud to opening, she gasped, clutched his hair tighter, and screamed. “Leon!”


A surge of pleasure rushed him at hearing his name on her lips, and he continued on, knowing she was close. Soon, she began to buck wildly against him as her hips arched off the ground. Leon removed his lips, licking them and watching in fascination as her sex contracted with her orgasm.

Moving up, he moved between her spread legs, his shaft brushing over her wet slit.

Penny moaned again, opening her eyes and staring up at him in amazement.


“Leon…,” she began softly, nervously, waiting for him to look down at her. When he did, she continued, “I’ve never done this before.”

He smiled, revealing lengthened fangs. He looked feral but she wasn’t terrified. Not in the least. She still found him attractive like this. Probably more so. “I know.”

She nodded. “I’ve never wanted to…before you.”

His lips captured hers again, his tongue stroking hers in an erotic dance that sent heat coursing through her body. When his smooth, thick sex pressed against her opening, Penny gasped into his mouth. As her flesh gave under his unrelenting hardness, she clutched at his back, nails lengthening and digging deep.


Leon looked down at her. Her eyes had shifted to yellow and she had an expectant look on her face. He was lowering his head once more when he heard it, a slight rustling that had nothing to do with the wind.

Lifting his head, he turned in the direction of the sound. Inhaling deep, he scented two humans approaching. He would have smelled them earlier had he not been distracted by Penny.

“What is it?” she asked, looking in the direction of his gaze.

He groaned in pain when he left her body.

“Call your wolf,” he said softly, unable to resist the urge to give her another kiss before he moved away and turned back in the direction of the humans, a male and a female. He sniffed, trying to see if could pinpoint them, but Penny’s scent was making that difficult. “Someone’s coming.”

When he turned back to her, the black wolf was staring at him curiously. Leon shifted, reveling in the burn as his muscles rearranged into the sleeker body of the animal, and moved into a thick cluster of bushes to his left. She followed, lying on her belly as he crouched low and waited.

Chapter Four

Before they stepped through the trees and shrubs, Leon knew it was Pleasant and Julia. What Pleasant was doing on the plantation at this late hour, Leon didn’t know. Nor did he know why Julia was with him. A few reasons, none good, came to mind but he stilled them and waited.

Julia stepped through the clearing first, her face a blank mask of resignation. Pleasant followed directly after, his hand at her back as he moved forward. Leon watched in growing understanding as Pleasant looked back in the direction of the plantation house before nudging Julia forward again. He led her over to a tree, and said quickly, “Take off ’em clothes, girl.”

Without any protest, Julia began undoing the front buttons of her dress.

Penny lifted up from beside him, rustling the bushes as she did so. Her anger was palpable, almost as great as his. Before he could speak to her, she released a low growl.

“Wha’s that?” Pleasant asked, his hand going to the pistol at his hip. He eyed Julia and repeated his demand, as if she could be expected to know.

“I dunno, sir,” Julia replied with her eyes downcast.

“That you, wasn’t it, girl?” Pleasant demanded harshly. “You ain’t eat tonight?” He snorted in disgust and captured her chin between his fingers. Julia whimpered as he crashed his lips to hers and began tugging and pulling at her dress.

Penny had come to her feet and was about to lunge when Leon stepped in front of her. She bared her teeth at him.

Wait here.

She didn’t look thrilled at those orders so he added,
Trust me.


With that, he was gone. Penny barely heard or saw him move. He was a blur, blending with the trees and wind and disappearing from sight.

She sat back, lowering herself and watching the cringe-worthy scene unfold before her. Pleasant still pawed at Julia, who stood passively in his arms. She stared ahead, her eyes as blank as the expression on her face.

When Julia’s dress fell to the ground, and Pleasant began hastily undoing his own clothing, Penny found herself unable to wait longer for Leon. Pleasant was going to rape Julia, and she couldn’t sit idly by and watch it happen.

She growled again and this time, Pleasant froze and looked exactly in her direction. His eyes locked on to the bushes that concealed her and he drew his weapon.

“You hear that, girl?” he asked Julia softly. When she didn’t reply quickly enough, he demanded, “Eh, girl?”

“Yes, Mr. Pleasant,” Julia replied in a low voice, her eyes still trained on the ground.

He made his way slowly toward the shrubs, and Penny waited, intending to rush him when he was close enough she could lunge for his throat. The gun was all but forgotten as she anticipated the feel of his neck under her jaws.

Pleasant was a few feet away—one more step and she would have lunged—when branches cracked and Leon stepped through, eyes narrowing at the sight of Mr. Pleasant and a very naked Julia. He looked every inch the master, with his crisp, white shirt, his dark trousers and black boots. In his hand was a sturdy stick that he used, supposedly, to navigate his way through the shrubs and bushes.

“Mr. Pleasant, what is the meaning of this?” Leon demanded instantly.

Pleasant all but forgot his quest to find the source of the growling. He turned, giving Penny his back, and looked nervously from Julia to Leon.

Pointing the gun at Julia, who flinched away, he began, “She was tryin’ to run away. I done saw her and followed.”

“She was attempting to run away in the nude, Mr. Pleasant?” Leon asked, looking from Pleasant to the pistol he had trained on Julia. “Holster your weapon.”

“She could try run again,” Pleasant said, frowning as he stared at Julia.

“Holster your gun,” Leon snapped, moving forward when Pleasant took a bit too long to do as commanded. By the time he reached the man, the pistol was back in its holster.

“You’ve yet to answer my question, Mr. Pleasant. Why is she naked?”

“After I caught ’er, she wanted to give herself to me in exchange for me not sayin’ nothin’,” Pleasant retorted.

He was lying. If Leon hadn’t seen the truth with his own eyes, he could tell from the loud and frantic pounding of the man’s heart, the quick, shallow breaths he released, the pungent odor of sweat seeping from his pores. When Leon only lifted a brow, Pleasant continued.

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