Come On Over (27 page)

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Authors: Mika Fox

lets out a laugh.

have seen that coming," he says, and then quickly reassures Isaac when he
sees his concerned, puppy-dog expression. He cocks his head toward the short,
bent hallway that leads to the other room. "Go ahead, she should be in

gives him a grateful little smile.

man," he says. "Also, I did see your stuff when I came in, and it's
really good, and you know I'm honest about shit like that."

Dominic says sincerely. Isaac nods.

he says. "I mean, you can totally tell that you're banging the guy you've
taken pictures of―"

thank you, you should go," Dominic says, nudging his friend and trying to
talk over him, to no avail.

like," Isaac continues obnoxiously, raising his voice, "you can also
tell that you're in

Dominic interrupts him, before he can say anything else, and Isaac stops
talking. He gives Dominic a teasing grin, before being shooed away and heading
through the crowd, toward Shanti's exhibit. Dominic can't help but smile as he
watches him go.

next social interaction Dominic has takes him even more by surprise. Not that
he wasn't expecting his family to show up, but he still isn't quite ready for
it, seeing as how he knows at least Alina will insist on meeting Killian. Sure
enough, it's nearly the first thing she mentions when she finds him.

this is awesome," she says, punching his shoulder and making him rub the
spot absently. "Your stuff is really good, I didn't know you had skills
like that."

faith in me is astounding," Dominic says flatly. "But thanks."

of," his sister says, lowering her voice a little so as to not alert their
parents, who are currently eyeing Dominic's photographs on the wall.
"That's him, right?"

cocks her head at the photos in a not-so-subtle manner, and Dominic nods,
pressing his lips together self-consciously. For the millionth time, he doesn't
understand why he's so nervous about all of this.

he says, and Alina nods, eyeing the pictures appreciatively. She makes an
impressed face.

I see it." She turns back to her brother. "Also, just a heads-up, mom
and dad want to meet him."

I'm assuming you had nothing to do with that," Dominic says. Alina shrugs.

can I say," she says, always the innocent one. "They asked, I

rolls his eyes, shaking his head.

he should be around here somewhere," he says. "Just hang on,

As if
summoned by magic, Killian appears in his field of vision, and the moment their
gazes lock, he starts making his way over. Dominic feels that odd nervousness
kick in again, but for a different reason this time, and he takes a deep

he says, smiling, but Killian definitely picks up on the awkward surprise in
his tone. He narrows his eyes.

he says, almost suspiciously. "What is it?"

raises his eyebrows in a too-casual expression.

he says, gently grabbing Killian's arm when he's close enough and pulling him
even closer. "Just thought you should meet my sister. Alina,

gestures between the two of them, and notices the way they both quickly eye
each other up and down, as if making sure the other isn't a threat.

to meet you, Killian," Alina says, breaking the ice first. "I've
so much
about you."

gives Dominic a pointed look, and he shifts a little where he stands.

Killian says. "You too, nice to meet you."

voice is monotonous in its tone, which Dominic realizes might come off as rude,
but he knows better. He knows that despite Killian's poker face, this is how he
is around new people―reserved to the point of unpleasant. Dominic learned
that firsthand after all, when they first met.

doesn't seem to notice or mind, or she just remembers all the nice things
Dominic has told her about him, and she meets his eye before looking over her

dad," she says, making the parents turn around. "Come on, there's
someone you should meet."

swears he can actually
muscle in Killian's body go rigid, and he tightens his grip on his lower arm
the slightest bit, softly rubbing against the bare skin with his thumb in a
soothing gesture. It seems to work, at least a little.

is Killian," Alina says once their parents are at her side, and she
gestures at the raven-haired young man next to Dominic. "Dom's

adds it in an almost smug tone, and Dominic suddenly has flashbacks to all the
times she used to tease and tattle on him, growing up.

that so?" Dominic's mother says, holding out her hand with a friendly
smile. "I'm Bethany. Pleased to meet you."

presses his lips together in a polite smile, and even though Dominic can sense
the discomfort radiating off of him, he knows he's trying. He shakes Bethany's
hand, before being introduced to Dominic's father.

his father says, shaking his hand briefly before releasing it. Dominic notices
the way Killian restrains himself from pulling his hand away too quickly,
loosely clenching it into an anxious fist at his side. Dominic is sure that no
one else saw it, and he releases the grip on Killian's arm, settling for
holding his hand lightly against the small of his back instead. He can feel the
muscles relax slightly underneath his palm.

Killian, is it?" Nate asks, and Killian nods. "What do you do,

paint," Killian says, the words almost clipped, and Dominic chimes in.

he says, "he's got a few paintings on display here, they're really

nods, as does Alina, while Dominic's mother frowns a little to herself,
glancing over at the photos on the wall, then back to Killian, clearly noticing
the resemblance. She doesn't mention it, which Dominic appreciates, but she
definitely connects a few dots as to what kind of relationship they really do
have, in practice. One photo in particular hints at this, as it depicts Killian
wearing nothing but a pair of worn jeans, lying on a couch with a sketchpad
propped against his knees, with unusually messy hair and a lollipop in his
mouth. Dominic remembers that picture being taken only minutes after some very
innovative activities that left both him and Killian fucked-out and sated for
hours, and he hopes his mother doesn't notice the slight flush suddenly
creeping up his neck. He's sure she does, though―she's just too kind to
mention it, thankfully.

conversation doesn't loosen up that much, but it goes well, and Killian seems
to be making a decent impression on Dominic's parents. Alina eventually decides
that the small-talk has been going on long enough, and she shepherds the
parents away with a pointed look at Dominic, who gives her a grateful smile in
return. As soon as they're out of sight, he pulls Killian in for a kiss, hoping
to convey his gratitude towards him as well.

evening drags on, Dominic and Killian sticking together for most of it from
then on out, and while most of their friends have their families stopping by,
Dominic is honestly shocked when he spots Connor in the crowd. He's clearly not
the only one, Killian not even bothering to hide his own confused surprise.

the hell are you doing here?" Killian says, hugging his brother briefly.

we'd stop by," Connor says, and that's when Dominic notices the auburn-haired
woman with him. She holds out her hand for Dominic to shake―he can't help
but think that there's a lot of that, tonight.

she says, and judging from the ring he notices on her finger, he realizes that
this must be Connor's wife. She turns her attention back to Killian.
"You're very talented, Killian, I'm impressed."

sounds completely sincere, and Dominic thinks that he might like parts of the
Hayden clan, at least.

you," Killian says, sounding surprisingly sincere as well. "I'm glad
you're here, I honestly didn't expect anyone to show up."

doesn't sound hurt as he says it, just matter-of-fact, but that feels stranger
to hear, if anything. Connor sighs.

he says. "Mom, dad and Bridget were a no-go, and Brendan said he had stuff
to do, so... They'll come around, they can't be mad forever."

sounds apologetic, and Dominic assumes that Brendan must be Killian's younger

worry about it," Killian says. "It's all good."

Killen?" The small voice makes Dominic look down in surprise, only to spot
a girl no older than four peeking out from behind Catherine. Killian looks down
as well, and smiles a little.

Al," he says, and the girl glances at Dominic hesitantly, before surging forward
and wrapping her arms around Killian's legs. Killian ruffles her hair, which is
almost as dark as his own. "Thanks for coming." The girl looks up at
him, before again glancing at Dominic. Killian turns to Dominic as well,
nodding at him and then back to the girl. "Al, this is Dominic. Dominic,
this is my niece, Alicia."

vaguely remembers Killian mentioning that Connor had a kid, and he gives Alicia
a friendly smile.

he says, and Alicia looks up at her father.

he?" she asks, as though completely unaware that everyone can hear her,
and Connor chuckles awkwardly.


my boyfriend," Killian says, making Alicia turn back to him. "We're

feels his heart grow warm and threaten to burst out his chest. Alicia frowns.

mom and dad?" she asks, and Killian nods.

he says. "Kind of like that."

seems to consider this for a moment, before releasing Killian's legs and
turning to Dominic.

to meet you," she says with a very precocious
nod, and Dominic smiles.

nice to meet you, too," he says. A few moments of silence follow, before
Catherine exhales and reaches for Alicia's hand.

she says with a smile, catching her daughter's attention. "How about we go
look at the rest of the stuff?"

nods, clearly on board with that idea.

Uncle Killen," she says. "Bye,

waves at them both, before being led away by her mother, and Connor takes a
deep breath as he meets his brother's eye.

really sorry about dad," he says, his tone almost somber compared to a
minute ago. "He shouldn't have done what he did, it's―"

fine," Killian says, and he actually sounds like he means it. "I've
got a place to stay for a while, I've got some money saved up. And I kind of
made other plans for this fall anyway, so who needs tuition."

shrugs, and although everyone present knows he's oversimplifying things, it's
obvious that he's being sincere. Connor nods.

he says. "But if you ever need anything, anything at all―"

it's fine―"

just saying," Connor says with a pointed look. "Dad's not the only
one with resources. You let me know if you need a hand."

watches the brief staring contest between the brothers for a few seconds,
before Killian seems to relent. He nods.

he says. "I will."

seems satisfied with that answer, and he drops the subject. He looks around the

did good, little brother," he says, turning back to Killian. "You've
got talent, even if mom and dad won't admit it." Killian says nothing,
just nods, an appreciative look on his face. Connor turns to Dominic.
"Nice to see you again, Dominic. Good luck with that assignment."

words are genuine, and Dominic gives him a small smile in response.

he says, and with that, Connor takes his leave, going to find his wife and
child while Killian lets out a heavy, tired exhale. Dominic watches him for a
moment, before putting a hand behind his neck and pulling him close, planting a
kiss against his temple.

you it'd be okay," he says, and Killian meets his eye.

he says, a small smile shaping his lips. "You did."



Dominic never
knew he could feel so sentimental about a period of time that only lasted two
months, but here he is, baffled that it's over. Him, Killian, and all of their
friends have gathered by the art building, for what Jemma is referring to as an
after-party, in order to celebrate a successful exhibit―and to
commemorate the end of the class. Granted, it's not like none of them will see
each other again, with most of them living around here, but still. There's
something about the end of summer, something definite, like waking up from a
pleasant dream and returning to reality, and Dominic, like all the others,
isn't quite sure he's ready for that just yet.

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