Coming Together: Special Hurricane Relief Edition (19 page)

Read Coming Together: Special Hurricane Relief Edition Online

Authors: Alessia Brio

Tags: #Anthology, #Erotic Fiction, #Poetry

smiled and squeezed me tight, bending her head down to nip the base
of my exposed neck. A small shiver ran along my spine and her arms
relaxed as she whispered back, "Hey, baby." Settling back
in her arms I sighed happily. I knew we were almost there. Ten
minutes later the bags finally arrived, and finding ours only took a
second. The royal purple ribbons made the otherwise average black
rollers stand out in a crowd. Each of us grabbed one and proceeded
towards the customs area.

have the passports, baby?" Jina asked, teasing me since I had
checked for them at least twenty times between leaving the house and
checking in at the airport. I stuck my tongue out at her and pulled
them out of my purse. Jina's eyes flashed as she leaned over to
whisper, "Watch what you offer, my little slut." I felt
myself grow hot at the memory of the spanking I had received after my
last bout of petulant impertinence. Luckily, the line was short and
we were at the counter before she could mention my now flushed

the typical questions of how long we were staying, if we were
bringing any food or plants and two stamps on each passport, we were
done and headed for the door. The moist heat that was the Caribbean
reached out to envelope us as we left the air-conditioned interior.
Jina's frantic scramble for her sunglasses had me grinning
mischievously. I had planned ahead and had mine pushed back in my
hair. I just had to pull them down, which I did after I blissfully
enjoyed the warm sunshine on my face for a few moments.

the flick of Jina's lighter behind me, I turned, still grinning, in
time to see her exhale the first breath of smoke. A jolt of desire
shot down my spine to curl in my lower stomach. I might not smoke,
but for some reason I loved watching her do it. Jina's lips pursed as
she blew out a stream of gray smoke. I couldn't watch her mouth
without wanting to kiss it. Jina's pale pink lips wrapped around the
cigarette with a breathy sigh of contentment and then a flick of her
fingers to knock off the ash. I couldn't see her eyes through the
dark sunglasses, but I knew they were half lidded in pleasure; after
all it had been at least eight hours since she had been able to
smoke. Jina's head tilted back as she exhaled. I let my eyes wander
along the graceful column of her neck, lost in the pale flesh that
was so sensitive to my mouth.

turned towards me, breaking my spell, and asked with a mischievous
grin, "What now, love?"

dawned on me then that she had been teasing me. She had exaggerated
everything on purpose, knowing what the effect would be. Smiling
sweetly and already planning my revenge, I nodded towards the taxis
lined up along the curb. The first driver in line, who had been
leaning against the side of his cab, stood up and waved us over.
Greeting us with a grin and an island-accented, "Welcome to St.
Thomas, ladies," he took our bags to put in the trunk as Jina
opened the door with overstated civility. Looking Jina's gorgeous
frame up and down, I took the bait and 'accidentally' brushed against
her body as I slid past her into the car. Taking a last drag, she
flicked away her cigarette and slid in next to me.

driver got in and turned to ask us, "Where to?"

St. John ferry docks, please," I replied.

we sped away from the airport, Jina's left hand curled around my knee
and slid to rest halfway up my inner thigh, just brushing the hem of
my skirt. My head rested on her shoulder and my right hand rested in
her lap, entwined with hers. We trundled our way though Charlotte
Amalie, winding through the narrow streets. My eyes were open,
glancing out the window once and a while, but I kept my head on her
shoulder. Jina, on the other hand, was staring out the windows rather
like an owl.

can come back tomorrow, Jina," I said laughing after watching
her for a while. She blinked and looked down at me smiling. "Do
you like it?" I asked, feeling the ridiculous urge to start
crying again.

beautiful, baby," she said, kissing the top of my head. I sighed
happily and blinked back my tears, watching the brick buildings with
straw roofs and tropical blue and white houses pass by.

* * * *

the ferry ride to St. John, we were both rather quiet. The stress of
the trip was catching up with me while Jina was caught up in her
first time in the Islands. The Jeep Wrangler was at the docks where
my parents left it for us, and I pulled the keys out of my bag,
grinning a bit. "Sure you don't want to drive, babe?" Her
only answer was a glare. "Not my fault you can't drive stick,"
I said, sticking my tongue out.

I can drive stick, baby, just not that kind," she replied
smoothly. "Besides, I might just have to learn anyway, with the
way you drive." I smiled and shook my head at the surliness,
proof that she was closer to normal again, the bitch. We tossed our
luggage in the back seat and climbed in. We headed away from the
docks and started weaving up and around the hills that make St. John.
We stopped on our way through Cruz Bay to grab groceries and by the
time we were half way up the mountain Jina got used to the hairpin
sharp turns and the forty-five degree tilt of the road. It was
evident by the way her grip on the Jeep relaxed a little bit.

into the driveway, I turned off the engine and hopped out, my feet
crunching in the gravel of the walkway. I walked around, reached in
the back for the suitcases and felt you come up behind me. I swiveled
to the side to avoid Jina's hands and turned, grinning at her. "Babe,
I don't know about you, but I want to get our stuff inside before
that nice little rain cloud heads this way."

made her scurry a bit; we always joked that she would melt in the
rain. In truth it was to cover a fear of storms, but I knew this was
just the daily little afternoon shower. Grabbing one of the
suitcases, I rolled it down the path to the front door. I dug around
in my purse for the house key. Looking up, I caught Jina's glance and
raised an eyebrow at her amused look. "Oh nothing," she
said, "just wondering if there is anything you can't conjure out
of that bag."

sure, babe; for instance, an umbrella isn't popping out anytime
soon." I said it with a grin, sticking my tongue out at her as I
found the key. I unlocked the door and we made trips in, taking the
suitcases to the master bedroom and the groceries into the kitchen,
until the Jeep was emptied. I pointed Jina around the house quickly
and then grabbed a towel and jumped in the shower to wash the smell
of airplanes off my skin. Jina headed out to the porch for a smoke. I
was still lingering in the hot water that was pouring over me when I
heard the bathroom door open and saw her walk in. I shut off the
water. It was a precious resource and I knew that if you got in there
with me it would be running for a long time. Grabbing my towel again,
I wrapped it around my body and stepped out, kissing Jina softly on
my way back to the bedroom.

dried off and wrapped the towel around my long hair to dry a bit. I
unzipped a suitcase, only to realize it was Jina's when I saw all the
black clothes in it. I reached for the other and opened it, rifling
through my clothes until I found the white cotton tank dress I
wanted. I pulled it on, careful not to bump the towel turban on top
of my head.

smoothed the cotton down my sides and figured it would work, since I
was pretty sure we weren't going anywhere tonight. Sorting through my
stuff some more, I found my bag of toiletries and pulled out my
brush. I flipped my head over and let the towel unravel, rubbing my
hair dry as the towel fell out. Brushing out the tangles and knots, I
left it loose, flowing down my back the way Jina liked it, and headed
out to the garden to smell the flowers and see the view.

was almost home to me too, I thought, so beautiful and calm. Lost to
the world of time, I got caught up in my thoughts of Jina, of us; of
our failed pregnancies and the doctor's reassurances that it would
happen when the time was right. I felt the winds change suddenly and
glanced up at the sky. She was right, I thought, shaking myself from
my sadness, it was time for a break and if I could get Jina on a
plane, I could get her out in the rain too. I heard the shower turn
off and grinned, thinking that at least she was already wet. Going
back to watching the clouds slowly roll in, I felt her behind me. I
turned to see Jina on the veranda, nervously motioning for me to come
inside with one hand as the other held up the towel she had wrapped
around her body.

Jina's gaze with mine, I slid the spaghetti straps down my arms and
let the thin sundress slide down, leaving my body naked to her eyes.
Pulled between her fear of storms and the offer of my body, Jina took
a small hesitant step forward. I reached out for her as the second
and then third steps brought her a bit closer. I grabbed her hand and
tugged her over on the soft grass. Cupping Jina's face softly in my
hands, I kissed her, brushing my lips gently over hers. Letting her
hold onto the towel for the moment, I ran the fingers of my right
hand from her cheek down her neck until I hit the top edge of the
towel, which was tucked securely between Jina's breasts.

let my left hand drop from her face as I began to trace the line
between the towel and Jina's skin. Circling around her, I placed a
kiss on her neck and then on her shoulder. Trailing my fingertips
along Jina's smooth skin, I followed the towel until her upper arm
covered it. I lightened my touch so that only my fingernails teased
over Jina's arm, and I kissed her shoulder again, pivoting to walk
behind her.

followed the line of the towel across Jina's back, placing soft
kisses above the trail of my fingers; loving the smoothness of her
skin under my touch. Making my way back to Jina's front, I tucked a
finger into the fold of the towel that was holding it up. Yanking
hard I pulled it loose before she could protest and let it fall to
the ground. I tipped my head up to kiss her as the first gentle
raindrops fell from the heavens. Jina's body tensed. Come on baby, I
thought; I'm sick of watching the rain on my own. I ran my right hand
up to the back of Jina's neck to pull her mouth against mine, nipping
her bottom lip with my teeth to get her attention off the rain and on

mouth fell open against mine, partially out of habit and partially
out of surprise. My tongue slid into that mouth to tease as my hand
slid up to tangle in her hair. Jina's tongue awoke under mine as the
warm rain began to fall down on us. I traced the fingers of my left
hand down her spine until I reached the upper curve of her ass. I
flattened my hand to push Jina's body against mine. Her arms wrapped
around my waist as she took control of our kiss and our tongues
danced from her mouth to mine.

back, I traced gentle kisses down her neck, pausing to lick the
hollow above Jina's clavicle. I kissed her upper chest, finding each
raindrop that had hit her and sucking it off, hearing the low purr of
a moan in response.

down with me, love?" I pleaded, hoping she would. I looked at
her, catching her eyes as if to read me as she so often did, and she
nodded slowly. I kissed her again, harder this time, out of joy and
rising lust. I caught her hand in mine and pulled her down to lay on
the towel in front of me. She was so beautiful, stretched out, her
hair loose and her body calling to me.

straddled Jina's body, leaning down on my hands to kiss her again, my
hair falling around our faces as our lips and tongues spoke in a
wordless language of love and need. I kissed my way back to her
chest, caressing her left breast with my hand as my mouth traced
little kisses around her right nipple. Sighing happily, I let the
warm air blow over her breast, teasing her before I stuck out my
tongue to lightly flick back and forth over the nipple. I engulfed
her breast in my mouth, running my tongue in circles around the
hardened nub before sucking on it. Pulling back, I bit lightly as my
right hand pinched her left nipple.

kissed my way across, switching breasts now to lightly lick at her
left nipple until Jina's fingers tangle in my hair, trying to pull my
mouth down fully. Drawing her into my mouth, I suckled until
whispered chains of curses involuntarily escaped her mouth. I nibbled
gently as my hands caressed the smooth skin of her sides, running
over her stomach; dipping lower each time.

mouth followed quickly as I knelt between Jina's legs, kissing and
licking my way down her body, fluttering kisses around Jina's belly
button as my hands run down over her hips. Lightly, I dragged my
nails down her inner thighs to her knees before I ran them firmly
back up Jina's rain-wet legs, spreading them open for me. I licked up
the raindrops that were collecting on her splayed thighs as my hair,
now wet again, dragged across her skin. Spreading Jina's lips with my
fingers, I found her swollen clit and slowly dragged my tongue flat
over it. She arched up to me. "Yesssss," escaped her mouth
in one long drawn out syllable.

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