Commanded (15 page)

Read Commanded Online

Authors: Stacey Kennedy

“That’s it,” he growled. “Give it all to me.” He began pumping harder, his gaze staying
focused on her. His cock slid into her and hit a magical place over and over again.
Her toes curled, her body fighting against the bindings in the highest state of pleasure.

When his cock grew bigger and thicker inside her, the intensity blazing over her rose
higher. Her womb clenched, inner muscles quivering to explode. Just as the euphoria
began to flow out of her, Sawyer yanked out, stealing the moment.

He grasped her face tightly, his dark, commanding eyes holding hers. “What do you
want, Chloe?”

She blinked, forcing her mouth to make words, not screams. “To come.”

One corner of his mouth curved deliciously. “Beg me for your orgasm.”

She hesitated. Staring into his eyes, she found that he was dead serious. When she
remained silent, he thrust forward once, and she arched her back at the shock of it.
Keeping her on the very edge of her climax, he added, “You want it, Chloe. Beg me
to give you what only
can give you.”

In the command of his stare she saw all she needed to. Something that she realized
she should’ve seen since she first became intimate with Sawyer. Something she’d been
saying over and over again every time they had sex: “Please.” The word had come out
of her mouth right before climax with Sawyer, every damn time. She simply didn’t realize
she’d done it or how Sawyer would have perceived it.

Was that what made her sexually submissive?

She supposed it did. She didn’t take or dominate in her lovemaking. She always begged
him. Always asked him to take her here. Not because the thought was forced, but because
it was natural. He could do this thing to her that only
as a Dominant could do, because only
could bring her this high into pleasure.

His hard stare bore into hers. “Now you understand, don’t you?”

“Yes,” she whispered. “Please.”

Without another word to her, he thrust his cock savagely back into her. And two strokes
later she came so damn hard stars rushed across her vision. She sensed him on top
of her, bucking and jerking with his release. But she became lost in the wave after
wave of freedom he offered her.

Only when he touched her face did she come back to her senses and reopen her eyes.
In his expression she saw raw emotion. “I don’t want you to become anything different
from what you are right now. I don’t need a club to get what I need to be happy. This
connection, Chloe, it’s unreal. It’s beautiful. Let’s not fuck with it.”

“I understand” was all she could manage. She was still trying to make sense out of
everything she’d realized and everything she’d experienced.

His eyes softened, warming her heart. “Good. I’m glad that you do.”

Only when her breathing returned to normal, minutes later, did he remove the bindings.
Once she was free, he gathered her up in his arms and carried her into the bedroom.
He lowered her into the middle of the bed and then joined her, tucking her against
his side and wrapping an arm around her. “You’re all I need, Chloe.”

She rested her head on his damp chest, trailing her fingers along his bare skin. Point
proven, she supposed. “I get what you’re saying,” she told him, lifting herself up
on one elbow to see the sexy flush across his cheeks, “but won’t you miss your club?”

“When I have this lush body beneath me?” He chuckled, swatting her bottom. “I’d be
a damn fool if I thought of anything else but how lucky I am that I found you.” He
turned to her, and his eyes grew serious. “I want to spend my time getting to know
you. Not playing in a club where I don’t know any woman there and they don’t know
me. This”—he slapped her bottom again, sending heat spiraling through her—“is all
I want. And I don’t want you to become something that you weren’t before me. I want
you to stay exactly the same.” He leaned forward and kissed her nose. “I hope you
know now that I’m not changing at all. I’m the same, but I want something different
for myself. And that, Chloe, is good.”

She stared at him. In many ways, Sawyer was everything Chloe had ever wanted in a
lover. In other ways, he was everything she had never suspected that she wanted. Somehow
that made it all the more perfect. Before she could stop herself, she blurted out,
“I’m falling in love with you.”

He hesitated, emotion filling his eyes, before he rolled over, pushed her onto her
back. “Well, that’s too bad.”

She frowned up at him. “Why is that bad?”

His commanding eyes zeroed in on her. “Because I’m already in love with you.”

Then he kissed her.

And she hoped he’d never stop.


“Dating only five months and now married, hmm?”

Chloe glanced up into her father’s warm eyes. “You’re proud, right?”

“Of course I am,” said her father with a twinkle in his eye, sweeping Chloe around
the dance floor. Laughter and voices echoed through the warm night as they danced
to the band playing on the back deck of the log home. “But I care more about how happy
you looked coming down that aisle than about how quickly it all happened.”

Her heart danced, too, as she glanced over her father’s shoulder at the reason for
her happiness. Sawyer was chatting with his family as they sat at one of the tables
set up in Cora and Aidan’s backyard. Ashlyn and her new boyfriend, Simon, sat next
to them. Chloe smiled. Over the past months, Ashlyn had moved on with her life instead
of drowning in despair. Chloe respected her strength and was so glad to have her as
a sister-in-law. Sawyer hadn’t been wrong—they got along great.

As her father glided with her across the dance floor, Chloe admired the lodge house.
Nestled in a thick forest, it was stunning. She’d seen it for the first time at Porter
and Kenzie’s engagement party months earlier, and when Sawyer proposed and suggested
a double wedding with Porter and Kenzie at this house, Chloe loved the idea. Maybe
even more so, because she liked that his close friends were still in their lives,
just not in a kinky way.

She scanned the crowd, who were all dressed for the occasion. The wedding earlier
in the day had been everything she’d hoped it would be. Chloe’s father walked her
down the aisle, and Dmitri gave away Kenzie to Porter. In that moment everything was
so perfect that her emotions took over, and she didn’t stop crying until Sawyer took
her hand and made her his wife.

As Chloe’s father twirled her to the beat, she mused, “It has been a bit of a whirlwind
romance, hasn’t it?”

“Yes.” He smiled. “But that’s the best kind.”

“Mind if I cut in?”

Chloe glanced over her shoulder to find Josh smiling at her. She looked at her dad
and he nodded, releasing her hand. “Your mother looks like she needs another drink.
I’ll go fetch her one.” He waved to Josh. “By all means, dance with the bride.”

Josh gave him a look of gratitude.

Her father stepped away, and Josh took Chloe’s hand and began dancing, not nearly
as confident as her father had been. Wondering how Sawyer was taking this, she glanced
over to where he was sitting, and saw that he was watching her and Josh with a keen
eye. Seconds later, though, a soft smile crossed his face. Chloe’s tension faded.
She had wondered if he’d be jealous over her relationship with Josh. She and Josh
had talked on the telephone now and then over the past few months, but she hadn’t
seen him. She suspected Sawyer wouldn’t feel threatened, and she was glad to see she
was right.

“So,” Josh said, drawing her gaze back to him. “You work fast.”

Chloe laughed, staring up into his baby face. “Apparently. But you seem pretty happy,

“I am.” As they danced to the slow song, Chloe caught sight of his new girlfriend,
Molly, talking to Presley, Cora, and Ella. “It seems we both got what we wanted, huh?”

“Seems so.” Tears prickled in her eyes, a bit unexpectedly. Life had changed so much
since she’d ended things with Josh. But it had changed for the better. “Thank you
for coming tonight. It means a lot to me.”

Josh grinned in his cute way. “Thanks for the invite.”

The invitation hadn’t happened without a little stress. Chloe had thought about that
decision for a good week before she finally called him, told him the news, and asked
him to come tonight. Even now as she stared at Josh, she couldn’t imagine not having
him there to celebrate such a big moment in her life. “It’s funny, isn’t it?”

His brows rose as he held her hand tight in his. “What’s funny?”

“A year ago, could you have pictured yourself watching me marry someone else?”

He chuckled softly, spinning her out again before pulling her back in. “Hell, no.”

She drew in a long breath, realizing her younger years belonged to Josh. But now she
was a woman, and that woman belonged to Sawyer. As the slow song ended, she released
Josh’s hand and then hugged him. “Thanks again for being here.”

He returned the hug. “I’m happy for you, Chloe.”

When she drew away, she was misty-eyed, and she noticed he was, too. She reached up
to wipe her tears just as a stern voice cut through the air. “You better not be stealing
my bride away.”

She jerked her head to the left, finding Sawyer grinning at them. There was no awkwardness
as Josh offered his hand. “I couldn’t even if I tried. I’m Josh Hamm. It’s great to
finally meet you.”

Sawyer shook his hand, inclining his head. “It’s my pleasure. Chloe speaks highly
of you.”

Josh’s eyes twinkled. “She’s lying, I promise you.”

Sawyer laughed, turning to Chloe. “I’d like you to join me for a little while, if
that’s all right.”

Chloe glanced around, spotting her mother and father talking to Josh’s family. Most
of Sawyer’s friends were on the dance floor, now dancing to the upbeat tempo. She
turned to him and nodded. “If it’s quick, no one will notice we’ve left.”

His warm chuckle brushed across her as he held her hand tight in his, leading her
away from the crowd. The sounds of the celebration and the music became quieter as
they headed up the back stairs of the house.

Chloe was curious to see where they were headed, but when Sawyer brought her inside
the house and to a bedroom, then locked the door behind them, she knew what he had
in mind. “We
do this in here.”

“Who says?” His grin was pure sin, and classic Sawyer. “Don’t we have to consummate
our marriage?”

“Not now!” she exclaimed. “Our family and friends are down there.”

“So?” He moved to her, backing her against the wall.

She said sternly, “Sawyer.”

“Chloe.” He removed his jacket, and then off came his bow tie.

She gulped, licking her lips as he began to unbutton his shirt.

“I want my
.” He pushed his shirt off his shoulders, letting it fall to the ground, exposing
the masculine body that belonged to her. “And I want her now. Turn around.”

While hesitant, she began to realize that nothing she could say would stop him. When
Sawyer wanted something, he took it. And as she inhaled his citrusy scent, she decided
she liked that about him.

She turned so that her back was facing him, realizing as she did that they were standing
in front of a long mirror hanging on the wall. Her mouth went dry as he stepped behind
her and began untying the corseted back of her dress. An instant burn rushed into
her as she watched him work the way he did when he bound her. Careful. Slow. Determined.

Only when her dress fell to the floor did she realize he’d pulled the ribbon from
the corset and placed it between his teeth. Her insides quivered as he took both her
hands and bound them behind her back. She looked at herself in the mirror, wearing
a lacy see-through bra that showed her taut nipples, with matching panties.

“Very pretty,” he murmured.

She lifted her eyes to him as he began kissing her shoulder and moved down her spine.
She shivered as he hooked his fingers into her panties, helping her step out of them.
Heat blasted down to her toes as he kissed his way back up and nudged her legs, spreading

“I want to tell you something,” he murmured.

She fought off the desire to tell him to stop talking and take her. “Which is?”

“Remember when I drew something on your hip all those months ago?”


“Look at me.”

At the hard demand, she opened her eyes and saw in the mirror that Sawyer had dropped
his pants to the floor. When their eyes locked, he asked, “Do you want to know what
I wrote?”

“Yes,” she breathed as his thick cock pressed against the crease of her bottom.

As the tip of his cock pressed against her slick heat, his hand touched the place
where he’d drawn the word. “I wrote
” He thrust into her in one stroke, and somehow that one move combined with the word
he’d written on her so long ago sent her spiraling into bliss. “That’s what you are,
Chloe, aren’t you?”

Held by him while he overpowered her, bringing her the pleasure that only he could
offer, she answered him, “Yes, Sawyer, I’m forever

For Top Griz and Kennedy Layne, thank you for helping a Canadian gal learn new things!


To Kennedy, Shayla, Carrie Ann, Lexi, Carly, and Angel, thank you for being there
when I need a shoulder to lean on, for all the wonderful advice, and for kicking my
butt when I need that, too.

To my readers, your love and support keep me writing! All your emails and kind words
make my day!

To my agent, Jessica Alvarez, a thousand thank-yous for always being there.

Sue Grimshaw, I’d be lost without you. Thank you!

To everyone at Random House, from marketing to cover artists to everyone in between,
thank you for all that you do.

Club Sin







(coming soon)

Magic & Mayhem

Witches Be Burned

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